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How do you deal with the temptation to contact your ex?

296 Answers
Last Updated: 06/13/2023 at 9:32am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brenda King, PsyD


I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.

Top Rated Answers
August 23rd, 2018 5:10am
It really depends on how the relationship ended. Some people leave in such good terms they are even friends after the relationship has ended. If this is not the case I think it is a good idea to ask yourself what is it that I want to accomplish by calling him/her. If after this you still stand your temptation then just mentally prepare for what might come by this I mean either rejection or acceptance. If wanting contact is all emotional versus logical just go along with it and get it out the way. Who knows you might like the results or you may not but at least you will not be wondering what would had happened if I would had called.
September 13th, 2018 10:36pm
if i ever get tempted to message my ex i write a list of pros and cons of messaging them. from this list i pick out 3 important ones which stand out the most. these 3 things will go towards if i message them or not. most of the time i dont message them but if i feel the strong urge to i will send them a text about something completely random and if they respond and hold the conversation then i say what i need to say and then if they ignore me then i tend not to message them again unless they message me first.
September 15th, 2018 12:36pm
If i get the temptation to contact my ex, the things i do are 1. remember everything that he has said or done to me that was not acceptable 2. read old messages of when he was being nasty to remind me that its not okay and I should not go back to that If that doesnt work then the best thing to do is divert your mind onto someone or something else, there is always another way. Dont contact an ex ..arent they an ex for a reason? if you do fall and contact them then dont sit and be annoyed at yourself for that, that is also a bad thing to do, just don't contact them again but tell them it was a mistake that you contacted them so they know you didnt mean it and dont want any further contact.
September 19th, 2018 3:18pm
The ending of an announcement is quite difficult. With the passing of time or for the sake of old times, or because we are going through a difficult time or for some other reason, we have the desire to call the person who once had a very important role in it. Whenever you have the urge to call your ex, think about why you ended up with him or her and whether you want to go back to the same situation you were in or if you want to open the wound again. Most of the time people call on the ex to have a false sense that things do not change and that everything remains the same but the best way and to face the challenges and get them to overcome them. Regardless of how they ended up and in what terms they were after that, you need time to think about yourself and what you are going to do, but in the future, the former may be a great pillar in your life, but initially you need to move away so you do not create an illusion in your head that does not exist.
September 30th, 2018 9:08am
It's totally fine it happens with alot of people who is still not over their exes maybe you should try Clearing your head and try to occupy yourself with something else. Maybe go out there, meet new people. If you think the relationship will be fixed if you really love them if you think it would work why not contact them.
October 4th, 2018 10:44pm
Everyone feels that way when we break up with someone, which I can't blame you. When you share time, and very intimate moments with someone and all of a sudden it's gone, a lot of the times we want to do anything to have that back to do anything we can to fix it and have things go back to normal. I understand, unfortunately, when people break up and nothing's able to be done to fix things, a lot of the times we really have to convince ourselves it's for the best and that we will find someone better for us. A lot of the times, it'll take people a long time to move on, and that's okay. But, I do suggest sit yourself down or even speak about this with friends or even a therapist if you have one or want to seek one and try to write out reasons why you shouldn't be tempted to contact your ex and why you two broke up was a good thing. It might help you move on and be happier faster and better. I wish you the best of luck.
October 7th, 2018 4:53pm
Well, in the beginning it will be kind of hard but you have to find ways to occupy your time and as time goes on you will not feel as strong about trying to contact your ex. Time seems to heal a broken heart and being active tend to get your mind off of things that troubles you. It will be different for everyone how they get over their ex. For me I just keep busy and refuse to give in to the temptation, no matter what you do you cannot allow gasoline to be poured on a sparks because all it will do is ignite and cause a explosion that is not worth the energy or time trying to clean it back up. So, try to be patient and allow the right one to come along for you.
October 14th, 2018 1:51pm
Pick up a hobby and form new habits. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Very true in this case. Learn a new sport or try anything new. Find something to be passionate about. No one deserves you as much as you deserve yourself. Pamper yourself and work hard to be the best at what you do. The best way to avoid doing something stupid like that is to consciously train your mind to distract yourself. And you have to genuinely be interested in your new activity. Don't let your world revolve around someone who doesn't care about your existence.
October 22nd, 2018 8:06pm
Well, to answer that question I would try to give a short advice which I try over myself and it really helps.... You have to list all the negative points of your ex, for example how they made you feel, or their activity which you didn't like, how you couldn't be yourself while with them etc. and then save that in the gallery or in notes or in home screen of your phone. So when you will open your phone to contact them that will catch your eye and then will stop you from contacting and getting back to that life AGAIN!!!
November 17th, 2018 4:35pm
Sometimes contacting an ex is very tempting for many reasons. Someone may be very lonely want to talk with someone they once loved, sometimes someone wants someone to flirt with, or maybe someone wishes that things could have been different with an ex and they play the "what could have been" game. For me, every time I want to contact an ex, I try to remind myself the reasons why that person and I are not together anymore. It's easy to romanticize the good times we share with people. But I always ask myself, "Why did you break-up with this person?" Most of the time, the reasons and memories of what went wrong come back to me. And then, I remind myself that I have come so far without this person, and I do not need them in my life anymore. Sometimes I will say a prayer for my ex, and then I try to focus on the here and now. Long story short, I remember how I used to feel being with that person, and then I look at how I feel now.
