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What's the difference between bullying and teasing?

272 Answers
Last Updated: 06/11/2022 at 2:26pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
June 27th, 2020 9:33pm
Bullying others only serves the bullies to boost their egos. Bullying gives bullies joy. It is based on others' humiliation and discomfort. Teasing on the other hand, depends on the targets and the degree. Self-teasing or self-deprecation has been used in comedic performance. Making fun of yourself and causing others to reflect on themselves can be beneficial. A lot of great comics will tell you there is a difference between laugh with you and laugh at you. I make a fool of myself intentionally so I can laugh with you. South African comic Trevor Noah was in his documentary You Laugh But It's True. A lot of truth can be understood through teasing...if it is done right.
July 24th, 2020 9:21am
Bullying is when people feel insecure and they pick on weaker people to show their own struggles and their insecurities. People who bully, they themselves are struggling with their own problems. There are many types of bullying such as verbal bullying, physical bullying, cyber bullying and social bullying. Whereas, teasing is a form of joke that we use it to joke on friends or family in a fun and friendly manner. Teasing normally happens when you pull someones leg. It isn't meant to insult someone, it is just creating a lighter and fun atmosphere for people. So, teasing is a positive thing in comparison to bullying.
August 6th, 2020 3:18pm
Teashing is a way for people to communicate with each other. It’s like a social exchange. Many kids tease one a other to bond or form a strong relationships. Verbal bullying is different from teasing. It’s not done to make friends, or to relate to someone. Just the opposite: The goal is to embarrass the person being bullied and make the person who is bullying look better and stronger. The tricky thing is that bullying may start out as teasing. But when it’s done over it is meant to be hurtful or threatening, and that's what we call bullying.
August 19th, 2020 10:21pm
Teasing is usually between two people that have an established friendship and understanding and is typically playful joking that isn’t meant to harm them or hurt their feelings. Bullying comes solely from a place of intentionally negatively affecting somebody for their own cruel amusement usually due to having personal issues themselves and feeling the need to cause others to have issues as well especially if a person has something they don’t for example being happy or liked. One is a light hearted joke formed from friendship and understanding and a the other is harmful formed from malicious intent.
September 8th, 2020 9:23pm
Difference between bullying and teasing right? Teasing means someone is saying or doing something just for fun they dnt want to hurt you or make you feel low like we tease our friends or siblings but when a person want you to feel bad or want to hurt you saying or doing something like making you fall down or laughing up on salary status is bullying there is a small line between two of them the difference is only the intentions teasing can be get worst but bullying will I guess you have understood what exactly is happening with you right?
September 16th, 2020 5:23am
Bullying is done with the intent of purposely hurting others and causing emotional, mental, and physical stress on the victims daily life. This behavior can cause lasting trauma. It will often be negative and very serious. This behavior is often done knowing full well that the person does not care about your feelings and is doing this to make themselves feel better. Teasing is done jokingly with the person being teased aware that it is a light-hearted joke. Not intended to be serious or intentionally harmful. A bully will make no attempts to be positive or friendly toward you. Someone who teases you does not do it constantly.
September 20th, 2020 11:08pm
The biggest difference to me is; "are we laughing with you or at you?" If you do not find the jokes funny it is bullying. There isn't a checklist as to what "jokes" are just teasing or hurtful so you will have to check in with yourself and see how it makes you feel. I try and remeber that not everyones communicating language is the same and so even if you feel that your friend is being mean, they might think it is just for fun, so I like to be honest and set boundaries with the person. Maybe they didn't realize it made you upset and so by keeping the communication honest we can all learn and become better at communicating.
September 27th, 2020 3:52am
Teasing is typically understood to be non-malicious by both parties and it's typically between friends, siblings, partners or love interests. It may also be short-lived; making fun of something specific for a few minutes then moving on. Bullying is typically malicious and often happens over a much longer period. The bully has an intent to upset or hurt the person being bullied which can be traumatising for the victim. That being said, male friends sometimes reger to banter as bullying and different cultures sometimes use these words interchangeably, so the important thing to consider is the action itself, not the word. The malicious version should be stopped and addressed immediately.
October 7th, 2020 1:31pm
Teasing is something where you should feel comfortable joking with the person back just as they do to you without being scared of physical or aggressive consequences on their behalf. Bullying is physical and the words being used are much harsher. Oftentimes you can tell the difference if someone is teasing rather than bullying if they are genuinely laughing when they are speaking to you, yes teasing can sometimes point to sensitive topics even though the person most likely doesn't intend to. If you feel uncomfortable you just have to let the person know that what they are saying or doing is not okay. Bullying on the other hand is much harsher, people would get seriously aggressive and the choice of the words that they use would be much harsher.
