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I can't get over my divorce. What should I do?

186 Answers
Last Updated: 06/12/2022 at 10:11pm
I can't get over my divorce. What should I do?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
December 2nd, 2018 8:14pm
Start with a new project. Go step by step without being fixed on the outcome. Do the things that you did before the marriage. Do something fun. And then when you feel pain. Choose to embrace it. Sit with it. Feel how it feels. Feel the loneliness and marry yourself. Start to be the person you are looking for. Sit in front of the mirror and just look into your eyes. Get in touch with yourself and your own inner light. Bless the marriage you had. And know that you are fine alone. You are complete already. And the only place where there is love is inside of you. Connect to your heart.
December 19th, 2018 12:25am
First, you can start by by reaching out to those who will support you through this trying time. Surround yourself with positive people who care about you and your well being. (And by the way, it was very bold of you to connect 7 cups for help!) Secondly, get involved with something you ENJOY. Do you like gardening, working out, or are you a sports fan? Whatever it is, go ahead and engage yourself in this activity. It will not only benefit you physically, but emotional as well. And if you need more help, feel free to contact me again.
January 26th, 2019 10:07pm
Sometimes when the ideals we hold for a situation are not realized, one can get stuck. This is a part of grieving. Grieving what could have been or what might have been, when a significant relationship ends, it can shake us to the core. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with grief and you should take as much time working through this change as possible. Grief is not linear and everyone grieves differently. Whatever your path, the ultimate destination for loss is acceptance. The common first step for grief is doing what you are doing when you asked this question. And that is acknowledging your feelings. By saying you "cant get over" your divorce you are acknowledging a problem and that is a good thing. You may seek out counseling to better process these feelings or confide in a trusted friend who has maybe been through this process before.
February 22nd, 2019 4:52pm
So you must be feeling upset and quite down. I think a good thing to do is to talk about it and tell someone how you are feeling this will lift a huge weight of your chest and make you feel like you are less alone. If you are ever feeling blue come to seven cups and talk to a listener. Another thing you could do is do things to take your mind off it. This could be starting a new hobby focusing on a hobby or spending more time with friends and family, not only will this give you something to do and take your mind off it it will also make you happier
March 22nd, 2019 9:06pm
I also struggled with my divorce as well. The only thing I can offer is to seek counseling. It really helped me. I went weekly for abut 2 months and then monthly for a few months. Altogether it took me about 2 years to fully get through my divorce. So, I can truly tell you it will take some time for you too fully recover. Just try taking it one day at a time and if that does not help, you might need to go to the doctor and get something to help you with stress and depression. It is nothing to be a shame about because over 14.5 million people suffer from mental health issues. And it will only be a temporary thing until you get things back to under control.
April 5th, 2019 5:19pm
Accept the fact that it's over, not to sound hard or something but i'm sure it was for the best. Love yourself, take care of your self because you deserve it
April 7th, 2019 8:02pm
Divorces are definitely not easy to get over, but you can do it. When you feel you can't get over something it is best to distract yourself. You have years upon years to move on from it, to go out and do things and eventually forget about it. But for right now the best thing to do for yourself is open yourself up to new activities and ideas. Coping skills or new hobbies are good distractions. There will be times when you think about it, but the divorce happened for a reason and you should remind yourself that you don't have to have a partner to be amazing, successful, or happy for that matter. You can be independent and do things on your own. Find yourself, write poems, paint, draw, go out with friends. Don't do anything dangerous though, like drink, drugs, self harm, or anything of that nature. If you need more help on this subject 7 Cups offers licensed therapist help. I hope this helped, you are loved and welcome on this platform. Talk to me if you need anything else.
