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Is it normal to think about suicide everyday?

306 Answers
Last Updated: 05/22/2022 at 10:28pm
Is it normal to think about suicide everyday?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lauren Abasheva, LMHC

Licensed Professional Counselor

A sex positive, and kink knowledgeable therapist with an open mindset and a clear understanding that we are all different.

Top Rated Answers
June 6th, 2019 10:41pm
For some people it can be normal, but I mean normal in the sense that it is part of their life. You aren't strange or broken for thinking that way, but I understand that it is something that can be quite debilitating. I would recommend that you reached out and spoke to a professional about what you're going through and hopefully you can find strategies in order to cope with these thoughts. There are ways you can get through this and learn how to deal with these thoughts. I hope that anyone going through this is doing okay and will get the help they need.
March 16th, 2022 1:17pm
No, it is not normal to think about suicide everyday. It is a sign that you are overwhelmed or could be going through emotional or mental pain. Talking to someone (a professional is preferred) but talking to someone can help you feel a lot better. A professional may be able to pinpoint the cause behind it and even shed light on the way forward. Remember that your life is important, no matter how low you feel. And that the best thing you can do is to stay alive. Sometimes we are not okay- and that is okay. Just ask for help from trusted friends, family or the listeners you find here. If it persists then I think consider getting some professional help. Your life is important.
February 26th, 2022 4:56pm
Depending on your own situation, definitely. Last year, when I was really struggling with my mental health, I thought about suicide practically everyday. Sometimes it was active thoughts (e.g. “I want to kill myself”), but most of the time, it was more passive thoughts (e.g. “I just want to escape this pain”). When you’re going through a difficult time, your mind starts to filter through all the different ways you could alleviate that pain, and unfortunately, if the situation is bad enough, you might even contemplate suicide. One healthy way I’ve found to address this is whenever I had a suicidal thought, I’d redirect myself to the present moment and think of something healthy I could do to manage my pain. Some of these coping skills included talking through it with a parent or my therapist, relaxation breathing, and engaging in a mindful activity. Suicidal thoughts can be difficult, but once you find healthy ways to cope, they become more infrequent and easier to manage.
June 12th, 2019 10:48pm
No, it’s not supposed to be. If you think about suicide on a daily basis this could mean a number of things. Science has proven that when people think about things a lot they’re more likely to do those things. Thinking about suicide could mean, at the very least, that you’re suffering from a mental illness and at the very most, that you’re on the brink of life and death. If you feel as if you do think about suicide everyday, reach out to a suicide hotline or talk it out with your family. Suicide is never anything anyone should be thinking about day after day. Why think about death when you have life?
June 21st, 2019 7:54pm
Suicidal thoughts can be become addictive. If we consider suicide often then it becomes routine to think about it whenever we feel stressed or trapped in a situation. It's like an automatic reaction. Ideally, we should become more mindful of our own thoughts and try to break that cycle. Think of other things, such as: "yes, I feel very low right now, but it will pass eventually". Distraction is also a great technique, so try to do things that you enjoy or at least something that captures your focus for a little while. If these issues persist, then perhaps you should seek professional help from a doctor.
June 23rd, 2019 6:34am
Actually, no. This is a huge sign of depression, and you need to talk to someone about it. If you are a student, talk to your guidance counselor about this. If you are already working, talk to a therapist or your doctor. Ask for reccommendations as to whom you can ask for help. Thinking about suicide everyday is already a sign as I said earlier of depression. Talk to someone, don't be afraid or shy to ask for help, this is not something you should be dealing on your own. Talk to a friend or a parent or even anyone you are comfortable with.
July 20th, 2019 5:05pm
Thoughts about suicide is a grey area. It's not healthy to think of it as either being normal or unnatural. When it comes down to it though, thoughts of suicide are very common. People don't necessarily have to have a mental health disorder to have thoughts about taking their life. It can often be a generic thought or an indicator of high stress levels. It's less common to think about ending ones life everyday with any other thoughts attached to it. If it gets to a point that it becomes concerning however, go to see a doctor. They can always start you off on the right course of action. If a feeling is ever intense, A&E is always a safe place to go!
