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How do I stop missing my ex?

285 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 7:04pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
October 30th, 2020 9:37am
My answer is going to be very blunt. So, it will either hit the bull's eye or miss it completely. So, I apologise if it hurts you in anyway. From what I have observed, missing someone comes in waves: sometimes you are drowning in them, sometimes it's all dry over the place. However, what you need to understand is, the person is your *ex* i.e someone who isn't in your life anymore. There is no way to get them back, all that's left is to just get it over with. You have to let things go. So, I would suggest to respect yourself, get you life back and try to fall in love with yourself. Take time off everything. Go on long soothing walks for *yourself*, dress up, go sight seeing for *yourself*, do things *you* enjoy, any hobbies you wanted to pursue, or any book you have always wanted to read. Spas, salons, hairstyles, make up, anything that catches your attention, makes you feel good, do it. However, there is a significant line I would like you to notice: don't do that to get your ex back or for someone else, do it for yourself. You have been trying very hard, you have been doing a lot for others, it's been painful for you and you have been enduring that for long. Now, you deserve better, you deserve you. You need you, so, take care of yourself, get your life back and plan to get your smile back in the meantime.
January 20th, 2019 9:17pm
From my personal experience, although this may sound a bit extreme. The first step I took was to limit all contact with my ex for a period of time, this meant blocking them on social media so then I couldn't physically see the person, yes they were in my mind but not right in front of my face. Yes this is hard, and at first it feels like torture because for some reason you feel like you just HAVE to see what they're up too, when they were last active etc... Anyway trust me on this, go with it, just try it for a week at least. Secondly, it is important to accept the fact that you will miss this person, they played a significant role in your life and so it is only natural that you miss them. Give yourself time to heal, be patient with yourself, things will get better when you realise that as the days go by you are surviving without them, whether it feels awful or not, you are managing without them. Eventually you will realise you do not need them, whether that's in a weeks time or over a year, allow yourself however long it takes. Thirdly, surround yourself with others: friends, parents, even your pets (dogs and cats are therapy!), you may not feel like it but believe me being around others is a distraction. And lastly, if there really is no one you can spend time with, distract yourself. Go on a long walk whilst playing music (happy music though), sign up to a new dance class, literally anything that floats your boat. Just do something, get back out there because you owe it to yourself, and you deserve it.
May 23rd, 2018 4:18am
No one can stop missing someone who has been very important in his life. It takes time. Keeping your mind busy, meeting new people and learning new habilities helps you getting some perspective and going over it.
January 20th, 2018 11:33pm
Understand that you're actually not missing the person; you're missing the feelings of the good times spent together, and of course who would not want to be feeling good (again)? Life is like reading a book, that relationship is an old chapter, you've now turned the page and it's a new chapter. The old chapter is there, it exists, it's in the past. Time to focus on the present chapter, after all, you have no choice.
June 23rd, 2016 6:42am
It's normal to feel like this.Because you had lots of things together.But you should aware of that you guys broke up.Close your eyes and say it to yourself.I'm not saying it's easy but you can handle it! Also clear things from him/her maybe help too.There are lots of fishes in the sea! And don't forget everthing has a reason.Be calm,be strong,be confident.Everything will be okay !
December 16th, 2020 3:19am
There isn't a concrete way to stop missing someone, exes included. We often feel disenfranchised grief when coping with the loss of a romantic relationship, which means we feel as if we shouldn't feel that grief. Rather, try focusing on growing from this breakup as an individual. What did you take away from this relationship? How can you improve upon yourself because of it? What are your support systems? Things like these will help you along the journey of coping with a breakup alongside what I find to be the most important: allowing yourself to go through the motions. It is far more beneficial to give yourself the time, space, and patience to be vulnerable and allow yourself to miss this person. You not only have lost a significant other, but a number of other associations with that person and the relationship you guys had. You may not have ended on good terms! These are all factors and in that, it could be helpful in the long run to face these emotions now rather than later in future relationships.
November 8th, 2020 11:19pm
You have more control over your mind than you think. When the negative thoughts come flooding in, just kindly ask them to leave you alone because you’re not interested in what they have to say. But really, it starts with you. After a breakup, it’s far too easy to get sucked into a whirlpool of negative thoughts, mostly about yourself. You may ruminate on the fact that you’re not good enough … that maybe he never loved you … that you’ll never find anyone as exceptionally exceptional as him. Stop all of this as soon as possible. These thoughts will only fuel your yearning for him because you think he’s the only one who can make it better. He’s not even in the picture anymore and you’re giving him full control, it’s pretty twisted when you think about it.
November 7th, 2018 7:33pm
I think it is very important to focus on yourself. Get yourself busy - see your friends and family, try a new hobby or fitness class. set up goals for your future and think how you want your life to look like - without including your ex. Do things that makes you happy and delete anything that reminds you of him. Delete sad songs and movies, get rid of things that reminds you of the ex. Exercise is a great way to be happier because of endorphins. It's as easy as getting a walk. If you can - travel, go out and have fun!
