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How do I tell my boyfriend I'm not happy?

307 Answers
Last Updated: 06/08/2022 at 7:13pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc


I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.

Top Rated Answers
July 26th, 2018 12:09am
Communication is the key for a healthy relationship. Don't worry, if he loves you he wants you to be happy too and will listen to you.
July 27th, 2018 5:17am
i am so sorry that you are not happy. i feel that direct communication works best in most cases. i say most cases because i don't know the nature of your relationship and if being honest would put you in any danger of abuse then i would not recommend it. If you feel safe to talk openly and honestly, then i myself would ask to talk to him and tell him i am unhappy. It would hopefully lead to a conversation where a mutual solution can be found. IF you are in an abusive relationship, please seek help. 7 Cups has any resources available here. i hope this helped! #biglove
July 29th, 2018 12:52am
Tell him by texting if its hard to tell face to face tell him that you feel a missing part which he cant replace
August 12th, 2018 6:18am
You tell them it’s not them, but it’s you. Tell them you’re not happy in the relationship and you’d like to move on.
September 6th, 2018 10:58pm
The best way to tell someone you are not happy, is honestly. Some times we have to put our selves in uncomfortable situations in order to get things off our chest. Things like that are never easy, so we will always feel anxious, nervous, etc because we do not know how the other person is going to relax. Also, your partner deserves to know you are not happy. He may not be aware, and might not know the adjustments he needs to make. Be honest, be calm, and let him know, so you can both be happy in the relationship.
September 8th, 2018 5:20pm
Open communication in a relationship is very very important. Boundaries too, if you’re not happy in the relationship. I think it would be best to discuss those feelings. And see how the both of you feel about it, and maybe what the both of you can do to change that, and or improve! But as one of my favourite sayings “You Can’t Force Love”. If you don’t feel as if it’ll work, or there is no feature. You need to be open and honest, tell them how you feel. I wish you the best of luck, take care and stay safe! ❤️
September 14th, 2018 7:53pm
The first step is being open and honest with yourself. Why are you not happy? Are you recieving the love you need from the relationship? Is there something your boyfriend can do to improve the relationship? What can you do to improve the relationship? Everyone has a different love language and you must share your language with your SO and pay attention to his as well. After evaluating your thoughts and feelings, share them with your boyfriend and find a solution together. Remember it's okay to have these feelings. The goal is to resolve them in a proactive manner.
September 26th, 2018 6:01am
I organize my thoughts and tell him firmly how I’m not happy. Try to communicate to see if there’s a way for both of us to be happy about the situation. If it works out. Great! Because every relationship requires work. Only the one who cares about are willing to do the work with you because he cares. If not, obviously he doesn’t care about me especially when I tell him I’m not happy. Then I would probably break up with him. Nothing is more lonely than being with someone but still feel loneliness. There’s always someone better out there. I rather be single than be with the wrong persona and unhappy for the rest of my life.
October 10th, 2018 8:26am
Honestly just tell him straight up. Is he not making you happy enough? Or are you just not happy in the relationship? Either way he deserves to know. Maybe you guys can work it out. But just tell him how you are feeling. You shouldn’t be afraid to tell him, just find the perfect time to sit down and talk about it.
November 4th, 2018 4:09pm
It's always a hard thing, to tell someone you love, that you have a problem. But you have to be brave. Because the key is communication. If you don't communicate than you will stay unhappy, but if you tell him straight, but sure not in a harsh way, your problems, you can work on it together and find the right solution. So don't be afraid of speeking, especially if you love someone, because they will understand, all of us have some problems sometimes, and the easiest way to solve it is to aks for help, and the best way is to ask the person you have the problem with, so you both can do something about it.
November 9th, 2018 9:47pm
In an honest and calm way. It’s a difficult conversation for both of you and to tell him this in a way to avoid further issues you need to be respectful and honest. It’s a situation of putting yourself in his shoes, how would you want to be told and treated if it was the other way round? I just feel approaching it this way makes you a big person and it can lead to a much better future and block out any unnecessary drama which isn’t good for anyone. Don’t forget, even if it’s changed now, this person was special to you at one point.
January 12th, 2019 3:15am
By simply telling him. It can be hard to accept it but communication is a key. You cannot expect him to just know you're unhappy and change something. The more you'll you will hide it yourself, the more you're making yourself endure it and have him be clueless. No one can read minds, if you expect a change in a relationship, you've to make your needs clear. In a relationship its always about compromise and adjusting, if neither of the partners do anything, the relationship won't go any further. I know I have been there and it did not end well for me, I expected my partner to just understand my silence but not only was that an unrealistic expectation from him, it made me even more upset when he didn't meet it. Sometimes we make things difficult than they already are and it serves no good to anyone. I hope it helped.
February 2nd, 2019 6:13pm
Do not be too direct towards him. State the major things that you are not satisfied about. Make sure he understands how you are feeling. Relationships may not work out if one of you are unsatisfied. It can be hard because he'll become upset. But it just won't work out. Try your best to let him understand that you are upset. Do not be too harsh or show him too much negative emotions. Let him learn a bit more about you so he may try to work things out a bit as well. If he does not care, most likely he's not worth it.
