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Why do I always feel like people are laughing at me when I don't hear it?

127 Answers
Last Updated: 05/04/2022 at 4:48pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
February 6th, 2019 4:35am
I experience this a lot. It can be especially hard for people who haven't experienced this to understand how much it can affect someone's life. It's definitely in some shape or form in the category of anxiety. From what I've learned in my psychology classes, I know that this correlates with social anxiety. Disclamer: I am in no way able to give a correct diagnosis. Do look into some reliable resources (or talk to someone about it) to learn more about this topic. I know talking about it and bringing the thought to light would be helpful when talking to the right person (like a guidance counselor). I wish you the best of luck!
April 25th, 2019 2:14pm
Maybe you are paranoid I totally get where you are coming from because I have felt the same way. But really I was just paranoid. So just take time for yourself and always feel free to come on 7 cups and talk to people about how you feel about this problem and many more!Because the fellow listeners and I would absolutely love to help you and many others out. For me is when I think people are laughing at me is I take time and just breath and relax because that's honestly the best thing you can do for yourself.
June 26th, 2019 10:28pm
Sometimes when you are anxious or nervous about what’s going on around you, or things have been said about you, it may feel like any snigger or any laughter in the area is about you. I have experienced this and I believe the answer is simple. If you are anxious, scared or nervous about things , you become more sensitive to actions around you, taking everything more sensitively or personally than usual .
August 28th, 2019 5:18pm
i think it could be social anxiety. you are worrying about what people think of you and your self esteem is a little low since you think that people are laughing at you. you don't think highly of yourself and you think that something about you might push people to make fun of you. i'm guessing you don't feel comfortable in your own skin and you wish to change many things about you. this can also be related to depression since depressed people don't usually feel good about themselves. you can check out the anxiety guide here on 7 cups to learn more about it
January 28th, 2020 6:49am
The feeling of being mocked or laughed at is not uncommon. Anyone can struggle with feelings of this, especially people who may feel insecure. Insecurity may play a roll in the feeling of being made fun of or laughed at. It is important to take a step back and to look at the situation, and realize that perhaps the brain can can make one over analyze situations when struggling with insecurity or anxiety. I’m addition to this, realizing that you are not alone in this is imperative. The very same people that you may feel are laughing at you may be feeling insecure or mocked as well.
January 31st, 2020 2:56pm
It sounds like you are feeling insecure in some way about something. People may not always be laughing at you. Sometimes they are laughing with you. Other times they are merely finding something that they have heard or seen humorous. Becoming paranoid that about people laughing at you is an unhealthy way to be thinking. Even if they are laughing at you, why not laugh back anyway. That way they will start to wonder why they are not affecting you. This is a difficult strategy to learn to do but once you have mastered this skill you will take back some control of situations you previously had no control over.
April 12th, 2020 8:15am
Sometimes our minds play tricks on us. Is it other people laughing at us or is it we ourselves who feel we are being laughed at. Why..? Because we feel we are not good enough.... because we do not have courage to face our failures and try again .... because our ego has bloated so much that it has become a defence mechanism that stops us from venturing further . I guess each one of us have to sit down in a quiet spot and ponder why this feeling of being laughed at is an aura we feel around us.
April 24th, 2020 8:34am
Well sometimes we are too cautious of what people think of us and that may be the reason why we think of things that may not really be true. Others view about us is so critical that we forget that it shouldn't be as important. However, such things differ from person to person, maybe ask yourself why that is happening, why do you think that they are laughing? So that you get clarity about your thoughts. Once you know you can discover the reason for it by yourself, you will not be confused about it as much. Hence, asking yourself questions about certain aspects can help you change your thoughts at times. Still a personal opinion, differs from person to person.
June 25th, 2020 6:13pm
Figuratively speaking you may have insecurities you try hard to keep hidden from people. You may be afraid you can no longer conceal these perceived shortcomings from people around you. You may feel inadequate in some part or parts of your life and you may think those around you know what you know. (assuming you don't actually "hear" voices) What are your current opinions of yourself? Do you think you are unworthy somehow? Do you feel as though you don't deserve to be happy? What happens when you think other people think little of you? What makes you worthy of acceptance from people? By addressing your own image of self you may be able to maintain a more positive picture of yourself.
June 28th, 2020 6:15pm
No they don't. And personally why pay attention to them? Even if they are. Be happy about this too. At least you are making someone happy. Why care so much? Be you. And to be honest Ignore them. Stay happy and blessed and keep shining. You are great. Always remember that. बी the reason for your own happiness. Never put the command of your happiness into others hands. I know this sounds like a lecture. But believe if you believe in yourself these things won't even matter. You will glow. Grow. Become the best version of yourself. Stay graceful always.
