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How can I forget about the bad memories of my past?

281 Answers
Last Updated: 06/10/2022 at 3:29pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
August 14th, 2020 10:29pm
We cannot necessarily forget about our past but change the way we look at it. We can either take what happened and learn from it and use it as a strength, or we can let it consume our thoughts. I think to move on we have to acknowledge that it happened, but tomorrow is a new day and nothing is permeant. To know that we are in control and we can choose how we look at things. In all reality to look at it as we are survivors of said memories and that we have made it through the challenging times.
August 12th, 2020 9:27am
I dont think you need to even try to forget them. I think you just need to understand them for what they are and recognize the impact they've had on you or your life. some of the bad experiences in our life can become who we are if we dont see them as an event that happened to us. This not saying that they are not significant or very powerful, but often it was not our choice and someone else did it to us. so when I accept something or something bad crossed my way and it was not my fault and I am doing the best I cant to heal my self then in time the memories belong in the past.
July 24th, 2020 8:00pm
Though it might be hard to forget bad memories completely, one can learn to ignore it or stop giving it importance by keeping yourself engaged by learning new activities such as taking up online courses, learning a new instrument to play, or any hobby, working out, etc. One can also try and make new memories by having new experiences by traveling, experiencing new cultures, making new friends, or anything that might have a positive impact on your life. If nothing works out, you can try meditation, or have to seek help from a professional. It is not about how you completely forget the memory, it is about how you are able to move on, even when it you have it. I hope this helped :)
July 22nd, 2020 12:13am
Many of us struggle with forgetting things. Some more where are my keys or what did I study last night before the test. Others are things we would prefer to forget but pop up anyway. Some suggest it is a subconscious drive to handle unfinished emotional issues. Others suggest it is a defense mechanism to prevent us from making a similar action that hurts us. Either way it is our brain bringing to the front what it wants us to see. I suggest two things, one is to find a sense of security around the issue. Tell your self and prove to yourself that it is not going to happen again. Second overlay good memories that reward your brain so the negative ones are reduced in importance. Both take time and careful attention to not create a worse situation or lose touch with what is real in your world. Guidance by a councilor is advised in my opinion, and patience, lots of patience.
March 28th, 2020 11:23pm
You aren’t going to forget immediately. It takes time to work through the bad memories. Without working through then, either on your own or with someone else, theres no potentially forgetting. And you may never truly forget those memories. But being able to move past the emotions tied to those memories is healing in a way, I think. And it’s ok for the memories to be hard to move past, or even really easy to move past. No one processes things the same, and no one has the same things to process and move past. Take your time - as much time as you need.
October 1st, 2021 3:30pm
I have found through the years, that when my "bad" memories of the past come out of nowhere and hit me, I take a deep breath and then instead of just saying I am not going to think about that, I hit it head on. I take a moment to fully understand and try to remember how I felt at the time. Then instead of looking at that bad memory as a horrible thing, I think about the good that came out of that bad time. I think about the decisions I made and the choices I made because of that "bad" time and how maybe in the long run, because of having that bad experience, I turned into a much stronger person, or how it led to a better path for me.
November 3rd, 2019 9:13am
you cannot forget your bad memories. forgetting them is not necessarily realistic, since you can’t control your memories. If we could, the world would be not a better place. However, you can learn from them and learn not to dwell on them. Humans were made to remember the negative. it’s how we survived in the BC time periods- we remembered the negative and built our selves off of it. without it, we wouldn’t have known what was helpful and what was hindering our survival. so, in order to get over these bad memories, you must learn to understand and accept them.
November 6th, 2019 6:52pm
I believe that one can never forget bad experiences and memories. When discussing events which could have been prevented, what's important is that the one learns from those memories, identifies what went wrong, what could have been done to avoid it happening in the first place, and just growing into a better version of oneself- one who is kinder and more aware and is willing to help oneself and others when they are in situations where they need support and assurance that things will be alright. The key thing to remember is- memories, whether good or bad, have defined and moulded you to become who you are as a person now. Growth is key to leading a fruitful life.