October 8th, 2020 2:35am
Teasing is little gestures of meanness. Where bullying can be something more severe. Teasing can come forth bullying. Since teasing can be a little thing at first it can really become bullying overtime. Teasing and bullying are still bad though. I recommended stopping teasing from the start so it doesn’t develop to bullying later on in the future. Bullying puts people down and occurs usually cause they have been bullied. Yea seeing is more of making fun of a person and are meant to be like a one or two time thing so that’s the silver lining. Though both are bad.
October 11th, 2020 3:03pm
The main difference between bullying and teasing is that bullying is done intentionally to harm someone whereas teasing may be either positive or negative. The main intention behind teasing may be having fun. What is Teasing? Teasing is a fun, playful and friendly way of making fun of your peers, without their feelings. Kids enjoy poking and joking about each other, they however often fail to avoid the thin line that divides them. Teasing is a normal way of life. It is a social exchange that is considered friendly, negative or neutral. There are several ways of teasing; verbally and taunting. Read more: Difference Between Teasing and Bullying | Difference Between
October 11th, 2020 9:00pm
Teasing is usually harmless and isn't repeated if you ask them to stop and tell them they hurt your feelings. People who tease can be friends and family members, even strangers sometimes, but it isn't intended to hurt you. Bullying is when someone messes with you verbally, emotionally, or physically for no reason and does it repeatedly, even when you ask or tell them to stop. Bullies are usually trying to boost their own self confidence by putting others down. Bullying should be reported immediately, ESPECIALLY if it is physical. Ways that I have used to cope with bullying that have worked are "killing with kindness," meaning that if they say something mean you compliment them, ignoring them works too. Bullies are trying to get a reaction, if you don't give them a reaction they eventually give up. In groups, if someone is saying something mean about you or to you, ignoring them or complimenting them will show the others in the group that the bully is being rude and you aren't reacting in a negative way so nothing can be pinned on you based on your reaction. For example: Sally and Sarah are in a group hangout, Sarah tells Sally she needs to dress better because she looks ugly, Sally can respond with "well guess what, YOU'RE ugly too!" or "thank you for the advice, but I like the way I dress already". Taking the high road is usually the best in those circumstances.
October 15th, 2020 12:11am
Teasing is in good faith or fun, where you know that the person doesn't intend to hurt you. Bullying is when someone hurts you, physcially or emotionally, to see you hurt or to make themselves feel better. For example, a friend teasing you may make fun of the time you slipped in the mud and got it all over your pants, while a bully will bring it up constantly or call you 'Mud-Boy' and make you feel bad about yourself. Another example is with appearance. Someone may tease you by saying 'Oh, you're so smart because you wear glasses' while a bully may say 'Look at this nerd, they think they're smart just because they have glasses'.
November 21st, 2020 8:58pm
Bullying is using inflammatory and derogatory remarks to belittle the victim while teasing can be friendly and humor-based. Therefore, bullying must be stoped while teasing is a healthy interaction among acquaintances or friends. teasing is a type of communication: Many kids tease each other to bond or form relationships. When the best kid on a basketball team misses a dunk, and a teammate says, “Hey, Magic, nice shot,” they can both laugh it off. The teasing shows each other they can joke around and still be friends. meanwhile, bullying is to hurt communication: The tricky thing is that bullying may start out as teasing. But when it’s done over and over and is meant to be hurtful or threatening, it becomes bullying.
November 25th, 2020 1:59am
Bullying is when someone intentionally makes you feel bad repeatedly just for fun, laughs, or other reasons that are unjust, and often causes the victim physical harm, which often leads to mental harm. Teasing is when someone does something mean in spirit, but they don't always do it for prolonged periods of time. Most of the time, especially if it doesn't escalate into bullying, it doesn't normally end up as becoming something that becomes a problem mentally. The primary key to dealing with bullies, is to break their resolve before they break yours. After all, why would you continue to kick a brick wall if it clearly isn't made of foam?