March 10th, 2019 10:42am
Communication is key in any relationship. We need to communicate our thoughts and feelings constantly especially with those we are close with. Bottling up is very unhealthy and may build up and burst out in a quite ugly manner. We tend to look for complex problems to solutions whereas sometimes it's the simplest answer, communicate. This might seems quite hard to do sometimes, but we need to realise that the only way we can allow others to understand us and satisfy our need of being understood is when we let them know how we're feeling, whether its negative or positive or somewhere in between. Our communication deeply affects the course of our relationships and their outcome. While it might seem easier to convey our happiness, negative feelings or unhappiness, uncomfortableness and so on are just as important to share. This allows room for change and growth not only individually but together. Keeping this in mind, it's important that we let them know as softly and kindly as possible without hurting their feelings or being rude, be honest but not arrogant. Remember that they too are just as human and prone to feeling as you are. There's a reason for everyone being a particular way. But either way, that's not an excuse for hurting someone or behaving unacceptably, if this is the case. Let your partner how you feel as gently as you can and put it across that both your happiness is important for you two as people and as well as your relationship together. If amends can be made and you two are willing to work on them, that's wonderful. If not, sometimes we outgrow people and that's okay, it's all an opportunity to learn and grow. It might seem hard and painful but at the end of day, that's the only way we learn and grow.
April 26th, 2019 6:42pm
I think it's important to have an honest conversation with yourself, before you have one with your boyfriend. It maybe valuable to you to have some clarity about the nature of your feelings. If you know you're feeling unhappy, do you know what might be contributing to these feelings? Do you feel that your boyfriend's behaviour or personality is contributing to to your unhappiness? The clearer you can be when you tell your boyfriend about your feelings, the more likely it is that your boyfriend will understand, and try to empathize with you and look for way to help you feel better. Also note that it is entirely possible that your boyfriend has already noticed some signs or symptoms of your unhappiness, and because of that, he may already have made some conclusions of his own for the reason of your unhappiness. So this may complicate the conversation a little bit, if he already has some preconceived notions. So it's important to be a ware of that possibility, before you start the conversation.
May 1st, 2019 6:23am
Be honest and say it nicely. Tell him why you’re not happy and come up with solutions on how to solve your reason why your not happy together. Also ask him if he’s happy. And make sure to address those issues too. Be very trusting and communicate with him. If there’s something you don’t like tell him. If there’s someone you don’t like tell him it will make him trust you more and it will built your relationship. Always trust your partner. If you see that you are losing trust address it right away because it’s very important I’m a relationship
June 12th, 2019 7:10pm
before you tell him think about what has made you unhappy and prepare yourself how he will react. Meet him face to face so you can see his reactions when you tell him, make sure it is in a place you are comfortable to be open to him. Communication is always a key in a relationship. Once you tell him listen to what he has to say openly. He may be upset about what you've said but you need to keep in mind that you have feelings about how he has made you feel and your feelings deserve to be acknowledged.
June 22nd, 2019 3:07pm
Letting someone know your feelings is tough. They might be just as confused or unhappy about the situation as you are so it’s important to pick a comfortable time and place to have a discussion as to why you are feeling this way. It might not be just a straight out I’m not happy because that can leave your significant other overwhelmed and can bring out some reactions or emotions that aren’t beneficial to the situation. It’s shouldn’t be a time to blame but to just respectfully converse about all aspects of what is causing you to be unhappy. Once you are ready at a stage where you feel safe you should let them know how you feel.
July 7th, 2019 11:37am
It is inevitable that we will experience some unhappiness in relationships, being hurt or disappointed is a natural part of being human. The most loving way to express this is to do so vulnerably. Avoid criticising anything that he does or saying anything about him, as this may cause him to try to defend himself or his behaviour. Instead, always use statements beginning with the word "I" to openly share how YOU feel about an aspect of the relationship. You can never go wrong expressing how you feel, because when our partners tell us genuinely that they are unhappy, we have a natural striving to satisfy them, because we love them.
July 11th, 2019 10:16am
This is something I have struggled with for a very long time. In the end, the relationship completely fell apart just because there was a lack of communication, I didn’t know how to communicate those feelings to him, because I feared he wouldn’t understand. I think it’s important that you do let your boyfriend know that you’re unhappy, and not just imply it, but communicate it loud and clear. Even if he doesn’t understand or is confused about it, you know that you have expressed yourself and have been open with the way you’re feeling. That is always a key to everything in a relationship- communication.
July 17th, 2019 9:59am
Simply by saying it. Try to open a conversation without trying to accuse him or put any guilt on either of you. Try to have an honest conversations about how you feel and how you would like to work together on this. Don't try to just give subtle hints, they might not catch on and will leave you both frustrated. If you feel talking isn't as easy, try to prepare by talking to some friends or family first. Don't be afraid, if you're in a loving relationship this there should be room for this and only make your relationship stronger. You can do it!
