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Why do I always feel like people are laughing at me when I don't hear it?

127 Answers
Last Updated: 05/04/2022 at 4:48pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
August 1st, 2018 5:02am
This is what some call the "spotlight effect" We feel as though everyone is looking at us when in reality its all in our head! It shows a bit of self consciousness but you usually should have nothing to worry about
December 8th, 2017 3:53pm
People who suffer social anxiety tend to feel uncomfortable in their skin and so a simple walk in a crowded environment raises their level of anxiety which in turn makes their mind race a hundred miles a minute. With so many thoughts in their head, heard pounding, increased sweating, and face burning the person assumes that everyone is looking at them because of the physical symptoms they are experiencing. Does that make sense?
August 20th, 2017 8:35am
It's natural! You're not alone who facing this. In psychological terms, it is spotlight effect where a human believe that some people are actually noticing them, talking about them. But in actual it doesn't! It is just we believing what we think. So probably you could train your mind to think good about yourself. :)
July 20th, 2017 12:37pm
Maybe you feel like there is something about you that will make people sneer or laugh. Are you ashamed or embarrassed of some part of you? Try asking yourself why you feel this way. And how you can work on this insecurity to bring yourself out of it. Also keep working on the small things that help make you happier and healthier; drink enough water, get enough sleep, eat a good meal. And most of all, remember that it may take some time to work around this issue, but it will take time and a lot of effort. SO don't lose hope, and keep fighting.
June 6th, 2017 9:59pm
Through subtle paranoia, it often sounds like people are laughing at us when we don't even hear it. These hidden anxieties trick our senses into thinking we are being ridiculed and give us reason to think lowly of ourselves. I happens. But it does not make us fake to creating things to be upset about, nor does it make us stupid for believing that other are actually laughing at us.
September 17th, 2016 6:15am
Perhaps you have a low self esteem and you sincerely feel that others are more capable of evaluating your worth . You perhaps feel that all people are judging your actions all the time
July 19th, 2017 12:12am
I used to be very self-conscious and hated who I was. Because of that I had the feeling that people were making fun of me secretly, but it was really my inner self putting me down. Looking back, I was my own worst enemy, Once I started accepting me for me, the laughing stopped and I smiled more.
July 16th, 2017 8:16am
The feeling of being laughed at even when no one is around is linked with social anxiety. This feeling buried deep within you is fear of embarrassment. The fear of embarrassment can be linked to anxiety or moment in the past when thing didn't go as planed and you end up feeling embarrassed.
April 18th, 2020 3:46am
I understand that, I feel that way a lot. But I have grown to realize that even if they are laughing at you (Which they are not) then they are not worth your time or energy to be focusing on. If they have nothing better to do with their lives than laughing at people, then you should be the one laughing at them. I totally get that it seems like they are laughing at you, but trust me, they are not. Even if they were to be, then they are really just insecure about themselves. You are loved and I hope you realie one day, that you are amazing just the way you are. Do not change because some people may laugh. Be yourself, even if you don't know who you are, work to get there, stand tall, don't give up. Always keep fighting. I hope this helps!! Stay strong.
April 22nd, 2017 12:37pm
Your probably just paranoid. You think that people are judging you and no one wants to be judged. The best thing to do is ignore it, People probably aren't even laughing at you and if they are don't worry about and just go on about your day. People are going to criticize you no matter what you do so don't worry about it. But most likely they probably aren't laughing at you it just may seem like that because your paranoid about something.
September 14th, 2016 1:40pm
I've been there. The best thing to do is brush it off, chances are it has nothing to do with you. We often feel this way when we're feeling low within ourselves. Hold your head high and ignore those negative thoughts.😊
November 19th, 2017 12:32am
its a common feeling, either if you just did something embarrassing, or you did in the past which people are still talking about. honestly, everyone has that feeling.
October 22nd, 2016 5:31pm
It is because you are self-conscious about yourself. Try not pay attention to the negative thoughts.
March 1st, 2018 9:44pm
You aren't paranoid. You are probably right. Most people laugh at us behind our backs, when and where we can't hear. Your nerves are saying something is definately wrong, and are telling you to be nervous and think or know they are. Best advice: Ignore it, or don't think about it.