November 25th, 2020 8:09am
While bullying and teasing are similar, bullying is when the unwanted action is repeated multiple times and when asked to stop, the bully refuses. Teasing is typically done once and ended after that moment, there is no repeat the next day or even next hour. Bullying tends to choose hurtful things to say about the victim each day and makes it a habit to seek out their victim in order to do so. Teasing tends to be more light-hearted and while teasing can still hurt your feelings, there is typically no ill-will in doing so. While bullying is purposeful in wanting to offend and attack the victim.
November 27th, 2020 2:58pm
The difference between bullying and teasing lies within the intentions of the person doing it. For example, teasing can be done for the sake of being playful and lighthearted; it can happen between friends or other people you deeply care about. Bullying, on the other hand, comes from a dark side, with the intention of hurting someone; whether physically, mentally, verbally or all. Teasing has a limit, whilst bullying does not and ends up with the victim being intimidated, overpowered or frightened. However, there are some cases, where teasing turns into bullying. But then again, it is important to note that the intention of the person doing it and who they are can contribute a lot to knowing the difference of something lighthearted and something severe.
December 20th, 2020 10:43pm
Teasing is fun and playful, usually with someone you are comfortable and friendly with, though it can be flirty too. It is innocent and not made to hurt you feelings, though sometimes it can hurt, that’s usually unintentional and the person didn’t mean it. Bullying involves repetition, an imbalance of power, and someone is hurt. Repetition mean it happens more than once. An imbalance of power can be physical like height or strength, but also something such as age, intelligence, or popularity. And someone can be physically damaged, or be hurt emotionally. Sometimes this can be very subtle, so consider the persons intentions
December 25th, 2020 4:48am
Hey there! I would like to talk about my opinions and how I've separated the ideas between bullying and teasing. I believe bullying is more aggressive or stronger than teasing. Teasing is more like testing your limits while bullying can be the stage after teasing. Teasing is not always seen as negative or bad since it can be playful too. Teasing can build relationships, it is a type of communication that can send both negative or positive messages. Bullying on the other hand, is suppose to hurt the other. Bullying makes the bully seem stronger and the victim feel weaker.
December 30th, 2020 2:59am
Bullying is when you want a person to feel bad so you purposely do something that could make them feel terrible. And teasing is making fun of someone but like in a funny tone so they know that you are joking. People that bully someone else have the purpose of making someone feel terrible while people who tease someone else just wants to have fun and has no intention of making someone feel bad. However, if a friend saids something you personally do not like hearing, let them know! Communication is key. In easier terms, people that bully have the intention to make someone feel bad and terrible while people who tease do not want someone to feel bad, rather they are saying something for fun. If you have any additional questions, let the 7 cups community know and we will answer with the best of our ability
January 10th, 2021 1:35pm
The beautiful auburn hispanic- white guy who's tall with beautiful curly soft hair Bullying and teasing are two very different things. The difference is that bullying is usually done with a malicious intent. Violation of boundaries usually occur where the other people is offended but injured, humiliated. Obviously a bully tries to injure their targeted person. They can injure someone emotionally, mentally, and physically injuring them, scarring them for life. A bully is usually an aggressor and they are within a close proximity of you and they get close enough to your face to even touching you, shoving you all over, and violating you, as I've stated before; humiliating you. They can even intimidate you, frighten you to such an extent you are left in a state of shock. It's usually done by insecure malicious people who just want to be the boss of another human being. You should usually make sure someone knows, or you get your parents involved, school counselor, even the police if you need to involved. This usually occurs in school for many students but you'd be surprised with the way society has been it's been a shame to humanity. These are things that if you feel unsafe, you should let a therapist know as well, psychiatrist, and also making sure you are not silenced by them. Bullies are great at making you be quiet while they are usually the first to instigate and pester. As far as teasing goes, teasing can be a playful kind of provoking to make fun of someone. As far as the extent of being provoked usually depends on the intent of the person doing it, and then that changes from teasing to something else. Most of the time it is done with a playful intent. For instance: "Na na na na na, Where you going with all that hair? What are you doing with your hair? GOSH, it's so pretty, you're beautiful, soft and dimpled!" That's playful teasing with a bit of a flirtiness to it. Here's some non- flirtatious types of teasing: pointing out something embarrassing, mocking someone, challenging someone. Often times teasing can be mistaken as bullying and it may be in some cases.
January 29th, 2021 3:27am
I think the difference between bullying in teasing is that it is repeated behavior that has bad intentions. Friends can tease playfully but you know that they never actually mean it, but if somebody repeatedly makes comments that you feel are made with ill intentions, then I would consider that bullying. At the same time, that isn't to say that friends can't bully. It is important to establish boundaries! If somebody says something that hurts your feelings or crosses a line, tell them that! That is the only way they will know that they can't make comments like that next time!
