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When will I be over my ex?

38 Answers
Last Updated: 03/21/2022 at 12:14am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Paola Giordani, Psychoanalyst

Licensed Psychoanalyst

I have helped and am helping people cope with loss, divorce, anguish and parenting. Depression is also a major issue that comes up.

Top Rated Answers
December 16th, 2014 6:53am
You may never actually be over your ex, but it's always good to know that you are human and it's normal to feel this way about someone.
December 15th, 2014 8:12pm
When you will realize that he/she wasn't the right one. When you will be able to move on and start from the beginning, do not stuck on your exs. They are you past, you have to look for your future and live for the present! You will find a lot of people like your ex! Start meeting new people, make new experiences, do things that you love and things that will make you escape and forgive about your ex. This will help you get over him/her.
October 31st, 2017 8:44pm
May not be today, may not be tomorrow, it is okay to not be over it at first, to delete or save pictures, hide or cuddle presents and feel mad or sad, forcing yourself to be alright instantly is not good for anyone. There will be times you miss him, and its okay that there are, you are not weaker or less, just a human. You shared feeling with someone and now you need to slowly re build the things in your life that used to involve another person. Take it as a chance to change and grow while you rebuild those things you want to make better to youself, things that you think would make you happy. Then one day, you will look at that box of memories, or look at that photo you saved, and realise you have re grown what you felt was missing. Give youself time and surround youself with others to care for eachother
December 16th, 2014 2:02pm
When you start believing that you have a better life without him and he doesn't deserve you. Love yourself :)
December 22nd, 2014 4:58am
Being over an ex takes a while. 7COT has a self guide on getting over a break up. I read it and i feel like it is a great guide to help.
January 2nd, 2015 2:29am
There's not really going to be a time where you'll just wake up one day and say "oh wow i'm over him". It really just takes time! Take this time to evaluate your life, who you are, what you want, what you need, etc.! Give yourself some 'me time'
April 1st, 2015 4:20pm
It's a bit hard. But you have to be up for REALLY get over them; I mean, delete all photos of you two, all conversations, delete them from social networks. Meet new people. Sometimes we think about them because of things only we did together. Do it with other people!
June 17th, 2015 12:51am
The human mind can get stuck in a thought. Sometimes one can get stuck in a thought for years. The question is not how long will I keep thinking about my ex the real question is why do I keep letting myself think about them? When one is stuck in a thought it can seem inescapable because that memory was pleasant alas to keep thinking about the past is harmful because it prevents oneself from moving on. The best thing one can do if you find yourself stuck in a thought is to break the cycle. Every time that thought comes up pre-plan another thought or activity to take ones mind off the past. For example if you cant forget an ex and they are always on your mind then do 10 push up every time you catch yourself thinking about them. Now every time they pop in your head you will soon forget because your now doing something to distract yourself, and a plus is you will be getting exercise. Also you might start associating that ex with the pain of push up if it happens enough and then there will be a lot less pleasure in those memories further helping you forget them and move on with life.
September 25th, 2018 4:50am
It takes time for you to move on. This time will depend on you as well. Keep yourself busy. meet people and take care of yourself. Begin to take each day as a different goal for loving yourself. There may not ever be the chance to get over your ex completely. As for your own life make it what you want for your worth it and you can find new ways to find happiness. It is possible that once you have a new routine and can be able to get that this was not the best choice of the brelationship you deserve then allow yourself to grieve as well so that youay move on. Life is not going to be easy or the other things you find would not be so much better. This is a start on how much better you can do things and keep it as a lesson to be able to get to know yourself and by that I mean the pros and cons in the ended relationship. I would look at what you bcould change and then what you could not. Then remember to get this is your life and you deserve to be happy and healthy. The time will pass before you know it so make sure you sorry less as soon as you do what feels right then you can count your blessings. Think of your ex as a used toy. Then remember how you were taught to share things that you didn't have use for and let this be the best way to allow your ex to move along.
May 17th, 2016 1:13am
You will be over your ex when you come to a point of understanding why the relationship ended and come to peace with yourself
January 9th, 2018 10:17pm
What others have told me is that right now it will hurt & the pain will be crippling but day after day that goes by you will get stronger to the point where you feel no more pain & can look to the future and not think about your ex. The more you focus on yourself, your happiness and finding joy in your life again, thoughts of your ex will fade away till they are gone.
April 10th, 2018 8:08am
When you decide that they are not worth your time and you could do so much more without letting the thought of them hover your mind, making you feel a way you dont want to
April 11th, 2018 7:04pm
When you finally decide to move on from everything that has to do with him. When you find and love yourself without him and care less about his existence
April 16th, 2018 5:53pm
there s not actually a period. you will be over that when you ll invest in yourself too much time to give a damn.
May 15th, 2018 12:09pm
the moment you feel like you are no longer trying to replace ex with someone else.. but start to love
May 17th, 2018 6:39am
Some research has said it takes you half the amount of time you had been with that person to get over them; for example, if you were together for a year it may take you six months to get over them, but that's just an estimate. Personally, I am going through a really bad heart break myself, and we've been broken up now over a month and a half. It feels shitty now, trust me I know, but one lesson you learn in life is that heartbreak is unavoidable. It is best to just cry it out and let it pass; I'm so sorry if you are going through this, it really sucks : (
