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Why do women cheat instead of breaking up?

186 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 6:57pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
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Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner


I am empathetic with my Clients going through emotional overwhelm and passionate in helping them. I am supportive, openminded & interactive in helping my clients.

Top Rated Answers
October 15th, 2021 5:22pm
I don't see this as a gender specific problem. I think some women cheat and some men cheat. Why they cheat instead of breaking up and starting a new relationship can have many different reasons. Sometimes they do it because they just like the thrill but at the same time they want to keep the "stable" relationship in which they are. So the reason can be selfishness, or it can be cowardice of not having the courage to tell the truth. In any way, it is disregarding their partner's feelings, whether they find out the relationship or not. Some people find confidence in the fact that they are attractive to other people, some seek validation. Whatever the reason is, it isn't nice and they should ask themselves if this was the other way around, if their partner was cheating, how would they feel?
November 15th, 2021 12:02am
because going through the process of breaking up and its damage are unfixable and very sad, haunting to the one whose heart's been broken. So to avoid hurting each other feelings, she chose to cheat and it's obviously secret so she won't hurt anyone's feeling at that moment.
December 4th, 2021 5:55am
Can have many reasons. Not specific. But i can say some don't like the way they thinks to be treated by the men, some go for money, some don't think their men like them according to their expectations, some women just stay in relationship because of the wealth and some don't cheat. But everyone has different view and belief system towards life, some people think this is life and we won't get this lifestyle again so just have fun with the life and have many relationships as we want whereas, some believe it is hard to find your soulmate or someone you love so just spend the rest of the life being with them. It's the society who taught us that cheating with someone is not good but some people have different views.
February 20th, 2022 3:51pm
I think that people, in general, cheat because they are unable or afraid of speaking what they truly feel to their partner. They are unable to express the things that they are dissatisfied with and might think that their partner is not willing or is unable to change. It is never a good idea to cheat to get out of a relationship. Both parties end up getting hurt. The one who cheats is left with the guilt of cheating and the person who is cheated on is hurt by their actions. It is best to communicate and put everything out in the open. Breaking up will be less detrimental than cheating.
March 30th, 2022 11:55pm
The same reason men do. They want to avoid conflict. They're in a relationship where needs aren't being met but don't want to actually discuss it because that would involve openly and honestly talking about their issues which is hard for some people. Some people are emotionally repressed and dislike vulnerability. It's hard to have healthy relationships with someone when you keep a wall up. Relationships are built on openness and communication. They take a lot of work. Many don't want to do this work and find it easier to cheat to get what's missing from their relationship. Rather than talk about their issues and try to resolve them.
April 10th, 2022 2:29pm
I am led to believe that cheating is something that both women and men do. I think that it can be for many reasons, they might still love the person they're in a relationship with, but just don't get something from it that they do in the other. Or they might be afraid to lose the person, which is ironic as cheating will most likely be one of the main reasons to have lost someone. They could be cowardly and don't have the strength to end it with the person. It's not about the person with them, they tend to have many insecurities and seek attention.