November 21st, 2019 9:31am
Surprising but you can't forget memories that constantly haunts you! You can only repress it, acting like you don't have that memory. However, it's not quite emotionally healthy since it can come back and become even worse. We can't forget, but we can learn how to let go, how to forgive the past. We can never move on in life if we keep holding on to that one thing that makes yourself angry, because you think it could've been better if you do this or that. It's not easy to accept bad past, I haven't fully let my mistakes go but we all learn. I'm sure you can do it slowly! Best of luck!
December 4th, 2019 3:45am
Forgetting is never the answer. Forgetting bad memories, in my opinion, is a form of running away (someone people may see it as coping). We must always have the courage to face ourselves and our past so we can let them go or else our past would haunt. It is also beneficial for us to accept our history and learn from them. As always, it is easier said than done. However, it is never too late to start tackling the bad memories. So if you are having a hard time with tackling bad memories, just reach out and ask someone for help.
December 4th, 2019 7:12am
It's generally not a good idea to forget about bad memories of the past. If you haven't healed from a previous experience, forgetting about the experience doesn't relieve the pain. The pain finds another outlet to express itself because it was never properly dealt with. Instead of trying to forget about bad memories, you should work on accepting that bad things occurred. Accepting that something happened doesn't mean you're saying it was right or that it should have happened, it simply accepts reality as it is. Accepting bad memories removes the weight of those memories and allows you to move on from them.
December 11th, 2019 2:38am
I am not in a position to give specific advice, but creating good memories now is a potential way to distract yourself from bad thoughts and memories. I personally use mediums of expression to take my mind off of negative thoughts, such as drawing, writing, singing, or acting. Reading is also helpful for me when I want to feel immersed into another world. Many people want to forget bad memories, but there may be times when they resurface. You have to remember that those times have come and gone, and new opportunities to create new and better memories are always right now.
December 13th, 2019 5:36am
I usually turn to writing in times of crisis, whether it is the immediate aftermath of the event, or withing the weeks, months, or sometimes years following. Usually this exercise helps me to reanalyze the event, see how I reacted and how I could have reacted differently, while still acknowledging how I felt and how that has impacted me, the self, as a whole. While this may not work for everyone, considering that one has to be thinking about the event or trauma that is related to the event, it it a way that works for me and that helps me move on.
January 10th, 2020 5:47pm
Live each day as though it was your first. If you find yourself dwelling on the past, remind yourself it's over now, and you can start again. Try to live in the now, and not in the past or future. It helps to stay grounded and talk to yourself like you're a good friend. Keep working at it, and it will pay off. I find that if you catch yourself thinking about the past, it helps to say 'ah, there I go again, maybe I can work this into a good thought about how I learned from my past and it has made me stronger.
January 31st, 2020 9:05pm
This is difficult but try to find a way forward by using other methods. Speak to people who have a genuine interest in your issues and really listen to what they say. At some point something that one of them says will resonate with you and help you take the right path for you given your situation now. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you though so be mindful of that when making your decisions. The more people you talk to, the more options you will be presented with. This puts you in a good position moving forward. If things don’t go as you plan them to you can always try another way. As I said, what works for someone else may not work for you.
February 5th, 2020 3:12pm
Forgetting bad memories of the past is like trying to conceal dust under the carpet: once you remove it for x reasons, you'll going to be amazed by all the dirt accumulated beneath it. Leaving jokes aside, the best way to improve your present time is to learn something from your past: it may be a mistake or a trauma, it can be someone who let you down or something you've lost along the way. Everything came to you to teach you a lesson and make you stronger: this is so liberating once you can embrace this! Try to look at your past without judgment and see it will work wonders!
