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Why should I stop drinking?

131 Answers
Last Updated: 05/25/2022 at 9:07pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


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Top Rated Answers
October 21st, 2021 1:26pm
Based on the medical research that has been done on alcohol, it is possible for you to be affected long term by drinking. Although the affects may not be noticeable immediately overtime they can develop into various diseases such as liver disease, stomach ulcers, cancer, and other various diseases. Along with that alcohol can also potentially cause mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Although some are more manageable then others they can be prevented by easing on the amount of alcohol you consume or by stopping altogether, preferably the latter as you can prevent any alcohol related problems altogether.
November 21st, 2021 5:21am
Alcohol is a drug. Like illegal drugs, it alters the state of mind, harms the body, and can negatively impact school, work, relationships, and mental health. I have an alcoholic parent who I watched struggle, and it allowed me to see alarming traits in others and myself who partook in the consumption of alcohol. I cut down over the last year after realizing that my "fun" weekends were expensive, making me ill and hungover, and that I really enjoyed sobriety. It made me feel much better, I lost weight, and I felt more competent. Avoiding alcohol has many benefits, and I also found that even if I wanted to go dancing at a club, I could do so while sober. It allowed me to also identify relationships in my life where alcohol, rather than genuine personal connection, was the focus. Whenever I found out I was pregnant, I was ecstatic, and felt no woes giving up alcohol entirely, and this came from a place where I was already comfortable socializing while sober.
December 5th, 2021 8:34am
You can save money Have you ever checked how much money you spend on alcohol or on a night out? Now multiply that by however many times you buy alcohol or go out each month and that can start to add up. Think of how much you could save and put towards something else, like a holiday! 2) Sleep better and have more energy Remember how you can feel the morning after a night of drinking? Not in terms of a hangover but more so the impact it has on your sleep and then how you feel for the rest of the day/week. Alcohol can disrupt your sleep patterns and stop you sleeping deeply. By not drinking, you can sleep better and will likely have more energy for the day. 3) No more hangovers! If you’re not drinking, then that means no more hangovers! Hangovers can negatively affect emotion regulation and emotional reactivity, and can impair some of your core executive functions that are important for everyday behaviours like decision making, planning and mental flexibility. These results suggest that an alcohol hangover impairs core executive function processes that are important for everyday behaviours, such as decision-making, planning, and mental flexibility. You can avoid all of these negative effects of hangovers by not drinking. 4) Avoid any potential alcohol-related guilt If your friends and family are concerned about your alcohol consumption then it may be that there is some guilt when you drink. Or maybe you feel guilty because when you are drinking or hungover, you are less able to be present with the people around you – or you make decisions that you otherwise would not. Once the alcohol has been put to bed, then there is no longer any alcohol-related guilt – which can be a liberating feeling. OYNB Success story banner 5) Avoid potential social embarrassment after a night of drinking! Social embarrassment can be a motivation for people to drink less. By stopping drinking, you stop any potential social embarrassment from the things you’ve done while drinking on a night out. 6) Develop greater sense of self-worth Once you realise you can give up alcohol and that you have got the will-power to do so, you will likely develop a new-found self-confidence. Being able to control your body rather than letting the alcohol control you is a very powerful feeling and may nourish you.
February 5th, 2022 8:22am
There might be many reasons but you should stop drinking because it impacts your health, your liver, your mind, your boy and wellbeing, it impacts relationships and mood, it impacts employment and financial wellbeing. Drinking costs alot of money and can lead to broken relationships, debt or trouble with the law. Drinking can cause addictions which can destroy your body. The impact of drinking is social, physical ,mental, emotional and finnicial. This is why it hink it is important to stop drinking as it does more wrong than have any benifit. I would learn to cope in other ways avioding drinking.
March 8th, 2022 6:54am
You should stop drinking to avoid stomach issue like I have right now. It is acid re-flux back to the throat. It is irreversible. If you know your limit, it doesn't matter. You can enjoy the moment of drinking. However, you can go wild or do something you regret. Losing self-control is mostly problematic. Plus you will suffer from headache and dehydration in the next morning. It can destroy your reputation if you act really bad infront of strangers/acquaintances. Drinking helps you talk to girls/boys, turn coworkers into close friends, and forge bonds with friends. Be careful not to lost control. Know your limit.
