Just a question from talented artists' community!

What is that one painting or drawing that you draw involuntarily when you are bored?
For me, when I get bored in my classes, I draw palm trees🌴. I don't know why or how but usually my pencil starts moving on its own. Each time the rest of background is different but these trees are constants 🤷🏻♀️. What is it for you?

I feel so seen with this post lol, thanks for making it. Thought I was the only one drawing stuff "involuntarily" hehe and sooo close, I draw leaves usually!🍃

@hopefulmoon5845 I draw random faces, just sketching out the human face. Or i draw flowers or eyes lol

Ohh, to have such energy & involuntary creativeness... 😔

we do not really draw like anything but designs when we do that not sure why even it like we do not even start our hand moving it just happens. when lot younger and in high-school we use to like draw on our jeans in school the like patterns of things no other know what they was even. at times we did not either. wish we had a few pairs of the jeans we did this on to show you all. but my mom and dad would get very very upset at us and throw the jeans out.
due to i am fully disable now i not work at all. but when i at a like meeting with anything. we do it on paper or in a notebook when bored or just not want to listen. when we do this we seem to get lost in would we drawing so not pay attention to what going on around us.

i looked what you posted up and got a different name for it this is what i got thought you might like (Automatism refers to creating art without conscious thought, accessing material from the unconscious mind as part of the creative process
the psych behind it is that when we do the drawings without thinking or planning that it from part of the subconscious mind. it stated that one can learn a lot about the person by just looking at the drawing they do when not really thinking about it at all
Human psychology and brain are such complex yet simple things. Wonderful!

due to some of the stuff going on with me. we had to go to a brain spine specialist. he told me there a lot they still do not know about the brain and how it works. after like 7 MRIs they ruled out things. then told me that they think and best as they can tell. that they see no scaring in my brain. so what they said was chronic traumatic brain injury. they also told me that my not being able to use my hands together to do things is also within the brain, but they with what they have now medically can not see were they think it is. he also told me that the parts of the brain that connected each part together they still know very little about too. he was very nice and explained everything in away we could understand. but in the end he said that there just so much they not yet know about the brain. but they trying to find out more too. so maybe in few years they be able to see more of what my brain doing and help me more and many others too