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Why can't I talk easily in front of my class?

281 Answers
Last Updated: 05/28/2022 at 8:22am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jui Shankar, Ph.D


My worldview offers a systems perspective that values diverse clients and their struggles. I believe supportive and nonjudgmental therapeutic relationships empower clients.

Top Rated Answers
December 17th, 2017 7:44am
Social anxiety makes it feel like every word that escapes your mouth is going to be judged by the entire class! Of course you can't talk easily in front of your class. Public speaking is daunting, you are not alone in that.
December 2nd, 2017 1:33pm
Some people are just shy and that is perfectly okay. Sometimes as much as you want to your body is trying to stop you from communicating with others in a big group. What about trying speaking to them via social media then attempt talking to them in person?
November 23rd, 2017 2:19pm
Is because of what i am also suffering from, Self Confidence.
November 23rd, 2017 2:12pm
it could be because you feel shy in front of all the students... or you could be feeling too self conscious when you're in front of the class
November 19th, 2017 12:39am
perhaps because your afraid you may say something wrong, your mess up. there are a variety of reasons why. do you perhaps like someone in there in particular?
November 17th, 2017 8:18pm
You may be having some social or general anxiety. Many people, even if they do not show it, feel this way. It is completely normal! Try to use coping skills and self-care before classes.
November 16th, 2017 11:28pm
fear of public speaking is a common thing! i suffer from this as well. i leaned that as you get more comfortable with individuals in your class they get easier to talk in front of.
November 15th, 2017 3:22am
Public speaking is not for everyone. It can be a terrifying thing, and that is very normal. Some of us experience different levels/types of anxieties and public speaking is one of them. With practice and determination it may get easier, it all depends on how you grow and progress.
November 15th, 2017 12:22am
Perhaps you have anxiety. Remember this, whenever you are going to speak publicly, speak as if you are in front of a group of naked people. Funny,huh? Well, this helps lessen the tension you may feel. Also if eye contact scares you look at the top of people's heads and look around the room, people won't be able to tell you arent* looking at them*!
November 12th, 2017 11:06am
Could be social anxiety, or just being too focused on the idea of everyone in one place quietly paying attention to you, and that makes you feel pressure. You get nervous or stage-fright once you realize that all eyes are on you. You might feel doubt about what you're about to say, perhaps because you didn't practice your presentation enough (or with someone else to help prepare for the situation of others silently watching). It could also be that you think that they're silently evaluating your performance, but if you've ever been in that position (as the audience member of a presentation) before, you know that's not the case. Doesn't matter if it's in front of others or just by yourself. If you know what you're meant to say and do, that'll help (if only a little).
November 11th, 2017 4:24am
According to me, fear of objected, rejected, made fun of and commiting mistake in front of class creeps in. One has to be confident that they are as good enough as others sitting in class and ready to accept if they commit any mistake.
November 9th, 2017 12:00pm
Don’t let the fast-paced superficial world take over your life. The world is fast paced and it keeps people in their comfort zones. It stops people from thinking and keeps them busy. Being busy searching is wonderful, but don’t get so busy doing that you don’t allow yourself to feel.
September 14th, 2017 4:38am
Talking in front of a class can be a stressful endeavor for many people, especially those who have anxiety.
August 18th, 2017 7:20pm
Alot of us get very nervous to talk in front if classes, thats very normal. Try thinking of it as your body preparing you to do good. We get the same feeling when we are excited and scared so maybe try thinking that you are excited
June 30th, 2015 12:28pm
Research often shows public speaking is the No. 1 fear so you're not alone. Build confidence by practise
November 19th, 2016 9:38pm
As a person who has public speaking experience when we first experience this feeling because we are doing a new task that we never did before. One of the key tips that I learned over the years is looking at a spot on the wall right above their heads so it looks like you have eyesight with them still. After a few times experience speaking in front of the class the anxiety of speaking in front of the class should decrease over time with practice.
November 5th, 2016 7:11pm
Maybe you're just a shy person and that's okay! :) don't worry too much. You might also have anxiety, and there's a lot of ways to get over it!
October 27th, 2016 2:50am
I talk easily now, but as a child and young person I was mortified. This came from conditioning in my childhood of feeling shame from having critical controlling parents. I had to retrain myself. Substitute teaching helped me a lot. I subbed for years. I found it funny that in the beginning I was so unnerved by even having a class of kindergartners looking at me. I had to train myself to withstand the direct eye contact. I have no problem speaking now. It took facing the fear over and over until it was no more.
October 26th, 2016 2:04am
Talking in front of class is nerve wracking in the best of times, often what happens is anxiety gets the best of us and makes it difficult to speak easily. Next time you are about to speak in front of your class, try taking some time and doing some deep breathing to calm yourself down. Good luck!
October 23rd, 2016 6:41am
Maybe it makes you nervous. Which is understandable and very common also. If it becomes a problem, you may want to talk about it with someone you trust.
October 19th, 2016 11:07pm
You might just be nervous about being wrong or embarrassing yourself. It's not as hard if you practice and study well and frequently.
October 15th, 2016 10:09pm
Because You're scared of how they will react. Your scared of what they will think of you as a person overall because they might judge you. But Dont worry ;)
September 14th, 2016 12:16pm
I understand perfectly what this is and what it feels like. You feel like you can't expose yourself because if you say something wrong or a little bit embarassing everyone will laugh and mock you for the rest of the semester. Being afraid of what you might say in front of others is an irrational fear, and I think it comes from being overjudgemental of ourselves. People are often not as judgemental as we are and we end up closing doors in our own faces, not realising that maybe it wouldn't even be so bad try to be comfortable in our own skin and goofyness (which by the way is totally ok). It also may be a sign of social anxiety, and ackowledging that you are in fact socially anxious might help you a lot overcoming your fears.
September 17th, 2016 5:13pm
Talking in public is a skill. You have to do it more often and focus on your thoughts while doing it. If you can figure out the feeling behind the thoughts, then you can assure yourself.
October 13th, 2016 9:20am
I believe we are almost always hardest on ourselves. Be as kind, and encouraging towards yourself as you are to others.
October 5th, 2016 3:25am
I get scared talking in front of my class a lot too. A tip is looking at the back wall when you have to look up. Everyone will think you are looking at someone else so you can avoid eye contact.
October 7th, 2016 9:50pm
The inner voice needs the confidence to tell the outer voice I can speak in front of people.......what you need to do is not look at the people but the wall behind and with authority address the members of the room....the inner voice starts to become the outer voice....only make sure to listen to your words and make sure they make sense.......practice in front of a mirrors and record your are your best critic.
November 10th, 2015 1:42am
Often some people are more nervous than others it does not mean that you lack anything you just have less confidence this can be worked on by practicing to talk to people and work with people you don't know in your class
October 9th, 2016 4:37am
Talking in front of people can be really frightening, because some people simply don't like the attention on them, and that's totally okay. Some are meant for the spotlight, and others aren't, it all 100% depends on your personal preference!
October 2nd, 2016 1:39am
This could be cause of many different reasons. It is best for a person to consider what makes you upset about being in front of the class.