March 6th, 2020 7:07am
Give yourself some time, don’t try to push them all away all at once, that’s not going to work. If the bad memories are still affecting you today, it’s probably because you’ve put an absolute end to it. If it’s something that you can solve once and for all, do it. If not, try to talk to somebody about it. The weight is always less heavy when you share it with someone. Also try to sleep early, exercise, and other things to take care of yourself. This way you can shift the focus from that bad memory to your current self. Find something to do, if you have time to think about some memories, it may also mean that you can add something meaningful to your schedule that will take up some time and commitment. Hope this helps :)
March 13th, 2020 6:36am
The past is in the past, that's what I would say. The past memories cannot be changed, but only accepted. Once you accept them, you can let go and move on from them. Gone days hold no meaning. They're history. You have today, the present. Don't let your past affect your today. You don't have to forget the past memories, you just need to accept them and put them in one distant corner of your mind until they're no more. Focus on other good things and on your future. Life has a lot to offer and I hope it is kind towards you. Good luck x
March 19th, 2020 4:19pm
A person can't really "forget" about bad memories. And "forgive" isn't always an option either. What you can do is make peace with the fact that it happened. First step is to address it and come to terms with the fact that it happened. Bottling up events and swearing to take them to the grave is a grave mistake. Not addressing haunting events will build up stress and anxiety and will only make triggers of the past memories worse. This answer is generic and you must hear it all the time, but talking really helps. Telling the stories of the bad memories aloud for someone hear helps immensely.
March 22nd, 2020 2:20pm
I think the goal should not be to forget bad memories but to live through the experienced emotions and understand yourself and your own biography in relation to good and bad memories. Of course it is important to confront pain in a way that you can digest it in a healthy way. Seeking empathy and understanding in relation to your bad experiences is a way to deal with negative emotions and release every sense of shame. If you were able to confront and understand the memories and their effects on your life you will be able to move forward
March 28th, 2020 5:10pm
This question is a tricky one because it has to do with our brain and memory storage. I don't believe there is a way to forget bad memories. I think you have to heal from those bad memories and turn them into something bright. I don't think you should ignore the bad things that happen to you in life. You should grow and learn from them. Forgetting should never be an option because you will never learn from forgetting. Be a seed and grow. Turn those bad memories into water and sunlight. Don't ever forget bad memories; instead, grow and learn from them.
May 10th, 2020 11:33am
You can't forget your past bad days all of sudden. This is so human nature and you can't do anything about it. Therefore don't try to forget it. The harder you will try the worst it will become. It is our past that makes us what we are today. It makes us stronger, so we can deal with the problems we have in the present and future. Accept the fact that things were bad in your past. If you really want to forget the past just concentrate on the present and try to make it as nice as you can. You can't forget the past bad memories but you surely can replace it with the good ones that you make in your present. I hope this helps you.
July 2nd, 2020 9:21am
I don't think we're supposed to forget about the past. in fact, if we try to, it could lead to more issues along the way. I think we need to find a way to accept the past, instead. There's a huge difference in accepting and forgetting (and as I said, we can't forget traumatic things only bury them). Meditation is a great way to deal with these bad memories. There are tonnes of guided meditations on Youtube (free) that will be specific to whatever memories you have. Meditating will help you look at your past and see how and why it is affecting you today. Sometimes, we default to thinking things about ourselves that are negative. Although these thoughts don't make us feel better, we feel safe when in a place we are familiar with. We need to recognise when we are doing this and again, meditation and self-reflection can help with this.
