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Why am I so shy around big crowds, but when I'm with one friend than I'm fine?

304 Answers
Last Updated: 05/25/2022 at 9:01pm
Why am I so shy around big crowds, but when I'm with one friend than I'm fine?
1 Tip to Feel Better
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Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I feel my work as my personal mission and I love it. My work with clients is nonjudgmental, supportive. I am a very good listener. I use several approaches. Amo il mio lavoro.

Top Rated Answers
August 12th, 2018 10:07pm
This may be because you get anxious with the idea of meeting loads of people, and feel more comfortable with one familiar face.
August 13th, 2018 1:24pm
some people don't feel comfortable around too many people. maybe because you feel more exposed or you just don't like big crowds. some people feel like when they're with just one or two friends they trust then they can be themselves and be free of judgement. it's not necessarily bad that you don't like big crowds and like to be lesser people. learn what makes you comfortable and happier and what can you do about what makes you shy or affraid.
August 20th, 2018 1:28am
You're shy because, you're in a crowd filled with new and people that you may know or not. And there's a certain level of comfort you have with your friend that you don't have with others. Or you also may have social anxiety, something that effects thousands, and puts many in very uncomfortable situations like you stated previously, on how your any in crowds. That's OK, it takes time and practice to help. The problems never fully leave they always linger but maybe not as bad. Whatever seems to be the issue, my advice is to practice, working on it. I'm sure it'll help.
September 7th, 2018 2:31pm
Personally, I am like that too! It is natural for me to be funny and outspoken when I am with a friend, but when it comes to being in a crowd, I tend to clam up and not voice my thoughts as much. This could just be the way you are - sometimes, introverted people feel much calmer and safer when they have space to breathe and when they can feel like they are more of an individual. It is certainly hard to feel like you're being seen when you're a part of a large group of people, but if that's within your nature, it's certainly not something you could or try to change! Feel comfortable being yourself and when you can, occasionally let go of how scary it is to not know if people can see you or not and understand that people definitely can.
September 20th, 2018 5:38pm
Usually being with one friends gives you a feeling of familiarity. Being in a crowd with a bunch of strangers can feel overwhelming and and unfamiliar. You're surrounded by people who don't know you and don't understand your boundaries. Having at least one friend with you gets rid of that feeling. Most likely this person has known you for a while. This usually means that they understand your boundaries and understand what makes you uncomfortable, unlike everyone else surrounding you. It also gives the feeling of comfort, because if something were to happen to you while in this crowd, you'd know your friend would be there to help you with it. Meanwhile it's very unlikely that a random stranger in the crowd would. All around, being with a friend helps with almost any social situation!
December 23rd, 2018 6:21pm
When you are around big crowds people usually feel shy because they’re alone and in need of Simone’s company. When I’m all alone I feel like everyone is starting at me and talking about me but when I’m with a buddy I feel confident and always good about myself. When I’m accompanied by someone I feel like I can act myself and do and say anything. I think to get over the shy part something I do is I use dark sunglasses and I feel much more powerful and as if nobody is even looking my way, I hope this helps
December 26th, 2018 5:58am
That is being introverted, and it is perfectly normal. You find it easy to connect with one or two people, but difficult when you’re around a crowd. Ways to ease this issue are find people you trust and bring them with you when you have to go to a large gathering. If that isn’t possible, which it won’t always be, find a coping mechanism. Many people find things like regularly checking their phone, having a fidget object, or bringing a book to be helpful. Of course, everything works differently for everyone, so experiment to find things you may like.
January 24th, 2019 4:08pm
Being around a large group of people can cause fear and shyness. Most likely it is caused by the fear of rejection by a large group of people as you see yourself to be outnumbered. While talking to a friend, someone you trust, you feel protected because you have a familiar bond with that individual. By being with them you feel safe from the large group of people. Being with someone you trust allows us to go outside of our comfort zones because we know that if we get into trouble we can always go back and be in that safe space with our friend.
February 15th, 2019 4:50pm
I think that this happens a lot because you feel protected by your friends. Imagine there are two groups of deer. One of the groups has a solitary animal, maybe two. The other is a herd full of life with many members. Which is a wolf more likely to leave alone? Many times, a crowd of unknown people can be nervewracking. When around friends or a group of those you know, though, you feel distracted from the crowd and/or protected by them. Don't feel like your fear is invalid just because it isn't felt al the time. That is totally normal.
March 13th, 2019 2:39am
It is just a type of social anxiety. This is a very common issue for introverted people. It can be very overwhelming to be in large groups of people because you do not know the people around you and what they will do. There is much less predictability in a large group, and it would be exhausting to have to interact with and get to know all of those people. When you are with just one friend, it is someone who you already know, trust, and feel safe around. It is a low pressure, comfortable, familiar situation. . .
