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Whats the best way to get over your ex moving on before you do?

189 Answers
Last Updated: 03/04/2022 at 7:26pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Penny Dahlen, Ed.D., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am committed to helping you find your passion, heal old wounds, and flow smoother in all aspects of your life path! I use a compassionate listening approach.

Top Rated Answers
January 1st, 2020 12:08pm
This is always a difficult question to answer. For me, I tend to try and remember the reasons you have broken up, this is especially hard if it was out of your control, however, most relationships always end for a reason. In the moment it doesn't feel like it, but in the future you will see. Another way I try to look at it, is that if you and them are meant to be together, you will be at some point in the future again. Whether it's been a week or a few months, or even years, it will still feel a little awkward seeing them with someone else. A way to get over it, is to eliminate them from your life completely, even it's temporary and you reconnect in the future. The less you know, the less it can hurt you. However, that is very difficult and I appreciate that.
January 18th, 2020 4:46am
The best way to complete that is to find something you love, like a healthy hobby, and engage in that. Surround yourself with good friends and family and find a way to work on yourself. It's always good to maintain a good diet and sleep schedule as that will help to keep oneself in a better space. The best thing to do is to gace the emotions, and to keep yourself busy so that you dont get too much time on you hand to think about the ex. Aleays remember things did not work out for a reason. It gets better.
February 23rd, 2020 2:09am
Best way to get over your ex before you move onto someone new is realize that it was most likely for the better that you broke up. You need to love yourself before starting a new relationship. Get rid of all you and your ex's old things together and start a new. Starting a new relationship before you are ready can come crashing down quick and hurt you more. Think about why you broke up and how you can improve yourself first. Don't think about improving yourself for others but make it all about you and take care of your personal needs.
February 26th, 2020 11:27pm
It’s best to understand that some people need more or less time to process situations in their lives. While you may take more time to move on from a previous relationship, their ability to move on more quickly is not treated to you. Focus on rebuilding yourself and becoming a better person. It will be uncomfortable at first, but as time progresses, you will feel better about yourself and you place in the world. Breaking up with someone is not easy, especially if you had strong feelings for that person. It’s important to continue growing and developing as a person.
March 1st, 2020 1:55am
One of the ways you can get over your ex moving on before you do is by focusing on yourself. Think about how you can make yourself happy and content. Moving on is not a race. As with any aspect of our lives, once we start focusing on what we have instead of what others have that we do not, our perspectives shift. Progress occurs even with small steps. One good place to start thinking about you is by keeping a daily journal that tracks your activities, your emotional state, and the level of support you're receiving from your peers. After you have moved on, this journal will be a great reminder of how far you have come.
March 6th, 2020 8:33pm
You should try to avoid them on social media, and their new partner. Do not look at pictures. Do not check up on what they are doing. Just forget about them. Another thing you can do is take a break from social media entirely. You can pamper and focus on healing yourself. YOU TIME is what you need. Watching lots of funny movies, eating chocolate, and calling a friend ALWAYS worked for me. Eventually you will just forget those people. You will move on and find a new person. It will take time and healing yourself. Everything will be fine.
March 13th, 2020 7:08am
The first thing is knowing your worth. Getting to understand that you deserve the extra ordinary, by that whatever action your ex might take must not disappoint you because for all we know he/she might be the most hurt one. They will do anything to prove that they are not so as soon as you realise your worth you can easily let go. If he/she goes then definitely they were part of the process. Henceforth self care is important after a breakup and the zeal to be better than the person you were with the ex so that when you finally meet the real one you will not compromise your worth.
March 21st, 2020 5:31am
If my ex gets moving on before I do, that's a good thing. Being able to move on is hard so I'd congratulate anyone who can muster the strength and finesse to do so. For me personally I need to talk to someone about my grief, spend some alone time and try to focus on my hobbies. The tricky part is finding the balance between resting to cope with my emotions and being productive. I'll most likely feel sad and inadequate that I'm being left behind. But as life experience goes, this sadness probably wouldn't be the first time, nor will it be the last. So just hold on, because life is a race.