March 17th, 2022 1:38pm
Where there are so many feelings and much disappointments then ithink i should consider to meet a therapist it could be useful he/ she might help me to figure it out about the things that i can not really get over it coz there is always another way to look at the things with and i might missed that one. Talking to a specialist makes it easier than taking all on my own i might talk to my family they could be helpful too to make me understand my situation exactly i might try to do some new interests maybe sports or activity i never tried before
April 13th, 2019 3:58pm
Reconnect with yourself and what YOU love to do. Try to find what it is that defined you before you got married. Book your time up with supportive people such as family and friends and do things that will distract you from thinking about your divorce constantly. Remember that you are not alone. The more you speak to other people, the more you will realize that others have similar situations that you will relate to. This will help to see that there's life after divorce. In many cases people discover that they are starting a new chapter with more insight and love for themselves than they ever had before. Its empowering once you realize that you are not alone and that it's going to be okay.
July 28th, 2019 6:56am
Divorces are difficult. While I am a teenager, I will compare this to a breakup I have gone through. I am sure it is nothing like mine but I will do my best to relate to this question for you :) My ex-girlfriend dumped me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship" and it took me a while to come to terms with that. I went through the stages of grief, actually. I denied that we were through and I got mad, I insulted her and blocked her, but now we are friends. I think the most important and helpful way to get over someone is to give yourself some space and then try to become their friend. It won't be easy and it will hurt a lot at first but a connection like marriage isn't easy to get over. If the relationship was unhealthy and toxic, it is probably better that you two remain platonic for now anyways. I hope this helps :)
September 22nd, 2019 12:14am
Examine the expectations you've placed on yourself. Are you expecting to neutralize all positive feelings you have towards your ex? Do you still love him and are beating yourself up for it? Stop. While society may have us believe that we should "just get over it", and "he was no good for you", it's just not that simple. Who made it "bad" to love another just because you're not in a relationship anymore? What would happen if you just accept that you feel love for him, AND that the relationship has run its course? Can you find peace in acknowledging both sides simultaneously? When I discovered this and used it in my own life, it brought great relief to accept that just because the relationship was over didn't necessarily mean I had to let go of my love for him. So whenever I thought of him, instead of feeling bad, I would just mentally send him love, wish him well, and let it go. Stop checking up on him. Whether you are doing a drive-by, checking out his Facebook profile, or asking friends about him, this sort of activity is robbing you of your own healing. After all, you cannot be moving your life forward when you are spending your time obsessing over how he is spending his.
October 2nd, 2021 1:55am
At this point you may have come to the realization that getting over divorce is a lot more complicated than you thought. In fact, you may be asking yourself, “How long am I going to feel like this?” When am I going to start feeling better? Why can’t I stop obsessing over this divorce? Why did he do that? Why didn’t I do this? What they are doing now?” Those are normal questions after divorce. Useless, but normal. They will NOT help you in your journey of getting over divorce. But hopefully you’re also saying, “I want my life back! Help!” Here are three things you must do right off the bat to get through divorce. Accept the reality of your divorce Make the decision to take control Do small actions every day to create the life you want– for me. Just know that there is help and your life could be better if you go out and seek the help.
October 22nd, 2020 3:06pm
getting over someone once you use to live with is such a overwhelming experience one have to overcome in life. I do not have such experience about things like relation and how can you overcome them though i believe there is always path that you have not walk yet the way that await for you the path of light that will bring you peace and hope in the time of darkness. Traveling to the new place can be a way or going for morning yoga class if you can not afford big change. Small thing can have impact and can have positive effect.
October 28th, 2020 5:53pm
Divorce can be a difficult life changing circumstance. After experiencing divorce, it is common to feel stuck or feel like you are unable to move past it, unable to move on with your life. While the situation may seem undesirable, it actually present you with an opportunity to reflect on what you want out of life, what you want to make your new start about. You can start by asking yourself 1) What is it that I feel stuck on or feel like I can't get over? (i.e. Is it missing having a relationship, is it a lack of direction, or something else? What is it?) 2) Is there something I want that I'm not getting? 3) How can I provide that for myself in my new circumstances? 4) How do I see myself living a fulfilled life post-divorce? 5) What steps can I put in place to realistically attain that level of fulfillment? Once you answer these questions, you may have more clarity on what you feel and what is the best decision for you going forward.
