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What are alternative ways besides medication to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety?

307 Answers
Last Updated: 05/31/2021 at 3:41am
What are alternative ways besides medication to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brooke Bowen, LPC


I am nonjudgmental, supportive, and encouraging. I use an eclectic approach in order to empower you so you can have a happy and fulfilling future :)

Top Rated Answers
March 15th, 2018 1:15am
Meditation, yoga, any regular exercise is good. Regulating your breathing. Massage balls or other things that you can squeeze. Know your body, where are nerve endings that you can stimulate to calm down. Regular sleeping and general care for your body...
March 28th, 2018 12:42am
Okay, well it depends on the situation. Textures help a lot, for example, a soft blanket. If you have to do a presentation, power poses work well to gain confidence before you begin.
March 28th, 2018 4:09am
Meditation, breathing exercises, mindfulness, exercise. Sometimes singing can help. Talking to someone who can be supportive can also help.
March 29th, 2018 2:50am
I've found that the things that have helped me over come anxiety the best are having a garden and owning a pet. Something about both is just so relaxing and trying at the same time. Both of these are great outlets to get one's mind off what is currently bringing on the feeling of anxiety.
March 31st, 2018 12:44pm
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can offer many tips and techniques to help. For example, there is the STOP method. The steps are Stop, Take 3 deep breaths, Observe, Practice gratitude.
April 6th, 2018 3:57pm
Breathing exercises, meditation, anxiety journal or emotional feeling web writing, exercise, redirecting your mind with a hobby or activity, venting/chatting, being with friends/family, and being mindful to your emotions at that moment...realize its anxiety that is taking over.
April 6th, 2018 9:49pm
Sometimes when anxiety hits, a first step is to be mindful of our body sensations. Are we holding our breath or breathing rapidly? Do our muscles tighten? Do we clench our jaw? Do we feel dizzy or hot? Is our heart racing? Syncing up with our body is a good first step to assess that we are anxious. Many times we may want to avoid doing things when we feel anxious, but taking opposite action and getting active can be surprisingly helpful. Whether a walk or bike ride, yard work, cleaning the house, going to the gym are all good ways to exert a bit if nervous energy and help get our body moving in a new direction so that our mind may follow. Distraction and self soothing also has it’s place in helping to overcome anxiety. Reaching out to a friend or family member for support or doing a pleasant activity can help. Paying attention the world around us using our five senses is yet another fantastic way to melt away anxiety. Pausing to look at a beautiful sunset, a starry sky, a beautiful painting, wrapping up on a warm blanket or taking a hot bath, listening to a favorite song, paying close attention to pleasant odors like cookies baking, unpeeling an orange, the smell of spring flowers, the smell of rain, or nature, or pouring ourselves into savoring our favorite foods are all ways to overcome anxiety and panic.
April 7th, 2018 11:44pm
I've found that some alternative ways to deal with my physical symptoms of anxiety are to listen to music and focus on the simple things that make me happy to act as an anchor. It allows myself to become distracted from what is triggering my anxiety. For example, if I start to feel anxious at home, I will take my motorcycle out for a ride and listen to some music. In that sense, I'm not only using music as a way to remove me from that stressor at home, but also physically removing myself as well.
April 15th, 2018 11:10pm
A fantastic way that I have learned to cope with anxiety is through meditation. There is a mobile app called "Insight Timer" that is free to use, and has thousands of guided meditations to help you get through your anxiety, or to help you prevent anxiety flare-ups by teaching your body how to physically relax, and walking yourself back from triggers.
April 18th, 2018 8:43pm
I believe meditation, yoga and other types of breath work can help anxiety. Ego eradicator from Kundalini seems to work well.
April 20th, 2018 10:31pm
One great way to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety is to exercise regularly. It can be a great stress reliever and can be a great distraction.
April 24th, 2018 4:14pm
physical activity releases endorphins that can help with anxiety. deep breathing exercises also can help.
April 27th, 2018 2:46am
Exercise and meditation have both been shown, when practiced regularly, to have a large impact on the physical symptoms of anxiety. In the moment it is occurring however, I have found that a brief mindfulness exercise focused on deep breathing and muscle relaxation can help to ground me.
May 2nd, 2018 11:50pm
Aroma therapy, incense, going for a walk, sleeping, being alone, deep breathing, asmr (if you’re into that)
May 3rd, 2018 1:12am
Taking deep breaths and finding something to ground you. Look directly ahead or focus on something specific.
May 3rd, 2018 4:53pm
Meditation and mindfulness are the major helping hands to deal with anxiety. Regular exercise or yoga also helps.