April 21st, 2021 6:10pm
I feel it’s common for people to often think about those “what if’s”, but its important you never let those thoughts become too common to the point where they become active. Some people think about suicide for various reasons. It could be because of something that’s taken place, it could be because of something you feel, or sometimes people don’t know why they think about it. Statistics show when interviewing people who dealt with suicidal thoughts - 1 in 2 people said they didn’t know why they thought that way. Try to talk out those feelings with someone you trust and if there isn’t anyone you can think of, they have several online chats where you can talk anonymously with crisis specialists who can help you keep those thoughts at a minimum. Much love
August 4th, 2019 2:40am
If you have had suicidal ideations multiple times, it can be normal but most times it isnt normal. We are all here for you so don't be afraid to ask for help. Just because it may not be normal, never feel bad about feeling that way!! Suicide can be very hard to deal with and there are many people here to support you as well as helplines, professionals, therapists and police and EMT authorities. Send me a message if you ever need help. We are here to help but if you are contemplating about suicide, please call a helpline or 911.
August 18th, 2019 4:28am
No, it's not normal. Please seek help or text the crisis line they are there for suicidal idealization and can help. 24/7. Counseling is needed if thoughts are ongoing and you cannot shake them. There are many reasons for suicide but you can be helped. Crisis line 741741 and a counselor can help you learn coping skills and come up with a plan to help you avoid those thoughts. Depression can cause suicidal idealization, sadness, loss of relationships and many other mental health issues. It is ok to reach out for help that is why we have counselors to help.
August 21st, 2019 2:36pm
If you think about ending your life everyday, that is not normal and you might need help from a professional. If you ever find yourself planning or about to engage in a suicidal act, please take a moment first to call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you will remain anonymous. If, on the other hand, you think about suicide as an interesting phenomenon and not as something you want to do, then I think it’s as normal as any other thought. People get fascinated by any number of subjects, and the subject of suicide is a complex and difficult problem to grapple with. If you’re the kind of person who likes to be challenged by difficult questions, then don’t worry if you grapple with the reality that people die from suicide. Either way, please monitor your own relationship with the thought of suicide, and reach out for help if you feel life is becoming too much for you to handle.
September 29th, 2019 7:21am
No, it is not normal or healthy. Please remember that if you are thinking about suicide every day that your mind is ill and that it is not your fault that you are feeling this way. With help and compassion, your mind can and will recover. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. I know the stress of everyday life can be unbearable at times. Please trust me when I say that in time it will get better. Please look up suicide resources on this website and in your area. You are worthy and deserving of getting help, and feeling better.
October 3rd, 2019 8:26pm
Nope, that is not normal. But you know that, otherwise you wouldn't have asked. Humans are inclined to life in almost all the details of their existence. In the way mothers will protect their offspring and in the way it is physically inmpossible to strangle yourself. That will to live inside of you was also the part that asked this question. You probably have a life right now that you really do not want. Maybe it is your circumstances, your health, your family or maybe just who you are that make you not want to keep exisitng. you want to stop doing this man-made ratrace of living. I am here to tell you that I understand that. I really do. Life can be so hard and so ugly. But it is also beautiful and lovely sometimes. There are people who will help you to find a life that you want to keep living. There are ways to get to an existence that you actually enjoy most of the time. You will get there. you are strong and the life in you is strong. Where I'm from we have a saying: where there is life there is hope. There is hope in you too my friend. Keep if alive and you will bloom.