January 12th, 2018 5:08pm
This feeling is probably born from your insecurities, but even if people are laughing at you I believe you should ignore them. Don't let them bring you down.
September 13th, 2020 2:34am
It is completely normal to feel this way from time to time in our lives, especially when we are in social situations where we dont feel very relaxed or we are concerned about the perception that people around have on us. Anxiousnes make us make up the worst case scenarios and we pay attention to it and it just spirals out of control to the point where we loose our confidence and it can be very stressful for us. There are amazing proven techniques where we can track our thoughts and our beliefs on certain situations and remove false ones. Working on our well being and some relaxing techniques can significantly improve our life experience.
July 24th, 2020 2:58am
Social anxiety is a disorder that can make us feel, hear, and see things that aren't there. Though someone may just be laughing at a joke, or something that happened earlier in their day, we assume as we walk past that they are laughing at us. We question how we look, or the way we act, and wonder what makes us stand out to be made fun of. What we need to recognize is that this is an irrational idea that causes insecurity and unhappiness within ourselves. People laugh, people stare, people whisper to the people with them, and we need to know that unless it's a hateful person with nothing better to do with their life but that, 9 times out of 10, it's our own mind playing tricks on us to think they're directing it towards us.
November 19th, 2020 6:22am
We, as humans, often are anxious about what others think of us, so it is not uncommon for us to feel this way. We often do not feel as though we fit in or are good enough for others, but those who you feel are laughing at you often feel the same way. Though everyone has different ways of overcoming this fear, it can be very hard and tedious and right after you think you have fixed it, it comes back again. It is easy to trick yourself into thinking others dislike you. It's all self confidence. Just do your thing and rock it :)
August 9th, 2018 7:33pm
I can’t really answer that for you. But it seems like you have anxiety. It’s okay to feel that way. You owe yourself success and don’t let nobody tel you anything different.
October 20th, 2018 10:36am
First of all, you have to know that this feeling is okay to have, you just have to know why you are feeling that way. Sometimes we think people are talking behind our backs, or laughing at us because we ourselves are self-conscious. In order to not feel that way you have to learn how to love your self, I'm not saying be selfish, just learn to treat yourself and love who you are because you are special and unique, there's not another you in the world. Always remember that you are beautiful, amazing, and smart in every single way, and not a test or a soul can prove that wrong. so just believe in yourself because you are AMAZING!
November 4th, 2018 11:48am
Sometimes anxiety does strange things. It makes you feel like the whole world is watching you and that there's an immense amount of pressure to be a certain way. Sometimes I used to feel like people were judging me or laughing at me because of my anxieties. I would feel like I was too much and not enough at the same time. But once I recognised that it was something that I can help, I focused more on myself. I realised that people aren't concerned with each other like I was worried they were. Plus, by focusing more on me, I made myself happier and less worried about things that didn't matter.
September 12th, 2019 8:32am
Is it possible that you go through social anxiety ? Or have been through some tough experiences with people you loved and trusted ? If yes , then that can explain what you feel . I advise you to start working on your mind , learn to control the thoughts you have because not everything you have in my is true and healthy. It will take some time , but I trust it gets better when you get used to the practice and also , do you have friends ? If yes then I advise you to spend some time with them and learn to trust them because not everybody spends his life laughing at other people. If you don't have friend , I hope you make some very soon. You don't need to stay alone.
February 27th, 2020 10:33pm
It's the feeling of exposition. We all feel exposed in different ways. It is really important to try to comprehend how special you are in order to get over it. Everyone has been in this place. Just remember that not all people are bad and try to judge you. Those who do that, they use it as a way to gain attention. After a great amount of research, it is proven that most people whom judge others they do it to feel better with their own self and appeal for help because they are facing their own issues. It is not always your fault when others treat you bad, it may just be them. The fact that people are enable to understand how valuable you are makes them immature but definitely does not affect your value. Just don't forget to have faith in yourself and your abilities because I'm sure that you are lacking absolutely nothing in comparison to other people. Never give up on yourself because I believe in you!
