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How do I stop missing my ex?

285 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 7:04pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
March 25th, 2020 4:05am
I would say what has worked for me is allowing myself to grieve the loss of the relationship as much as I need to for as long as I need to. Only once I've been able to truly sit with my own sadness and grief have I been able to pull myself out of the darkness and begin moving on. Sometimes it takes a lot more time than I want it to, but in the end my brain and body know what they need. At the same time, there are certain days/times when we can't be a giant ball of snot and tears, so for those days I try to distract myself with something uplifting or with self-care and remind myself "we can come back to feeling sad and grieving this loss later, when the time is right." I hope this helps!
March 26th, 2020 5:05pm
Missing an ex takes time and mindfulness. Taking time to realize that your not the only one going through this will help you to not feel alone. Trying new things and reaching out to others going through the same thing can open opportunities that you may not have realized before. And always stay in contact with loved ones (family and friends alike) to remind you that you are loved and important. If you dont feel you have people to reach out to, there are plenty of people in the world willing to listen and help. This world isn't dark and it's full of love. Please go out there and find that love.
April 1st, 2020 1:23am
Focus on yourself. Try doing something new, something you've always wanted to try. Or maybe go back to doing something you did before you met them and stopped doing. Whatever you do it's important to not give up on yourself. It will be hard, and it will take time. It's okay to be sad, but if you give in to the sadness and give up on yourself, it will not get any better. Remember them, remember the good times, and even use it as motivation to find someone new, to find love again. You just have to give yourself time, and not give up on yourself, because someone else will see how amazing you are.
April 8th, 2020 12:46am
It takes time to stop missing an ex, you have to be very patient. It hurts a lot but over time you will heal and you will slowly stop missing them. For me, it really helps to distance myself from them as much as possible. For example I would start by removing them from social media so that I am not constantly reminded of them, and this gives me more space to move on. Also, it helps to get rid of things you own that remind you of them, like photos you have of them, or stuff they gave you. This means you're not constantly being reminded of them. But again, time is going to heal the most and although it may take a while, eventually you will stop missing them.
April 10th, 2020 4:24am
Don't sulk in your relationship, but also don't push it away. Spend time doing stuff you enjoy with your friends to get your mind off of your ex. By talking to people close to you you'll be reminded that you have a support system and you have people that care about you. Don't push those memories away though; think what about the relationship you liked and didn't like. That way you can grow, identify what might've gone wrong, and be more aware of it for the next relationship. Relationships are all about learning and trying new things, and so carry that through even when the relationship ends.
April 16th, 2020 11:15pm
Well, missing a person who already has decided to end their relationship with you is not good. It is often painful to think about the past when you were happy with that person and wishing to go back to that time. People who miss their ex often blame their break up on themselves. They might think, ‘Would I be still with him/her if I didn’t do ... or say ... then?’, and this is not okay, especially when your break up was on the ex. Even if you miss your ex right now, time will heal you. You will soon get over him/her, so keep living your life!
April 19th, 2020 10:30pm
Appreciate yourself. People miss their exes because of how they made them feel, or the value, love, or laughter they feel they added to their lives. Once someone learns to appreciate themselves on that same level, that feeling of dependence on an ex is much easier to cast off. A sense of belonging, laughter, love, all these things are never bound to one person in particular, especially to an ex. There is power in independence, in convincing yourself that you dont need the ex in order to feel a particular way. If you can achieve this, not only will you become more resilient, but it will better prepare you for future relationships and help in protecting yourself.
April 24th, 2020 9:35am
Missing someone that you no longer come in touch with is completely reasonable. Surviving a breakup looks impossible but after a while it becomes easier and easier. Distracting your mind by doing something creative really helps, but first, it would be really helpful if you sat down and think why did this happen and how you ended up breaking up after all. You'll start realizing that it's not the end not the end of the world. There's always hope after all! Missing someone is not something bad, you just should focus on the pleasant memories had together and now that it's over take some time for yourself and take care of you more in order to recover. It's an opportunity for you to think and to get and to realize some things out of all this experience. Remember that there's always hope and that everything happens for a reason. You're strong and you'll make it.
