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I'm dating someone who has been cheated on. What should I do?

306 Answers
Last Updated: 04/26/2022 at 3:52pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
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Amanda Wiginton, LMFT

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Top Rated Answers
July 3rd, 2020 5:41am
It's always tough to have a partner who has been cheated on in his or her past. Partly because it's confusing for you as to why your partner seems distant or wary at times. Partly because your partner is afraid that he or she will be cheated on again. Make sure your partner understands that you're there for them. That you will not cheat on them. If your partner is cautious, that's understandable. Build trust with him/her slowly. Allow your partner to understand that you're there for them. Don't worry. Take a deep breath. Trust yourself, and you'll be fine :)
July 11th, 2020 2:46am
It is important that you love and respect anyone in all relationships. In this case, you want to be very careful and pay attention to what make that person comfortable and be cautious as it may be frustrating for them. The ultimate goal is to love them no matter what, support one another, stay faithful through the good times and bad, and respect is key to the relationship. Listen and talk to your partner as it is crucial in a relationship to communicate what is working and what is not as you always want to be working and continuing on.
January 19th, 2020 7:30pm
Just act like your would do in a normal relationship, but just accept the fact that it might they them a little longer to completely trust you. And show them that that's okay. It takes a lot of courage for them to put their trust into someone after being cheated on and that process takes time. Don't try to focus too much on trust by being like: "Want to check my messages?", since it is a natural process that slowly builds itself up. If they want to talk about their feelings, let them. But if they don't want to, don't force them, since they probably want to move on.
January 8th, 2020 3:55pm
You should listen to him/her and get more information as possible. You should make him/her feel that you are here to listen and is willing to help him/her. You should not bring that topic often. Help him/her by talking out of that situation. Often communicate with them. Try to make them feel ease by saying things like that you are there for them and whatever they are feeling is ok and normal. There's nothing wrong with you. If he/ she cannot accept you for what you are then getting rid of them is the best choice. You will not be regretting larer on.
November 14th, 2019 12:37am
You should move on, or try someone else...If it was hard to date the person that cheated on you, sure it might be hard again...But don't worry, there are many people in your life to love. You have to at least try with love...And go with the flow of your life, even though it is very risky, worrisome, and scary. Dating someone is hard enough, but actually falling in love with someone is very beautiful. If your looking for someone try not to get too attached before they break your heart...Or you break there heart not wanting to, but you know you have to give them up...
October 18th, 2019 5:21am
dating someone who has been cheated on requires a little bit more work than usual! it has probably taken a lot of courage on their side to move into a new relationship. they could feel a little insecure and doubtful of this new relationship, in fear that it could possibly turn out the same as their previous relationship. therefore, a little bit of patience, reassurance and a lot of you from you would help a lot in this relationship! it is important to show that you're different from the previous person and it's also really important to understand her needs as well.
August 3rd, 2019 3:02am
First, the fact that you're asking this question shows that you're considerate of their needs and how they have been hurt in the past. I think it could really help your partner if you showed this to them too, in a clear way. People who have been cheated on can have trouble trusting that a relationship is real and stable, doubting their own judgement. Your reassurance that you care about them deeply and don't want them to be hurt could go a long way. Another thing you could do is ask them this question yourself. Sometimes people don't know what they need, and that's okay, but they may have some ideas about things that would help them feel more secure and comfortable in your relationship. Even if they don't, you're opening up with honest communication and allowing these sincere conversations about your separate needs in the relationship to occur, and that's always a good thing.
July 13th, 2019 1:45am
People who have been cheated on may have trust issues, need more validation than others, etc. As someone who has been cheated on, I can tell you that solid boundaries as well as the ability to be open is very appreciated. However, everyone is different, and it can be very helpful to have a 1-1 conversation with this partner to try and see what they need in the relationship. Being communicative with anyone in a relationship is good, especially in this circumstance. Someone who has been cheated on may be scared to go into another relationship in fear that it may happen again, so try checking in to see what they specifically need.
July 10th, 2019 10:18pm
Most people who have been cheated on tend to lose a sense of trust with others and a decline in self-esteem. They may feel unworthy of affection, or may think that they aren't good enough. In these situations, you cannot make the solution for them; they have to become comfortable with themselves and others on their own. But you can be supportive of them and offer them words of affirmation such as "I appreciate when you do this for me" or "I really enjoy being with you". If they feel insecure, just know that it isn't anything you're doing wrong.
June 26th, 2019 9:08am
For someone who has been previously hurt, and in this case, cheated on, to trust you and to love you, in itself, is a wonderful thing. Express your gratitude to the fact they are putting themselves in this vulnerable position for you, because trusting after you have been cheated on is frightening, and requires a lot of courage. One of the best things you can offer them is unwavering, absolute honesty. Be open with them and express your emotions, communication is key in any relationship, and the need for open and free communication and honesty in a relationship with someone who has been cheated on is perhaps even greater. In conclusion; express your honest and true love to them, they may need it and appreciate it more than you know.
May 22nd, 2019 7:05pm
People who have been cheated on often have problems with trusting again because they are afraid that that trust will be broken again and will lead them to unwanted emotions like disappointment and/or sadness. So the important part is to be patient and prove that you are worthy of their trust, that you are not their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. This will be a hard process and how long will it take to go through will depend on how much the person was hurt with the event. So except for proving that you won't hurt them, acknowledge their emotions and show them your support.