April 7th, 2018 5:08am
Its not easy to be honest it all depends on if you are in love with that person or not , and we all know love do not fade too quickly.
March 1st, 2018 7:09am
Can you answer, how do you stop worrying? hardly any person can stop blaming themselves or thinking about something. So the question would be how to go ahead. We have emotions and those emotions help us n also decay us depending on the energy we are holding.
February 28th, 2018 3:05pm
This feels worst than anything specially if your ex was a toxic person yes we do miss toxic relationship.Now if you ask me to be honest this is going to hurt sting burn at initial time of your breakup accept the way you feel and cry out as much as you want beacuse if you numb your pain this is going to hurt you psychologically on long run and we don't want you need to have patience with yourself be kind to yourself,understand it is just a phase and will pass soon you have to have some faith that you are a strong person which you are you just need to believe it.
December 8th, 2017 7:39pm
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss it can be very difficult. People will come and go in your life for the majority of your life you just need to keep your head high and have faith in finding someone else and doing the things you most enjoy to distract your mind
November 23rd, 2017 11:27pm
think back to when you didn't even know your ex existed, to when you were happy.. without them being in your life. no matter how hard it may seem now, remember that at one point in your life you were strong without them, you were happy without them. remember those times and cherish them. because more will come in the future.
August 27th, 2016 5:18pm
Breakups are tough, I understand. The first step is ultimately to grieve. It is okay to mourn this loss. Your feelings shouldn't be dismissed and trying to suppress them can make things harder on you. Cry if you need to let it all out. What you can do is try to avoid having anything around you that reminds you of him, such as his old clothes, the gifts he bought for you, pictures. Also, try to busy your mind and body. You can try to go out for a jog, do something you enjoy, or meet up with friends :) Another thing is to stop checking up on him through social media. You will not be able to get over him, if you are seeing his status updates. Ultimately, focus on other things and taking care of yourself
August 7th, 2016 12:47am
I understand your feelings and I have been in your shoes. I assume that you two haven't had any closure or anything. I suggest that you talk about the past and get some closure. If you still feel the same maybe it's because you had deep feelings for him. If it goes as far as you wanting to harm yourself, contact a hotline or professional person.
August 21st, 2016 1:45pm
There's no true and tried method to stop you from missing anybody, whether it's your ex, a family member or someone who has passed away. What you can do is understand that the loss of someone causes grief, and missing them comes with a lot of mixed feelings and emotions that you might not be used to. Something which can often help is just acknowledging that what you are feeling is natural and giving yourself the space and permission to grieve.
September 20th, 2019 10:14pm
Missing an ex is a human response to loneliness. While I cannot give you an accurate answer based on just this question alone, I can tell you that what you feel is normal. Typically, when you want to get over an ex, then you need to try your utmost best to avoid doing things and being around people that enforce a negative emotion. Try to do something new, like some hobbies that you've always wanted to try but never had a chance to, make more friends and learn a little more about yourself. It is also important to remember that this doesn't come instantly, it will take some time so you need to have patience.
March 25th, 2020 4:05am
I would say what has worked for me is allowing myself to grieve the loss of the relationship as much as I need to for as long as I need to. Only once I've been able to truly sit with my own sadness and grief have I been able to pull myself out of the darkness and begin moving on. Sometimes it takes a lot more time than I want it to, but in the end my brain and body know what they need. At the same time, there are certain days/times when we can't be a giant ball of snot and tears, so for those days I try to distract myself with something uplifting or with self-care and remind myself "we can come back to feeling sad and grieving this loss later, when the time is right." I hope this helps!
March 19th, 2020 2:38am
Remind yourself of why the relationship had to come to an end. Surround yourself with a positive group of friends and a genius support team. Your support team can be the listeners here at 7 cups or you could have your own circle at school or maybe at work. Remind yourself that emotions won’t go away overnight. If you’ve loved a person, you’re not going to just stop feeling that same love for them instantly. Give it time. Distance yourself from them. Distance communication with them, distance their social media accounts so you’re not constantly checking in. Find a hobby to put that same energy into.
January 8th, 2020 4:18am
Unfortunately, there is no button that you can push it. You need to work with yourself. You need to see clear of what you want, of what you need, of what you deserve. Focus on you and love yourself. Spend your time with things that you like to do. There are a lot of things which can do alone or with your friends. Find a reason to wake up in the mornings and do what you really enjoy to do. I know that at first, it may be difficult and you have to push yourself, but after a few days, you start to use it and you really enjoy it. Nothing stays forever. Create new positive thoughts and you will see that you will not have space for something negative in your life.
