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Why would someone who is already in pain wish to inflict it upon others?

221 Answers
Last Updated: 06/09/2022 at 8:39pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
July 18th, 2018 6:22am
I honestly think as humans we don't wish to do this however sometime we have to be aware of the impact if our actions. Honesty is always best and listening to each other is the only way forward. I remember a girl friend asking me what a guy meant by his behaviour and he stopped calling. He stopped calling as he had lost interest! He just isn't into you. We gave to be honest and listen to each other.
July 19th, 2018 8:02am
To make themselves feel better, as if they aren't alone in their pain, and need somewhere to put out their energy and frustrations.
July 30th, 2018 12:38am
When people are in pain sometimes they look for an outlet to deal with that pain, and for them, it may mean hurting others. Some people have low self-esteem or feel powerless and being horrible to others may make them feel better about themselves.
August 1st, 2018 7:30pm
Because they have repressed the anger and frustration within them for a long, long time and haven't taken any steps towards getting out of the pain. Inflicting pain would become second nature if not addressed in time.
August 8th, 2018 2:45am
Unfortunatley they may deem it as their only way to make themselves feel better. To know that someone else is feeling their pain to some degree and that they are not alone. Which is not the best way to go about their situation.
August 15th, 2018 7:15pm
Remember hurting other people is wrong, but some people believe that if they make other people the same way they felt they may be nicer to the other person or have someone else to relate to.
August 24th, 2018 4:07pm
Maybe they are jealous by other people's happiness so they inflict pain upon others out of spite and jealously and in an attempt to cause them to be unhappy. Perhaps they inflict pain thinking that other peoples misery will cause them to feel better about themselves. This act could also be a cry for help, they could be doing this to get attention if they feel alone and isolated. Speak to them and tell them how hurtful their actions are and perhaps having an open conversation with them may help you understand their thoughts and feels on such matter.
September 20th, 2018 6:14pm
Many people who are in pain are in a place where they handle things out of emotion instead of rationality, which causes them to do things they wouldn't usually have done. I feel like in most cases, it is not someone's wish to inflict it upon others, but an unconscious to react to what has been happening to someone. Many people reflect what has been done to them onto other people. For some, they also see the infliction of pain onto others as the last way out of their own misery. Though some people hurt others on purpose, many people who have suffered don't do so.
October 7th, 2018 2:07pm
I would say that the person themselves are suffering and maybe that they don't know they need help, but their actions speak otherwise. To give an example, In the film It's Complicated, there's a scene when the kids find out that their parents might be getting back together, and one of them makes the comment, "We still haven't gotten used to the divorce yet." Then, when things don't work out for the parents, the kids are all in bed together, teary-eyed from the confusion. Another example is that If your life or a relationship is going badly, revenge is not your last hope for renewal. In fact, it takes away much more than it gives. Trying to figure out how to get back at someone uses up time that could be spent in many more positive ways to heal your self.
October 10th, 2018 6:47pm
Someone who is already in pain might want to inflict pain upon other because they feel like they are alone and they want people to feel the exact same way. I have experienced people like this in many different places. They feel lonely and want someone to talk to them, to them it doesn't matter about the reasons why the person is talking to them. They just do not wish to be all alone. They wish for someone to be there just for them. They want people to listen to what they have to say, no matter how toxic it is.
December 2nd, 2018 10:57pm
People want to know that others are hurting more than they are to deflect their pain. It's cruel, and unjust, but not uncommon. They want to know others are worse off than they are in their time of need, and it makes them feel better to know that things could be worse (even if they're the ones who made it worse for other people). No one wants to hurt, and some people find it easier to cope by taking out their hurt and anger and emotion on people who don't deserve it, as a sort of way to pass the pain onto someone else.
December 6th, 2018 7:30am
inflicting pain on others, while your in pain, makes your feel good. because someone other than yourself is hurting. but at what cost? you just hurt someone you care for, for tempory relief of your own pain. instead of hurting that person you could have just asked them for help or support.
February 24th, 2019 10:51am
The answer you are looking for is already in the question. Sometimes (in fact, more often than not), people hurt others exactly because they are in pain themselves. If pain is all they know, pain is the only thing they can offer to others. By hurting others people may experience a perception of fairness ("if everybody around is hurting, then my own pain is somewhat fair"), or even relief ("if I hurt someone else, maybe they will hurt more than me, and that means that my pain may not be as bad in comparison"). These processes tend to happen subconsciously, meaning that people often do not intend any harm to others, and when asked why they did, they truly may not know the answer. This means that often people will hurt others without such intent per se, but rather in subconscious efforts to relieve their own pain.