July 19th, 2020 8:32am
Often we can feel we are being laughed at when we ourselves have low confidence and self esteem. It can be really difficult because we see our flaws and think that is the only thing everyone else can see too. If it is you friends that you think are laughing at you have you tried approaching them and telling them? If it is generally the whole world this speaks more on how you view yourself. And thats okay many of us struggle with self esteem and confidence. I myself do to. And that is fear and anxiety of reactions. If it is impacting your daily living and well being you could always try some self help and self love to improve your confidence. I am sure you have many alazong qualities about youself you just need to recognise them! I hope this is somewhat of help. Stay Strong!
July 24th, 2020 7:47pm
I used to go through a similar thing. Most people do at some point. We all have something we are insecure about. It's completely normal to think that someone is laughing at up or making fun of us. Maybe it's true maybe it's not. The thing is if you keep feeding into this idea it's only going to get worse. Then you will thinking these negative thoughts anx experiencing this negative emotions for no reason. If you can change or improve what makes you feel insecure then start there. Also try and focus on the positive. Many times people point out other flaws to make themselve feel better about their own insecurities.
July 25th, 2020 6:40pm
Sometimes we struggle hard with social paranoia. It can feel like people are laughing at or judging us when in reality we might simply be projecting our own insecurities on to these other people. It takes a lot of work, but focusing on giving others the benefit of the doubt is one of the healthiest coping tools we can develop. Taking what we can at face value and keeping hope in our hearts can help us be resilient to these types of feelings. Be patient with yourself and your journey and remember that most of the time, people are not out to get us or to tear us down :)
July 31st, 2020 3:29am
Don’t worry, most people experience this as well. There is an effect that explains why people think that others are laughing at them in public. It is called the “Spotlight Effect.” To read more about this effect, click the link: According to Wikipedia, the “Spotlight Effect” is “the phenomenon in which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are.” Basically, this means that if a group of teenagers are giggling about something near you, you will feel as though they are laughing at you, even though chances are they are laughing about something completely different. This effect happens to most people, so you shouldn’t worry too much about the effect. Just be a confident human being and you’ll be fine! :D
August 8th, 2020 12:47pm
This is probably because you have low self esteem issues and are anxious. As a result you may feel you are the centre of attention, all eyes are on you and when you say something or do something can often believe it was stupid or wrong and people are laughing at you for it. There are resources available to help you with this if you feel you need it. It may also help if you try and remember that all too often most people are too focused on themselves to notice at and laugh at something you are doing.
August 15th, 2020 8:45pm
I used to feel this way all the time! I realized that I disliked myself so much and felt so self conscious that I believed everyone thought about me poorly too. I was always thinking about embarrassing things that I did and assumed that everyone else thought about those things as much as I did. This ended up resulting in assuming that everyone was laughing, talking, and making fun of me even when I did not actually hear it. It took me a long time to realize that all of those other people probably were so busy thinking about their own experiences and embarrassing things that they probably very rarely ever actually thought about me.
August 19th, 2020 6:10pm
I know when I make a mistake or have what one would consider an "epic fail", I feel like people are laughing at me. Sometimes they are, either with me or at me, but a lot of times they aren't and I am just hearing it in my head. Those times are hard, but its easy to get stuck in those moments. I just remember to take a step back and realize that they really aren't laughing at me. Maybe its me laughing at my self and I think its them, or maybe I just think that they are laughing when they really aren't. Regardless of which it is, just take a couple deep breaths and realize that they aren't and that you are doing just fine.
August 20th, 2020 1:25am
Our confidence comes from within. You have to take care of your mental health just as much as any other aspects of personal health. Have you identified what you are not confident about? Is it something you can control? Is it something you can change immediately? Or is it a process you have to go through? Sometimes you have to understand and identify the smaller things to be able to answer the bigger picture. You can not control what is on the outside without mending what is on the inside. Mental health is just as important as every other type of health.
September 4th, 2020 11:11am
I am sorry to hear that you have this going on to you.. remember though that you're a person like anyone else too and have your rights to be listened too even if they're jestering you. The same happens to me a lot too.. especially in crowds or any place nearby people. Yes.. It's confusing and sometimes it makes question your sanity. My guess is that it may be a cause of Anxiety or lack of sleep.. surely there may be other reasons for it.. and it's okay."♡" everyone has thier problems and it's not your fault for having them. Probably distracting yourself may be helpful..? For example listening to music..(?)
October 1st, 2020 10:58am
Do not worry, a lot of people feel this way too. It stems from our own insecurities. People are most likely not laughing at you but if they ever are it is probably a projection of their own insecurities. It can be difficult to do but hold your head high, and don't care what people think. Be proud, love yourself and then it won't matter what people think or say about you. It is also helpful to remember that its not always about you. Although you are an important and valuable individual. What people are thinking or laughing about reflects more about them then it does about you.
October 2nd, 2020 2:18am
It's because we have a fear inside us of getting judged by our surroundings even if they aren't. If we are feeling this way it seems we think about what will society think of us. We feel like our every action is getting observed by our surroundings. If I fail to do something correctly people will make fun of it. We think a lot about people's perception about us. When we will stop thinking about what others feel about us that day this fear will not be there. We need to stop thinking about others perception about us we know what we are and that's enough for us. We need to realise our own worth.
