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Why do I always fail even when I try my hardest?

243 Answers
Last Updated: 05/27/2022 at 2:42pm
Why do I always fail even when I try my hardest?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
February 22nd, 2020 9:07am
Sometimes the only way we learn is by failing. You know how children when they begin to walk fall. They try their best but end up falling, there parents even try to knock them down at some points because they'll be chaotic when they're up. But during that time they will fall by themselves but they pick themselves up right? well that's how they learn. We're the same, you know when you fall over, do you just stay on the floor? no, you pick yourself up and keep walking. I know you're probably like, it's easy for her to say, but I mean it, once we pick ourselves up once, it'll become easy and like a habit. The world will test you brutally and push you down, but you shouldn't surrender and try harder, but don't forget yourself, whilst you do because that will affect you worse than all.
March 1st, 2020 1:42am
I can't imagine how difficult it would feel to feel like you always fail even when you try. I want to commend you for trying over and over again - that is really admirable that you are willing to keep going. Trying when stuff gets hard shows what a strong person you are and I really respect that. I would like to know more about what you feel like is "failing" do you think you could tell me more about that? Feel free to reach out and message me or another listener here on 7cups for support if you want to talk more.
March 7th, 2020 4:02am
We don't fail always when we try our hardest. It is when we feel failure because everything didnt go as we, you may have thought of a project that you could hardly get done. But when you could really get it done perfectly after trying your hardest you might have thought of some praises from people which you didn't you starts thinking "It was not a success enough i must have been a failure always." Another thing I can say from my experience, most of the time we lose our energy thinking about trying or working hard on something before actually getting it done. So it may feel like we were trying our hardest but actually it was only the "hardest" made by our thoughts...not the "best"!
March 15th, 2020 10:07am
From my perspective, failure is a matter of point of view. Trying your hardest is already a huge success as most people never go this far. Failure is a success in itself as you learn, experience after experience, what works and what does not. Most people never learn how good success feels because they have not failed enough. Failing builds strong mental values, leading to more intense and rewarding successes than if you had not failed. Failure is a mentor. You can decide to deny its lessons or you can take them, accept them, and adapt. You will then discover your previous hardest was just a tiny sample of your full potential.
May 6th, 2022 8:36pm
Failing isn't a bad thing, and it may be that you learn from mistakes. Trying hard is good - you should keep at it. Maybe it will just take a little more time to get really good at what you want to do. Always remember you are special and a great person - and everyone is different. Someone else might be amazing at the thing you are trying to do, yet not so great at something you find easy. It depends on the person. Failing is an important step of learning and growth; you will be good at what you're trying to do, someday.
May 6th, 2022 7:13pm
Failing does not have to be a negative thing. I feel that many people find it hard to find the understanding of failing and succeeding. Trying your hardest and not giving up on things is what truly matters. Sometimes, things can take several tries and a lot of effort. You should be very proud for going after things that take several attempts or a lot of work, because it takes real drive and determination to do so. Just keep pushing hard and don't be afraid to try new methods and continue being flexible and optimistic during this process. I hope you get to your end goal!
April 17th, 2020 3:57am
Though you may fail at what you were trying to achieve, each and every failure has a lesson to teach and is therefore never a true failure. Whatever is meant for you will be and what ever is not meant for you will teach you. The most important part of the lesson may be to see if you have the determination to get back up after falling down and to try your hardest again. Life is not about the destination, it is about the journey. Be mindful and know that the best is yet to come. And it will come with time and patience.
