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How do I know if I'm in a toxic relationship?

289 Answers
Last Updated: 04/20/2022 at 3:24pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jennifer Patterson, LMFT

Art Therapist

Life can be messy. Sometimes you need a little support to make your way through it. I love to help guide people through their challenges & to find the beauty in our messes.

Top Rated Answers
May 26th, 2018 12:57pm
A toxic relationship is one where it has become a source of negativity in your life as opposed to a source of love and support. The signs may not be completely obvious, it can be things as simple as your partner making offhanded comments or being generally dismissive. If you feel as though it just isn't healthy anymore, it may be time to move on.
May 26th, 2018 4:24pm
If the person is treating you as a host and using you unnecessarily.You can also feel them not respecting you, being less responsive and irresponsible.They won't be there when you need them. Just check for these indications.
May 26th, 2018 7:58pm
Its hard to see when you are in a toxic relationship as you are so in love with this person. Relationship abuse can come in many forms: physical, emotional, financial and more. If you feel unhappy or controlled quite often then its a sign things arent great. Your partner should never hurt you physically or emotionally and you should always have a say in your relationship.
May 31st, 2018 2:06am
I think if this question is being asked there is already some doubt of the relationship being a healthy one. What are the things in your relationship that have prompted you to ask this question? How do you feel about yourself when you are with the other person? How do you feel when you are without the other person? Is there physical abuse? is there trust in your relationship? is there a mutual respect? is there empathy and compassion in your relationship? ask yourself these questions and trust your inner compass. Remember you have the wisdom within yourself to know when something is healthy and good for you, you just have to trust that and take action.
June 7th, 2018 5:47am
If you are not happy in the relationship. You are getting bullied, abused, hurt by your lover. As well as if you do not feel the same as when you first started dating.
June 8th, 2018 5:37pm
1. It seems like you can’t do anything right. The other person constantly puts you down as not good enough. They mock your personality, and you feel ashamed most of the time. You only feel pardoned when you take on the traits of the person doing the condemning or judging. 2. Everything is about them and never about you. You have feelings, too, but the other person won’t hear them. You’re unable to have a two-sided conversation where your opinion is heard, considered and respected. Instead of acknowledging your feelings, they battle with you until they get the last word. 3. You find yourself unable to enjoy good moments with this person. Every day brings another challenge. It seems as though they are always raising gripes about you. Their attempt to control your behaviour is an attempt to control your happiness. 4. You’re uncomfortable being yourself around that person. You don’t feel free to speak your mind. You have to put on a different face just to be accepted by that person. You realise you don’t even recognise yourself anymore, and neither do your closest friends and family. 5. You’re not allowed to grow and change. Whenever you aim to grow and improve yourself, the other person responds with mockery and disbelief. There is no encouragement or support for your efforts. Instead, they keep you stuck in old judgements insisting that you will never be any different than you are now. If you’re experiencing even just one of these signs, check in with yourself to see if the relationship is doing more damage than good. Evaluate the relationship and what it’s worth to you.
June 13th, 2018 9:46pm
Toxic relationships are usually detected by signs of one or both of the sides feeling unhappy by some aspects of their significant other's behavior. For example, the partner is acting strangely possessive, clingy, has no respect for personal space and privacy and generally makes the other partner feel more unhappy rather than happy. It's true that partners should love each other in good and bad times, but if the bad times overweigh the good, the relationship needs some reconsidering.
June 16th, 2018 10:53am
If your partner doesn't give you the time and effort you deserve and seems to be doing things for his or her own personal gain without regards of your feelings and needs.. that's one of many tell tail signs. We all should know the basic right and wrong when it comes to relationships and if your gut is telling you that your relationship is a never ending hurt cycle that your giving more than you're getting to the point where it could be soul diminishing.. it probably is or could turn to a toxic relationship.
June 22nd, 2018 12:42am
The feeling of not being happy, you're drained from the interactions, most people in your life tell you, and the sense of piece with them has been gone.
July 4th, 2018 8:16pm
If the relationship is abusive ( actual hitting/ touching ) , verbal abuse ( words being said ) , mental abuse ( making you feel worthless e.c.t ) or emotional abuse ( making you upset by the things said ).
July 7th, 2018 3:19pm
Listen to your intuition. Is this person treating you the way you'd be happy to see a loved one treated? Contact a professional therapist or counsellor for more advice on this. Also reach out to your friends and family.
July 8th, 2018 10:38am
if they are bringing you down, you are definitely in a toxic relationship. the people you surround yourself around, are the people you reflect off of. always hang around people who want to see you succeed.