October 16th, 2019 10:13pm
I have found that mine will never go away but Talking them out with someone who will listen always helped me. It can be sometimes be better to talk to a stranger. Someone who doesnt know your situation as there is less chance of judgement. But also learning to forgive can help you gain closure from your past. This can sometimes take time, but with the correct support this can be done. Sometimes it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But rest assure i can confirm that there is. I wish you all the luck
June 18th, 2020 9:17am
This isn’t an easy one, especially when you still have to be around people, things, or situations that can be reminders of those bad memories. It’s not a one day job, it takes time. But remember that you are the owner of your mind. Staying away from triggers may be helpful, and it may also help to find a way to reconcile with the past, if possible, but the most important thing is to take back control of your mind cause you may not always be able to stay away from triggers. These thoughts may come, but you can make a conscious decision and effort to let them go, perhaps by focusing on something that brings better emotions. The goal is to refocus when you notice your mind has shifted towards that, and keep on doing so until you have more control (which will happen eventually). The mind is very powerful but remember you’re in control, you decide what stays and doesn’t. Bad memories of the past only hold us back more times than not. And you may not be able to change the past, but you decide what actions you take towards a better future and better decisions right now.
June 13th, 2020 4:44am
Bad memories are really hard to deal with. Now the bad memory, might be coming into your mind. So from we can understand the depth of this. They bother you for a long time. The first misconception I had was to forget about it. To forget it people ignore such thoughts but I thought more about it. So ignorance is a temporary solution but the permanent solution is different. So forgetting them is a long way to go but you do have a choice to live with it positively or negatively. Negatively- means that you just keep thinking about it and how hard it was and you're basically reflecting the negative thoughts by focusing on them and feeling bad. Positively- is to live in reality. The present time you live in is now the reality. The reality in the past doesn't exist. It only exists in your conciousnes. So convince yourself that it is over because it is. If you think about it, it occurs in your very mind. So the best positive thing which I did was to remember it was the past and was a new experience for me. Though negative but it can still make me feel stronger. Don't worry about the Future too much, the future also doesn't exist. Just live in the present and give your best in the present. “Yesterday was history, tommorow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it's called present.”~Oogway- Kung Fu Panda
June 12th, 2020 10:04am
Someone once told me that bad memories makes up who we are and I didn't understand what they meant. The time I was told this I was this jolly person and had a fantastic life and honestly speaking i thought they were just out of their mind and I remember laughing and walking awatlittle did I know. Then my Father died, my mom left me and my mother's in laws abused me . I would fight every day not to remember what happened to me and it made it worse. The more I fought my thoughts the more they haunted me. These thoughts drank my confidence and esteem, I had no life of my own because I wanted to be happy like all the people around me. So I started this thing i would remember a bad memory and face it, look for light in the darkness. Search for something positive. I started embracing my problems. I started to realize that if it wasnt for the challenges I passed through I would not be where I am. Your bad memories make you and be proud of you. Love yourself and see the light in the dark. I hope this helps someone
June 12th, 2020 4:35am
I don't think we can ever forget bad memories from the past unless one dissociate herself/himself or when we try to repressed those memories which have high chances of getting back when certain factors triggered us. Sad to say memories from our past always has its way to haunt us whether we liked it or not. there was a saying that pain never really goes away we just get used to it that we numb from it, or in the long term we learn on how to cope up with it. However acceptance (no matter how hard it is) can be one of the keys. we can't change our past bad memories however we can do something about it in our future.
May 21st, 2020 4:45am
Focus on yourself right at this moment and distract yourself with something else, like something you enjoy (listening to music, art, etc) something that may also help you forget about the bad memories of your past is focusing on your future and where you would like to be 1 week from now, 5 weeks from now, 1 month from now and maybe even a year from now. i suggest also setting goals for yourself and maybe even seek professional help if it gets to extreme. this is what i personally do if i would like to forget about bad memories of my past
April 10th, 2020 12:15pm
We don't delete memories, we replace them. Our brain stores everything we encounter with so deleting or forgetting is not a mechanism, we just replace those data with new data coming in. Replace your bad memories with new memories, by creating moments s with family friends, loved ones. Talk to as many people you want. Talk to them about how you feel. Eventually, you will forget those bad ones when you have a new one to cherish. gIve your self a start. Go out, do crazy things you love, get a good hobby, play some instrument. Do mindfulness practice, do the workout. Feel good.