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Why do women cheat instead of breaking up?

186 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 6:57pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
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Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner


I am empathetic with my Clients going through emotional overwhelm and passionate in helping them. I am supportive, openminded & interactive in helping my clients.

Top Rated Answers
April 12th, 2015 3:18pm
They don't Always do that. Sometimes thay talk about ther feelings It's important to talk About how you feel.
June 22nd, 2015 12:12pm
Women cheat instead of breaking up because they are still unsure if they want to leave the relationship due to a variety of reasons (love, habit, security etc) or not, but they already feel unhappy or incomplete.
May 3rd, 2017 5:23pm
Act of cheating and reason behind it depens from a woman to a woman so that can not be fully correct answered. But most women cheat instead of breaking up for this reasons: 1) they don't want to hurt their boyfriend with breaking up but they want to be with that other guy too 2) if their boyfriend cheated on them first, they may be cheat him too - for revenage 3) sometimes they just want fun with other guy, but want to have stable relationship with their boyfriend 4) it can happen that woman cheated unintentionally (under the influence of alcohol etc.) but they countinue to cheat because that guy is threating to tell her boyfriend Whatever it is, cheating is WRONG!
April 30th, 2015 12:57am
For the same reason men do: they are looking for something that their current relationship doesn't give them.
March 15th, 2017 7:09pm
Sometimes it's easier to find an excuse for ending the relationship, rather than just ending it. Bad choice though, since it's usually done without thinking of the harm it will bring to both people.
February 26th, 2017 1:22pm
Not all women do this and not only women do this. Some people of both genders cheat instead of breaking up because they are simply dishonest people. Perhaps they want to stay with their original partner but have the benefits of an extra relationship. If this is the case, they should have asked for a polyamorous or consensual non-monogamous relationship instead of lying to somebody and pretending to be faithful only to them. Some people view having multiple partners as an ego boost and don't care how it makes the people feel. Some people like the idea of having their partners fight each other for their attention, claiming that it means that they are highly desirable or that their partners are weak and needy - neither is true. They may have a sociopathic desire to see other people suffer, and cheat only for that reason, not out of attraction. Some people simply become attracted to - or even in love with - another person, and since our society only allows for monogamy, they don't know how to keep both these partners, whom they both love, in their lives, without being dishonest. They don't intend to hurt people, but they do, and the proper strategy would be to be honest about their feelings for the second person, and ask if their original partner is okay with it. Of course, they feel afraid to do this because their first partner, who they may still love, might leave them. Some women have abusive partners and are afraid to break up with them because the abusive partner may attack them for it, but want to have a healthy new relationship in the meantime, and so they feel they must cheat in order to get that. Also, some abusive men consider the relationship still on even though the woman officially ended it and moved away. They then accuse their ex wife or girlfriend of "cheating." For more information on polyamory, Google Franklin Veaux or the More Than Two blog. For more information on abuse, Google Lundy Bancroft or read Why Does He Do That.
June 19th, 2020 2:12am
There are various reasons as to why a woman may choose to seek affection outside of the relationship and become romantic with someone other than her partner rather than just breaking up. Sometimes, the cheating isn't exactly planned and is a "spur of the moment" encounter (she gets drunk at a bar and hooks up with someone, she runs into an old flame and things go too far, etc). In these instances, she didn't break up with her partner because the cheating occurred before she even thought about the consequences of her actions. In other cases, breaking up with her current partner may not be something she really wants to do, so she may choose to continue to cheat while still remaining in a relationship with the person she has deep feelings for. A woman may also cheat if she is simply scared of the breakup itself; she may know that it is going to be painful or hurtful for her, and she may be putting it off for as long as possible.
November 11th, 2016 8:31pm
Women do not usually cheat in my opinion but if I have to say, it will probably be because they are afraid of letting go. They do not want to actually make a final decision that would cut off all ties with that other person so instead, they cheat.
May 21st, 2020 6:46pm
I think women tend to cheat instead of breaking up because of the attachment that they may have with someone. Although they are not happy, they feel that they should stay in the relationship because they don’t want to abandon that person they have that attachment to. Letting go can be extremely difficult for some people. I find that most people have a hard time letting go of what they think might be good for them although it may be the complete opposite. It is easy to stay in your comfort zone or avoid the problem. Cheating might also be an outlet or an action out of impulse.