April 30th, 2020 5:39am
When a person is gone from our lives we can tend to forget things about them. Sometimes we forget the good, sometimes we forget the bad and put them on a pedestal. Everyone is human -- not a saint. Eventually you will stop missing them, but there are ways that people try to do it. Some people write down the reasons that the person is their ex, why it didn't work out, bad qualities/behaviors, etc. Some people find something to keep them busy -- a new activity, hanging out with friends, etc. Some people journal to get all of their feelings out onto paper and to help them get through and understand their emotions. Personally, I have a break up song that is upbeat which cheers me up. Mine is another one bites the dust (because another relationship has ended). The song is upbeat and makes me feel happy. Find a song that does that for you. In general though, if you were in a serious relationship it will take time but you will get through it.
May 20th, 2020 12:59pm
Stay extremely busy, exercise, go out with your friends and take a trip if you can. Best medicine is to travel and see what else you have been missing. After all this and if you feel ready to date go out on dates and meet new people. Once you realize there are many choices out there for you your ex will fade into the background with time. REmember there is always another bus coming so get out there and get busy and have fun. If your ex comes back you will decide if you want to get back together. Give other people a chance and see the delight in variety
May 21st, 2020 8:14pm
Start with deleting any contact of them. Their number or social media handles or whatever. Pick up a hobby. Maybe a new language like French or Spanish. Or try learning the Morse code. Try making a bullet journal. It could be anything which will force you to deviate your energy somewhere else, instead of missing them or wanting to contact them again. When you divert yourself to that activity when you miss your ex, you will see how your energy is being channeled to a better place. And it won't be long before you have learnt a new hobby and made yourself better. That way, not only will it help you get over and stop missing your ex, but it will also give you a new skill to talk about.
May 31st, 2020 1:01pm
This is not exactly a certainty, but since the separation happened, out of your fault or the one of the partner, the only way to move on with the current situation is by giving it time. By giving it time i mean like a month of no contact. This way both are able to recover from the problems caused by the partner. If the party that is guilty for creating the problem inside the relationship is realising the problem and fixing it, after a month this can be tested with a second chance only if the problem wasn't a really big one. We all do mistakes and we all deserve a second chance. As for the eventuality that the two of you wish to fall out completely, then only time is going to stop you from loving that person. Trying to go into another relationship straight after a breakup is going to create problems too. The best way would be to try and recover on your own with friends that can listen to your ranting. If you rant about an old love to your new loved one, this will be a really big issue. I hope this helps everyone, if not then feel free to message me :)
May 31st, 2020 10:05pm
I'll start by saying that it is more than okay to have a hard time getting over your ex or whoever you had an important connection to. You have to let yourself deal with the grief, pain, or to be constantly thinking about it without wanting to. Try to be kinder to yourself in this process, and give yourself time. It can take weeks, months, even years in some cases. Tips: - Start new hobbies - Hang out with beloved ones - Talk about it with someone - Set goals for yourself, improve - Learn new skills Time, patience and a positive energy are key. Good luck !
June 6th, 2020 7:38am
First stop to blame yourself for breakup. Sometimes things didn't work out and that's ok. Try to spend your time in things that makes you happy or distract you it can be watching series, movies, playing games, or even a walk on the street. And always remember you are worth it, you are enough. Stop stalking them, if you can't stop yourself then it's good to block them. Don't scroll through your old pictures. Relax yourself. Don't message them and if they send you a text rply calmly. Don't send them miss you text and how you miss being with them. Just be happy and distract yourself. Breath this shall pass.
June 14th, 2020 9:07am
Missing people we've had relationships with in the past can be a painful experience for anyone going through it for the first time. However, this doesn't mean that there is something wrong with us. The first step in handling missing an ex is to be accepting of these feelings. A lot of times, we put the blame of breakup on ourselves, especially when longing for the other person but simply telling yourself that you are human and you make mistakes can be a starting point. While there is little that can be done to change the past, we can use it to our advantage and learn from the mistakes we/the other person made. Shifting the focus away from self-blame and learning to forgive ourselves, can help us detach unpleasant/unresolved feelings from the breakup and eventually help us in the long run to slowly let go.
