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I have no friends in high school or college. What should I do?

94 Answers
Last Updated: 06/30/2020 at 9:17pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
May 11th, 2016 5:27am
Go talk to new people. Meeting new people is the best way to make friends. Or perhaps you could join a group of people with similar interests.
May 6th, 2016 3:37pm
Making friends is easier than it looks! You can simply go up to people who also look lonely and/or scared who are on their own or make friends with someone in a class or extra curricular activity and potentially be accepted into their friend group or just be friends with them. (Or you could do what I used to do and message them over social media). Just remember to be kind to people and don't make yourself look unapproachable.
May 7th, 2016 8:56pm
If you would like to make friends and are the social type, you could try to join some clubs or activities your school offers. Many friendships are made through school activities where students get to work with fellow classmates and get along with similar interests.
May 8th, 2016 5:38am
You could find a hobby you like doing, if your school library is open during break times, you could read or listen to music to pass the time. You could try finding and approaching other people that look lonely and you could go to a youth center to meet new people.
July 11th, 2016 6:44am
try to talk and show them who you really are not all of them will accept you so keep searching.
December 10th, 2019 6:06pm
Finding new social groups is a great way to meet people and make friends. This could be a club, religious organization, student committee, or any other gathering where there are other people who are interested in the same things you are. Once you meet someone who seems interesting, simply strike up a conversation. Ask them what brings them there and what their interests are. You will probably have at least one thing in common, and you can build from that. The easiest way to build a friendship is to find common ground. There are many people out there like you, in the same position as you, and they would love to be your friend.
February 6th, 2018 7:39pm
If you do not have friends in the places you go, you should try joining a club or take acting classes. Art classes and yoga will also introduce you to other people. Find what you enjoy and makes you happy, be confident and people will be drawn to you. Also understand that just because you do not have any friends does not mean there is something wrong with you. Some of the most intelligent thinkers in history were anti-social and had no friends!
December 5th, 2017 6:49pm
It's normal to have trouble finding friends in places where your interests may not align. School is a second place (home is the first). If you're having trouble finding friends in a second place, try a third place, like a community centre, club, gaming space, etc. Go find a thing you love to do, and you'll find other people who love it too.
July 18th, 2017 3:11am
Put yourself out there! You'll find friends where you look. Become involved in extra curriculars your school offers. They'll be interested in the same things as you!
April 18th, 2017 8:50pm
This is both the easiest and the hardest answer- make some. Study in public. Eat in the cafeterias. Interact with strangers, even little things- especially little things. Compliment people on small stuff without being creepy. Join clubs- oh my gosh JOIN CLUBS. Even if they don't seem SUPER interesting, there has got to be SOME kind of club on your campus that is cool. Get a job. Talk to people about internship opportunities. Find a hobby! If you have a hobby, research what going on involving it in your area! Increase your social activity, your circle by doing things you wouldn't normally do. Practice social skills. There are so many websites and blogs and awesome books and all kinds of things that can help you along in social skills. Its really hard, and you aren't alone- just a little lonely right now. It gets so much easier the more you do it. Just put yourself out there. Fake it till you make it if you need to.
January 3rd, 2017 2:20pm
Let your heart sing out. Try to be yourself in public and be friendly, ready to talk to everyone. Put up a smile and start a conversation on casual things like weather, school.
November 29th, 2016 5:34am
Friendship can be a struggle, what helped me most when I was lonely and didn't have any friends was really trying to discover what I had a passion for. I found volunteering for various causes very helpful as it allowed me to meet some wonderful people who had similar passions to me.
September 6th, 2016 10:13am
Go out? Meet new people? Find those who have same interests/values as you? And important thing: it's ok to judge, so you don't make loser friends.
September 5th, 2016 2:14pm
Try small talk with people you like after class. Joining groups because remember that at college or school most people don't know each other. It's a great time to make some new friends !
May 13th, 2016 5:40pm
The world is a very populated place. Maybe try a social media website or app for people in your area.
June 27th, 2016 6:40pm
You could try to go out and join programs or classes to meet people with similar interests, such as pottery classes.
June 21st, 2016 5:18am
The best way to make friend is to just keep getting involved in activities you enjoy. It can be hard to get out there, especially when you feel so isolated, but getting involved in something you enjoy is the best way to find people with similar interests. I met some of my best friends by writing on a Disney roleplay blog--we had so much in common and kept interacting because we were having so much fun! Volunteer work would be another great way to meet people, especially people who are caring and compassionate (great qualities in a potential friend!) Volunteering for a good cause is a very effective way of increasing your feelings of belonging in a community.
May 18th, 2016 8:23am
High school is only a short part of your life. Once you get out of school you genuinely start learning who you really are and will find plenty of people like you
May 18th, 2016 8:07am
You could join a club or make yourself more approachable. You could even do the approaching if you feel up to it. Making friends is about putting yourself out there and finding things in common with the people around you.
May 18th, 2016 5:25am
Join a club! In many educational systems, there are clubs or teams you can join. Maybe find something you enjoy, or you have a natural talent for. And, usually, people will have common interests, and there you go. Friends!
May 15th, 2016 8:58pm
True friends take time to find, Dont overthink the situation. Give yourself time, and be kind and compassionate
May 15th, 2016 5:23pm
Talk to people. Try and make friends! You never know if you don't try. The perfect friend is probably just out there waiting for you!
May 15th, 2016 11:25am
The best thing to do would be to join a club, join a team or even start a new social group that interest you. You will meet many people that have the same interests as you, which definitely helps spark a light in the direction of a new friendship.
May 14th, 2016 8:19am
Realize that you are worthy of love and friendship. Reach out in small steps by joining clubs, societies or common interest groups.
March 17th, 2016 6:25pm
Try joining some clubs or out of school activities, it will mean you're able to meet new people. You just haven't found the right people yet :)
March 31st, 2016 3:03am
Getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to make new friends and connections.
March 31st, 2016 2:40am
you should try to go to more social event's or talk to someone and find out more about them and see if things work out :)
March 27th, 2016 9:07am
I spent time learning about my hobbies in depth. In time, that interest brought me in contact with people who had the same hobbies as I did.
March 27th, 2016 1:56am
Well i always recommend people to be themselves, even if being yourself doesn't get you any friends, because if you pretend to be someone else on the long run you aren't going to feel any kin dof connection with the friends you got being that way, so yeah basically be yoursefl and probably someone will wan to be your friend sooner or later, and also is quite important to stay open and humble.
March 24th, 2016 11:32pm
I went through and I am going through the same thing right now, just focus on you, your goals and your dreams. It can be lonely at times, but we can make it through no matter what!