November 22nd, 2018 8:28pm
It takes a long time and a lot of willpower and needs a focus on the long term - things definitely will get easier. It’s hard to think about it right now but there will come a day when you don’t have any temptation to contact them - in fact the thought of contacting them will be the furthest thing from your mind. Every time you have the temptation, spend the time doing something for yourself instead. Try a hobby, self care, mindful meditation or complete some steps on your 7 Cups path! Spending time taking care of yourself is key - and realizing just how strong you are
November 24th, 2018 12:59pm
You deal with the temptation to contact your ex by meeting new people. You have that temptation because you are not over your ex yet and you really do need to move on if you want to be happy again. I would say that you should go out with new people, meet new friends even and maybe, just maybe, allow yourself to, once again, fall in love. Your ex probably hurt you, so it might not be healthy for you to contact your ex once again. Wish you the best of luck, though, dear. I know it can be hard!
December 5th, 2018 4:06am
I understand that it is hard to avoid contact between you and an ex. Exes often times become such a huge part in our lives at some point that we will always care for them or wish to contact them. Evaluating the pros and cons of texting them is a good place to start. However also remember how the relationship was before you broke up, if it ended on a bad note then you will only hurt yourself trying to revive something that has such a downfall. You must choose what you feel is right for you and take time to truly decide what you want to do
December 21st, 2018 4:30am
I remind myself of all the things she has done to me and use that anger and frustration as fuel for a HIIT Gym Workout. The reason why I miss my ex is because she reminded me of what it felt like to be loved and supported. I gave her love and support and she failed to reciprocate, that can be either manifested as anger used as fuel or sadness used to deepen the hole in my heart. Only I choose. Only sadness will make me weep and obsess for the affection of the woman who deceived me because she could, whereas anger would only remind me of the damage she has caused and how much better I am than her.
January 5th, 2019 7:46pm
One way I have found is that when the urge to contact an ex creeps up, I think of it as an exchange of power. By reaching out and contacting them, I have paced the ball in their court to respond or not respond. That is in itself an exchange of power. I have given them the power to potentially effect me, whether it be by rejecting me, or speaking angrily to me, or attempting to talk their way back into a relationship that I might not want with them. By contacting them I have opened up all these possibilities and given them power.
January 6th, 2019 6:54am
When I get tempted to contact my ex, I think about why our relationship ended. It may satisfy your impulses to speak to your ex, but it doesn't do anything but hurt you. When you look back at why your relationship didn't work out in the first place, it makes it easier to stop the temptation. It reminds you of the reasons why you were broken up in the first place. When you are reminded of these reasons, you realize that contacting him or her won't make you feel any better on the inside. Deep down, you'll realize that your reaching out may just be habitual and it doesn't do anything to further your happiness.
January 13th, 2019 2:46pm
To deal with the temptation to contact my ex I Remember all that they did in the past to me that made me feel hurt, embarrassed, sad or humiliated and then remind myself that I am always deserving of respect, dignity and kindness and if people don’t give me that I need to cut them out of my life and find people who are worth being around. I do not owe people who do not respect me for who I am anything, and putting myself first sometimes is not selfish. I remember that I need to find the person right for me, and if that takes time that’s alright.
January 18th, 2019 7:23pm
I put myself in the mindset that as much as I am a new and changed person, so are they and I'd never want to take steps back or make them take steps back from their growth as well. Evidently, we want to keep the contact because it was something important to us, but the connection we felt is not the person it was the relationship. You don't need the reassurance from that person. Whenever I feel tempted to contact my ex I think about all of the new parts of me they don't deserve to know. I think of all of the things I could do for myself instead.
January 19th, 2019 5:15am
I have a six month rule. I do not speak with, or contact my exes for at least six months after breaking up. I have my best friend whom I deemed a the negotiator and she would basically handle any imperative communications like: "I need this stuff back". It sounds ridiculous, but out-of-sight, out-of-mind, have to prune the neurons, break down the pathways in the brain that lead back to thinking about my ex. The break up was going to be on my mind enough without speak/seeing them. So, in the past I would start off by writing that text, but instead of sending it to my ex, I would send it to myself, or a friend (my best friend really) whom I had designated as the negotiator after a bad break-up. Sometimes the text would get long, passionate, angry, descriptive. If it was really good, I'd transcribe it into a word document and before I knew it, it was a poem. Over time I'd keep every edited copy, and see how my feelings changed over time and remind myself how I grew and learned from pain. Now, I just kind of read these poems and remind myself, "don't do it."