April 18th, 2020 1:01am
Do we fail always? Can someone fail always? In a day we have so many little things, or little more greater things to accomplish and all these little and big events are part of our life. To use the word "always" seems to me already so definite. "Always" defines something that is not rooted in real life, but rather in perception and interpretation. We can pose huge tasks in front of us and feel that we are failing if we do not do everything that we imagined to do. We can keep being not happy with little things that we accomplish. We can keep refusing the fact that the life is about small moments and that attitude about those small moments can make us or break us. We all can and should fail sometimes and that is ok. Do we fail ALWAYS? If we make a big research and interview all people in the whole wide world my hypothesis is that we can not find that person. Try your hardest to live your dreams, but try not to be unhappy when you do not accomplish all your dreams. Dreams should be bigger than our life. Let us grade ourselves based on the many things that we do and accomplish throughout our lives, and do not suffer because we did not accomplish something. Live in the moment, move, breath, greet, acknowledge, share, love, run, cook, hug, talk, write, read, do, be...Among thousands things that you do you can not be the one that fails always. Nobody can.
April 23rd, 2020 6:01pm
Many people feel like they try really hard all the time and they can never get things right. A lot of times this happens to people in school or at work. Trying to succeed can be a hard thing for anyone. A lot of times people try to impress their parents or loved ones and it never works out for them. Many people experience failure and disappointment but it is important how they react to that. Sometimes it is tricky to see the best way we can succeed but failing comes with a lot of lessons that you can use to succeed as along as you keep on Trying like you do now.
March 9th, 2022 8:31am
I understand it must be hard for you to keep trying when you're constantly failing, but you're failing actually means you're trying and learning. If you never had failed that would mean you never tried. Maybe each time analyse and try doing something different. This way you will also know what things are working and what are not working for you. And it's better to get 1% better each time you fail than never trying and never failing. You can also talk to someone who has more experience in same field, or look up to them. Life is about learning.
January 22nd, 2022 9:56pm
Our brains tend to focus on our failures. I was in a class once that talked about how our brains are programmed to remember embarrassing moments much longer than we remember good memories in which we felt good about ourselves. The same thing can be said with failure. We remember all of the things that we have done wrong way longer than the things we accomplish. There are so many more amazing accomplishments that we succeed at everyday that you may not even recognize. Did you wake up today? You didn't fail at that. Did you get out of bed today? You didn't fail at that. Did you try your hardest to be the best version of yourself? You didn't fail at that. Allow yourself to celebrate the little victories and you might find that you don't always fail at the level that you think you do.
May 14th, 2020 11:34pm
Even though we put all of our efforts into one thing, the outcome can be the opposite of what we expect. When we fail, it does not define who we are, but is a reason. No matter how hard we try, we will encounter failure, and its not about how many times we fall, but how we get back up and persevere. It's a test to see if we give up or if we continue to fight. Even if the path ahead seems impossible, no matter how many obstacles we encounter, we will reach our destination with time and experience.
May 24th, 2020 8:52pm
I hate to sound like a self-help guru. But there is no failure unless you stop trying. Every failure will provide you a chance to improve and learn. A lot of time it is your mindset that pushes you to the cul-de-sac. Whenever you think you have hit a wall, pause. Don't guilt yourself and stay in the negative headspace. There has to be something you can salvage from the mess of your "failure". Things are not good or bad. It is your own opinion makes you feel that way. Analysize and try again. One day when you look back, you may think I am glad that I didn't succeed at the first try. Or I would have achieved as much as now. Rinse and repeat till you get there.
June 12th, 2020 6:16pm
Honestly, I have no idea I swear since I could remember I would work my butt of in class but when it came to exams and assignments it didn't reflect my hard work in the classroom. I was one of those people who did the prep and always knew the answer but my grades don't reflect that and it hurts. I wish i knew why this was always the case. It hurts and make me feel like I'm not smart enough and compares to people i know it make me feel stupid. I'm actually nervous to apply for a post grad because it doesn't look like I worked hard because of my grades even though I did work hard... probably not hard enough. I wish I knew why.
