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Why is everyone around me always being so mean?

152 Answers
Last Updated: 04/10/2022 at 2:29am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
August 26th, 2016 6:20pm
Because people don't always understand what you are going through so they lash out. People can be cruel.
November 11th, 2018 5:26am
Somethings people act mean to others because they are having a difficult time themselves. I once had a bully who would constantly pick on me. I never understood why, but I decided to not let it bother me. One day, my mom sat me down and told me a sad story about my bully. It turns out that he was adopted as a baby and was constantly bullied for being given up by his birth parents. Picking on me was his only way of making himself feel better about the people bullying him. The next day, I went to him and told him I was there for him if he needed to talk. We’ve become friends now, and he feels much better about himself. If someone is being mean to you, they might just be going through some rough times themselves.
August 23rd, 2018 11:30pm
Not everybody will be nice. Sometimes it’s better off to always ignore the negativity. If you know that you are doing right, let the mean people get punished. Hopefully you are doing the right thing and not trying to get back at these people. That will result more difficult times. not everywhere you go people will be nice, but it’s more mature and calm when you show them that their words don’t affect you, if you fail to do this, they will keep on being mean. Or if not, you can always talk to Them about how you feel on them being mean.
July 15th, 2020 10:11am
Well that’s what we feel and things around act the way we want.. so if u think people are being mean that maybe because u can’t see good people or positive humans around u. Once u tell ur mind that u need good and positive people things around will make that happen and u ll create a world of good people to u😊.. it’s very simple!!! Let’s take an example if u think that this person doesn’t like me try to borrow a pencil or pen from them the person might feel that I don’t like u but it’s just a pencil and anyone wouldn’t mind giving u and soon the person will realise that ur not that bad that’s when u start to make a good environment for urself...!!!😇
June 9th, 2017 1:11pm
It's my firm belief that people aren't inherently bad, or mean. People struggle with what they don't understand - people like to be ignorant. I find it's worth it to try and talk to who ever is being mean, and if they persist, tell someone you trust and avoid them from them on. Some people just can't be helped.
January 19th, 2017 3:30pm
They're mean, usually because they are jealous or they feel insecure or they enjoy hurting other people.
June 11th, 2017 6:18am
People are mean is because they don't know they're being mean or because that's how they feel or they're scared so they want come out strong.There is so many reasons why someone could be mean.
April 22nd, 2020 11:30pm
I have learned to not take this personally. When people are mean, it is stemming from issues they have. It is not anything we necessarily did, but they feel better about themselves being mean... unfortunately. I like responding to people like this with kindness. There is no point in responding with anger or getting upset. If you show the person that you are strong and their mean words or actions did not affect you, you win. Do not let other people bring you down. Although we cannot control how others treat us, we are in control of the way we react. So stay positive and cheerful.
August 29th, 2020 5:46pm
There is no straight answer for this as I am not in your shoes nor am I in the shoes of those who are being mean. What I will say is that sometimes the saying, "Hurt people hurt people", meaning that if someone is hurting someone else, it could be that they are hurting themselves, is sometimes very true. That, of course, is no excuse in them being rude or mean to you. If the people who are being mean to you are people that you have been close with, would you feel comfortable to open that conversation with them? Maybe get a direct response of why they are being mean? Sometimes, people do not know that they are being the way that they are and need that check in. Wish you the best of luck.
December 16th, 2020 1:38pm
I have often found that the people who are the most cruel and unkind are the people who are suffering the most. Happy people do not go around causing pain to those around them. Unhappy people do. Whether they admit that they are unhappy or not is a different matter, it may be that they are unable to admit they are unhappy and in pain to themselves let alone to others. A mature person will respond to mean behaviour with concern and compassion whilst still operating within their personal boundaries of what is and is not acceptable. You do not have to tolerate unkind behaviour but you can make the choice not to respond unkindly in return.
September 3rd, 2017 12:16pm
Probably you are just surrounded by the wrong kind of people...if there is any way you can completely avoid them please do so but if you cant,then just try to not engage with them much and also never feel there is something wrong with you that they are being mean.
August 13th, 2017 2:37pm
It definitely can seem that everyone is mean when you are in a bad environment. It is important to remember that a few people do not represent the entire population. There are nice people out there, but it may take some time to find them but don't lose hope! :)
June 15th, 2017 3:54pm
Sometimes people thoughtlessly lash out and hurt others in order to make themselves feel better. Sometimes there is no malice, only thoughtlessness and apathy. When this happens, do not let anything devalue you. You are worthy of love and respect as anyone.
April 18th, 2021 6:27pm
There ain't nothing wrong with you, be the way you are and be proud of that. What's wrong is with them, they're projecting their own shitty ego onto you. You are the normal one. It's them that are acting like animals. So rest assured, them picking on you shouldn't upset you, you should be proud of yourself that you didn't stoop to their level. You shouldn't start thinking critically of yourself either due to their insults, you don't answer to those jerks, period. Judging by what you just wrote, you seem to be a perfectly normal, good, caring human being with feelings. Everyone has feelings, it doesn't make you weak. However, you have the right to have your feelings respected. Don't let them step all over that.
April 16th, 2017 6:59am
In my years, I've realised that what people say or think about me doesn't really matter. It's hard sometimes, because people can be harsh. I understand that. We all do. But at the end of the day, the only opinions that matter are your own.