August 2nd, 2019 3:03pm
this can be hard, especially if it's hard to describe what's making you unhappy. the first thing is: there should be no pressure for you to be happy if your needs aren't being met. you don't need to adjust your standards! I would take a couple steps to make sure you're both in a conversational space that's relaxed, uninterrupted, and sincere. It can also help to make a list of things you need to talk about. It could be as simple as a list of your needs that are not being met. Be open to their response, but also make sure that you are being validated, heard, and taken seriously. I don't think it's possible to hurt someone by telling them that you have needs that are not being met. it's your responsibility to meet those needs, not theirs, and having an honest conversation like this one is a good, proactive way to look out for your self!
August 3rd, 2019 2:45pm
Tell him that you need to talk to him privately. And let him know how you are feeling, if it’s the relationship itself that you are unhappy with, let him know, or on the flip side, if it’s him that makes you unhappy, let him know. If you tell him in a manner that’s explaining and not blaming that’s a good way to tell him your feelings and thoughts. Good communication is key to be in a relationship that you want to be in. Also if he has concerns let him talk as well. When you talk to him, let him wait till you are completely done telling him how you feel.
August 10th, 2019 9:47am
Telling someone how you feel isn't so easy ,because it all comes with a reaction. How people react will also determine ,whether we feel better or not. So its important to have in mind that the conversation may go either way. Its however also important that you have good intentions before telling your boyfriend how you feel,do you want him to feel guilty about something or do you genuinely just want support from him. Sometimes going without expectations is safe ,as you are open to any reaction. Going back to the question, the best way to tell him is in a calm manner ,clearly explaining to him why you feel unhappy and also explaining to him why you are telling him ( What you hope to achieve through the conversation) about your feelings . Try not to argue and be calm throughout the conversation ,say what you feel and allow him to share whatever he needs to. Validate each others emotions ,try not to justify too much ,as that leads to misunderstandings. ^-^
September 11th, 2019 6:16pm
just be straight up. honesty is the best policy. they will probably want to talk about it all so figure out what it is that has made you not happy and help them to understand. If you are wanting to break up with them then make sure not to put any blame on them and just apologise. Its nobodies fault this has happened, it just has. just be gentle and keep the conversation calm and civil. it will be a lot easier that way to be able to talk together about it properly. As this is very important. they will thank you for being honest in the long run. and you will also be glad for being honest
October 11th, 2019 12:55pm
Go with him to a place were he is feeling comfortable. Tell him your Problem without criticizing him. Be Honestly even if its hard to tell him. Think about what you want to tell him before. Even if only 10% of what you think about before comes out of your mouth while you talk to him. Its always good to think about what you want to tell him before. When he is a nice person to you he will understand and you can work on it. And if not you will feel free after that. You only live once so don't waste time on People who don't want to work out things with you.
October 26th, 2019 9:52am
Be as gentle as possible, the likelihood is that it’s as difficult a time for him as it is for you. With patient discussion I’m sure you’ll both come to the agreement that a relationship is not appropriate where both parties are not benefiting, and separating will help you grow and mature as individuals better than if you remained together. I’m sure you’re going to be okay, it takes a lot of strength to admit that your situation isn’t ideal, considering how easy it would be to just remain in the same cycle constantly, but you know that change is inevitable and that is a very healthy outlook on life. I wish you a very happy life and I hope both of you will overcome this with minimal heartache, but if you do, just remember that moving on now will save you from future pain. Best of luck!
November 17th, 2019 6:20pm
It's not an easy thing to tell someone when you feel this horrible emotion. There is no right or wrong way to say it. In my opinion, I would just say that you should say that currently you aren't happy in the relationship and express how you want things to change between you two. The best thing to do in this situation is to explore why you might not be happy in the relationship and see what you both can do to change how things currently are. It's a horrible and uncomfortable feeling to bare on your shoulders but as always, if you need to share these feelings but you can't tell your boyfriend yet- then we are always here to listen on 7 cups. We want to support you and make you feel that you can be heard when it's so hard to speak.
November 28th, 2019 12:44pm
I've had to do this before, and to be honest it wasn't easy. But ultimately you need to do what's right for you. If you're not happy, sit down with him and say that as much as you've enjoyed your time together, it's just not the right fit. It doesn't make you a bad person to want to find happiness 💕 Please remember that. A lot of us stay in an unhappy relationship because we don't want to hurt the other person. But, they sacrifice their own happiness. I did this for 3 years! I'm never getting those 3 years back. So please make the right decision for you. It's time to be selfish. Thank of yourself and start living again!
January 11th, 2020 7:10pm
you tell your boyfriend that you are not happy by your actions and words. but try to communicate and try to express your feelings as best as possible so that your bf could understand and not make him confused. Try not to confuse him because it could make him mad or something like that.Try talking to him as a friend and try to specify the reason or reasons you are unhappy. But i know what may work for some may not work for others. But if you were in his position how would you like him to describe to you his unhappiness?