March 11th, 2022 3:48am
Drinking leads to many issues. Alcohol is a horrible drug that kills you from the inside out, you will slowly kill your liver and once your liver is gone you will be too. On top of that addiction is a terrible disease. You will ruin your life while pushing away everyone around you. Even if it doesn’t get to the point of addiction drinking too much in a short period of time and often is a horrible idea. Alcohol poisoning can also be deadly, plus no one likes a hangover anyways. To sum it up: alcohol is horrible drug that can end your life one way or another.
March 23rd, 2022 9:59pm
Because in this way you will save your health, save money and it will bring benefits not only to you but also to your family. Alcohol leads to frequent quarrels, violence, and even crime. If you stop drinking, you reduce the chance of finding yourself in such a situation Also, children of alcoholics are often alcoholics themselves. If you care about your loved ones, you will do your best to protect them from the harmful effects of alcohol. Isn't this a good enough reason to quit alcohol? Because of alcohol, the whole family of alcoholics suffers, but you don't want that?
May 11th, 2022 9:55am
Making the conscious decision to quit drinking alcohol is a great first step toward healthy sober living. Whether you’ve been drinking for years or a few months, stopping alcohol use will help you face life’s ups and downs with a clearer mind and provide many physical and mental health benefits. Below are 25 reasons to give you the motivation to stop drinking alcohol. Drinking increases your chances of being involved in an accident, placing your life and that of others at risk. Alcohol takes a toll on your physical appearance. It can cause you to gain weight, damage your skin, weaken your hair, and make you appear older than you are. It can damage your relationships with others. Alcohol is addictive. Alcohol is a depressant. While you may initially feel less stressed or happy, these feelings will eventually wear off, leaving you feeling sad or anxious. Drinking lowers your inhibitions and increases impulsivity, which can cause you to do something you will regret. Alcohol is expensive. Just think of all the money you could save if you stopped drinking. By giving up alcohol, you will have to find new places to socialize in, other than a bar, which can open you up to new, exciting activities. No more alcohol means more painful hangovers that leave you stuck in bed all day. Your quality of sleep will improve. Alcohol can lead to liver diseases such as hepatitis or even liver cirrhosis. It increases your risk of developing cancer. Despite popular belief, alcohol is bad for your heart. Alcohol can affect brain structure, affecting both short and long-term memory. You will have more energy. Alcohol can impact your performance at work or school. You will learn to be confident without alcohol. You will be able to remember your nights with friends without having to piece it together from photos posted online. Alcohol only masks problems, it doesn’t solve them. Sobriety can help you address them head-on. Alcohol takes control away from you. You may inspire others around you to take an honest look at their drinking habits. You will make new sober friends. Life is more fun sober. You’ll feel proud of making your well-being a priority. Alcohol can kill you.
May 11th, 2022 8:28pm
The answer to this question really depends on how much you are drinking and whether you or those around you recognize it to be a problem. If drinking is causing you to avoid your responsibilities in your job, with your family, or your own self care, its time to consider a change. Additionally, heavy alcohol on a regular basis, or even binge drinking, is not good for your body and mind. Some people use alcohol to numb their emotional pain and as an escape. I would suggest talked to a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, doctor, or trusted friend/family member about how you feel.
May 13th, 2022 6:28am
The reason why you should stop drinking is that you love yourself, and you know that too much of it can harm you in the long run. You are aware of its consequences, and the misery it brings you and the people around you. You have a stronghold of this awareness and future impacts of this hobby for you and the people you care about. If you are drinking responsibly then there is nothing wrong with it, but if it is affecting important matters like health, work and social life, that is the time to be aware and find the right solution to stop.
May 25th, 2022 9:07pm
Hello. Drinking, if you don’t have any health reasons and in moderation is okay. Unless there seems to be an issue with tolerance and the amount of alcohol/frequency. In that case, alcohol can lead to addiction, and several health problems. Both mentally and physically. The consumption can cause you to act out of character resulting in problems in your relationships, work related issues and sleeping disturbances. If alcohol is becoming an issue, please talk to someone you trust and reach out to any professional. You can also talk this matter over with your family physician.