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How do I know if I'm in a toxic relationship?

289 Answers
Last Updated: 04/20/2022 at 3:24pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
July 25th, 2021 10:59pm
When you find that you are spending most of your time unhappy, then you know that you are in a toxic relationship. You deserve happiness and love from your partner. Being honest, commutative, open, and caring are characteristics that you and your partner should have. If they are constantly making you feel anything else but loved, then you are in a toxic relationship. When you continue finding yourself unhappy, unloved, etc then you may need to reevaluate the relationship that you are in. I've been in toxic relationships before, so if someone is making you feel this way, it is probably best to end the relationship if they are not willing to change their ways.
August 5th, 2021 2:48pm
You are in a toxic relationship if they ignore you, does not communicate with you, and does not let you do what you want or don’t want to do as a relationship needs communication n trust. It is ok to feel that your partner is not helping out on the situation, just try and communicate to them as they will understand if they are your bf or gf. Also ppl should feel this way to any relationship such as gf, bf, best friend, friend, family member, etc. All of the interaction must involve trust and communication and if that person doesnt allow both or one of those things then they are not worth talking.
August 18th, 2021 1:08am
You will know you are in a toxic relationship if you are constantly drained after you interact with the person rather than loved or fullflied. Some signs may be you're friends, family or loved ones will point out how that person makes you react. If you see that person changes your traits and habits for the worse or brings out negative, passionate emotions in you that also maybe a sign. But if you are completely unsure then you may need to take some time away from them to truly asses your feelings. If you find yourself flourishing when they are not around then you have your answer.
September 3rd, 2021 1:26am
Do they make you feel like it's hard to love you? Does it feel hard to love them? Are you fighting more than enjoying? Do you find it hard to trust them? Do you wonder why you're with them? Have they asked you to change things about yourself or your life that you never thought you would have to change? Are you more tired than relaxed after you see them?/Are you drained after being with them? Do they help you love yourself? Do you feel an uncomfortable attachment with them? Do they make you feel like you can't be independent? Have you maintained the relationships you had from before them? Are there things you've missed because you're with them and that you regret missing? Have they ever made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin? Just breathe, maybe asking these questions will tell you all you need to know.
October 1st, 2021 1:06pm
Figuring out if you’re in a toxic relationship can be really tough, especially when you’re infatuated or in love with the person/people involved. My best advice is this: tune into your gut instinct, and trust that. Energy never lies. In my experience, I dated an abusive person who assaulted and manipulated me. I remember thinking “this is too good to be true,” and I soon found out that they were not good for me whatsoever. If you feel like it’s wrong, it’s very likely wrong. People pleasing can get in the way of making the best decisions for ourselves, but sometimes we don’t need a “good reason” besides “it didn’t feel right.” Best of luck, friend!
October 6th, 2021 6:56am
Figuring out if you are in a toxic relationship can be hard. I would suggest looking at the actions of your partner and looking at the effort they are putting in, as well as how they treat you in general. You should be treated as an equal with respect and kindness. You should also look at how they make you feel, if you are unhappy in the relationship then it may not be the relationship for you. The foundation of your relationship matters as well. It needs to be strong and based on good intentions. Toxic relationships will also usually be physically and emotionally draining. A real relationship will have its bumps, but should not take a toll on your health.
November 6th, 2021 6:14pm
Feeling uncomfortable in a relationships is a first sign of toxicity. Feeling the constant need to say yes, and inability to say no even in the smallest things, is not healthy. You always have the right to say, no. But what if my partner gets frustrated? A toxic relationship is identified by the inability to upkeep your own mind and feeling constantly influenced and swayed. Having to restrain yourself because you think some things will stir an argument between the two, should not be happening either. You should feel open to talk about anything and if it's a truly healthy relationship, your partner will understand and support you through anything.
November 18th, 2021 8:43am
It is a toxic relationship if an argument turns into a fight. It always seek revenge, always angry, no respect nor care. It always invalidates what you feel and has no sense of responsibility. It also seeks negativity and will always put the blame on you. It is also toxic to be with someone who always gets jealous whenever he or she sees you succeed in life. It doesn’t offer partnership but it will put you on a competition mode always. You don’t have freedom to be you and you are always judged on how you were on your previous life
November 19th, 2021 8:10pm
These are some of the things based on which one can figure out if they are in a toxic relationship or not. The partner may be very possessive. He/she may not allow the partner to do anything without permission. He/she, sometime, may become violent and hit their partner. He/she may be very abusive towards their partner- either physically or mentally. He or she has no respect for their partner.
December 16th, 2021 6:47pm
When there is a lack of support for one another, toxic communication between one another, and when there is too much jealousy and dishonesty. When both people in the relationship are disrespecting one another and there is so much resentment between them as well. Maybe both people or one of the two are having negative financial behaviors such as withdrawing money from the others account and spending much of it. Maybe there is constant fighting between both people constantly, both or one of them is not meeting with your needs, one or the other is wanting and hoping for change in the relationship.
December 19th, 2021 8:26pm
Well, sometimes your partner could end up putting your feelings aside focusing on their own and not showing they care about you. Sometimes your partner will invalidate your issues making you feel as if they don’t care about you or making you feel as if you’re not important when you are, they could be talking behind your back, or even showing signs of not caring. The main thing about toxic relationships is forcing you to do things you don’t want to do, never give in, stand your ground and let them know you refuse to do so. Hope this helped.