July 7th, 2021 12:36am
That's a very hard question to answer. It's not an easy task but you will get through this. The key to getting over or past a relationship is to keep busy. Whether it be friends and family or an outdoor activity by yourself. Keep yourself surrounded by positive influences you can speak to that will listen to you. It is good to talk to people about what is going through your mind. Try not to recluse or stay at home or in your room for days upon days. Do something productive with your free time. Hiking, running, walking, riding a bike, golfing. I meant there is a multitude of activities to do. Overall keep yourself busy and in the presence of friends or family. There's always AA meetings you can go to that will help out as well. Keep your head up. Take that next indicated step forward. This too shall pass. rf
September 29th, 2021 3:25pm
This question seems to be one that is asked quite often. Your ex left an impression on your mind. Your brain has developed pathways and memories surrounding them and so those will be hard to shake. To stop missing an ex, you can take a couple of routes. The first is to acknowledge that you and this individual have broken up for a reason. Identify those reasons and try to remind yourself of why it might not be a good fit. This logical rationalization of your breakup can help you to gain a steady footing while sorting out all the emotional turmoil caused by losing someone. Another great advice that will help tremendously is to remove reminders of this person. This means deleting phone numbers, removing them off social media, getting rid of old photos, etc. These things serve as reminders to your brain and so those "healing" pathways will be reopened with each reminder. It is like picking at a cut and not letting it heal. There is a lot more, but these two things seem to be a good starting place on the road to recovery. I will caution strongly against trying to remain friends with your ex at this time if you still have strong feelings for them- this will only complicate things in your mind and will likely lead to more pain than it will healing (when you spend time with them, it may feel great, but once you're not with them, it will likely feel emptier and more frustrating than before).
September 13th, 2021 8:47pm
First, it is important to acknowledge and valid all your emotions because what you are feeling is completely okay. It is hard to miss someone that you were super close too and one thing that really helped me was keeping busy and surrounding myself with my friends and family. Often times, it can feel like you lost this big part of your life when you break up but another way to look at it, is that you have lived and learned. In addition, you now have more time to focus on what makes yourself happy and work on achieving your own goals. It is definitely hard to keep on thinking about them but surrounding yourself with people who love you will remind you that you have still have so much support and love in your life.
September 13th, 2021 3:24pm
The answer to this is very subjective and the only person who can truly answer this is you. Some people find distraction can be very helpful. For example, some people can find it valuable to throw themselves into a hobby or a club so they don't have the time to think about it. Some people like to form connections with other people, romantically, sexually or platonically. This gives you the opportunity to feel emotions and bonds with others, perhaps even in the way you felt with your ex. This can help some people to recover from missing previous partners as it reminds them they're able to feel this way with others too. Other people may find it helpful to feel the emotions full force and take the opportunity the cry or make themselves hurt more for set periods of time. This can help some people as they feel able to get over the pain if they have the ability to feel the grief of the relationship rather than ignoring their emotions. This method should come with a warning though as it often makes people feel worse as they allow themselves to dwell in the pain of the previous relationship.
September 12th, 2021 12:01pm
Firstly, trying to avoid missing someone really doesn't work. Generally, people try to distract themselves so tehy done have to deal with the emotional turmoil of the separation and so in doing so it only amplifies how you feel about the separation. If you think about how its made you feel, why you feel this way, and dig deep into the emotions of the issue that's where the healing starts. Talking to others helps as well, and realizing that this isn't the end but the beginning of a new life for you. All breakups are emotional and can take time to heal from, so be kind to yourself and learn to be in the moment and relax .
August 28th, 2021 5:10pm
Ending a relationship inevitably creates a physical and emotional void. The best way to cope with that is to fill that emptyness with positive things. You have more time and space in your life to dedicate to hobbies and spend time with friends - or to take up new hobbies and make new friends - so why not do that? It's important to notice that this is a time for emotional fragility. This often leads to seeking someone to quickly replace the one we miss. A more healthy approach is to give yourself time to heal. When the healing is done, you'll be able to think more clearly and make better choices for yourself. It's also important to be gentle to yourself. It is perfectly normal to miss someone who has been a part of your life, even if for a short while. It happens to almost everyone during their lifetime, and it's never easy. When you feel it's too much, know that don't have to take it all alone. There's always someone on 7 Cups who will gladly listen to you.
July 22nd, 2021 11:40am
There's not a trick that would immediately make you 'stop' missing your ex. Obviously, you spent some time together and it's okay to miss them once they're gone. You'll yourself realize that with time, you'll think less about them and things would start to make sense again. It's not a straight path and there will definitely be many barriers in your journey but maybe you'll meet someone else who'd mean more to you than your ex ever did and maybe then, you'll not miss them as frequently and intensely as you do now. You can't do that overnight, that's for sure.