April 5th, 2019 1:58am
I have this same feeling. I know exactly what you mean. I think it is because you are scared to show them you. You are afraid to be judged. Dont be. Just be the real you and if they dont like you then that's on them. Your friends are some of the best people in life. They are the ones who like you for you. So when you're in crowds just be you. Who knows, you could find more friends. And if they dont like you for you then that's their problem. The best thing you can be is yourself. Dont be someone you arent. Just be you. It will be best for you and everyone around you.
May 31st, 2019 3:42am
Hi! Often, when we are within a large crowd, we are surrounded by strangers who don't know us. Because they are strangers, we feel vulnerable. One type of reaction to vulnerability might be withdrawal, which could display itself as shyness. However, when spending time with one friend, we feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable around them. These types of friends are the types that share personal history with us and may have shared their vulnerable moments with us. Since there's a shared history between you and a friend you feel comfortable with, there's trust between you two. Trust is what's necessary for people to feel safe and secure around others. When we trust people, we feel like they have our best interest at heart. What this means is that being with one friend makes us feel safe and secure because we know that if anything were to happen, they are they to help and protect us in some way. When we are in a big crowd, and we're not with one friend, we lack that sense of security and trust, and thus we feel vulnerable, which may lead to shyness. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
June 6th, 2019 6:39am
It sounds like you might be experiencing social anxiety or be an introvert. Feeling shy or overwhelmed in large crowds of people is common to experience for someone with social anxiety and is nothing to be ashamed or worried about, plenty of people are introverted or have anxiety. Being with one close friend at a time rather than a large group is less stressful and makes you feel more comfortable because there is less pressure being with only one person. Sometimes spending individual time with each person before being with them in a group can help you warm up to all of them in a group but it’s different for everybody. I hope this helped clear some things up
June 23rd, 2019 5:52pm
I consider myself to be a quieter introverted person and can relate to this. I think for some people it is normal to feel drained around larger groups of people as a lot of the time they are competing to talk over one another, I find that coming back from a social gathering I need to recharge my batteries and have some alone time. 1:1 you can focus all of your energy on the person you are talking to and get to know them on a personal level without feeling over whelmed. Some people are just better at listening than talking. I know I am! I am also not a fan of small talk and you can't really get to know someone well when being in a big crowd. Don't worry you are not alone!
August 28th, 2019 5:36pm
it could be that you are not comfortable in a crowd especially when they are mostly strangers or people you are not close with. it could also be that you are not confident enough to make yourself heard. as it can also be social anxiety. all of the above applies to me and believe me i'm a little cocky goof around my close friends and a very reserved person in a crowd. as if i have a dual personality.
September 11th, 2019 8:53pm
You might just be an introvert, but it can also be a symptom of social anxiety. For either it’s very common to be uncomfortable in large crowds, especially when you are around people you don’t know. Yet you can be completely fine with either just a couple of people, or around people you’re close with. I am an introvert who has anxiety and I feel the same way. I’m completely fine at family get togethers, or when I am around my close friends.. but I avoid places like town, and I can’t go to things like festivals for example, because I don’t do well with crowds, especially of strangers
September 13th, 2019 10:58am
It appears to me you may feel some anxiety and stress when you are around a lot of people. It sounds like this could be the case because sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed when I am around big crowds of people. I believe with large crowds there is much noisier than when you are with one friend. When you are with a friend, he or she usually speaks with a lower tone of voice. Another possibility is you could possibly be setting yourself up by worrying that you will react negatively to a large group of individuals and the noise they create.
September 29th, 2019 9:38pm
I think most of it comes down to you knowing the boundaries and limits of your friend, his humor and what kind of actions and talking topics he or she is comfortable with. With strangers at least I just can't quite point my finger at what they are like as a person, if we can connect or share similar interests and thoughts and values. Therefore I do not talk in big crowds, more than 3 persons really, because I do not want anyone to think bad of me, because I generally suffer from low self-esteem. It is worse when I know the person gets along well with my friends, because then I know I should too because we obviously are not too different from each other.
October 23rd, 2019 12:33pm
Some would point to the personality theory of extraversion introversion. Extraverts are said to get their safety and energy from large crowds. They crave the vibe of lots of people lots of personalities, sometimes attention but sometimes its just company. Introverts are said to be the opposite. Crowds exhaust them. Or make them feel uncomfortable or shy, but in small groups or one on one situations they "come out of their shells". So some people would be said to be extravert because they are loud and charismatic, but that isn't always the case. Some of us are exhausted by being by ourselves. And some of us draw energy from being with those we know very well. It is sometimes trained into us. But other times its not. My father is an extreme extravert but untheatrical, my mother is very introverted but sings and dances and makes lots of jokes. I swing between both but largely label as an extravert. These so called "labels" are great for our mental health because if you get energy from people, then the more you spend time with groups, the healthier you are feeling and vice verse.