March 26th, 2020 12:47am
In my experience, I always found that I need to purge my exes from my social media and limit contact with them. It is hard to watch the person you love be with someone else, but at the same time, they deserve happiness just as much as anyone else. In my last relationship, I found that I did not fully feel "over" them until I came to terms with everything that happened in our relationship and gave myself time to fully process everything. Being able to sit back and evaluate the good and bad parts of my past relationship helped me grow and move on from them in a healthy way.
March 29th, 2020 10:13pm
Remove them from all social medias or try to not use them at all, don't dwell on past things. It is hard from the start but friends are an assets in these types of situations; and at the end just try to move on. I know it's easy to say but at the end that's all there really is to it. Find your happy place and go there when you start to think about your relationship and do not make the mistake of repairing something that's already broken, it will only bring pain and suffering. Just devote to yourself and your hobbies
April 5th, 2020 4:51pm
To focus on yourself and become a happier, more confident person (which will naturally make you more attractive too). Don't waste time thinking about your ex. He's not worth the time. When you've healed yourself, you can find someone even better who will not make you feel like you're inadequate, like your feelings are unwanted, like you're too emotional or sensitive or that you are wrong just for having feelings and whatever you do will never be enough. You should be with someone that is kind and caring to you, who can address your emotional needs and who does not only give you attention when is convenient for him. Do not be with a person who is so self-centered.
April 25th, 2020 3:52am
Remember that everyone is different and everyone copes differently with different situations! It's ok to move at different paces, just do your best to keep yourself from comparing yourself to others. Also remember to be open with friends and family members about how you are feeling! It's always more difficult to deal with an ex moving on before you do when you are trying to put on a facade and pretend that it's not bothering you. It's ok to be upset that your ex is moving on, whether it is before or after you do! Feelings take time to go away.
April 26th, 2020 3:48am
This can be challenging because it can make you feel more lonely and isolated than before. A lot of people say the best way is to get "back in the game" and find other people - and that can be useful for some people. Personally, what has ultimately worked for me is to focus on myself and confront the fact that it can be hard to be alone with myself. I got into exercising, trying new things (crafts, cooking/baking), and simply catching up with old friends I hadn't talked to in awhile. It's never easy, but know that a lot of people struggle with this and you can take this as an opportunity to reflect on where you are in life and, more importantly, where you want to go. You don't need anyone to be an awesome person on your own :)
May 3rd, 2020 6:49am
An intimate relation is not easy to get over. If you are emotionally invested in a relationship it takes a long time to get over the negative aspects. The positive spects of every relationship should be retained for ever because it shows that you are a person who is capable of love and being loved. So in my opinion you never really get over any relation, you just learn to remmber it without the attendant rejection and othe negative emotions relate to it. When you are truly invested in an intimate relation then it does take a long time . Perhaps your ex was less emotionially invested or better equipped by her childhood upbringing and personality to deal with the negative side of the break up and thus was able to move on
April 22nd, 2021 1:40am
I have been in five relationships in the span of 6 years. In between, I also dated a couple of guys. It may sound a little sadistic to say this, but I don’t always mind the break up part. That is not to say that I don’t wallow into a pitiful state — far from it. I sometimes lose the energy to shower, eat, etc. I allow myself to grieve. Then, I start picking up healthier habits (this could be anything small like drinking enough water per day, or go on walks, or exercise). If I am unable to do anything ‘healthy’ then that’s fine too. At that point, I rely on my friends or indulge in some non-harmful habits like binge watching tv shows, eating maybe a little too much chocolate ice cream and etc. The point is is this: there is no sure way of ‘getting over your ex’. It just happens, you just have to believe that it does. I also like to think of myself as a rational person. I don’t believe in the sentiment that there is only one person out there for you. That’s why we shouldn’t succumb to the feeling that we are never going to find a better person, or that the person I broke up with was the only person for me. Generally, I allow myself the time to grieve, and then re-introduce myself in the world. It is really important though, that you allow yourself some time to reflect on the relationship. Why did it end? How did it end? What could he/she have done better? What could I have done better? Break ups don’t have to be the end all. It’s a great opportunity for us ‘breathe’, to do the things we said we’d do but never did. You realise a lot of things about yourself. Just don’t rush the process, take it one day at a time. Take it easy on yourself. I don’t say this lightly either.