May 17th, 2020 10:51pm
I believe that women cheat because they are afraid of hurting the person that they are with. The loss of feelings for someone or new feelings for someone else can be a lot to take in emotionally for a lot of women. Women who do cheat may feel afraid of your reaction, as well as hurting you. In order to abstain from hurting you they may turn to secretly carrying on a relationship with someone else. This is to prevent emotional harm to you or to the person they are with. Some women feel as if they have no other choice but to cheat. This is definitely not the case for all women, but this is the case for some.
January 5th, 2016 2:19pm
Not all women cheat instead of breaking up. And maybe some people think brealing up to be a form of cheating... so its all about perception.
January 19th, 2016 11:26am
Image result for why women cheat Women, she says, tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness. "Women tend to be more unhappy with the relationship they are in," Fisher says, "while men can be a lot happier in their primary relationship and also cheat
October 14th, 2016 12:01pm
It's easier to seek comfort and affirmation with someone else than facing the issues in a current relationship head on
March 21st, 2020 1:58am
People cheat for lots of reasons. Fear of confrontation, dishonesty to the self, wanting to escape to a different fantasy, low self esteem, boredom, or external factors where they cannot formally leave. Other times, the second relationship was formed because the other party is not aware they are drifting into an affair boundary with a colleague or a friend they had spent too much time with. Another may be because they see marriage or relationship as a set of duties they tick off and then they can "go have fun." Of course, some people just don't care but most of these people are not within the norm.
March 20th, 2020 12:48am
This is not at all a gendered phenomenon. People of all genders cheat presumably because they do not have enough empathy to end their relationship first. If they were to consider the other persons feelings then they would realize that it is best to end it first. Another reason might be that they do not feel brave enough to end things first, thus prioritizing their own comfort in the situation over the other persons. Again, this demonstrates a lack of empathy for the other person. I personally believe it is bare minimum human decency to break up with someone first in these situations.
October 16th, 2016 5:16am
Possibly because they don't want to hurt you initially but they want to be with the other person, or they just don't want to break up with you and they don't think it will be that bad if they're with 2 prople, some of them do break up instead to a avoid hurting their partner later when they find out
February 22nd, 2020 8:29pm
I believe that cheating is not exclusive to just women, as men cheat in relationships, as well. When an individual cheats instead of breaking up with someone, they are choosing their desires above anything else. Our desires, our *feelings*, are very important to listen to. When we act in ways that could potentially hurt our partners or ourselves, we are subconsciously hurting ourselves without even realizing it. To answer your question, I believe a person cheats on someone without breaking up because there is a desire to avoid the direct confrontations and feelings associated with breaking up with someone. Sometimes, we still care about the people we are with, even if it means we don't want to be romantically involved with them anymore. So to protect their feelings, we hurt ourselves and act out in ways that could potentially hurt our partners. When we do this, we are subconsciously sabotaging ourselves and the relationship. The best course of action is to acknowledge our feelings and make the decisions that are in our best interest, even if they are difficult. Focusing on the bigger picture can help you focus on your needs and what you want, rather than what you have lost.
October 16th, 2016 11:27am
There are many reasons a woman may cheat instead of breaking up. Sometimes women cheat because they are bored, sometimes it's because they are lacking something in their relationship or life. Sometimes it could be because they don't want to be in the relationship they are in but it offers some form of security and stability, but they are lacking the excitement and fun that cheating can provide. Also, it could be because they aren't ready to settle down into a monogamous relationship.
December 26th, 2019 1:09pm
Not all women cheat. Not all men cheat either. But there is no one answer to why one does cheat. It can be many different reasons. If you have been cheated on, it is not your fault. Just that person has different morals and ideas to why they decided to cheat. Asking them will always end with either you being blamed for their own made up reason or because they lack empathy. But even if there is some blaming to why you were cheated on. Do not take it fully to heart but take it as there is some ounce of truth. Use it to improve yourself and not become cynical. Lastly, talk to someone and give yourself time to heal because your trust will be broken. You will find yourself with future partners lacking trust because of the damage you received from being cheated on. Once you feel you can trust again. Try again.