October 27th, 2019 1:38pm
It sounds as if you are suffering from social anxiety and that one friend acts as a crutch for you to have so that way you know that you always have someone you can talk to. It is very hard to be alone and having someone you know with you makes it a lot easier to handle. Having a friend with you can also help confidence because they know you and how you act. You are in need of someone to talk to and seem to be scared that if they are not there you will be alone and that is scary.
November 2nd, 2019 2:46am
I'm the same way! This is a really common thing for people who are introverted and/or sensitive. I highly recommend the book Quiet by Susan Cain, it helped me understand my introversion and sensitivity a lot better as well as the ways much of society is structured to make introverts feel different or less than. Personally, I have mostly let go of being around big crowds. When I am around big crowds, I make sure to have a buddy with me so that I also have the comfort of one close person in the midst of the overwhelming chaos that is my experience of crowds.
November 3rd, 2019 6:21am
It most probably could be because of anxiety of being in a big crowd. As i myself , have social anxiety and you are most likely shy , because of the the new faces and people you never seen before. Also your most likely to be comfortable with being yourself around your friend. This is because of you always being with them and you can act yourself in front of them , because of you personally knowing them. It’s totally normal to be shy around random people as anyone would be when being in a crowd full of strangers you don't know or know but aren’t fully comfortable with as you are being with your friend.
November 8th, 2019 3:19am
I experience the same thing. I'm fine when me and my girlfriend are out in public, but when I am alone my anxiety gets so high. Having something to fiddle with really helps me when I have to go grocery shopping, lists do as well. Those things give me something to focus on, rather than focusing on the crowds. It took me a long time to be able to get used to being by myself, though. So, dont feel bad if it takes you a long time to get used to it. Its a hard thing to do, but in the end it is rewarding!
December 14th, 2019 6:34pm
social anxiety. sometimes people with social anxiety have trouble with crowds but are fine with their friends. this is common and is nothing to really worry about. it will get better over time. so I wouldn't worry too much. I have been through this and it is hard at first. I talked to people I trusted and it helped a lot. they helped me find help and a good therapist to talk to. I started talking to the school guidance counselor. she helped me find a way to cope with this. We tried meditation. We tried deep breathing when we had to go through crowds.
December 28th, 2019 1:49am
I also feel overwhelmed by big crowds. Sometimes the noise and presence of a lot of people makes us feel nervous, or self-conscious. It happens to a lot of people, so don't feel like you're alone! The bigger the audience, the more eyes it feels like are watching you. Obviously, most times that you're in a crowd, the people aren't really watching you. You just feel like they could be. Something that helps me sometimes is reminding myself that most people are too busy with their own thoughts to be worrying about me in a crowd!
January 3rd, 2020 4:15pm
This of course is only my answer and it is not in any case the only right one(if I may be so bold) I would say you are an entertainer at heart, you like chilling with your friends and probably enjoy making them happy, you may be someone who makes friends easely and so the thought of having to entertain such a crowd puts pressure on you, so what you may call being shy may be beeing frightful that you are not going to be good enough for everyone, wich you shouldn't have to try to be,and tho we don't know each other I aplaude you for wanting to (if this applies)
February 7th, 2020 7:28am
I can really relate to this kind of shyness; I used to feel it often. Whenever I was in a large group of people, I would feel pressure to act in ways that would please as many people as possible (or, at least, not displease them). Learning to become more aware of that need and practicing easing up on it gradually helped me feel more relaxed and comfortable in large groups. Although I still feel some shyness in that particular situation, I find that just giving myself permission to be aware of it--and not fight it--helps me start to relax and feel more comfortable, more like the way I feel with one person (like a friend). This technique feels a little awkward at first, and it takes some practice (and a bit of courage!), but it gets easier the more you do it. I hope that helps.
February 13th, 2020 1:16am
For me personally, being around one friend offers some familiarity. You know this one person better than you know a whole crowd and the emotional connection between the two of you may make you feel more seen or in a comfortable setting. For me, the prospect of going to a large event such as a party seems really fun, but when I'm there I find myself only wanting to interact with a friend. As I'm an introvert, fewer people around me let me have fun and express myself. Putting yourself out there may take work, but that is perfectly okay! We all pull our energy from different places and all have different needs.
March 29th, 2020 5:18am
It's probably because they give you a sense of comfort and security! There is a lot of anxiety being around big crowds, which is perfectly normal to an extent. Having someone with you that you've known and have a connection with will soothe some of that anxiety and shyness. If you are especially close to this person, like if you've known them for a while, or know them very well, or if you just feel very safe around them, it could surely contribute. It's a similar thing to having an item of comfort for young children, like a blanket or a stuffed animal.
April 9th, 2020 1:41am
Maybe it is just the fact you don’t have an existing relationship with people in a crowd and you are frightened of making a bad impression.It is quite natural because throughout human evolution there wasn’t very much need for skills to deal with other such issues. The opposite could even be said to be me true as a lot of people feel they have a fight or flight response to big crowds. With one friend you only have to connect with with them and there is therefore less at stake in the case of a slip up .