January 7th, 2022 1:23am
If you feel like you couldn't get out of said relationship even if you wanted to because you feel trapped or like they would do something bad if you tried to leave them, that's usually a good indicator that you are currently in a toxic relationship. Another sign can be if they constantly try to downplay your problems and say that they have it much worse or if they constantly talk about their own experiences and never let you finish talking. If they try to make you do something you're not comfortable doing and won't accept a no, that's also a huge red sign. I know it can be hard to realize if you're in a toxic relationship and even harder to get out of one but you got this!
January 26th, 2022 7:45pm
If you're questioning it, then there's a good chance your relationship isn't as healthy as it should be. A healthy relationship is one where respect, trust and open communication are prevalent everyday and with every interaction between you and your partner. Both parties are treated as equals and are able to make their own choices which the support of their partner. It's important to ask yourself how you are feeling within the relationship. Are you as happy as you know you could be? Are there any actions that your partner is doing to cause a power imbalance? Trust your gut here, you deserve everything you want and aren't asking for too much for them to step up their game.
January 28th, 2022 10:26pm
Toxic relationships can vary from person to person, however, you will usually see some common red flags, as we call them. One of them is that the other person always invalidates your feelings. Imagine if your partner, the person who you are supposed to trust and find comfort in always tells you that your struggles don't matter or that you are overreacting. That is seriously a red flag, that indicates toxicity. Moreover, another red flag is when your partner has some abusive tendencies. Are they trying to control you, are they being overly "overprotective", do they get jealous every time you mention something good happened in your life that doesn't include them? These are all some common practices of toxic people in relationships. I hope this helped you in some kind of way! You should never stay in a toxic relationship there are hotlines for you to get help and escape!
February 4th, 2022 3:16am
It's hard to say every relationship is different and each person would view a relationship differently. However if you are in a relationship which you are not happy in and this continues to make you unhappy and depressed then this could be viewed as toxic but only you can decide its toxic and only you can leave that relationship, so.e people would call domestic violence or general bullying a toxic relationship however I would say this is totally different, you could be just in a relationship with someone that you just don't love and have totally different interests and this could lead to a unbearable relationship
February 20th, 2022 7:27pm
Because, quite simply, you'll feel like crap - a lot of the time! Even if you're so conditioned to it you're now at the stage where you're actually unaware of the fact. They put you down, they use you, they call you stupid or fat or accuse you of not trying to understand them. They gaslight you (it's all your fault or all in your head, you choose) they are with you when it's ultra convenient for them or you frequently go without hearing from them, unless they get the 'urge' to hear from you, if you get my drift. You, on the other hand, go out of your way to accommodate them, you tell yourself; 'hey, they're worth a little pain, a little aggravation', even when your friends tell you they ain't! You ignore all the signs, just to make yourself feel better, cos you're never going to meet someone who makes you feel the way they do ever again....! This is a tough rut to be in and it's only when you choose to step outside this hell that you'll see things for what they really were. And trust me when I say, that's when you'll get really angry with yourself, for what you let yourself go through. But you're stronger than you think and you don't need this person in your life. Bin them off and don't look back. Cliche as hell tho it is, LIFE'S TOO SHORT.
March 5th, 2022 9:24am
Signs of a toxic relationship include lack of trust, controlling behaviors, and feeling drained. Both partners can fix a toxic relationship if they try therapy, reflective listening, and honesty. If you are in an abusive relationship, call the National Domestic Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. If a relationship stops bringing joy, and instead consistently makes you feel sad, angry, anxious or “resigned, like you've sold out,” it may be toxic, Glass says. You may also find yourself envious of happy couples. Fuller says negative shifts in your mental health, personality or self-esteem are all red flags, toToxic traits refer to habits, behaviors, and ongoing actions that harm others. Many toxic traits (like self-centeredness) can be subtle, and we want to see the best in people. Naturally, identifying toxic people in your life can be tricky. But toxic individuals are more common than you may think.
April 15th, 2022 7:32pm
you might be in a toxic relationship if you're wondering whether you are in one, because relationships that make you feel safe wouldn't lead you to second guess about it. if your partner constantly gaslights you and makes you feel unworthy of anything, or just makes you feel like you don't deserve anything, or if they make you second guess about why you got together with them, you might be in a toxic relationship. but remember, you might sometimes feel this way when you are not looking deep into your relationship so take a few minutes and think about it 💓
April 20th, 2022 3:24pm
I would say evaluating your relationship can be arduous. You need to first establish what you value in a relationship and establish boundaries in the relationship. Are your boundaries being broken? If so, does your partner display empathy and/or sympathy when doing so? Is change being demonstrated to better respect your boundaries? We are human and will make mistakes, however, someone who respects you will validate your feelings. When thinking of your relationship do you feel you are feeling more negative than positive feelings (i.e., guilt, sad, fearful, anger, etc.)? A toxic relationship will be riddled with extreme highs and lows. The inability to discover a healthy medium can display toxicity in a relationship. What it truly boils down to is respect. If you make your feelings and needs known and they are intentionally being violated or not met you probably should reevaluate your relationship.