July 17th, 2020 8:37am
Show them you can trust them and if they come to you with feelings of cheating or being insecure about someone you talk to, reassure them that it is completely harmless. They are hurting and scared the next person will hurt them the same way, so spend time with them, don't run out unexpectedly, talk often and let them into your life. This doesn't mean you can't have friends or go out with anyone, just be cautious about it and understand their worries as you would want them to if you were the one hurting from being cheated on in the past.
July 22nd, 2020 10:37pm
I think we shouldn't judge someone from their past. Dealing with someone that was cheated on can be hard. First of all, if they are still hurt and have not gotten over their partner, issues like difficulty to trust, to open up will be present and it's normal. We need to make them feel comfortable and let them know that we are here for them no matter what. I´ts important to gain their trust and viceversa to build a strong relationship. We need to take in mind, that if we promise not to hurt them and to be always for them it needs to happen. If they get cheated on again, it will destroyed them. Most importantly, show and tell how much you love them.
July 13th, 2018 7:14am
Know that no one deserves to be cheated on and just support them. If they need reassurance, then provide that for them. That establishes stability within your relationship.
July 14th, 2018 8:10am
Understand! Understanding, empathy and words of care are the only things required in this phase. Love has energy and this energy comes to the person in destructive way when one gets cheated. Our compassion serves to counter the negative energy and makes the person feel better :-)
July 15th, 2018 4:57pm
They’re going to be very suspicious and nah even accuse of you doing things you haven’t done. This is normal. They’re probably very insecure and that’s ok, just constantly reassure them even when they don’t ask
July 15th, 2018 8:16pm
Being in a relationship means you should learn to trust each other and to build trust, it's not an overnight process.. it need times and commitment to do it. The more you trust each other, the stronger your relationship are.. Someone who has been cheated on, means he/she is feeling super insecure.. so what you both guys should do is to build trust. Building trust need both parties' effort.. so for this relationship to work out, both of you should commit to learn more about each other and build trust together :)
July 18th, 2018 4:06am
Try not to dwell on either of your past history. Be open and honest. If you think that you might stray, walk away.
July 19th, 2018 1:26pm
be patient as they may have a lot of anxiety about being cheated on. As someone that has been cheated on and is currently in a relationship I found it difficult through the first few months to trust again but after opening up to him about these trust issues i have realised that i can trust him it just takes time
July 22nd, 2018 3:20pm
Hard to say, but if you had been cheated on, you must recover the self-esteem you shall have before starting a relationship. A new person is a new story, don't be conditioned by your past, most likely you're the one that should condition the past learning from it.
July 22nd, 2018 4:41pm
Keep the lines of communication open, and be as transparent as you can. Clear, honest communication is best way to let them come to trust you.
July 25th, 2018 3:57am
Be honest about what you want in the relationship, don't bring it up unless they want to talk about it. Make sure you know they have your trust and give them a reason to trust you, because that's the biggest thing with being cheated on. The trust you held was broken. It can be scary and hard for them to completely trust again. Be patient.
July 25th, 2018 8:07am
Try your best not to betray that persons trust. Show that person that they don't have to worry about you cheating on them by not doing it. Be faithful, be honest, put forth a fair effort, and be considerate.
July 25th, 2018 5:12pm
While you do not deserve to bear the emotional backlash of your partner's ex's wrongdoing, you can get ahead of the gate by initiating transparency in your new relationship. Make it a priority to respectfully and calmly bring up doubts and insecurities before they snowball into fears and mistrust. Establish open, tactful communication, as a value, right from the start. And don't forget to communicate about what your boundaries are, too.
July 26th, 2018 8:11am
Ask if the person has moved on. It will be difficult for both of you to be in a relationship when one of you is not fully invested. Then show your loyalty and faithfulness. And be clear you expect the same.
July 27th, 2018 4:42am
Treat him/her the way you want to be treated. Be sensitive to the needs of that someone and at the same time be open to him/her.
August 4th, 2018 5:50pm
Try to understand how that person was hurt by the experience. Attempt to keep an open mind, and be sure to listen and learn from that person's experience. Let them know you will be there for them.
October 27th, 2018 1:25pm
assure them that you will not cheat on them or repeat any behaviors their past partners have made. make sure to listen to them regularly and make sure they're content/have no doubts about the relationship. if they do, make it clear that you will listen to their insecurities and doubts and will help them through it. as mentioned earlier, make sure you assure them that you are not like their previous partner and really care for them. you should also listen to their experience with their past partner if they want, and understand what happened in the past to better help them in the present and future :)
November 15th, 2018 1:06am
You can try to be for them the best you can and give reassurance. Many people are insecure after break ups make them feel secure. Also try talking to them about their problems and both of your expectations in the relationship. If their constantly accusing you of cheating you might have to let them loose. Sorry for the longness of the advice I'm just trying to get to a 100 words. You're a wonderful person and very brave for putting you relationship out there. Not to many people take advice. I hope your relationship goes well. Good luck !
January 2nd, 2019 5:47am
Every day we risk love with others. We can get hurt and that can make us want to not trust again. But we are all different and have unique ways of handling the event. Talk to your partner and ask if you can do things to support their trust. Be honest with your partner about your desire to support them but not be overwhelmed yourself. When your partner says they want something believe what they say, then follow up weeks or months later to verify it is still what they want. Our character is partially based on our ability to do the right thing when nobody is watching. This is a very difficult thing to prove and trust requires building over time. Don't be afraid to work longer and harder, your partner will probably have greater feeling for you in the long run.