March 20th, 2021 12:20pm
It can be due to many reasons. Is your knowledge of the topic enough for you to be successfull in it? If not, you can consider working on improving your knowledge. Also some mental health issues can cause that you fail even when you try your hardest. ADHD for example makes person hard to focus on tasks and such they can fail despite they try their hardest. Also people with intellectual disability can fail even when they try their hardest as they can have their own struggles. People with learning disabilities such as dyslexia can fail in some situations where accomodations aren't possible or aren't allowed. Also some physical disabilities or illnesses can cause that you will always fail even when you will try your hardest. If you are completely deaf for example, you will fail understanding a voice mail even though you try your hardest.
November 27th, 2020 2:49pm
A lack of persistence is a great obstacle to success. There are so many incredibly talented and gifted people who fail time and time again because they rely too much on their talents. They are not willing to persist until they've completely mastered what they're doing. Instead, they quit when the going gets tough.. Because people tend to fail than succeed. So if your success rate is 10%, which means every 100 things you do , you succeed 10 things. However, if you do TOO FEW, like you only try 5 things, then chances are you cant gain any success. So you always find failure , it's just becasue your doing are not enough in number
December 3rd, 2020 1:52am
Failure is a part of life that no matter where you are and how hard you try, you will experience it at some point. Trying hard doesn't lead to success but it leads to making things better. The phrase of "Practice makes perfect" is false because practice doesn't make you perfect but it makes progress. You are working so hard to improve and become better but sometimes it just isn't enough and that's just the way life is. Its okay to fail though, learn from that failure. Maybe you though too hard about the issue when the solution was surface level or maybe that thing just wasn't meant to be.
December 9th, 2020 7:13pm
Sometimes failing is a good thing. You learn from your mistakes and do better next time. There are high bars for a reason. When you think you can't do something, try to tell yourself that you can do it or take a break. Take a walk outside, drink some water, do something that makes you feel happy. It's good to try your hardest on things, but you get tired and worn out after a while. You can also reach out to your peers and ask them for help. Getting support from others can boost your confidence and push yourself to your highest limits. 💖
December 9th, 2020 10:50pm
We are human and sometimes we overthink or think on the negative results. Life comes with mistakes and that is on us to choose our path and better ourselves. You can't put yourself down for a negative results. Stuff happens and that is a part of life. You will be amazing in every way. Continue to work hard and build your path with your future. I believe in you! You'll do great things in life and we may have some times where we fail or feel like we are not doing enough, But we are taking life step by step.
May 27th, 2022 2:42pm
Maybe you are coming at it at the wrong angle. Trying hard can cause stress and lead to more stress especially when you feel like you have failed. However, setting smaller goals and attempting to attain those makes it a little easier. When you feel like you have accomplished something, even if it is small, it can help lead you to the end goal and help make you feel more successful. Instead of looking at it as a whole, you can try breaking it up into smaller pieces. Not everyone can be good at everything and failure happens. However, it does not define who you are as a person.
January 8th, 2021 11:38pm
You never fail. We either win or learn. Each experience (bad or good) is helping us know ourself better. This cannot be regarded as failure. Therefore, keep trying because you’re learning a new thing Everytime you try. No matter what the results are, keep trying and be open to experience. This will help you gain a better understanding of who you are and one day, you will realize how much this entire process of trying and learning has helped you become a better version of who you were earlier. It will make you stronger and wiser. So never be afraid to try again.
January 23rd, 2021 7:59am
I believe people fail even when they try their hardest because they are afraid.Fear can cause you to be defeated. One way to overcome come this is believing in your self and conquering your fears. Do positive self talks and build your confidence.set Goals also some hurting your own feelings be consistent, vulnerable and positivity remember everyone fails sometimes. Learn from your experiences Success is scary but keep the faith and keep showing up.Everyday you will get a new opportunity to show up first for your self then for others.My wish for you is that you will take every chance you are given no matter how small .
November 15th, 2021 2:07pm
I feel as though we grow and learn from failure. If we never failed, we would never grow because making mistakes teaches us so much more than always doing things perfectly. The more you fail, the more you learn and I believe this is something very important to keep in mind. As long as you give it your best shot and try your hardest every time, that is all that matters. The worst thing you can do is give up. Giving up and no longer trying is what failing wants you to do. It wants you to feel stuck. But we must learn from our failures and continue to grow.