July 13th, 2018 4:49am
1. Low-self esteem. Though some individuals maintain a rather pessimistic view due to other factors, low-self esteem triggered by being with your spouse may indicate an unhealthy relationship, as they may be overly criticizing your abilities and forcing you to feel unworthy 2. Physical or verbal abuse. Abuse is an obvious factor, however, I understand that that clarity does not make the agility of separating any easier. 3. A lack of love or commitment. It takes two to birth a relationship, There should be a an undying potential in some form, especially if it is a relationship that is expected to support a future family.
July 19th, 2018 2:41am
To know if you are in a toxic relationship is if/when the person says they won't cheat on you again or hurt you again.
July 19th, 2018 9:16am
If one or both partners aren't addressing or taking responsibility for behavior that feels hurtful to the other
July 21st, 2018 3:53pm
I think a toxic relationship feels wrong on some level, you feel taken advantage of on some degree even if you find yourself justifying it later. If you find yourself being upset because of your partner all the time, it's toxic. Ask yourself every time you've been sad or upset, how many of those are because of your partner in some way, if the answer is way too many times, it's toxic
July 28th, 2018 1:28am
If the person is making you feel bad all the time, if they are being controlling, if they are physically or mentally hurting you, if they threaten to hurt them self just too make you stay and etc
August 8th, 2018 10:36am
If you’re asking yourself that you’re in a toxic relationship, then that’s a sign that you are in a toxic relationship. If you feel helpless in the relationship and feel that it isn’t going anywhere or benefiting you in any way, that is also another sign that the relationship is toxic
August 9th, 2018 9:09pm
The individual doesn't bring the best out of you. Constant arguments or disagreements, and build up resentment.
August 17th, 2018 2:25pm
A few signs that you may be in a toxic relationship are; lack of communication between you two, lack of an emotional connection, negative criticism from one another, resentment, feelings of jealousy or insecurity, controlling behaviour, physical/emotional/verbal abuse, any sort of threatening behaviour such as saying "I'll leave you if you don't do such and such". People trying to change you or control you is also a sign that you may be in a toxic relationship. Sometimes these signs can be hard to spot at first, especially if you don't know what you're looking for, try and keep an eye out for some of these red flags.
August 18th, 2018 1:57am
if you're asking this question, then you probably have come to a crossroads in your relationship of whats right and wrong. you should be proud of yourself as not many people really recognize or admit that they have recognized toxic behaviour. people stay within the denial stage for a long time, so its great to come to that realization. you would probably get the sense that you're in a toxic relationship if you feel smothered/controlled by that person, your partner has to have a say in who you talk to and what you do without good reason, they might even isolate you from your family. sometimes they talk to you in certain ways that aren't what is known to be outright abusive, but it still really hurts you and they might not react appropriately if you tell them it hurts you. theres so many things that could be a sign of a toxic relationship, its a massive list. i would suggest talking over any anxieties or strange things you feel are going on in your relationship with someone you trust to have your best interest at heart for a second opinion. this can really just give you anything you're feeling slightly off validity, which can then help you go further in dealing with such a relationship.
August 21st, 2018 2:25pm
You know that you are in a toxic relationship when you spend the greater part of your time together fighting and tearing down each other and feel more relaxed and more happier when you are not together. However its not just the fighting that makes it toxic, because generally fights are common in relationships, its the fact that there would be remorselessness from your partner when its clear that they are wrong. Each time you make a conversation you always feel like you are walking on eggshells, as small things can easily blow out of proportion and so you are always afraid to start a conversation.
September 7th, 2018 3:06am
Labeling a relationship as "toxic" isn't always helpful, and can be a huge source of confusion for some people. What is easier is taking a look at the behaviors that you think are toxic in the relationship from both sides, and seeing if there are any patterns. Sometimes it's helpful to take a quiet moment and brainstorm examples of these behaviors. Some people even write them down. Here are five examples of behavior that could be toxic: - your partner belittles or makes fun of your feelings and emotions. "You're too emotional!" and "I can't believe you're upset about that. That's stupid." - Your partner has a "short-fuse" or anger issues. They may shout, threaten themselves/you/others, raise their voice, or break things in your presence. - Your partner is critical of your appearance, or is commenting on your appearance in a negative way. They may seem like they're trying to tear you down. "Your red hair looks pretty bad. Why don't you dye it back?" and "Woah, maybe you shouldn't be eating so much. You've gained a lot of weight." - Boundaries are not respected, and sometimes are even tested. Your comfort level doesn't seem to be priority, in fact, it seems more annoying to your partner. "C'mon, can't we do this at least once? I don't see why not." and "You have to do this for me." - Your partner often second guesses your thoughts and opinions. You're seldom 'believed.' Maybe they also don't seem to want to tap into your knowledge or experience on anything.