March 22nd, 2019 6:10pm
When people experience pain it can resemble a heavy load. If you carry too much, it is often easier to hand some of the load to others. People who do not experience empathy or cannot share their emotions to feel release sometimes drift off into inflicting pain on others. They feel that this is a possibility to share their feelings and force people into empathy as they are now feeling alike. This, however, is very harmful and it is important to stress that there are other ways. Experiencing empathy, talking to someone about the burden you have to carry, or just writing down your emotions for yourself are methods which could help to relieve you of your pain and share it in a non-harmful way.
April 7th, 2019 11:32am
It can be a way to cope for the one who is in pain. It may not justify for what they may have done, but from their perspective, they are hurting as well and they sometimes need to "let it out" or distract themselves from their life. While, in some cases, the whole "they're just talking about themselves when they call you names" is true, it can mean that when they are hurting they feel as though this is what they deserve yet they take it out on others, or maybe it's how they were/are being treated at home or by others. Like I said, this shouldn't justify for what they did, but it can help by understanding and starting to defuse the problem.
May 17th, 2019 1:45pm
Because that is the only thing that someone has to give: pain. There is no more room for other feelings such as happiness and etc. Maybe he or she inflicts the pain upon others so that the pain is shared and they feel validated for doing it. There are other quotes which encourage them to inflict pain upon others. Quotes such as "what comes around goes around" or "all things should be fair and equal". These quotations may be the driving force for people to do what they do. However, there is hope. There is no need to inflict the same pain to others if only they can defuse the pain just by talking to others (that's why it is important to learn and master a language in order to express yourself clearly). By talking, pain can be defused and he or she can have space for other positive feelings again.
July 6th, 2019 2:19pm
Because that's their escape route. To feel good that they're not alone who felt pain. To get the revenge they never had. To escape from the reality of being alone in the pain. It's hard for them to see someone happy or content. It burns them from inside and they believe they deserve to do this. At end for them it is their sad history or present that drives them to hatred and evil.. And they can justify it. It's hard for them but they will be always saying that they're doing the right thing. To be able to escape from their own demons
July 24th, 2019 10:11pm
A person in pain may want to spread his pain to others in order to feel less alone. Knowing that he/she has successfully hurt others may give the person a sense of satisfaction that he is not alone in feeling pain and hurt. People often exude and spread the emotions in which they feel, maybe subconsciously -but nonetheless they do. Maybe spreading pain is the only way they feel they can get this gratification. But I like to believe that the correct way would be to learn how to channel this pain into something else other than bringing others down as well.
September 1st, 2019 1:57pm
It might stem from the belief that the person the aggression is aimed at somehow hurt them or is responsible for their suffering. It's a reaction to a factual or perceived pain that was inflicted on the body or the spirit. People who are in pain and who are aggressive in return might not be mature and present enough to see themselves as aggressors and take responsibility for their actions. This requires self-reflection, and people who are in pain are occupied with their own pain to notice the pain they inflict on others around them, or to understand its gravity.
October 3rd, 2019 4:08am
Perhaps they feel that pain is justified and there's a certain logic behind this pain, or perhaps they see this as a twisted way to show affection and maybe they enjoy it themselves. However there is a difference between purely enjoying pain under certain circumstances and having a twisted view of the world. Often those that likes to inflict pain has experienced trauma in their life, very possibly during their most important stages of development in their childhood, that causes an unhealthy perception of the world that barrs them from having a balanced moral and cognition, they would need to be counselled by professionals if that is the case.
October 19th, 2019 9:27pm
Pain is very difficult to handle. The effect it has on people is not to be underestimated. When a person is in pain, a person usually tries to find a way to stop, or to lessen it. Some coping methods are healthy, while others are not. Some people cope with their own pain, by making other people hurt, depending on the situation it might feel fair, to not be the only one who has to suffer. It might be about anger and frustration, at ones own situation, that makes the person hurt the people around them. However no person has the right to deal with their pain on other people’s expenses. That means no one has the obligation to endure abuse, just because it is rooted in the abusers pain. There are other options to deal with hurt and pain.