November 18th, 2020 10:47pm
I understand how you feel. I also went through a situation similar to this and I know it can feel like you can’t get over it for a long time. But I made it through and you will absolutely make it through as well. There is hope. Have you read the 7 cups guide on breakups? It is a really useful guide that gives you proven steps to getting over a divorce and getting back to being calm and leading your life on. You are a whole and full person and although the end of a romantic relationship can make us feel empty, you still have a lot of life left in you and a lot to give in this world.
November 26th, 2021 8:07am
Getting over a divorce is really difficult. It is similar to a death because it really is the death of your marriage. Going through the grief process is individualized and it will take time for your heart to heal. I was divorced and couldn't get over it either. When I finally understood that my ex had moved on and I was stuck and only hurting myself, it helped me finish moving through those necessary stages of grief. Time doesn't heal all wounds, but it does allow distance to create your new normal. In doing so, you will be able to see the lessons in your pain and share that with other people.
January 7th, 2021 3:18pm
I believe the first thing you need to realize is that you are capable of living a life and be happy without your partner. Think about the things that make you happy, and try to keep your mind occupied doing activities that make you feel good about yourself, otherwise you'll just think about your ex. Don't start looking for love right away, it will come when you're ready. You are much more than a wife/husband, you are a human being capable of achieving many things. Please also remember love is everywhere, not just in a partner.
March 3rd, 2021 2:58pm
It is so hard to forget about the days you’ve spent together all these times. I have read that to forget about someone, you don’t need to force yourself. Just let them in your memory as the beautiful one. Because everything happen for a reason. And try to forget everything they did to you. Get up and take a deep breath to start a new day. Show them that you can be better without them. It will be rough to forget the one you love. But you need to make yourself happy. So try a new thing that you never do. And don’t forget to love yourself that finally you deserve your time alone
March 6th, 2021 9:07am
First thing is to take care of yourself and allow yourself to grieve over your plans, dreams and expectations. Be gentle towards yourself and don't push yourself towards happiness, take your time. I had my rituals, which allowed me to process the grief and sadness. I set the time and cried for as long, as it took to cry it out daily. Use your social support so you will not feel so lonely. Focus on what you are interested in as much, as possible. Remember, that it is difficult, but you will get over it as you got over everything else in your life.
November 20th, 2021 8:23pm
Look to the future and not the past; use this time to strengthen your mind and body by joining a gym or any other physical activity that is social. This will enable you to physically get up and avoid thinking on your divorce while working towards getting healthy. Talk to the others you meet at the gym and make a new social group for yourself. Another suggestion is joining anything that you are interested in hobby-wise. Surrounding yourself with new people that share your interests while enjoying yourself in regards of a hobby will reduce the time you are thinking about something negative. This is not an easy feat to accomplish but when you mix staying busy and time; you will find yourself in a new and beautiful next chapter of your life.
November 3rd, 2021 10:28pm
A divorce is a difficult time for both parties when each individual experiences the loss of their relationship. However it is an experience that many go through and can find a common connection within one another. Overcoming the challenge of change is not easy, but the lack of ease means that you care deeply. In life that is a good thing and will get you through every feat no matter how immense it feels. “In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable. In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change, lies our happiness and freedom.” -The Buddha
May 6th, 2021 5:44pm
Let the feeling sink in, its ok to feel what you are feeling right now and give it more time. As time passes by you will either start feeling better or will miss a companion because you lived with someone for so long. In case you long for a company and are ready to get into another relationship, you can try meeting people and talking to them, probably you will feel much better when you open up to someone with whom you are comfortable. You could also start a new activity that you haven't done for a long time or learn something new that you've been waiting for. Hope you are able to cope up with this.
