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What are alternative ways besides medication to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety?

307 Answers
Last Updated: 05/31/2021 at 3:41am
What are alternative ways besides medication to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brooke Bowen, LPC


I am nonjudgmental, supportive, and encouraging. I use an eclectic approach in order to empower you so you can have a happy and fulfilling future :)

Top Rated Answers
April 15th, 2018 11:10pm
A fantastic way that I have learned to cope with anxiety is through meditation. There is a mobile app called "Insight Timer" that is free to use, and has thousands of guided meditations to help you get through your anxiety, or to help you prevent anxiety flare-ups by teaching your body how to physically relax, and walking yourself back from triggers.
April 7th, 2018 11:44pm
I've found that some alternative ways to deal with my physical symptoms of anxiety are to listen to music and focus on the simple things that make me happy to act as an anchor. It allows myself to become distracted from what is triggering my anxiety. For example, if I start to feel anxious at home, I will take my motorcycle out for a ride and listen to some music. In that sense, I'm not only using music as a way to remove me from that stressor at home, but also physically removing myself as well.
April 6th, 2018 9:49pm
Sometimes when anxiety hits, a first step is to be mindful of our body sensations. Are we holding our breath or breathing rapidly? Do our muscles tighten? Do we clench our jaw? Do we feel dizzy or hot? Is our heart racing? Syncing up with our body is a good first step to assess that we are anxious. Many times we may want to avoid doing things when we feel anxious, but taking opposite action and getting active can be surprisingly helpful. Whether a walk or bike ride, yard work, cleaning the house, going to the gym are all good ways to exert a bit if nervous energy and help get our body moving in a new direction so that our mind may follow. Distraction and self soothing also has it’s place in helping to overcome anxiety. Reaching out to a friend or family member for support or doing a pleasant activity can help. Paying attention the world around us using our five senses is yet another fantastic way to melt away anxiety. Pausing to look at a beautiful sunset, a starry sky, a beautiful painting, wrapping up on a warm blanket or taking a hot bath, listening to a favorite song, paying close attention to pleasant odors like cookies baking, unpeeling an orange, the smell of spring flowers, the smell of rain, or nature, or pouring ourselves into savoring our favorite foods are all ways to overcome anxiety and panic.
April 6th, 2018 3:57pm
Breathing exercises, meditation, anxiety journal or emotional feeling web writing, exercise, redirecting your mind with a hobby or activity, venting/chatting, being with friends/family, and being mindful to your emotions at that moment...realize its anxiety that is taking over.
March 31st, 2018 12:44pm
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can offer many tips and techniques to help. For example, there is the STOP method. The steps are Stop, Take 3 deep breaths, Observe, Practice gratitude.
March 29th, 2018 2:50am
I've found that the things that have helped me over come anxiety the best are having a garden and owning a pet. Something about both is just so relaxing and trying at the same time. Both of these are great outlets to get one's mind off what is currently bringing on the feeling of anxiety.
March 28th, 2018 4:09am
Meditation, breathing exercises, mindfulness, exercise. Sometimes singing can help. Talking to someone who can be supportive can also help.
March 28th, 2018 12:42am
Okay, well it depends on the situation. Textures help a lot, for example, a soft blanket. If you have to do a presentation, power poses work well to gain confidence before you begin.
March 15th, 2018 1:15am
Meditation, yoga, any regular exercise is good. Regulating your breathing. Massage balls or other things that you can squeeze. Know your body, where are nerve endings that you can stimulate to calm down. Regular sleeping and general care for your body...
March 15th, 2018 12:43am
Meditation is a fantastic way to help you combat feelings of anxiety. Taking time to sit and breathe through the anxiety and realise your ok is all it takes. Try searching for "guided meditiation" on Youtube. its really good and works very well for people with anxiety. Hope you feel better soon, remember we are always here if you need someone to listen. Take Care & Good Luck xx
March 9th, 2018 7:45am
Finding coping mechanisms can help at times. This is if you wish to deal with anxiety alone. Therapy can help you find possible solutions and coping mechanisms.
March 9th, 2018 3:40am
To deal with my anxiety, I use breathing techniques, meditation, mandalas, distraction methods (such as art, music, games, cooking, activities I enjoy), exercise (Simply going for a walk around the block can help me sometimes) and I also carry things I can fidget with in my hands (such as rocks, a squeezy ball or a little sack I fill with rice)
March 2nd, 2018 4:31am
Exercise, breathing and relaxtion techniques, mediatation, hobbies, journaling, and finding things that generally help to calm an individual
March 1st, 2018 5:40am
