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How do I stop suicidal thoughts? I consider suicide every day now and I don't know how I can stop it. I have reasons not to, but a lot of the time it's drowned out by other things. What do I do?

4 Answers
Last Updated: 12/07/2020 at 3:55am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Paola Giordani, Psychoanalyst

Licensed Psychoanalyst

I have helped and am helping people cope with loss, divorce, anguish and parenting. Depression is also a major issue that comes up.

Top Rated Answers
March 27th, 2018 11:33pm
You can stop suicidial thoughts by organizing your other thoughts separated with your suicidial thoughts or making a grid to divide it too.
July 3rd, 2018 6:39pm
it’s not about the thoughts deep down inside your heart something is surely troubles you may not know it but there is and only you can figure it out....even the slightest thing is concerning you just message me i’ll try to solve it for you😊
July 21st, 2020 8:52pm
Stopping suicidal thoughts can be difficult to the point of seeming near impossible. Sometimes recognising suicidal thoughts and responding to them with positive thoughts can be more effective than blocking them out altogether. When a thought comes to mind sometimes the best method of allowing it to pass without acting upon it is to consider the consequences that would follow if you acted on your thoughts. Overtime, the benefits of staying around may gradually start to outweigh the supposed benefits of acting. It is also important to recognise that by ending your life you are only passing your pain on to those around you rather than getting rid of it completely. Try to stay positive everyone :)
December 7th, 2020 3:55am
hi! thank u for this question. it must have been really difficult and overwhelming for you to have been feeling this way. if no one has mentioned this, you are so strong for still holding on. I am really happy to hear that you can confidently say that you have reasons not to, it is amazing that you manage to see the light despite all the surrounding darkness. I can't say I understand how you feel for sure but I had been in a similar state of mind for quite some time, but I can confidently say that as of today , I want to keep going , want to keep living and experiencing the beauty that the world has to offer me. I am hoping that me sharing my journey with you might help you? I did a lot of writing, it helped me put my thoughts and emotions into words which really helped because writing it out helped to be kind of "verbalise" my feelings and it def helped to declutter my head. There were still definitely times when I still felt that way, I would reach out to the suicide hotline and speak to them. It was actually really helpful for me because they were always very encouraging and such such wonderful listeners really. I was also seeing a counsellor, which was helpful too. I really hope u manage to reach out to a counsellor too. Their guidance and definitely just a listening ear might be really helpful. But well this definitely is not a "one size fits all" kinda thing, what worked for me might not work for me , but I hope u do give it a try. It is going to be a difficult journey but I hope u know that when u come out of this, u are only going to come out stronger. I am so proud of u, and so are so many others around u. keep going, please don't give up.