September 9th, 2018 3:26pm
1. Your other half doesn’t take responsibility 2. if your other half shuts down the conversation when you are trying to discuss issues can feel the relationship draining you 4.your other half is bringing you down or constantly giving constructive criticism when not asked 5.your partner doesn’t pay attention to your life e.g. your schedule feel as if you are the only one making the effort 7. you feel trapped and controlled 8.your partner doesn’t respect you or what you have to say don’t have a feeling of relationship security don’t feel able to confide in them about your problems. There is many more.
October 3rd, 2018 3:33am
In my personal experience the toxic relationship I was in started off like any other relationship. You have the honeymoon period where you like everything about the other person, even their faults. However, as time goes by these faults start to invade your life in ways you did not expect and by the time you realize that they’ve altered your life you are stuck. You look in the mirror and you don’t recognize yourself anymore and the life that you are leading isn’t the one you envisioned. It is a culmination of your significant others’ manipulations that’s shaped your world.
October 4th, 2018 9:49am
Oh, great, I get to talk about this! I just got out of one. Honestly, in very simple words: You are NEVER happy. That's it. These people drain you from your energy, your happiness, your self-esteem, your dreams. You can see that it's going nowhere, and you just can't see the exit, but believe me, it's there. And it's easier than you think. In a toxic relationship you keep thinking that you keep making mistakes over and over again, why? Because the other person involved makes you think that no matter what happens it's your fault. YOU didn't behave correctly, YOU chose the wrong words to talk about anything etc. Personally, I spent half of last year being physically ill, because of all the negative feelings that had started affecting my body. Guilt, sadness, disappointment... Just as when the other person started moving away from me, I got a lot of support from another friend, with whom I feel free to be myself. I saw the difference. What I had before that, was toxic, and I had lost my health for it. When you lose your health in order to please people who are never pleased, you almost "kill" yourself for no good reason. Run away from there and find the happiness that's waiting for you elsewhere. You recognise toxic relationships by the negativeness they put in your life.
October 10th, 2018 1:45am
If you feel like you are lessened by the relationship or if you feel as if the relationship is hurting you. If you have to be less of a person you are without the other person than it is a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships are anything that harms you in anyway. This includes your mental state. If your mental state is harmed in any form, whether it is because they are rude to you and degrade your mentality or any other way. To understand if you are in a toxic relationship you must take a step back and evaluated who you are without this person and with this person and figure out for yourself if it's better or worst for you.
October 11th, 2018 5:48am
Im every relationship there are pros and there are cons, you should definitely weigh those up, they can put you on the right track. If you are feeling doubt about it then you are best talking to someone close to you, or someone you know who is in a strong relationship and can tell you if what you are experiencing is a sure sign of a toxic relationship. You should ask yourself theses questions. 1. Are they hurting me mentally or physically? 2. Do I see them perfectly in my future? 3. Am I becoming depressed or full of anxiety because of them? 4.Are they effecting my social life or my family life in a negative way? 5. Are they making me feel bad for being who I am? These questions should also help you find your answers
November 4th, 2018 8:41am
Hi there, if you are asking this question you re probably in one. Toxic person is someone who isn’t happy with himself. He tries to find happiness through attention and manipulating his /her partner. Signs of a toxic person- Controlling behaviour- they tend to control everything that you do. Because they like to feel superior in every way possible Craving for attention- Gaining attention from the crowd makes them feel loved. They lack self love so they want others to love and admire them! Manipulative conversation- a toxic person always manipulates a situation or truth. Their ultimate goal is to gain sympathy. They confuse you in a way that you start blaming yourself for their mistakes Emotional blackmail - they tend to find your weakness and blackmail you with you most of the times. It would be something like.. I ll kill myself if you leave me , etc. they want to gain the control over everything including you Extreme anger issues - acts of slamming doors, throwing things etc sometimes it might lead to more . The more you stay the more tormented and addicted you feel Yes being with a toxic person is some kind of addiction as smoking cigarettes you know it’s bad for you but you can’t really find a way to leave it. If you re in a relationship with one I urge you to leave and move on. You re letting someone suck the soul out of you and in return you re giving them unconditional love.. not a fair trade I suppose.
November 11th, 2018 3:12pm
A toxic relationship can be hard to identify, and can also be extremely damaging on your mental health in terms of self esteem, trust and anxiety. Generally, these kind of relationships manifest themselves in the form of a partner who puts their own needs above your own. They may often lie about their actions or whereabouts, or go out of their way to put you down and hurt you. The severity of feeling you may be in a toxic relationship should not be undermined, and don't let anyone tell you that you are making it up. If you feel afraid, threatened or undervalued, talk to someone you love and trust about how you are feeling. You are the expert on you, and you deserve a healthy, reciprocal relationship.