December 13th, 2020 6:52pm
The best thing to do is to know who you are and what you like. Your living your life for you and only you, so live your life to the fullest! Distract yourself with the stuff you love and the people you love. Try something new or talk to new people. Also looking at their social media is going to bring you down also so it would be easier to block off all communications and take them off of all your social media accounts. Also be patient and just let yourself get over it slowly and grow, it takes time.
December 18th, 2020 7:48pm
There isn't merely one way of overcoming a relationship, or the fact that a past love interest has managed to find something/someone new before you. You have to acknowledge that everyone's process of moving on differs on an individual basis. Some progress faster, while others like to take their time (which is more preferable). In addition, just because an ex-partner has managed to move on quicker than you, does not necessarily mean they have found true happiness in their new step/relationship/achievement. If you're still mutuals on social media after a break-up, remove, unfollow, and delete them immediately; seeing them move on (as well as knowing/finding it out) is the last thing you need. Also, remind yourself that you were doing great before meeting and including them in your life. So, trust me, you'll do just as great after being with them. Keep your friends and family close, engage in any form of self-love and self-care, rediscover hobbies/interests which you used to love and had not made time to engage with, be more outgoing. These are some of the ways; try out whatever works for you. Eventually, you will reach your point of post-breakup relief! Take time. Don't be vengeful or bitter. Rediscover yourself. Progress. Be happy.
December 26th, 2020 4:42am
If an ex has moved on before you, first take a moment to reflect on how capable you are of deeply loving another person. This is not a weakness- it is a super power! If you can pour so much love into someone ill-fitting for you, imagine how deep your love will be with the right partner. For now, pour that love into yourself. Your ex has their own path at their own pace, comparison wouldn't be fair to either one of you. Take your time, heal any wounds left open, and you will come out stronger than ever!
February 4th, 2021 4:29pm
There really is no recipe to move on quickly but there are things and ways to be that can make the process easier....first write down your feelings or tell a friend....this gets things out of your head and can release some of it.....also be compassionate with yourself...the fact that you are hurting shows you how deeply you can care for someone else and that's a good thing....we often have a tendency to glorify the relationship when it's over..thinking that the person was perfect or if we had only done this or that then things wouldn't have ended....Another thing that is scary is we feel helpless about them moving on...and us being in the same place.....You don't know what their new relationship is like or how long it will last...what you can work on is how you want your new relationship to be and what you want to learn from you ex about what you don't and do the meantime surround yourself with good friends and cultivate activities that enhance your life....that corny the person you want to date is very true... become the best you... you will move on's a sure thing...but you will do so at your own pace in your own time and you will be a better person for having had the relationship you had with your ex
February 6th, 2021 1:39am
ou have to understand that moving on is a process that takes different amounts of time for different people. Looking at old pictures, videos, an ex’s a social media etc is ultimately harmful to your progress. It is important to surround yourself with people who make you happy and distract you. It is important to also keep busy. When your mind is distracted it is often harder to make room for painful thoughts as time passes. Try out a sport, a reading group, get involved in clubs, or simply continue to involve yourself in activities that make you happy and more comfortable
February 14th, 2021 11:30pm
I have found that time heal all wound for me. I believe that the best way would be to give yourself time and allowance to grieve that loss. Allow yourself scheduled time daily to feel the pain and let it ebb away. Then immerse yourself in work and wait for time to do its magic. Also, try to cut off all contact with said ex. Avoid checking up their profile on all forms of social media. Avoid discussing them with other people to avoid triggering your own emotions. Find activities to immerse yourself in where you will be focused on helping other people and not just working for you.
February 19th, 2021 8:14pm
Try to keep yourself distracted and work on yourself to become the best version of yourself. Try new hobbies and new things that can challenge you. Distractions are a great way of keeping your mind off things. And remember, it can take a long time so go at your own pace. Nobody can tell you how to move on because everyone is different and you know how you feel about the situation so take as long as you need to and make sure that in the end you become a better version of yourself with knowledge and strength to overcome anything!
February 20th, 2021 4:16am
The best way is to immerse yourself in a hobby and to spend time with family and friends while doing the things you love. Be open and explore. When I broke up with my ex who had cheated and started dating the person he had cheated on me with, I was so heartbroken. I picked up yoga and it was the one thing that occupied my mind and body to the extent that I would not be thinking of my ex and be crying. Be sure to get rid of any triggers such as any gifts he may have gotten you or that coffee place you used to always visit. It takes time but it gets better, I promise.
