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How can you tell that you have really moved on?

212 Answers
Last Updated: 06/09/2022 at 7:53pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
September 21st, 2016 2:47am
Moving on is not something that will happen instantaneously. It might take months or even years in some cases to finally forget that person. Its when you wake up and his face will not be the first thought that pops into your head. It's when you realise that memories just slip out from your brain, bit by bit, until you are only left with a vague feeling of remembrance of something that mattered a lot earlier but no longer does. You will be happy from within, independent of everyone...
August 10th, 2017 4:18pm
When we accept on what already happened. We know that it is one of our journey, there is so many adventure that waiting for us. It will remain as our life history, nothing can change it. Now, we should focus on future. A future for our own self. Keep moving forward.
April 13th, 2018 8:00am
When you have really moved on, that persons’ name doesn’t make you smile, the sound of their voice doesn’t give you butterflies and when their touch doesn’t burn up your skin the way it used to. You can finally look at the person you once loved and you can say that that’s not what you want anymore
June 6th, 2018 5:22pm
On the day you move on, you won't think "I've moved on!", you will just go about your day. Then in a few weeks, or months, you will realize you simply haven't thought about whatever it was at all for a while. Each time it will be longer and longer between when you remember, and each time you remember will become less and less emotionally distressing to you. This goes on and on for the rest of your life. All you can do to get there is focus on other things in your life, and work on your healthy coping skills.
February 5th, 2020 9:38am
You can tell you really moved on something or someone when you do that on the three stages. Phisically, emotionality, and mentally. So that means you are no more in phisically contact with that situation, you have zero emotions about that. You are neutral about that, you don't care about the situation or that person and further that doesn't make impact on you and your well being. And last you don't think about that, you have mentally decided that is no more services you in anything. That is were you really moved on something. That is only my opinion based on my experience, because i have tried to move on on someone and i wpuld move on for exemple phisically but there would be still emotions in me and sometimes i would still think about that person which for me means i am just laying to mayself i have moved on but i haven't, that is why it is sometimes still hard. Truly moving on is when you master it on this three levels and than you will feel relief. I hope this is helpful. Love and light.
May 11th, 2018 6:39pm
When you think of them and you feel nothing for them. When you no longer feel attached to them in any way.
December 13th, 2020 5:18am
There are many ways that you can tell if you have really moved on. It is so hard to reach the end of a relationship with someone. There are many emotions going on. A major sign that you have really moved on is when you don't really experience emotions when you think about the situation/person. Those raw, fresh emotions may just turn into a dull feeling. Another sign is if you don't think about the person constantly like you used to. You can go long periods of time without them entering your mind. People can have a huge impact on our lives, especially when they hurt us, but the best thing to do is to move on.
October 9th, 2019 10:39pm
For me, I felt moved on when a metaphorical dark, gray cloud moved from over my head. It took a lot of time, but one day, I just felt free. I was not being held back with hurt, sadness, or desire to be with my ex. I felt I had a clearer head to reflect back on our relationship and what went wrong. I wasn't reminded of my ex 100 times a day by random things. It also felt a lot less scary to start dating other people and I was excited about the possibility of a new connection!
February 1st, 2017 2:29am
Feeling happier in yourself, believing in yourself and feeling like you can move on with your life and do things you didn't think of doing before. Just feeling generally happy in yourself and about yourself and for what's to come
December 30th, 2016 7:27am
For me, I knew I had moved on when I could look back and see the good as well as the bad in the situation.
December 25th, 2016 10:24pm
When you look back at the incident/person and have a warm brush of positive feelings of self-learning, self-value and reflection, rather than anger or sadness - then its an indication that you have moved on from the painful situation and have gained perspective to be able to look at it positively. Similarly, when triggered about that incident, you do not feel trapped or in control of it - and you can rather step away from it to other thoughts or activities, is another sign of moving on.
April 8th, 2018 6:03pm
When you can think about a person positively, without wanting them back into your life. When you think about them as a fond and loving memory.
November 9th, 2016 6:52am
When you are able to forgive someone who has wronged you, even if they haven't apologized, that is when you have truly moved on. When something happens, good or bad, and they aren't the first person you want to run to, that's when you know you have moved on.
November 5th, 2016 1:16pm
I honestly don't think we really move on. We just get better with time. When you find yourself not worrying about whatever it was a such or thinking bout that person and or just have happy memories and don't feel as sad or worried.
September 24th, 2016 10:30am
When it stop hurting you to talk about the issue, to even be able to help others with the same issue.
July 28th, 2018 12:33am
When dwelling on the issue isn't worth your time anymore and you can live your life with out the issue interfering with your emotional state of being.
September 24th, 2016 4:22am
When you're happy, when you're no longer sad about the past and you realize your better & happier without them.
September 24th, 2016 1:16am
You are really moved on when you can preventif yourself of being involved in things which related to your past.
November 16th, 2019 1:52am
I feel that you can tell that you have really moved on when you realize that there were gifts in the situation that took place in your past and it has made you a better person. Sure, we all have regrets and there are situations that we wish we could go back in time in and change, but I believe that everything in life ebbs and flows and we must learn to embrace who we are and how far we have come. If it's a person that we were trying to move on from, it's when you wish the best for them and understand that what happened was for the best.
May 6th, 2020 4:48am
When you don't think about that specific person anymore or not constantly, when you are hanging out with your mutual friends and it doesn't feel awkward. You've reflected on the relationship and understand it is over now, you are willing to accept that and continue on. Also that you are most positive then you were during the breakup period, most importantly, you aren't planning to get back together with your ex. You're not checking their latest posts on instagram, checking their facebook status, or secretly following them on twitter. Overall, when you are the person you are without him or her, when deep down you feel you have inner peace with yourself.