By talking and talking a lot. Do you have a support team? Friends, therapist, pysc MD, support groups that you attend?
February 28th, 2018 2:46pm
Meditation and telling how you feel towards people. Anxiety is something you grow use to and can from that overcome more and more from doing more.
February 28th, 2018 12:32am
try taking deep breaths and clearing your mind. think of the positive things in your life and use those to fuel yourself.
February 23rd, 2018 1:56pm
Firstly, remove yourself from whatever situation is causing the anxiety, then find something to do that you love, like reading or writing, or listening to music.
December 8th, 2017 11:46pm
1) meditation on positive words 2) "Prayer for worry and anxiety" on youtube 3)valerian tea 3x a day
January 10th, 2018 7:22am
Meditation works best for me. Find a guided meditation thing to listen to and you can meditate for just a few minutes if you want, but once you get better at it you can use that when you start to feel the anxiety roll up. You can also use grounding exercises to calm yourself or distract yourself from spiralling. If you google grounding exercises there are dozens of them that you can try. You can either try to do them yourself or get someone you trust to do them with you.
January 7th, 2018 6:07pm
Obviously, medication can be super helpful, but in certain circumstances it isn't necessarily for everyone due to a multitude of reasons. Personally, I find (as cheesy as it sounds) it's super helpful to bring tea with me in a thermos water bottle thing to school because drinking it helps stop an attack before it can start. Another thing you could try is a dedicated habit of meditation, because clearing your mind can be really, really good at calming anxiety, but to do it under those stressful circumstances requires practice.
January 6th, 2018 5:58pm
Breathing exercises can be remarkably helpful. There are a number of apps for smartphones that have lovely activities for refocusing and distraction, and YouTube has loads of videos for meditation, breathing exercises, relaxing music, etc. I hope that is helpful! ♥️
December 28th, 2017 12:32am
I have a multiple diagnosis. One of them included GAD - generalized anxiety disorder. When I am having physical symptoms, first, I try to change the scenario (go outside/inside), get alone/talk to someone. Then, I try to write down or vent everything that makes me anxious.
December 23rd, 2017 2:28am
Slow deep breathing, fidgeting with a fidget toy or other objects if you don't have one, listening to calm music or sounds, and talking to close friends who will help ease you
December 22nd, 2017 5:40pm
Learn how to manage your breading, mindfullness techniques also help, suggest walking or change the activity
December 21st, 2017 8:57pm
Anxiety can be very difficult to overcome. Some things that have helped me when I feel anxious, is practice my hobbies/talents and take my mind off of things. You can also try simple breathing exercises or meditation, and talk to your loved ones or play with pets.
December 13th, 2017 11:28am
The best way to deal with anxiety is to look at what things trigger the anxious feelings. Write them down and/or share them with someone close to you so you have a reminder of what they are. Pay attention to when you get into situations where those triggers are present. When you feel the anxious feelings start to come up, find something that will distract you. I listen to Beethoven and read a book or I turn on a show that makes me smile. If I can't do those (like if I'm driving) I'll call someone that knows about my anxiety and my triggers and tell them that I'm struggling. There are many other ways to deal with anxiety. You can practice yoga or meditation, which are both ways of learning breathing control and mind clarity and focus.
December 10th, 2017 3:37pm
In my experience, meditation and deep breathing exercises have been the best alternate way for me to manage the physical symptoms of anxiety. I breath in slowly as I count to five, then breathe out slowly as I count to five. I do this at least 4 times. During this exercise, I focus on my breathing and NOT on my thoughts since my thoughts tend to intensify the physical symptoms of anxiety. By the time I've finished the breathing exercise, I find the physical symptoms have subsided. This method can take practice though, so don't get discouraged if it takes more time at first.
November 18th, 2017 1:13am
It's important to breathe. Take a few deep breaths, just breathe. Find something that helps you to relax. Music is really helpful for example.
November 23rd, 2017 9:42am
daily self care makes a big difference, however in the moment things like temperature changes, ice, exercise, muscle relaxation, deep pressure, grounding activities or dealing with the causes can help.
November 22nd, 2017 6:04am
Well, to be honest, you need to realize that you do have a problem with anxiety. A lot of us who suffer from it are in denial that we actually do have a serious problem. Once you have sincerely recognized and admit your problem, now is when you have to WANT to seek out ways of making things better. You can't force someone else to get you to want to get better. But finding new hobbies like music, art, DIY projects, and such like that helps anxiety by keeping your mind busy. Spirituality is another way to help anxiety. It all depends on you on how much you want to conquer anxiety. But, some of us do NEED medication... It's different for everyone.