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Why are we fighting over small and stupid things?

201 Answers
Last Updated: 04/16/2023 at 2:04pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jessica McDaniel, LPC, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have been practicing cognitive behavioral psychotherapy since 2007 with a diverse group of adult clients with various diagnoses, all races, and socioeconomic classes.

Top Rated Answers
May 14th, 2020 12:10am
I feel like sometimes when we fight over petty things, it has because emotions have been building in us for a while and it just gets let out. Much like a straw that broke the camels back sort of situation. From my own personal experience, I find myself snapping at people when I am emotionally exhausted or stressed. Things that used to somewhat annoy but that I would ultimately shrug off become The. Worst. Thing. Ever. I think sometimes we spend so much energy on keeping other parts of ourselves going, that we just don't have enough time and energy to reign in our tempers. This is almost never more evident when we are in pain, emotional or physical that we are unused to, or when we are hangry :)
May 21st, 2020 9:51pm
From experience, couples fighting over very small and stupid things is normal. Couples fight all the time. However, if it becomes a very constant thing, then there is definitely something bigger going on that you and/or your partner haven't discussed. For relationships to really work, there needs to be 100% openness and honesty. As to the WHY aspect, it could be because you're suppressing more important feelings, the small things kind of push your feelings over the edge. One of the worst things to do in a relationship is not being honest with your partner about your end goals, or whatever it may be. I hope this helped clear things little bit. I'm here to listen if you need it! Good luck
May 23rd, 2020 11:48am
Relationships are no walk in the park. But that’s what makes them exciting. It’s like taking a road trip, what makes the road trip fun is the adventure you experience. It would be so boring if it was just one long straight and narrow road. The road trip is more exciting when you go make different turns, go over those bumps or those hills that make your tummy turn. It’s the same with a relationship, it’s a roller coaster ride of different emotions and feelings. Often we take out our frustrations on the ones we love the most and in a relationship it happens to be your partner. Trying to identify what makes you fight over these small things could help your relationship grow and thrive for the better.
May 29th, 2020 8:07pm
Fighting over every single thing and over the smallest and stupid thing is common and we almost see fights everyday. We always think about our desires. People are like this. Some people are greedy and and don't want others to be happy. They must understand others feelings. Sometime we will never understand others only if we were in their place and felt what they feel. People fight over everything, they have to be initiator and give what the other side wants. If we were all like this and think about others, the world will be the the best place and we will live peacefully.
June 10th, 2020 7:24pm
Fights over small and unimportant things usually happens when there is a lot of pent up anger or emotion that has built up over time. It happens when we bottle up our discontentment with ourselves, our situations, our careers and with one another; saying nothing and letting those feelings grow more volatile in our minds all the time. Then after awhile, the emotions start seeping out. Everything becomes a tinderbox to blow up and argue about. If it is happening, it's time to look at what is REALLY bothering you deep down. Because that's the source of all these little explosions. Is it that the house is cluttered all the time? Or is it really about being the one who cleans up the clutter when other people contribute 0% effort to help you out - while they are guilty of making the mess? Is it even about the mess? Or that you feel like you are the only one giving effort in the relationship and caring for everyone, while getting ignored and getting nothing back? Chances are the other people in this situation are also blowing up over little things because they have pent up emotions too. Guilt over not being tidy, or guilt over not meeting your expectations. Maybe they are angry over your reactions, because they don't understand or accept the idea of personal accountability. They just want to distract and intimidate you with emotional outbursts over little things. The fights could have nothing to do with your relationship and be pent up frustration with your careers/work environment. And while you cannot get things off your chest at work, all the frustration comes out at people who care about you. They are safe to complain to and bicker with, because there's no chance they'll fire you or make you face financial consequences for your outbursts. Stress of course, is the fuel to the fights. It takes some time to figure out where the source of that stress is coming from and deal with it head on to stop the cycle of pent up anger from taking over.