May 5th, 2018 9:19pm
Taking care of yourself by doing simple things might help. Drink a lot of water, take walks, breath fresh air and get a good night of sleep. You could also take time for yourself and developpe hobbies!
May 6th, 2018 10:59pm
In my opinion the alternative ways to deal with anxiety is thru meditation, prayers and trust. Everything had a purpose why it happen and trust to God whatever it is.
May 11th, 2018 6:50pm
My first answer is mindfulness. Noticing how your body feels without trying to change it. Notice the clenched fists, the tight chest, the heart racing, etc., and stay with that for a few minutes— often times just paying attention without judging or forcing them away will relieve or reduce the symptoms.
May 13th, 2018 6:26pm
Write out everything that makes you anxious and when youre finished read over them and thinkk about it.
May 16th, 2018 9:04pm
The 54321 method is my personal favourite! Identifying: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. It helps to bring me back down from anxious thoughts (:
May 18th, 2018 12:38am
Meditation, excercise, healthy diet, reading, music, games like "Candy Crush", journaling, hobbies, watching a name a few.
May 19th, 2018 1:18am
There are numerous ways to help combat anxiety symptoms without the use of medication. Breath work and meditation are two of the most effective ways.
May 26th, 2018 12:19pm
There are various coping techniques for physical symptoms of anxiety. An example is a breathing technique to slow down the heart rate. There are lots of coping strategies found online.
December 6th, 2018 11:30pm
a thing called grounding witch makes you realize your surroundings and realize you are not in that place anymore and you are safe. So name 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. and look, touch, listen, smell, or taste the following things. Also look up square breathing. As well as Inhale for 7 sec hod for 4 exhale for 5. Doing things like walking, having cold water on the wrists and doing this breathing helps as well as being in a cold?hot (depending on if the attacks make you feel hot or cold pick the opposite temp ex if you feel hot go to a cold place ect) and quite place can help, Also running cold water on your wrists.
October 3rd, 2018 5:39pm
Mindfulness exercises are a great way to manage anxiety by increasing your own awareness of your body/brain! Meditation is the classic one, but there are a whole bunch of techniques to try! My favorite technique is listening to music and focusing on nothing but the song. As your mind wanders, bring it back to the song. Aside from mindfulness, another way to manage the physical symptoms of anxiety is to stay on top of your overall physical health. You have to make sure that you're taking care of you body to help you care for your mind. Hope this helps a bit!
October 11th, 2018 6:32pm
Meditation is great, observing your fears, breathing techniques are great too especially the 7-3-8 technique I find it to be most effective but what I find most helpful is writing in a journal that way you can keep track of what spikes up your anxieties and how you could manage it better. I have also tried to focus on my senses when I feel panicked or anxious, what is it that I can see, touch, smell, what I'm feeling internally and externally. When anxious we are quick to forget how our bodies react in those situations and I find it helpful to look at them to better manage it in the future.
October 11th, 2018 11:03pm
This is a simple one, my lodger is currently off work with anxiety and I gave her the perfect cure, she comes out with me walking the dog, we walk miles, fortunately I am retired and have a whole day to do stuff with her, already she has seen and felt the benefits of just being outside. She now actually comes downstairs for breakfast rather than an energy bar in her room, she is slowly building up the confidence to restart her job next week and is looking at driving to the coast to stay in our static in the next few weeks :)
November 27th, 2018 3:03am
Oh there are so many! For one thing, you can try going through a CBT workbook kind of thing. Basically you identify what thoughts/ feelings go through your head when you experience depression and you dissect them so to speak and challenge them. You do different exercises and reflect on them to convince yourself that your thoughts are not justified. The more you do it, the more you would develop habits to be more rational and don't give in to negative, destructive thoughts. Also there is mindfulness practice. There is a lot of groups/websites/books now to help you learn it. The point of mindfulness is to get out of your head and to focus on how, which relives anxiety as a side-effect.
December 13th, 2018 4:58am
There are many alternative ways to reduce anxiety to medication. Most people do breathing exercises to lower anxiety. Practicing mindfulness is a very helpful way to decrease anxiety - for most people using an app to guide you through the practice extremely helpful. Visualizing a happy and calming place is also very helpful as one does not focus on the anxiety and the cause of it. Listening to music is also very good. Depending on your personality, you may want to either listen to calming and relaxing music or listen to upbeat music that you can dance or sing to. Socializing with a friend is also a great way to reduce anxiety.