December 22nd, 2021 4:56am
Thinking about suicide everyday may be a sign that you are suicidal. It would be best if you would reach out to a suicide hotline. Please do not feel like you are unworthy or useless because there is a space in this universe that you occupy and that space is a very beautiful space with animals and buildings and mountains and rivers and filled with your imagination. You are worthy and you are loved. You are strong. You have always got up and stood against all odds. I hope you will be able to share what you are going through with someone, even if its on 7 cups. Stay strong
October 16th, 2019 5:01pm
It’s hard to judge things in terms of normal or not normal. It might be your reality right now and that does not make you “crazy”. All things considered it might not be unreasonable to think the way you do. However this way of thinking is not healthy and can become very dangerous. Keep in mind that depression or the momentary weight of the situation you’re going through might change your perception of the world around you and make it harder for you to think in different patterns and see positive aspects in your life. However that doesn’t mean that they are nonexistent. What you’re experiencing is very real and to be taken seriously but it is not all there is in life. I would advise you to seek help, through a suicide hotline or a counselling centre to help you take the first steps towards recovery. Try to put some trust in the fact that there will be other things in life than what you are experiencing in life right now, even if that’s a difficult thing to do. I wish you all the very best.
October 24th, 2019 12:07am
It's a very natural thing to think about suicide, but often people dismiss the thought just as quickly as it comes. When suicidal thoughts happen more frequently, this is when things can become problematic. Especially if you're thinking about suicide daily, and it's starting to impact aspects of your life. One of the things that can help is sharing these thoughts with someone, whether that be a listener or a therapist. Being able to share them can help lessen the intensity and reduce the thoughts completely. I hope that this is helpful to you. Don't be afraid to reach out.
November 13th, 2021 2:50am
It is unfortunately not uncommon to think about suicide everyday, but that does not mean it's healthy. The idea that suicide is a go-to option is a seed planted deeply in all of us. In social spaces, phrases relating to it have become increasingly common; in particular, online sites such as social media have begun to treat suicide so casually, and sometimes even as a joke. As an example, "kms" and "kys" have become common abbreviations. This is not meant to be a scornful post towards social media. In one way, the ability to share the feelings of suicidalness online and maybe cope about it through humor may make some feel less alone or ostracized for their thoughts. However, as the jokes become more common and used as a write off for any negative emotion, the repetition of the intention, even if only jokingly, becomes a trained response. Personally, I remember social media being my first exposure to suicidalness, and of course, it was very casual. The more I saw of it, the more normalized it became, and soon, it was a solid thinking pattern in my brain. Because of this, I've begun to change my response to negative happenings from, "I want to kill myself" (and meaning it), to, "I want to go to bed"/"I want to lie down"/etc. I still get suicidal thoughts, but by decreasing my more casual ones, I've found the amount of more serious ones to decrease as well. Note: another thing which may cause suicidal thoughts every day may actually be OCD. I had a period of time (about a year) where suicide was a heavy intrusive thought that I couldn't shake. I mention this particular situation in case this resonates with someone as an "aha!" sort of moment.
November 8th, 2019 7:52am
First off I want to say that I am sorry that you feel like suicide is perhaps the only option, also that I get it and you are far from alone in this. Unfortunately, suicide or suicidal thoughts are a common experience in so many peoples lives; this to say, that doesn't normalise it or make it okay. You don't have to face these thoughts alone, there is a whole community here to support you. If you can reach out to your family and friends, let them know a bit about what is going on, and perhaps see a therapist (did you know that you can access counselling online? you can even do it here on 7Cups) though we are not professionally trained, if you are not in danger of acting on these thoughts (if you are call a hotline or go to the hospital as we are not a emergency service) you are more than welcome to connect with a listener here at 7Cups, we are always here for you. If you ever want to chat, I am here for you, don't be afraid to reach out. I know that reaching out can be the hardest and most rewarding thing, and I know that you are brave from just asking this question. Best of luck
November 14th, 2019 12:40am
No it isn't normal, it is very dangerous, harmful, and you think of yourself as a dumb, innocent person. Going through daily struggles of your life, like maybe parents fighting, dealing with bullies, depression, being a teen, and wayyy way more... But just know you have to go with the flow of things in your life, through the tough and the bad. KNow that there indeed is people for you, you just have to find them...Know that you aren't the only one dealing with this, and mostly know that you were given life for a reason, for people to love, hate, hurt, you and feel. (way more things)
November 7th, 2021 7:00am
No i think its not. Life is all about journey. Sometimes this could be so boring n frustrating. Sometimes its just tiring himself. But its life. Its a gift of God, n nature. So have to face every problem. Sometime situation will never be able to at our hand. N its kill everyday us and can hamper our daily life. But we have to understand the situation n find out the path to get rid sll of this. If someone feel suicuide everyday, he or she must be need held others. Talk to people,n should go to a psychiatrist. Thats it
November 6th, 2021 11:53am
No, it is not normal to think about suicide every day. If you are having serious suicidal ideations I would strongly recommend that you call a hotline or reach out to a trained professional who can help you through this difficult time in your life. Seeing a counsellor or therapist can be beneficial, as can sharing your thoughts and feeling with a trusted friend or guardian who has the emotional and mental capacity for it. I believe that you have it in you to keep on going. Live for the small moments and take life one day at a time. It will get better eventually, i promise.