January 31st, 2021 4:53am
You always think bad of yourself even when people are looking up to you, it's hard to learn to love yourself but it's not impossible. If people laugh at you that's their problem, you are doing your best and they don't realize that you are perfect. When people laugh at you ignore them because you will be praised one day and you will be looked up at. It might take time to love yourself but know when one person hates you thousands of others love you and wish they were in your position. No matter what you are loved by someone.
February 6th, 2021 1:24am
You are the expert on you. Only you understand the real reason why you feel like people are laughing at you behind your back. Consider the reason deeply without judging yourself. Consider the reasons beneath that. Try to identify other emotions. How do you feel about feeling like people are laughing at you when you're not around? Why do you think you feel that way? Has this been proven to happen to you before, and what were the circumstances of that situation? Sometimes our brains create emotional patterns to help us along, but it hinders us if it's an unhealthy emotional pattern like jumping to the conclusion to that everyone is laughing at us. Sometimes when we feel lonely, we can feel unheard and unwanted. Think about the things you feel. What would you say to these people if you could have a safe confrontation with them? Consider writing a letter to 'someone laughing at you' that you don't intend to mail, such as 'Dear Laughing People...' It's okay to have these questions with yourself, a close friend, a parent, or a therapist. If these feelings are interfering with your day-to-day life, I strongly suggest you seek a therapist because deeper psychological suffering of paranoia may be at play.
March 5th, 2021 2:09pm
It might be due to my overthinking. That people are laughing at me even though i don't hear it. It might be also due to not having Self Confidence or inferiority complex. And also i might be thinking too much about myself and degrading myself. This might also make the mind think that others are laughing at me. Even though i don't hear it. Sometimes it might be wrong assumption that other's are laughing at me. Sometimes it might be due to listening words from third person about people laughing at me. This is also a part of thinking too much about the things.
March 14th, 2021 8:50pm
This could be self consciousness. I sometimes feel this same way but they could be laughing with you not at you or it could be our anxiety playing up. Ignoring them is a good way to stop worrying about this. Ask them what the joke is in a good way and laugh with them. You'll find that you had nothing to be anxious about in no time. Sometimes we worry about things that aren't even there and are just a figment of our imagination. We should try some confidence building exercises to try to overcome this problem. This would be the best option.
May 14th, 2021 1:20am
Often times, people feel like others are laughing at them because of a cognitive distortion called "mind reading". Mind reading is when you assume you know what others are thinking about you and is influenced by your emotional state. How much confidence we are, how many times we say “Who cares? I don’t care” but we judge other people and we become so judgemental that we start judging ourselves n blaming oneself even some part of the brain knows that we are not wrong in that incident. Plus we care what people think about us. This all stuff mixes and makes us so conscious that in public if few strangers in a group are laughing at something, it seems like they are laughing at us.
May 20th, 2021 4:01pm
Firstly, do not worry, you are not going crazy. This is called anxiety. We have certain things that we may be not so confident about and sometimes this leads to us thinking that we hear people judging or laughing at us behind our backs, but in most cases, it is our insecurities making us "hear" things. You need to take a deep breath and calm down, and think about what exactly you feel people are judging you about? Are they factors you need to change or do you really need to change anything at all? If people are really bullying you, you can even try asking those people politely what they are laughing at, and if they say they weren't, then you have nothing to worry about! If they are and continue doing so, then maybe you can find someone you trust to help you mediate the situation. It's not easy to ignore, but that doesn't mean there is no way to ease the situation.
May 30th, 2021 12:07pm
These are the works of my worried brain which makes me feel vulnerable. I am not confident in myself. I fear being laughed at. Being laughed at seems like a big deal, equivalent of a failure. Failing seems unacceptable. I have a dire need to let go off the scenario immediately. I cannot tolerate the uncertainty or the possibility of being made fun of. On the other hand, I could change my thinking, see why I'm being being laughed at, maybe I could laugh at myself if the other side is convincing enough. Or, if the attitude is unjust, I could trash the scene in the dustbin, and not give it my energy and focus.
August 21st, 2021 9:47pm
It sounds like you're feeling very self-conscious about what others think about you and worried about leaving a negative impression. I think we often feel like this when we are not confident that our actions and behaviors are in accordance with an image that we strive to achieve or accurately reflects ourselves in our interactions with other people. We become sensitive to the opinions of people around us and try so hard to make a positive impression that any action having the potential to portray a negative image becomes scary. Also, I think it may also be related to having confidence in the people around you. The confidence that they are there for you and care about you, and not there to put you down.
October 10th, 2021 5:24am
At times it is difficult to understand or admit the truth. But in order to find a solution the reason to an issue should be identified and accepted. In this case the lack of self- confidence or self esteem may be a reason. Just remember YOU are SPECIAL. If your actions don't harm anyone, then just relax and enjoy being yourself ! Don't stress over what other think or say about you. Every person is different and noone can ever please or be loved by everyone. Just make sure that whatever you do or say is affecting anyone in a negative way. what others will think should worry you less.