April 3rd, 2019 4:45pm
I would take a bath, work out, dance around the house to music, read a book, practice meditation, go for a walk and listen to music. Anything to take your mind off of the ex, but also anything that gets you up and moving or something that you love so you dont fall into a slump thinking about said person. When your in a better head space reflect on why you want to contact your ex, but also think about why this person is your ex, was there hurt, was there pain in the relationship. Think would we be healthy back together.
April 21st, 2019 12:39am
There are many ways you can deal with the temptation of contacting an ex. Attempt to distract yourself. This can be achieved by starting a new hobby, especially those that use your hands. Some examples of this include; craft, baking, cooking, sports and art. You should also confide people close to you such as friends or family, even if they never met the person. You can do this in person, or simply call them instead of your ex. List reasons why calling your ex is a bad idea to help with this as well. The next option is to meditate. Clear your mind and get rid of these unwanted thoughts. Block everything out and envision yourself in your happy place, whether that be a physical place, an imaginary world, or with specific objects/people.
May 22nd, 2019 2:07am
whenever I feel like contacting my ex, I will always ask myself to wait for my ex to make this initiative. And the longer I wait, the more I know that it's over. I then feel better and grateful that I did not make the first move. It is tough, but I've did well for almost 2 years now. I still thought about my ex and memories we had together, but it became not as bitter as before, my mind is clearer and knew that being separated is good for both of us, I believe we both moved on and is going to be better in the future despite not contacting each other.
May 23rd, 2019 3:17pm
Your exes are your exes for a reason. You tried with them before, things did not go well, and now they are either no longer in your life or in a much different role. Remind yourself why you broke up in the first place. That thing about them or the relationship that caused you to break up? It's still there and unresolved. You can look at the aspects of that relationship that DID work and that you liked and use it to help you find your next SO. The desire to get back to them is generally this desire to go back to a time when things "made sense". So when you get that urge to contact them again and pick up where you left off, ask yourself: do you miss the PERSON or the MEMORIES. The answer is it is probably the latter.
June 1st, 2019 1:27am
Missing your ex is a normal stage of a breakup. And it’s perfectly fine to miss them, you have every right to feel what you’re feeling. Emotions aren’t a bad thing. For some people, befriending their ex is a good thing and can actually end up being beneficial. But for others, it’s better they remain distanced. The main reason I would say it’s better to distance yourself, is because (if they broke up with you), you don’t want to risk the pain again. So, in order to handle the temptation, I would block all of their contact information so that it’s not optional.
June 7th, 2019 6:31am
Realize it truly is not worth it. Unless you are on good terms, it is fine to check up on them. Otherwise think about exactly why you want to do it and what contacting your ex is going to achieve. What are you going to gain from it? Why was it that you broke up in the first place? I haven't a had a break up, but I have definitely wanted to get back in touch with people I have cut off. I always thought it over and realized there is no point in doing that with people that I'm not sure care for me. It's best to spend that energy speaking to people that care about you and vice versa.
June 13th, 2019 3:48am
This can be a very difficult situation to deal with but the way i dealt with it was first and most important keep yourself busy, do things you enjoy doing , thoughts will keep coming in your head but i know its hard but you have to acknowledge the thought and let it pass. Other ways social media makes us curious about our X's as well so i would make sure all social media contact possibles are gone if you cant control yourself even going to the length of needing to block then that might also need to be done .
June 20th, 2019 7:30pm
If you ever feel like talking to your ex, or replying to him/ her if they text you, remember all the bad things that have happened between you two, the reasons behind you not being together. Remind yourself of the reasons why not texting him/ her is best for both of you, remind yourself how better you'd feel once you're over them and successful without them. Believe in yourself and be strong. Maybe you miss them now but if you go back and text them and the bad reasons that drive you apart are back, you'll regret texting them and blame yourself, you're better off without that.
July 7th, 2019 1:20am
You need to distract yourself with something else whenever the temptation to contact your ex comes up. Something that will turn your focus off of your ex and onto something else. Tell yourself that you are not going to fall victim to this temptation and don't allow yourself to give into it. My advice to you is that you do your best to stay strong and that you put steps in place that will allow you to persevere. It will be hard, but overtime it will become easier, and easier, and easier. And eventually the temptation to contact your ex will cease to exist and will no longer be an issue.
August 25th, 2019 1:29am
I tell myself they’re not worth it. They’ve hurt me, my family, and my friends. They don’t deserve my time, and their lies will always remain as lies. I feel so much better being by myself, I don’t have someone else controlling my life, or manipulating me into being someone who I never wanted to be. I miss them a lot, and that’s normal, but I remember how I felt being in that relationship, and remember why I left. If you feel unsafe with your partner, the relationship is obviously toxic and not good for you. I learned that the hard way. I wish I never stayed.
September 12th, 2019 3:40pm
If I am ever tempted to contact my ex, I first ask myself if that’s really the best thing I can do for myself. My mental health should always come first, even if they seem down or are pressuring me. I might play my music or do some exercise and ask myself again a little while later, and this helps me feel like me and think with a clearer head. This way, I can remind myself more easily of the consequences of messaging them. Thinking logically is the best way to avoid any shame, embarrassment or upset that I might feel if I decide that it’s a bad idea to message them after all.