June 13th, 2020 6:59am
1. Remember not to sweat the small stuff. Instead of making every little molehill a mountain, agree to not make something a battle unless it’s truly important. Realize that not every disagreement needs to be an argument. Of course, this doesn’t mean you bow to someone else’s demands when it’s something you feel strongly about, but take the time to question the level of importance of the matter at hand. 2. Practice acceptance. If you find yourself in the midst of a conflict, try to remember that the other person is coming into the situation with a totally different background and set of experiences than yourself. You have not been in this person’s shoes, and while it may help to try to put yourself in them, your partner is the only person who can really explain where he or she is coming from. 3. Exercise patience. Granted, it’s hard to remember this in the heat of the moment. But stopping to take a few deep breaths, and deciding to take a break and revisit the discussion when tensions are not as high, can sometimes be the best way to deal with the immediate situation. 😚💙💙💙
June 26th, 2020 12:49am
Usually, the small and stupid things are just a representation of the not-so-small and very important things. Often times, people tend to suppress their feelings and emotions, thereby not giving it an out. But oh no, the psyche does not like that, not even a little bit. It will ALWAYS find a way to get that pent up emotions and frustrations out. And most of the time, its main weapon is anger. This is then channeled into the most insignificant fights and people don't even realize that the cause is just so much deeper than that. If this is occurring often, it's time to sit down and talk. Not about the small, stupid things, but what underlies it. It's time to get honest with yourself and your thoughts.
July 10th, 2020 6:13pm
There's a possibility that these "small" things are being undermined and personalities are clashing. lookout for red flags that present themselves within the relationship.I If this is a reoccurring scenario then it could escalate, so try to tackle things as soon as possible. There is group or couples therapy available but also take a step back to assess whether you are happy with that person and if there is anything that can be done to prevent these arguments from occurring, for example working on the ability to compromise, taking turns and communication skills will hopefully prevent the small and stupid fights.
July 26th, 2020 5:30am
you could never fight over simply small and stupid things. personally every fight that occurs because someone was affected by something does not make it small nor stupid. they most likely started the fight because it hurt them, or you. everyone's feelings are valid even if its the smallest thing ever to you or to the other person. so maybe validate the persons feeling or yours, don;t gaslight yourself saying that its small or stupid. if it matters to you, it matters vice versa. so think twice dont be afraid, but if it is really dumb like if you wore the same thing, talk it through and dont ruin the friendship
August 12th, 2020 2:42pm
i think it's never about those small things, it's what underneath that. Maybe the past, the resentment, the things that's been unsaid, withholds, maybe expectations, or needs that are not being met. Sometimes we are just tired, or hungry, or sad. Sometimes we don't know how to express ourselves, or how to ask for what we need, and then it comes out all wrong. Sometimes we feel disconnected from another person and start a fight just to feel them, a fight feels better than loneliness and disconnection. and then there are all the triggers - tone of voice, choice of words, body language - sometimes it's not about us, but it's about past relationships, childhood, traumas... we are complicated beings, and we don't do relationships very well, we are trying, we are doing the best we can, but we are also afraid to be hurt. And here we are
August 21st, 2020 2:08pm
We fight over small and stupid things because of lack of communication, misunderstanding and disrespect. 1. Communication - If we do not learn to communicate how we feel about certain things that others do to us, we get to bottle up and when we cant take it anymore or when upset we lash it out, therefore communication to me is very important. 2. Misunderstanding - If we respond without understanding what the other person ment, we end up fighting and that lead to saying stupid things that we sometimes regret afterwards. It is important to always ask the other person what they mean if they said something that you do not understand. 3. Disrespect - If you do not respect the other person you will not see a problem in saying stupid things and not apologise afterwards, because disrespect cause you not to care about the other person's feelings. Respect always intrigues love and great thoughts about the person you respect.
September 6th, 2020 3:56pm
If something bothers you, it is not small and stupid! We are humans who have feelings. We can rarely just stop our feelings from getting in the way. It's a natural thing. However, instead of fighting, try to calmly talk things out. You can allocate time for each person to share their thoughts then make a conclusion on things. Fighting may only cause more emotional distress. Talk calmly. Share your problems with each other and try to compromise with each other. Communication is key! Always remember that. Many things can be solved by communicating. We just have to be patient and compassionate!
September 10th, 2020 7:08pm
Because we all keep expectations and sometimes we get frustrated when people we look up to the most fail to keep upto our expectations. Also I feel one of the main reasons behind conflicts is lack of communication. People usually don't listen to the other person's story making their self assumptions leading to misunderstandings over small issues. The best way is to communicate properly and stop overthinking and making assumptions. Many petty issues can be dealed in calm way if talked about properly. I hope this message was useful. Rest we trained listeners are here to help you out and listenbto you and empathize with you.
