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why does someone ignore you after you breakup?

9 Answers
Last Updated: 08/03/2020 at 11:58pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
January 23rd, 2018 10:11am
It may be part of their way of dealing with the break up. Some may find it too difficult to see or talk to the person they have broken up with. They may need space, or think that you need space.
May 7th, 2018 3:46pm
Sometimes ignoring means missing feelings and showing you his opposite feelings, and sometimes it means trying to forget the other person by ignoring him.
May 14th, 2018 9:24pm
Maybe because that is how they cope. Maybe it is too hard to see you because they had such a strong connection and they need to get out all of their emotions of sadness or frustration before deciding to be civil with you. They need their own time to come to terms with the breakup in order to be able to communicate with you without feeling bad.
May 21st, 2018 11:30am
That's a very broad question. Different people have different reasons for that. One might ignore their ex because they are trying to move on and any interaction might nullify that endeavor. Another one might do so because they want their ex to move on. Another just might be feeling hurt, guilty, or both. It really depends on the person.
August 6th, 2018 3:24pm
Sometimes after breakups people feel hurt, embarrassed, angry, they might feel exactly how you're feeling. Ignoring the other person is normally a person's way to convince themselves they are strong, or it might be that they don't know how to approach you if not in a romantic way.
August 7th, 2018 3:50am
A break up--even a relatively peaceful one-- is still a loss, and like any loss most people go through a grief period. People go through that period in their own time and their own way. Sometimes that means keeping distance between them and the other person so they can process their emotions or to remove the temptation to say or do something they don't want to so.
May 18th, 2020 2:46am
Somebody may ignore you after a breakup because it may be too painful for them to talk to you at that moment. Sometimes one side of the party needs space and time while the other wants answers or clarification on what they can do. It can be hard for people to talk about why they are breaking up so instead of talking they just ignore you. This can be painful not knowing when the other person may text and not wanting to be pushy on the other person. It is important to give that other person the time and space that they need and therefore either move on with your life or wait until an appropriate time to readdress the situation.
July 13th, 2020 10:23am
when people breakup and they still have feelings for their partner but they cant do anything about it and tend to feel helpless and lonely, they just pretend that the other person, whom they once loved and cherished is happy and not around them, hence they tend to ignore their presence as seeing them hurts and they still havent completely moved on, once they do move on they would accept you being around and might even talk to you but that wont happen until they have truly let go of the breakup, ignorance sometimes indicates that the other person does care, i hope my answer helped you wiht your situation! :))
August 3rd, 2020 11:58pm
I personally have been on the side in which I have ignored someone after we had broken up. From my perspective, I felt as if I didn't deserve to be in the person's presence. I felt guilty for breaking it off, because I knew I had hurt the person. I wanted to save that person the trouble and the pain of looking at someone that had hurt them, because they didn't deserve to be reminded of heartbreak by my presence. It all depends on how the situation unfolds. Of course perspective varies from person to person, but that was my view on why I ignored the person. Looking back on it now, I know that that was pretty childish of me.