March 14th, 2021 1:05am
Because in life failure leads us to the success. We learn more through the failures than we do through successful first attempts. Mistakes never define who you are it's what you do after those failures and mistakes that define who you are. Struggles are part life and no matter what happens giving up is never the right answer. Striving to do better is the only way to continue to truly learn from the mistakes that were made. Forgiveness is the key to letting go of the failure that was made. Forgiveness for your mistakes and giving yourself power to trust yourself again.
March 19th, 2021 3:13pm
mhmm...I guess when I try, and especially when I try my hardest, it must be something that's really worth doing - otherwise why do I try so hard? It must be something that is really hard for me that I try my hardest...and of course if it's really hard, then there is a greater chance to fail. I feel this is the case for me in social interactions, where I had a lot of struggles, but have been improving greatly. It can still be really challenging when I have to speak in front of others unprepared in school, discussions, or events. In these cases, I feel like I've tried really hard but still fails, as in making mistakes in speaking or being kind of awkward... which would make me feel quite rejected. Also, the feeling of being rejected is really strong - and it would make an impression on me. So when I look back, I remember a lot of instances where this occurred. More generally, failure always hurts and we remember a lot of instances of trying really hard and failing.
June 24th, 2021 6:32am
Failure is a natural thing, happens to everyone sometime or the other - but not everyone knows about it. Try to understand what didn't work in your favor - maybe someone else ruined it for you, was the task too hard for anyone to win, or maybe your efforts were not upto the mark. Try to work on what you find out if you can. Sometimes you phone boots with the normal procedure and sometimes it doesn't, this doesn't mean something is wrong with you. Hope you feel better and try again harder than you did now, life is full of challenges and that is what makes it so beautiful.
August 26th, 2021 3:38am
First, is it true you always fail? Sometimes it may feel that way, but when we take a good look, we discover we've done many things right, too. So give yourself some credit! Then take a hard look at your mistakes. Why did they happen? Were you less prepared than you thought? Were you too anxious to perform your best? Were aspects of your personal life distracting you? Once you identify the reason for the poor performance, you can take action to change it. Don't waste energy belittling yourself for past mistakes. Instead, channel it into making changes that will increase your chances of success.
May 15th, 2021 11:11am
It may seem like you always fail and, I bet if you tried, you could come up with a list of failed endeavors. But always? Always? Never succeeded once? It can be easy to slip into this mindset when things go wrong. The negatives in life seem to have more impact than the positives. But it is a cognitive distortion - an unrealistic view of your life. As easily as you can make a list of failures, you can make a list of successes. Literally. Write down five positive things that happened in the last week. They don't have to be monumental, just meaningful. Did you support a friend who needed it? Did you make a healthy meal? Start your list with the fact that you reached out for help. Finally, failing means you tried. You were brave. You put yourself out there. Now, it's time to get back up, dust yourself off and try again.
April 25th, 2021 7:44pm
I think the thing you need to focus on more is your definition of "failing". If you try your hardest every time then you're definately not failing, trying your hardest and giving 100% effort is a success and something you should be proud of. It sounds like you could be putting a lot of pressure on yourself and giving high expectations, and thinking of yourself as failing, is a really harsh way to think of yourself. I guarantee you have so many achievements and things to be really proud of. And if you really aren't meeting your goals but you're putting in all your effort, then its not you thats the problem, its the way you're doing it - ask someone for feedback, or try a new method. You got this!
June 25th, 2021 5:32am
it may be very bad now. and it seems that it won't change. but know, sooner or later, everything will be fine. please live happily) life is not eternally gray and without negativity happiness will never be conceived, just as without night, morning will never come. So any difficulty is just something that will allow us to become stronger and experience beauty even more clearly. Never lose hope and faith in the best, because after the blackest night there is always a bright day and even after the strongest downpour the sun shines brightly.