September 16th, 2020 5:00pm
because sometimes we feel like we have no control over things that matter the most or matter a little bit to us. or because you never expressed how you felt to others, so you pent up anger or irritation on the small things, insignificant problems, and discussions from the past. arguing is a normal thing in all human beings, but it is good to manage what you tell others and what to keep to yourself. a very good way to manage that kind of things is to visit a therapist or someone you trust, to discuss about those problems
September 23rd, 2020 6:53pm
Sometimes in our relationships, we find ourselves fighting over seemingly insignificant things. That behavior can be confusing for us, especially if we love the person a lot and don't know or understand the underlying cause of the arguments. Often in these situations, it could be that surface issue (the "small" thing being fought over) is a actually just a scapegoat, taking the blame for pre-existing frustration or conflict. If underlying "bigger issues" are unresolved in a relationship, it can leave resentment which can trigger arguments over smaller more frequent matters. Conversely, the reason for such conflicts over small issues could also simply be that emotional or physical needs are going unmet. It may be a good option, next time a conflict occurs, for both parties to take a personal inventory. "Am I hungry/cold/tired/etc.?", "What am I feeling right now?", "Am I sad/angry/frustrated about something else first?", "Is my response proportional to the issue at hand?" Such questions might be helpful in shedding light on the heart of the issue and the cause of the argument.
October 14th, 2020 3:14pm
You are fighting over your status, rank and self perception. The way you view yourself in your social circles and overall pride occurs through your interaction with the people you surround yourself with. If you find that the fights you are having are over small things that do not matter then please turn your attention over to the emotional aspects of the argument and not the logical. What would it mean emotionally if you "won" this argument with your competitor? Have they wronged you in some way and you are trying to reclaim power in the power dynamic of your debate? Is the time and energy you spend together taxing and could be used doing something else? Ask yourself if it is worth it to continue bumping heads when the logic dose not matter and the emotional debates always end up the same way.
October 28th, 2020 12:07pm
Sometimes fighting over silly things is derived by the emotions suppressed about more important issues. Maybe communicating and opening up can be a good first time in understanding a little bit more why we react that way for silly things. Maybe next time an argument pops up, ask each other/yourselves why do you feel like that and with each question it could help to dive deeper into the truth. Everyones feelings are valid and no one can tell you otherwise, just as you cannot do the same towards others. Listen and communicate so you can work through your relationship and understand each other and yourselves better.
November 5th, 2020 3:27pm
you may be fighting over small and stupid things because you guys don't communicate well and don't speak to each other about what's bothering you guys and how you can fix it, communication in a relationship is very important and that's what some people don't understand it may be hard but it will feel great to talk things out instead of always arguing. Without communication your not going to be able to handle your problems and what's the point of being in a relationship if there is no talking about problems and trying to fix the problems and trying to understand each other and how both of you feel.
November 10th, 2020 2:19am
People has differences. We have different opinions, beliefs, attitudes and etc. What we can do is to communicate with them, talk and listen. If its in relationship then it's best to discuss things why both of you are arguing over small and stupid things. Talk and listen. Listen to what one has to say and try to compromise. If it is about the family especially your parents, let them know your side. Make them underatand by approaching them nicely and talking to them how you feel. You see, with the right communication everything could be fix. Its just has to be a matter of speaking and trying to understand what the other party has to say. This will help you to become more transparent and understanding.
November 14th, 2020 4:08am
Sometimes in a relationship, is the small and stood things that caused the most damage. Often, there are other more important issues to discuss and these are indicators of that very topic. If you have a resentment, or are angry at your partner, not acting on this takes these small concerns to a more pressing level. Often pride gets in the way, not wanting to admit you're wrong disengages communication and sets you apart. My experience is never go to bed angry, having the courage and humility to take that first step opens the channels again and lays ground for open discussion without judgment
November 26th, 2020 7:40pm
Sometimes, small fights are related to a bigger problem. Try to figure out if there is anything else bothering the two of you, if yes see if you can solve it. If there's no bigger problem, try having a talk and listening to what both of ou have to say, maybe the problem is the way you two react to things. If that's the case, whenever you feel a small fight come, focus on your breathing to relax your mind, and figure out a rational and helpful way to react. I hope that I helped you today, and that you will be able to figure out your problem with the other person.