November 21st, 2019 9:45pm
Could be for many reasons. One, maybe they're a sadist. A sadist is someone who enjoys inflicting pain on others, sometimes in a sexual sense. Sadists like seeing other people hurt. Another reason could be, they just don't know how to ask for help. Or, Their reactions stem from past experiences that led them to certain beliefs that they accepted as truth. They are actually just preconceived ideas projected onto others to protect their ego. Now instead of taking it personally, I recognize it for what it is and love the person anyway. When you know where people’s reactions to you are coming from, it is much easier to not take it personally.
November 22nd, 2019 6:06am
human being is a complex creature , more so in functioning of psychological and mental faculties. To a normal human mind, it is difficult to understand why a person who himself is experiencing pain should try to inflict the same on others instead of being more considerate for others . The reason may lie in urge of an individual to feel part of a group. (how we all have laughed since childhood at the comic scene in movies of a person falling on road after stepping on a banana skin) To feel an odd man out in a group can be very frustrating for some , so they try to inflict pain on others to be amusingly relieved for not being alone. The concept of Angry young man, glorified through movies also gives a person in pain , a social go ahead to give pain to others and even get sympathy from society for having being wronged.
January 8th, 2020 9:15am
I know it might seem difficult to understand where that person is coming from, but sometimes when people go through pain they can feel jealous or bitter and can try to bring other people down with them. It might be because they never learned how to ask for help, or they might be struggling with their own issues and focusing only on how bad they have it. Not all of us heal in the same way - in fact, not all of us wish to heal at all, and some people find their pain more manageable when they inflict it upon someone else, perhaps as a form of revenge.
January 17th, 2020 5:10am
When we lack self-awareness, it is easy to project our pain on others. When we do this, we become blind to our own pain inside ourselves. This can show up as complaining, or blaming language and behavior. This is why meditation can be a powerful tool for dealing with our pain. By going within ourselves we can catch destructive behaviors that damage our relationships. The next time you feel angrey or upset breath. Breath and ask yourself " Why am I upset right now? Can I do anything to feel better about this situation or person? How can I remain calm?" If you still feel overwhelmed with emotions, then remove yourself from the situation/conversation or place. Come back to the moument later and reflect.
January 25th, 2020 11:58am
Because when we are drained out of positive images and feeling out way of sharing can take negative form. When someone who has mostly negative ideas and negative recent if at al experiences communicates with others, they bring their internal experiences to their current communication process Feeling bad isn't a neutral consequence. It is a manifestation of something that is going on physically mentally or may even be medically. A study shows that people who have been abused are more likely TO abuse. That said, reality that had been harsh on an individual can leave one prone to inflicting their pain on others as a way of negative communication that can be altered with love and genuine caring.
February 16th, 2020 11:23pm
They're often splitting off their empathy, especially when talking of traumatizing experiences. Some people also wish to rationalize the pain this way. Sometimes it's a way of letting out anger, stress etc., by making others feel what we feel, to relieve ourselves or be heard by the world. Time to time it also harms us when others do better than ourselves, making us feel low. It can also be caused by us wanting to feel like someone understand our pain and what we're going through. It's important to feel understood by the people surrounding us, it's a natural instinct we have from birth on.
February 19th, 2020 11:12pm
People in pain are mostly the lonely ones. Inflicting pain to others might be their way of asking for help or attention. Or people in pain feels satisfaction seeing other people suffer as well. In that way, they dont feel alone. Sometimes, they think that life is unfair, cause they are the only one hurting so they hurt others to make it seem fair for them.
February 23rd, 2020 7:12pm
Hurt people hurt people. They have pain in their past and they send that back out into the world. It is a cycle that people pass on because they never healed from their trauma. However stopping that cycle would make the world a better place. Instead of hurting, forgive the people who hurt you and do your best not to hurt others. If you can spend your time trying to help and heal, so that others may be spared for the cycle. Think about what was done to you and how it made you feel. Treat people how you want to be treated.
February 29th, 2020 2:47pm
"Hurt people hurt." When there is pain, someone will try to make it go away. There are many remedies. One of them is to project it on others. That is to in inflict it upon others. If someone can't control their own pain, they are going to control others pain. It may sound ridicule. But it is a pain control mechanism. In the meantime seeing others in pain gives the person in pain a good distraction. Sometimes it is more than a pain relief. The one in pain can get a happy feeling out of it. You may call it sick. But the reason why someone will want to do that is more complicated to explain.