October 15th, 2016 3:14am
From what I have learned in my life, a lot of times when people are mean to you, it's because of their own personal lives. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with you. A lot of times when someone is mean, it could possibly just be their way of dealing with the issues going on in their lives. So instead of being mean back, try being friendly to them. Being mean to someone is never the answer, even if they are being mean to you.
July 22nd, 2021 9:21pm
It is important to remember that people tend to take out their internal struggles and stresses on those around them. While this may not completely remove the negative feelings that come from others treating you poorly, understanding that can lead to increased empathy, and the ability to not take others' stress so personally. It is very difficult to be kind to others when you yourself is struggling, and this is something that we often overlook in others. This is important to keep in mind, however don't feel like you have to take on everyone else's burdens as this can be overwhelming. Trying to keep a bit of perspective when those around you are ill-tempered is difficult but can help your own mental state.
October 26th, 2016 6:06am
Well people are just really mean sometimes 🙄 It's tough but there's always people who are about you
November 6th, 2016 1:21am
People be mean cause there is tons of reason. First it's not your fault if they are mean to you. People sometimes usually vent at other or they might have things in there life why they are acting this.
November 18th, 2016 10:59pm
Maybe because they are jealous of you. Don't take them seiously as they don't mean most of the things they say
December 17th, 2016 6:41am
Some people aren't nice, and its okay. We just have to learn to ignore what they think and what they say because at the end of the day, your opinion of yourself is all that matters.
April 25th, 2021 8:03am
First, I'm so sorry you have to experience this! It can be extremely difficult to know that people are holding grudges against you, especially if you feel that there isn't enough of a reason for them to do so. It's never alright for a person to act rudely towards you without some sort of genuine reason that affects not only you, but them. But I also think it's good for you to introspect and think deeply about why this might be happening to you. I understand this issue firsthand. Whenever people used to be rude to me, I would blame them first without thinking conciously about my own behaviour, and what I might be doing wrong. I think the part where you introspect is key. However, you should also know that you don't necessarily need people's approval. I'm confident that you have a lot to offer as an individual, and they'll come to their senses soon.
January 24th, 2017 12:23am
Nothing. The way other people treat you, good or bad, is ALWAYS all about them, not you. You have zero control over how anyone treats you. But what you can control is your own time and attention. That's where your personal power lies, because nobody can take those things from you unless you give it to them. That makes your time and attention extremely valuable.
April 21st, 2017 10:16am
People are who they are. It's not important to understand them. But try and be nice anyway. Even the meanest one, your small act of kindness and niceness towards them will soften them up at least a tiny bit.
March 25th, 2020 3:57pm
I think most people are not mean. 85% wants to be kind I learned in my Michigan University study leading people and teams. People mostly want to be kind. But some people are really mean, and mostly because of they are abused as a young child. I think there is a difference in bullies at work, and school, and at home, and friends. You could change friends, friends agree with you, so when one is a bully it is not a friend. You could change your job, and home and school. What do you consider to be a good person? What would your friends have to agree on with you, to be a friend? You could ask bystanders to stand by and help to stop the bullies.
December 12th, 2019 8:41pm
I don't think they are trying to be mean to you I think they may be reflecting off of how they feel about themselves and how they have been treated in the be completely honest most likely their behavior and actions towards you has nothing to do with you
February 2nd, 2020 10:43am
There are many ways to see it. 1. Many of us are very sensitive so what you experience as somebody being mean to you for another could be just ok. It changes the effect that person has on us and our life that makes it different. 2. It can happen that for a period of time we get to meet people who are experiencing a big change or difficult time in their life so they unconsciously can be mean to us and others. 3. There are topics that people do not feel comfortable to talk about and the anxiety, fear of, and discomfort can show signs of anger. 5. When you go through a difficult time in your life everything becomes very difficult and so the things that happen around us take a different look. A sense of negativity and pessimism pervade us and so we feel that the surrounding world is against us and people are mean or they do not act as we wish.
March 1st, 2020 4:40pm
You might be a highly sensitive person, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it's a misunderstanding. Look from their perspective. Put yourself in their shoes. You can't assume everyone has the same perspective as you. You can talk to them about. Consequently, you can ignore them. Don't make mountains if they're only molehills. Examine your behavior. Analyze your behavior. Could you possibly offend them? Always is a dangerous word. What is your definition of mean? Be aware of words like always. Always, never, etc. Are dangerous words. Please exercise caution when using them. Take care. Make good choices.
March 8th, 2020 3:01am
Do you know what can I get an amen on that one! Why does everyone always seem to be so mean? The people of this world are just bitter these days. Now don’t get me wrong there are amazing people in this world. But there are also so so so many people that take pleasure in tearing others down. There are actually lots of reasons why someone could be being mean to you. It could be because they’re dying inside and sick and torturing others somehow makes them happy. They could be insecure or jealous of you which is often the case. There are a lot of reasons. It could also be that you are just having a bad day and/or feeling vulnerable and sensitive and everyone seems mean you to. Let’s me honest, we ALL have those days!
November 17th, 2021 3:30pm
There could be so many different reasons why people decide to lash out. Things could be going poorly at home, someone could feel like they’re lacking in one part of their lives and they can see you thriving in it. Many people mistakenly use envy and jealousy to cloud their decisions and lash out at you. It is really important to reflect and wonder why they could be lashing out at you. Most of the time it has nothing to do with you and if it is possible then try to confront this animosity in a calm, cool, and collected manner.