January 10th, 2020 7:41am
Sometimes we put too much emphasis on what others think of us. Hold your head high and have confidence in yourself. You're a very capable person and others may look up to you more than you know! Remember and understand that you are not the only person who has ever felt this way. Talk to the people you are closest too and ask them if they have ever had a similar experience and you will most likely find that we all go through similar situations. It is important to remember to respect ourselves and to think positively about ourselves. Others will take note and respect you for it.
January 5th, 2020 6:30pm
Probably you pay many attention about what others think, and you should't. Whatever a person thinks in his mind has nothing to do with you. You are responsible for your actions and your mind....not for others. Apart from that you should try to boost a little bit your self-esteem, because it is strange that you feel like that always....Probably you have a low self esteem, and you should work on building positive emotions about yourself and acceptance! here on 7 cups there are few self-esteem meditation that you could try...and meditation works faster than any other method, since it affects our subconscious mind!
May 13th, 2020 10:52am
When someone is not completely accepting him/herself then they alwys think that thw world is also not and that makes them to feel inferior about themselves which causes a lot of problems for them, some of them are like this that peolpe are laughing at them. So one should be confident about themselves and the first thing to do about it is accpeting yourself. Just do it and see the differences in yourself and then in the eyes of the society. And if even after that you feel the same then you will act differently on such situations. BE STRONG, BE YOU.
June 12th, 2019 7:30am
People sometimes expect others to react to them in certain ways others have responded to them in the past, and they don't recognize when others have thwarted their negative expectations because they've been conditioned to emotionally respond to others a certain way in certain circumstances in which their minds have noticed negative behavior patterns based on past events & circumstances. Think of Pavlov's dogs for a better understanding. Pavlov is a famous scientist who studied behavioral patterns. He rang a bell to announce that he was going to feed his dogs, in one famous experiment. After consistently ringing the bell before feeding them and doing it on numerous occasions, his dogs began to drool in anticipation of receiving food when they heard a bell ring, even though they weren't provided with food. If you've been ridiculed in social situations involving groups of people in the past on numerous occasions, you might expect to hear people laughing at you and feel embarrassed and demeaned when you enter into situations with groups of people, even though no one is ridiculing you. Here, feeling like people are laughing when they're not is the equivalent of Pavlov's dogs drooling when there isn't any food around for them to eat, and entering social situations with groups of people is the equivalent of Pavlov ringing a bell. Feelings can be triggered by your own expectations of what will happen in a situation, just as easily as they can be when something actually happens in one.
March 23rd, 2019 8:26pm
I think you'll find a surprising number of people who can relate to this question. I think that sometimes we start to believe that "confidence" is the absence of insecurities, but that is absolutely not the case. Everyone is insecure about something, and it's more than ok to feel insecure. You can express an insecurity, even to yourself, and accept that this is a fear that comes from somewhere inside you, it isn't what anyone outside of you necessarily feeling or thinking. It is likely that people around you are also unaware that you are thinking it and feeling it. Knowing that alone, and reminding yourself in the moment, which of course is harder in practice, can quiet some of those fears and make social situations more manageable. People who appear confident are not people who have know insecurities, they have just gotten to know them, and people who do not feel or appear confident just haven't done that yet.
February 10th, 2019 4:44pm
On my experience, it’s because i didn’t have a lot of self esteem and used to know every little thing « wrong » with me so i could hear them laughing and i was so sure that it was about me because i also have been bullied so i was so sure that they were saying things like « have you seen her hair » or  « ew look at her face or body » and even when they were not even laughing i was so used to judgment that i convinced myself that they were laughing at my looks or at what i was saying, i was and am still scared of judgment.
June 27th, 2019 6:10pm
Before you can even begin to trust your partner again, you first need to trust yourself — your inner knowledge of what's right and wrong for you. We have all been blessed with two sources of knowing — our feelings and the wisdom that pops into our mind from our higher guidance. When you learn to trust your feelings about your partner and learn to trust the wisdom that is always here for you, then you become truly trustworthy of yourself. This means that you stop ignoring that inner whisper and start listening to what you know in your heart and soul. Then and only then will you be able to discern what is true and what isn't about your partner and the relationship. With self-trust, you will be able to feel — and believe — when he or she is lying or trying to take advantage of you in a way that erodes trust.