July 17th, 2021 9:12pm
You accept that the relationship has ended, you acknowledge the good, bad and ugly times and you find peace in knowing that you have a good lift to live! It’s important that we don’t forget how amazing it feels to be alone and to be in love with ourselves before anyone else! There might be a million and one things that you loved about that person, but getting closure by having a last conversation, blocking them on all platforms and getting rid of any possessions that remind you of them might be a good place to start! What’s meant to be, will be.
April 1st, 2021 8:03pm
By learning to love myself, fully and wholly. Accepting my mistakes, acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses. Spending time on my personal goals, self-development. Doing the things I love. Focusing on my career goals working on becoming the best version of myself. You will miss you ex, and it will take time to perhaps, eventually stop thinking about them and missing them. If you do feel emotional, do not try to avoid it, or try to discard it. It is best to feel the emotion at the present time, and let it pass. Burying feelings or avoiding them can lead to more complex emotional and mental health issues , that may prevent you from making peace with things.
March 3rd, 2021 9:14pm
it is difficult to move on from someone that you care about. It doesnt matter how long you've been with someone- the connection you have can be intense. or strong and feelings still linger after a break-up. The more you focus on you, the less you will focus on the past. Do things that you look forward to, do things that make you happy and you find joy in. Over time, things will be easier and one day, you will wake up and realize you haven't thought about the ex in a while. When that day comes, you acknowledge and continue to live life as you have.
March 10th, 2021 3:02am
Because the emotions surrounding breakup can be very raw as they happened unexpectedly it can be incredibly difficult to detach from that person you spent your time with regardless of how long or short the relationship was or especially if this was your first romantic relationship. You can find happiness and satisfaction with other things in life - please know this! You can focus your time on hobbies like knitting, drawing, singing, etc. It's also a good idea to surround yourself with people who love and care about you and who you return those feelings for. Giving yourself something else to think about will help you move on without doing anything you might regret. You could also talk to someone close to you like a friend you trust about their experiences with breakups and see if they have any suggestions that would be more personalized to you! If feeling uncomfortable disclosing your thoughts and feelings about your ex with friends there are listeners or online therapists you can communicate with on our site who have personally experienced breakups, relationship stress or have specialized in these areas. I can understand that communicating about a subject so heartbreaking for you can elicit the fear of being judged but sharing experiences can help you develop that inner acceptance of yourself. Relate is an example of a relationship organization to look out for on any support with what your experiencing. To be in a place where you are satisfied without your ex being a part of your life takes time, reassurance and self-compassion!
March 25th, 2021 9:14pm
we all have these struggles, and it's about missing your ex. we are all human and as cliche as this sounds, time heals all. i think the most difficult part about an ex is replaying your memories with them over and over again. even if the relationship was mostly negative, our brain is wired to remember more of the positive memories when someone is out of our lives. i will say, you will be hurting for a bit and you will be in pain. but the best thing you can do for yourself is to work on you, focus on you, and focus on activities that can turn you into a better person.
April 18th, 2021 6:39pm
I know you can’t help it. It’s your emotions, it’s the memories, it’s everything rolled up together. But somehow you need to find a way to move on. Hang out with friends and meet people when you go out, it doesn’t have to be a romantic connection, maybe someone you could catch a movie or grab an ice cream with. You know… a friend... GYM Everyone says physical activity is a great way to get over someone, because it’s true. If you’re feeling stressed and anxious, the best thing you can do is to sweat. This not only slowly puts you into tip-top shape, but it helps release your hormones and reduce your stress and anxiety levels. So, get that playlist ready :)
June 24th, 2021 6:19pm
Accepting and coping with sudden changes in our life can be difficult for most of us. Once you meet someone who you think is the love of your life and your soul mate we can have a harder time letting them go. Engaging in activities that we enjoy and that keep us busy is one way of dealing with this. Learn to enjoy other things, activities, meet new friends, take a trip solo, re-discover yourself. You might not stop missing your ex instantly but at least you can learn to move on and to hold on what really matters: yourself
October 6th, 2021 3:21pm
We all know that it is truly hard to forget someone, especially when that special someone used to or still means something to us. So, in order to stop thinking or missing your ex, you should first start to set into your mind that your ex is gone. It's in the past and we can only hold onto their memories but not their physical form anymore. So to do that, we should possess acceptance. Accept and try to take small steps forward. Focus on doing other things or maybe try to learn a new hobby. Focus yourself on your dreams and passion. And by that, little do you know. You've moved on completely and the thought of him/her doesn't want to make you weep on your bathroom floor. :)