August 7th, 2021 2:53pm
It's a process that's extremely tough from start to finish, and you can still feel emotional weeks, months, and even years after the divorce. The residual anger, hurt, confusion, depression, and even self-blame don't just disappear once a divorce is finalized. Give yourself a break take a holiday maybe-or to take up a new hobby like yoga, mediation, or skateboarding.Take time out to exercise, eat well and relax. Keep to your normal routines as much as possible. Try to avoid making major decisions or changes in life plans. Don’t use alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes as a way to cope; they only lead to more problems. Believe in yourself and keep going. Love yourself, you don't need others' approval, and don't let them validate your emotions.
July 22nd, 2021 7:12am
Don't listen to well meaning friends or relatives who tell you to "just move on" or "it'll all be ok." Divorce marks the end of a chapter in your life and you have earned the right to feel what you feel and how you feel it. This is a good time to focus on yourself. Is there something you've always wanted to try, or read, or see that you never had a chance to do while you were married? Why not treat yourself to this? The advice we give to others who are ill is to take care of themselves. In this case, we should take our own advice. That dis-ease or discomfort you are experiencing should be treated with self love and care.
May 19th, 2021 7:27am
I can understand that this must be hard for you, because getting over someone is always difficult no matter what and I'm so sorry that you have to go through something like this. Trying to distract yourself and doing things you used to enjoy is always good, but don't forget that letting yourself grieve is also important! It's okay to feel those emotions and even If you don't feel like it, don't forget to take care of yourself! Exercise, keep in contact with your friends, seek help If you need to and try to eat & sleep enough! I wish you all the best and I hope this could somehow help you!
May 8th, 2021 1:54pm
You probably get this advice alot. But try to distract yourself with fun activities you liked to do. A divorce might have an impact on the rest of your life since it's not something you should take lightly. But it will help you develop as a person. For your next relationship you have learned how to cope and you will come out as a stronger person. Examples of activities you can do: Canoeing, painting, drawing, shopping (not too much), fun with the kids (if you have kids), focus on friends and family, start dating perhaps? There is always a silver lining
September 24th, 2021 2:15pm
A divorce can be a traumatic event. We are faced with the end of a very important relationship, one that we may have foreseen never to end. One way someone might work towards healing from this kind of devastation is by sitting with the feelings we have. We might feel regret, relief, anger, a sense of loss of purpose and identity, and so many other feelings, as well. It is also important to journal about it or talk to someone, so that what we are feeling does not stay inside us. We can share it to lessen our pain about it. Also finding new hobbies might help to distract from the pain. Self care is a way to tell ourselves it will be okay.
March 28th, 2021 10:11am
Do things that make you happy and get your mind off of the divorce by doing things you haven't done before. Connect with new people, see your family members or friends that you haven't connected with in awhile, travel to a country that has been on your bucket list. Take up a new hobby, learn an instrument, literally do anything you want! I understand it's hard getting over someone you cared about deeply but life isn't only about that. It's about experiencing new things and just living every day with a positive mindset. Getting over a divorce is going to take while but with the right people by your side there isn't anything you can't do.
September 11th, 2020 7:13pm
You have taken the first step. It's courageous of out to reach out to 7 cups, to me, and I am honored to support you. Like you, I have been divorced, and like you, I didn't really know how to get over it, especially at first. I'm wondering if you are feeling lonely, disconnected from your former life. I'm wondering if you miss your familiar routine. Your bravery in reaching out tells me that you have tremendous resources within you to call upon. Can you think of some of the ways in which being on your own is rewarding?
March 31st, 2021 2:03pm
i know it's so hard, but you have to accept your new life. Try to kill your free time by doing new simple things: go to gym and plan for your goals you want, get your support from yourself and lovely people around you. Support maybe was coming from one person but it's up to you now to get it from others. You didn’t take this decision with no reason- sure there were many reasons that made you decide to divorce and end a bad relationship. In life, we face many obstacles and this is one of them but know that it will pass.