April 14th, 2021 6:12pm
Remind yourself that letting go is an important part of life, but is also one of the hardest parts. If they have moved on, you have to focus on letting go for yourself now. You should let go for yourself rather than letting go for them or anyone else, as this will bring you peace of mind not only quicker, but also stronger in a way. It won't help to linger in the past or be filled with regret. What is done is done and you can't change it anymore. And it won't be easy, but you are strong and you are going to be ok.
September 1st, 2021 2:28pm
Find yourself again, the you that was happy and carefree. Your ex moving on and looking happy doesn't have to be a bad thing, in fact it helps you realise that life goes on. You need to prioritise and find your own happiness again. Try not to spend excessive time overthinking what happened in the past, and blaming yourself for not being better. Trust that what happened, happened for a reason. Allow yourself to feel the sadness of losing that person and then prepare yourself to move on, too. You simply deserve more than just wasting your life away watching what your ex does. It's scary and it won't happen overnight but never give up, you can and will move on and find your own happiness. Stop looking for excuses to watch your ex's every move on social media and in real life, this will only slow you down and worsen that sinking feeling in your stomach when you see them moving on with someone else. Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. Be strong, you can do this! I believe in you. Move on and spread your wings, be free and be true to yourself. You deserve your happiness, never doubt that. Good luck x
March 4th, 2022 7:26pm
I think the best way to approach this is to remind yourself that you are worth a lot and that it's okay to focus on things that help you become the best version of yourself. If that means letting go of people that don't respect you, it will be hard, but it also means that there is a lot of growth and happiness ahead of you. Prioritizing on your evolution and growth, such as pursuing your hobbies, might help you process singlehood with more optimism, and maybe you might even find someone new that has similar interests. Even if you don't find that new person, at least you can say that you learned a lot and developed a new skill as a result of this situation.
January 29th, 2022 11:37pm
It's important to remember that everyone is different. We all process things such as this in different ways, and it's okay to feel stressed or sad. Just remember that you can take as much time as you need to heal. The amount of time it takes for your ex to move on isn't a measure of how long it should take you to do the same. It's also okay to talk about your feelings, whether it be here or with someone close to you. In many cases, talking about the problem can help you to find where these emotions are coming from.
October 10th, 2021 11:14pm
It is important to remember that you should take your alone time when you need it, but be careful not to make a habit of isolating yourself too much. Stay social, and attend group outings with friends who make you feel loved and trusted. This time is going to be difficult for you to get passed, but by following the steps I mentioned, it will be easier to get through. It may be difficult to hear but your ex has every right to move on and though you do not have to be happy about it, you can't shut down.
September 5th, 2021 8:44pm
Each person's time taken to heal from the break of a relationship is different. This period of time is extremely crucial for your wellbeing and it plays a dominant role when you finally get into another relationship. When you aren't fully healed, you take with you baggages from your past into the new relationship, making it difficult for your relationship to succeed. Therefore, do not compare yourself with your ex partner but focus on your own healing and try to build yourself up again so you can be ready to meet the person destined for you. Being single right now will help you understand yourself more. Learn who you are! You are unique and complex. Spoil yourself with everything you wished you could do and couldn't because you were in a relationship. Don't stay idle. Engage in hobbies, find new hobbies, learn new skills, etc. IMPROVE YOURSELF!!! lots of love
May 23rd, 2021 2:51pm
Learn and apply To get over an ex, you can understand what you’ve learned so far. All the negative things that occurred during the union will be lessons for future relationships. You will know what works and what doesn’t work. You will differentiate between good and bad ideas as well. Learn things from the breakup and all the negative experiences and apply this in the future. Love yourself…really If you want to date someone else, why not date yourself. Now’s the time to focus on yourself and learn everything you can about what makes you tick. I bet you thought you already knew yourself well. I bet you’re wrong. After all, I honestly think when you learn to be happy alone, you will see things about yourself that you never thought existed. Love yourself and accept your feelings. Let go and try making new friends or reconnect with old friends.