August 31st, 2018 11:01pm
Minimal to no thoughts about the person /time period /situation. Positive habits like journaling, drinking water, eating sleeping, general self-care and work responsibility are no longer interrupted by the person /time period /situation of thoughts of them. A feeling of freedom or release, a feeling of weight lifted off of your shoulders. Engaging in positive, healthy, pure and constructive behavior and coping mechanisms instead of turning back to the person/ the time /situation. It can be difficult to tell if you have ever truly moved on from a person but hopefully these can help guide you out of that situation!
April 26th, 2020 12:57am
Moving on from someone, or a situation that has happened takes time. First you need to look at the steps and see if you have done them. The steps are, understanding how the situation happened, why it happened and the last step is to accept what has happened. When you have followed those steps, comes the real moving on process, where you start to feel okay with what happened. Only when you feel okay with a situation, or a person then you have truly moved on. You will not feel the same heartache anymore, nor feel any negative emotions, but rather be somewhat happy and okay with the past because it has shaped you into the version that you are today.
April 22nd, 2020 3:02am
It depends on the situation. If you have lost a person due to them passing away. I know I have moved on when I already accepted what is my new normal and my new reality and realize that said person would never want me to feel sadness and grief to such an extended period of time but that does not mean I would forget them in any sort of way. When it comes to losing someone because of a break up, I've known I have moved on when I have accepted that everything is just a memory now and it's something I can learn from and remember once in a while and feel like I once again can feel that I loved my self more.
April 15th, 2020 5:34pm
I think it's when your emotions are no longer affected by that person and you can talk about him/her normally. You don't feel like texting that person anymore and stopped feeling sad about him/her anymore. You stopped thinking about the past memories that you had with each other and began to realize that he/she might not be as perfect as you thought, and perhaps you could actually reflect on your relationship and learn something from it. I think it is not that you completely forget about that person, but still remember the moments that you have with each other and knowing that he/she has been in part of your life and made you happy.
October 13th, 2019 10:26am
Most of the time its a feeling of weight lifted off of your shoulders. You may not think about it hardly if not at all. Your mind is not clouded by thought of that which has been a problem or a burden. You feel good inside about a decision made, you don't doubt yourself as you would have if the problem or situation still exist. You may be able to talk about what you could not before, and you may be able to help others along the way because of your experience. There is no guilt no burden, just peace of mind. You are now ready to let go and move on.
October 26th, 2019 9:14am
When you can think about it and your heart doesn't hurt and you stomach doesn't sink. When the thought of being with someone new doesn't make you feel guilty or dirty. When you can imagine your future, and feel positive about it, without including them in it. When you can think about making plans for your weekend and you don't wish you could invite them. When you think about falling asleep at night, alone, and it doesn't feel scary or lonely. When you can sit in a place they would've sat with you, and do something you would do together, and feel peaceful.
October 30th, 2019 11:44pm
In my experience, i can tell if i have really moved on when: I'm able to think about something without letting the memories of that specific thing bother me. This can only be achieved if you have made peace with the past, hence i think this is the best description of how you could tell you have really moved on. Everyone goes about their business differently, so to this question will not be one definitive answer, that's why i base this answer off of my own experience. Moving on isn't the easiest thing to do, especially if you have a lot of history with said thing or person. Talking about it helps you move on.
January 23rd, 2020 2:04am
you know that you’ve moved on from a relationship when they aren’t in your thoughts as much anymore. yes, you will think of them from time to time, because you made memories together and spent time in each other’s company, but you won’t long for them anymore. if we are talking about relationships, you may start to look to have more relationships, whether that’s sexually or just friendships. you may have relationships whilst you still have feeling for them, but in your heart you truly know when you have and haven’t moved on. you know you have moved on if you look at a picture of you together and not feel as if you miss them and want them back.
February 7th, 2020 2:05pm
It is difficult to know when you have really moved on - it could be from a break up, a redundancy at work... I learnt a few things from a NLP module. I close my eyes and imagine the situation as if it were happening to me now... see what I saw, hear what I heard, feel what I felt as if it were happening to me right now. At some point, these images/voices/feelings start to fade away. They grow smaller, fainter, seem farther... and you don't feel like that incident happened to you. It is more like you are an observer watching it from the outside. Then I would say I have moved on...
December 20th, 2019 11:46pm
"Moving on" is very much a state of mind and a reflection of the emotional recovery that have made / are making. Ultimately, it comes down to the investment you made in your, the emotional and physical affect of the separation, as well as the investment that you have made in processing. This is a question to which everyone will answer differently but most of the answers will be ostensibly saying the same thing: when you do not experience anxiety when you think about or see your ex. Assuming that this is a "normal" relationship without children, domestic issues, or any additional issues that would otherwise complicate the separation, it is something that you will know and feel when it happens. If you approach the separation logically; suss out what you can to understand the reasons behind the separation, particularly after talking to your ex; and taken the time process, it will become clear. There is never a one-size fits all answer to questions like this, but if you can function normally without irrational, illogical or illogically protracted, and/or moot thoughts, that is a good start. It also underscores the point that the onus is on you to put in the work to heal and "move on"; if you play an active role in reclaiming your identity without your ex / getting over the separation, you will be on your way to better understanding the break up, yourself / what you want, and when you have "moved on".