November 26th, 2020 9:28pm
We tend to fight over smaller and sillier issues because we have experienced similar things in the past. Since we do not address these issues that continuously occur, it tends to build up, causing us to fight over something so small. It is important for all of us to communicate the things that we do not like and come to an agreement with the people in our life. Understand what is triggering you, why this triggers you, and how you can resolve the issue. For instance, let's say your girlfriend chews very loud and this bothers you. First, identify that her chewing is what annoy's you. Then figure out why. Maybe you want peace and quiet, or you can't hear your favorite show. Then talk to your partner about ways you guys can work through this issue.
November 28th, 2020 12:40am
We fight over small and stupid things because most likely because we are stressed. They may not know that are being snappy for something small until a 3rd party interrupts and mentions the conversation that they overheard. If its done showing compassion and gently, the stressed person will be in the right mindset to accept the constructive criticism. At times people(person(s) of the verbal attack) are at the wrong place, at the wrong time, when any small matter could make someone erupt like a volcano. Other than that Narcissists & Psychopaths also choose to pick arguments over something small but that's a completely different scenario!
December 2nd, 2020 7:48pm
Based on my experience, it is because I build up all of the big things that someones says to me and when I have finally had enough, I will be mad over something little. Also little things add up. I may think someone is fighting over something stupid or little but to them, it means a lot. So instead, I place myself in their shoes and try to think about what it means to them. Also when I fight over the little things it is usually because I am projecting onto someone else. I am taking my anger out on them about something mall because I am frustrated.
January 7th, 2021 3:27am
Small and stupid things can become significant when there are feelings that are not being heard. Talking about your issues and feelings helps lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your feelings. This will help you figure out how the small issues relate to the larger ones. The small and stupid things will seem important but talking can help you understand their small importance in your life. This will help you to resolve them in your relationships. Reaching out to understand why the small and stupid things matter so much is a great step to not fighting over them in the future.
January 7th, 2021 6:09pm
Fighting over small things is an indication that there is a bigger issue with a lack of respect, a lack of feeling loved, another issue that is bothering them at work or school, or a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. Start by having a conversation about everything that is bothering each person using "I" and NOT "you" language so that no one feels blamed. It is important to also go back to speaking about what you love about each other and why you fell in love in the first place. These can all help open lines of communication. You can also try to reestablish mutual respect and friendship this way.
January 14th, 2021 5:53am
That’s a great question. I’m not sure whether you mean personal matters or just the general world, but either way it’s probably noticeable in your life. There really isn’t an answer for that, the people fighting might think the things you view as small to be important and large issues at hand. Sometimes people simply want to propel themselves in the social aspect of society. It definitely depends on what issue you’re talking about, who’s speaking about the issue, and what is happening in the current world. I know this didn’t quite answer it but it’s the best I could explain.
January 29th, 2021 5:10am
Maybe there is a bigger problem underneath that needs to be addressed. Often times we suppress our emotions and then get agitated at small things. Although it might look like your partner is getting mad at you for a small thing, he/she might have a bigger problem with that needs to be addressed in order to put an end to these small fights. It could also be the reason that you are going through a different problem in life, which is affecting your overall mood causing these little fights. Your partner might also be going through the same thing.
March 7th, 2021 6:53pm
Sometimes we do it because it is easier to express your feelings over something trivial than over something that really matters. So we mask our true issues with small and not really important ones. And sometimes we feel like we just need to vent and use that as an excuse to be apalled, offended, annoyed... And sometimes we really are as petty as it seems even though we would like to come across as a bigger person. But usual small fights just show we are not happy with our current situation which more often than not has nothing to do with the fight itself.
March 14th, 2021 2:34pm
The reason why we are fighting over small and stupid things is most often that those things represent bigger and more significant things. Also, things that at first seem small trigger in us reactions that are recalled from past experiences. For example, if my partner fights with me because I have eaten something that was supposed to be for them in the fridge, it might sound like a silly quarrel but it can also be a metaphor of the relationship. One partner might feel that the other is not good enough at providing or caring. That's why we fight over things that seem in the moment small and stupid.