February 18th, 2021 1:41am
Bullying is constant and it doesn’t stop.It’s not just being mean or making rude comments it’s being tormented everyday or when you are around the bullies weather that’s mentally or physically it’s constant.Bullying doesn’t stop just by saying leave me alone.It hard to prevent and it’s not easily ignored.Bullying can’t be just moved on from it can’t just be solved easily.The person being bullied will feel have low confidence or feel worthless.The bully might feel more powerful by targeting someone or it might just be entertainment and a joke to them.Bullying isn’t always from “jealousy” which people make it seem to be.
February 20th, 2021 1:41pm
Bullying and teasing have a really thin line to differentiate between them thay it could be tricky sometimes, but ones the situation is analysed, the difference will be so clear. Teasing doesn't have to be a bad thing all time. Some teasing are meant to be playful and being relatable, even it could strengthen the bonds between friends for example. In another point of view, it could be a simple exercising for getting constructive criticism and getting used to it. On the other side, even playful teasing could unintentionally be hurtful due to the one receiving the teasing felt offended by it, their social skills isn't that good or they are greatly sentimental. Bullying is different. It's goal isn't to establish an friendship or being relatable, it's meant to hurt the victim by embarrassing them and making the bully themselves look stronger and better. It could be physical or mental bullying or both. Teasing could actually be a start point for bullying, and ones it's done over and over again, then that's confirmed to be bullying case.
February 25th, 2021 12:15am
Bullying is abusing/offending someone over many occasions. Teasing is a small joke that you may find funny. The difference is bullying occurs many times and offends the said person more. As an example for this. If you say a joke to a friend and it is brief and cheerful then this is considered teasing. Bullying is more serious, if someone or you’re constantly going up to said person and saying cruel things or harming them this is considered as bullying, this is a offence and could lead to someone harming themselves. Teasing is more friendly and if it is seen offending someone then you should apologise or ask the person to apologise before it becomes bullying.
February 27th, 2021 5:26pm
bullying can be verbal as well as physical while Sometimes teasing is harmless and playful. Other times it can be used to hurt others. And even playful teasing can hit raw nerves or be misinterpreted, especially when kids struggle with social skills. Good-natured teasing is a way for people to communicate with each other. It’s a social exchange. Many kids tease each other to bond or form relationships. When the best kid on a basketball team misses a dunk, and a teammate says, “Hey, Magic, nice shot,” they can both laugh it off. The teasing shows each other they can joke around and still be friends.
March 4th, 2021 12:46am
When it is teasing it is a joke to both parties and nobody minds what is being said. When it comes to bullying, the first party either says something as a joke or purposefully says something hurtful and when the second party asks the first party to stop they continue anyway. The difference is that in teasing it is just a joke that both parties are okay with, in bullying only one party is okay with what is being said and they don't stop even if the second party tells them they do not like it. That is the difference.
March 4th, 2021 4:36pm
teasing is a casual action done informally between people like friends etc and generally it doesn't harm a person's mental health a lot ( this also depends upon the person how they feel about this ) but bullying is something which is not at all a casual thing as it harms the person's mental, emotional well - being and sometimes physical well - being too. sometimes, it can also lead to mental illness(es) for the person who is a victim of the same. teasing is a healthy thing and sometimes fun too but bullying includes constant criticism which crushes the person's self esteem.
March 18th, 2021 5:45am
i have been bullied before. teasing is once or twice. bullying is many times ongoing for a long time. you start to not want to go anywhere near where the people bullying you are. teasing may be a silly game and you have to understand that but you also have to know your feelings too. bullying is an ongoing thing. you will get through this, i just know you will, because you are a strong person and you have been through so much in your life. i’m always here to help if you need me, just message me right here on 7 cups!
March 19th, 2021 2:44pm
There is a mutual understanding in teasing that both parties understands and feels that it is not offensive, that the joke/prank is for the sole purpose of fun and enjoyment, it will not be intended to harm and is done in an ultimately respectable way. In bullying, however, there is an imbalanced power dynamics at play. The bully has a higher status (physical, social, etc.) than the bullied and is doing something that the bullied finds offensive/uncomfortable/disrespectful and wishes that the bully would refrain from doing it. Obviously this can occur in words and with violent actions. But I think it is also be bullying if one tries to smear someone to harm them