August 24th, 2019 2:06pm
I don't think we truly know what's happening completely in someone's mind. It could be a number of factors. I would think it could be due to being unhappy, or something about the relationship is not fulfilling their needs or expectations. Sometimes I think people bury their problems instead of facing them because it's easier than having to deal with the stress, confrontation or discussion. I don't think it's a gender issue, I think both men and women cheat because they have an issue in their lives they can't, or won't, deal with. Either way, communication with your spouse/partner should come first but, unfortunately, that's not always the case.
November 16th, 2016 10:14pm
I haven't exactly known why people (not just women in this particular question) cheat instead of break up. I guess people try to think that they can "multitask" (if you will) with two people in their lives and figure out that way, even though it's a much better choice to just talk to them about it because it could prevent even having to break up, but in the end of cheating you break up anyway and it's just worse on both ends that way.
April 1st, 2019 1:30pm
Breaking up with a partner can be scary. Especially if we haven’t been so open about what we want in that relationship. We often hide our emotions and avoid expressing them to our partner. And by doing that, we lose a bond that we could potentially have with that person, and our connection is no longer that strong. Also, there could be other negative things and issues that can weaken relationships, such as trust issues or abusive behavior. Women often cannot leave their partners because they’re afraid of the unpredictability of their actions. They’re simply stuck. And although cheating is a very bad act, sometimes women do it because they simply do not see another option. That’s why we shouldn’t be so quick to judge them, but should rather listen to their stories first.
May 10th, 2019 7:44am
First of all, I personally think its not about being a woman or man but rather the way that person is, as in their personality and attitude. :) There can be a couple of reasons why people cheat on their partners and not break up. Firstly, it could be the fact that they don't want to hurt their partner by dumping them, but they assume it's fine to cheat on their partners which obviously is more painful than getting dumped. Secondly, some would need more and more attention, as they might find getting attention from just a single person inadequate. Additionally, some even does it for fame, as they might want to be known as the "player", as this gives more attention as well.
July 19th, 2019 4:57pm
Because they feel bad for their partner, they feel as though they cannot voice their own opinion on the relationship and because they don’t want to hurt their partners feelings. They feel like they need a break or a separation of the reality that they have with their partner so they seek that in other people and other partners. It is also because they might feel trapped in a relationship and/or they want more control and a break from the mundane routine of everyday life. It might be to encounter lust and sensuality again or because they are truly confused with the current relationship. Whatever it is, it happens for a reason.
August 3rd, 2019 12:22pm
We have to think in both ways.Maybe they like you but dont want to lose you. There are cases where men cheat too.They all like you for some reason but,they think we are lacking somewhere.So,they try to compensate it by going to others to fill the void.This doesnt actually mean that we are lacking.It means that,they are not the one,if you find such person,then keep your distance.You will know when the right person comes. It saves time,energy,resources and heart break .Your partner should be someone who you can satisfy and you are more than satisfied with.Dont settle for less!!
August 16th, 2019 9:10pm
Perhaps they are no longer happy in the relationship they are in but the person they are with is going through a rough time so breaking up could lead to their mental health worsening or they are in a toxic relationship but it's comfortable. They don't have to go through what is thought of as a hassle: breaking up so cheating is just how they cope.
August 23rd, 2019 4:05pm
I think women cheat instead of breaking up because they may feel like their partner has forgotten about them. Instead of talking to their partner about how they feel, they cheat so they can get some attention. They might think that "maybe if i do this, then 'so and so' will realize that they need to put in some more work, and maybe they will get jealous". I also think that sometimes people just don't think about what they're doing. Maybe they miss that feeling of the first kiss. Or maybe they are just unhappy in their relationship and need a reason to end things.
November 3rd, 2016 2:32pm
Women cheat because they are most likely scared to tell you or they do not mean to. It is a sudden feeling that happens that they are missing from their lover. So they go to someone else who has it.
November 27th, 2019 5:08pm
Well, it has been forced onto women that if they break up with someone and break their heart for no obvious reason, they are a horrible person, and don't deserve to have someone. But, if they cheat it gives the guy a reason to break up with her, making it the man's choice. Or, they simply find that they love both men, or, she feels the one she's having the affair with can give her something the other can not. She may not see a way out of the first relationship, and makes her see cheating as her only choice.
November 6th, 2016 1:11pm
In my experience, the feeling of needing to feel loved and values is so much more important at the time and can also be a call for attention.