September 3rd, 2018 5:01pm
From what I learned, the best way to move forward is accepting the fact that the relationship is a thing of the past now and accept the reality. No matter how hard it might sound, it is the best way to deal with something that is so psychologically damaging that it can turn into a much worse physical manifestation. One way to move forward is to cherish the good memories that you had with the person one last time and wipe that slate clean. It's like a lesson that you learn in a class, once you have taken it down , it gets erased only so that you can learn something knew and gain a lot of insights in the process. Your intention was for the other person to be happy, you have got to realize, for a moment there you were there for the person and kept them happy, and now things changed and they are happy elsewhere, and that's all that matters. So, instead of clinging on to the inevitable, move on. There is perhaps another person in search of the happiness and comfort you provide and could also be in turn be the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
October 26th, 2015 12:36pm
When you realise that you miss the memories with your partner, and not him/her.Missing someone is a part of moving on.. its our choice to make our past a reference or residence
April 1st, 2019 10:38am
Time is usually the thing that heels wounds. When you have been involved with someone for a length of time and invested in them it is difficult in letting that person go. I can understand how hard it feels and the reminders you sometimes may have that brings back hurtful emotions. Have you spoken to anyone close to you about your ex? A good way of getting on the road of healing is voicing your feelings to someone that you trust and facing those emotions. Many people write their emotions in a diary which helps them move on with their lives however with time, most things do heals. The best thing is to look at the relationship you had a take a positive experience that you have learnt from it.
July 8th, 2019 9:24pm
It's different for everyone, based on circumstances. For me, I was over my ex relatively quickly. I was losing love for her, and so when we finally did break up, I didn't have trouble moving on. I think, it's important, however, for someone who has just broken up, to distract yourself as best as possible with hobbies, other friends or family etc and you will find that you'll heal a lot quicker than dwelling on your ex and trying to analyse what went wrong or how you could win them back. I think it would help to approach the mindset of - there is no way you're going to get them back - and look to the future and distract yourself with hobbies etc
July 30th, 2019 9:21pm
In my experience it has been different for every breakup i´ve been through. Sometimes just a week and other times three months. You have to get used to a different routine and a different lifestyle and that can take some time. You will be over your ex when you can think about him or her without feeling emotional pain. Try to give the love that you feel for him or her to yourself. In my experience it has helped me to go out with my friends, pick up some new hobbies, setting new goals, mediation, exercise and focusing on doing the things I love. may you be free from internal and external suffering may you be happy may you be healthy may you live with ease love, katie
December 7th, 2020 3:36am
When we finally realise our self-worth and start loving ourselves, you will make the first big step in the journey. And then we tend to realise that some people appear in our life that we learn some important lessons which will be beneficial for us in the future. And hatred wont help. We also need to forgive ourselves and others in order to have peace. And it is a long journey. It might take days for some, months for some and years for some. But the important thing is that we progress. And it is not necessary that we stop loving the person afterall life would have been so easy if we were able to stop loving people when we wished for. You will be able to let that person leave and still be okay with it once you start loving people around you and live for yourself.
March 21st, 2022 12:14am
Hello, as a person who has dated before, I understand how you feel. After the break-up, you would feel sad, empty, lonely, grief and pain. You will feel that something is missing, you will feel you want to give up, but do not, you need to get over your ex, move on in life, do not let your ex destroy you, it is not worth it, try to mentally block your ex out of your head. Block them on social media, deletes any remained photos that you still have, meditate, listen to music, go to the gym, go out with your friends, work on yourself do anything that would distract you, and try to block your ex out of your mind.
March 14th, 2016 7:01am
The day that you let your ex go and be happy for him/her will be the day that you will be over him/her.
January 26th, 2016 10:01am
I got over my ex when i started to indulge myself in my hobbies and kept myself busy and it became a habit. It took some time.
November 19th, 2015 7:56pm
i spent a year pondering over the same guy always talking to him and texting him (we'd been out once) even though i knew i had no chance. i thought i was in love with him. i was in a group of friends including a few boys and id started to talk to one and eventually we had gotten together and i just realised i had been wasting my time over some one who i thought i loved. my advice is don't beat yourself up and when the right person comes they will come however don't just ditch everything for one guy and listen to what people say to you as i was blind just because i had a good-looking ex!
September 21st, 2015 5:11am
you'll be over your ex when you've moved on. yes, it is hard to move on at first but there will be other people out there!
July 27th, 2015 6:26pm
Well, this might sound too simple - but - "getting over" someone is a process not an event. Some days are harder than others to be "over" the ex. The good news is that you are curious about managing your emotions and are taking a step in a positive direction. Maybe it is a good time to connect with a trained listener.
June 11th, 2015 5:25pm
When you start to love yourself more than you think your ex love you. You need to respect yourself, your heart and your feeling.
June 10th, 2015 11:18pm
Break ups are always hard. The most important thing is to drive your thoughts away from your ex and focus on yourself. Patient has to be your friend, time your saviour. You will finally move on when you are aware of your thought and they dont have any connection with your ex. Good luck.