January 2nd, 2020 6:33am
it is important to know that moving on is a part of life. instead of missing your ex, try to focus on things that distract you in order to get your mind off of them. try doing things that you love, try attempting new hobbies and discovering new things about yourself. spend more time with your friends and family to help you feel less lonely. it’s always important to surround yourself with people who make you smile. they can help you through tough times and you will make it through this time. time heals all wounds. it will get better.
December 18th, 2019 2:32pm
Ask yourself what you truly find captivating about your ex. Then realize that that captivation comes more from *you* than from them. Whatever it is that you especially notice about this person – the combination or looks, traits, aspirations, etc. – has crystalized an inspiration inside of *you* that you get to keep, regardless of whether this person comes or goes. As an exercise, I occasionally line up in my mind all the people I've ever had crushes on, like one enormous family photo of crushes. This tends to drive home for me that my attachment isn't so much to this person or that person, but to something else I instinctively recognize in all of them, and whose blueprint I can possess even with nobody present. The bottom line is: when I focus on the happiness or inspiration itself brought out in me by people, I don't feel as strong a need to reconnect to one particular person to regain those feelings.
December 5th, 2019 11:45am
hhmm, it's hard not to missing our ex, but maybe you can delete all the pictures that you have taken with your ex. everything about your ex should be erase from your life. in that way it will be easier to not missing your ex anymore. or you also can distract your self by doing something new. and stop doing activities you did before with your ex. also... delete all the chats, the messages, social media... everything that make you connect with your ex. well I mean it work on me. I hope it can work on you too. aahh also delete your ex contact phone number. email. ID and everything that you have still about your ex. Good luck
May 3rd, 2019 8:51am
It's natural to miss the connections we makes with others, especially in close relationships. Whilst it's impossible to erase memories, look back on the best bits of your relationship with fondness, but don't live in the past; accept that life moves on and try and focus on the present. The pain of separation is raw at the beginning but does ease over time. Think about what you've learnt from your ex, mistakes you might have made, qualities in them that made a difference, and how you can apply these to your next relationship. It's an exciting new time; where is your journey going to take you next?
March 22nd, 2019 3:58am
In the past, the way that I've been able to get over things that I'm finding are really difficult to get past, I try to look forward to things that I know are going to heal up my soul. Like the fuzzy dog I'm going to have when I'm older and the apartment I'm going to buy all on my own. The places I'm going to visit, the amazing people I'm going to meet. The foods I'm going to try and the nights I'll laugh so hard I'll cry. Perspective, I think, has helped me get over things and people.
April 21st, 2019 8:08pm
Stay busy, learn a new hobby, exercise, spend time with family and friends. Keep your mind busy, express self love and compassion. The emptiness you feel inside is your soul calling to you to love yourself! Thus loving yourself and accepting you are ok without the need to have validation from anyone else will help immensely. It is ok to miss someone but relationships either with Ex's or a current partner need to be from a place of giving freely. All that you gave was given without expectation and all that you will give in the future comes from this same place.
April 25th, 2019 11:02am
Always surround yourself with friends and family; aim to distract yourself. Remember, there was a time you were happy before you met him or her and you can achieve that same level of happiness too. Things always happen for a reason. If this relationship did not work out, it did not for a reason. Learn from your mistakes of what you did wrong in this relationship and how you can be prepared for the next one. If he or she is not the one, someone out there will be the one for you. Just because you haven’t met the one, does not mean you won’t.
May 29th, 2019 2:03pm
In my experience the best thing is focusing on yourself! It's corny and everybody says it, but filling your life with all of the things that make you YOU - hobbies, friends, little adventures, mastering a new skill - can give you (a) real purpose, and (b) distractions while you find ways to live without your ex. Romantic relationships can have profound impacts on us but I've always found that, looking back on how I moved on from an ex, it was the people and things I surrounded myself with that helped. And NOT texting or talking to them or finding excuses to run into them, as hard as that can be.
March 26th, 2020 5:05pm
Missing an ex takes time and mindfulness. Taking time to realize that your not the only one going through this will help you to not feel alone. Trying new things and reaching out to others going through the same thing can open opportunities that you may not have realized before. And always stay in contact with loved ones (family and friends alike) to remind you that you are loved and important. If you dont feel you have people to reach out to, there are plenty of people in the world willing to listen and help. This world isn't dark and it's full of love. Please go out there and find that love.
November 6th, 2019 5:15pm
Focus on yourself is the healthiest thing you can do. Take classes, go to the gym, pick up a new instrument! If it is a particularly rough breakup then take your time slowly because it is okay to feel down sometimes. Set yourself some time (say a week) to gather your thoughts and reflect. Once you feel better start doing new activity to keep all the bitter past behind and hopefully you'll see improvements in your mood. Time will heal everything and filling your time with positive vibes and energy helps a lot. At least that's how I got over my breakups.