December 26th, 2019 8:13am
No. It is not normal to be feeling this way, but you are not alone. Search for things you love, keep yourself occupied, talk. TALK! communication is the most important step to recovery (after acceptance). Talk to someone you trust and always feel welcomed to talk to me or anyone here. But just know, you are worthy, you are loved, it may not feel like it, but you have a important purpose in this world.
September 2nd, 2020 4:12pm
I think it is not "normal", because not everyone is doing this every day. But you are definitely not alone either!! The same way not everybody is coughing and sneezing everyday. But if you are, this doesn't mean you are "abnormal", it just means that it is time for a professional to help you with this. Because the same way coughing and sneezing is interfering with your allday life, suicidal thoughts have the tendency to interrupt our life quite dramatically. And it is harder to keep going when there is something this heavy on your mind. I believe it is crucial to know that you are not alone, other people feel and have this too, and there are people who are trained to help you with precisely this issue.
February 18th, 2021 8:27pm
While I'm not a fan of the term "normal," thoughts of self-harm should never go unaddressed. Remember, thoughts can rapidly develop into intentions. Anyone, regardless of how "normal" they are, can become vulnerable to self-harm or suicidal thoughts. It is crucial that you reach out to someone immediately if you are having thoughts of harming yourself. We are here for you. I am here for you. We are not here to judge you or give unsolicited advice. Let's take this one step at a time. There's no harm in contacting me or any other member of this platform. Just let us know what's on your mind and we will listen with empathy. You're going to get through this.
September 23rd, 2020 10:50am
Honestly, I am no help here. The younger me has been in the place where suicide was frequently on my mind. The younger me was filled of hate due to pain from my childhood and heartbreak. But the older me, though I have mental issues, is on the fence. A part thinks thinking of death has become the norm. So many people think about it, even though they may not speak up. However, thinking and doing are two different things. We should not act of these thoughts. EVER! In stead, think about how your loss would hurt the people around you. I tell you, there are soooo many people who would love and miss you. Do you not know that YOU are why the world is better? You are valuable, important, special, and loved.
February 21st, 2021 11:22am
Sometimes, when I'm poorly, I think about suicide every single day. I use it as a barometer for when I need to seek help, especially if I'm thinking of acting on those thoughts. For me, sometimes they become more than thoughts, almost compulsions - the first thing I think of in the morning is suicide, and it's the last thing I think of when going to sleep. I've lived with these mental health problems for years, and I've had quite a bit of help with them. Some of the most helpful things I learned were ACT, and what an intrusive thought was. It somehow takes away the impulse to harm myself a bit, and I use ACT with intrusive thoughts a lot. The other thing that helps me a lot is to think of times where I haven't been suicidal, where I've felt happy and grounded and have enjoyed time with my friends and family - going out for walks with my partner and loving animals and the babies I look after at work. This is something I'm working on with my therapist and it's really starting to help.
May 28th, 2021 6:25am
It's okay to feel low. It's okay to feel sad but it's not okay to try commit suicide. Many people will come help us ,when we need them. They may be family, friends or even strangers but at the end of the day, it's we ourselves who will help overcome whatever issues we have in our life. Try motivating yourself. No other motivation will be as impactful as motivating oneself. Every night before sleeping, remind yourself that you did it . You survived the day so beautifully, met many amazing people, got to learn so many wonderful things. Smile and start your day.
July 10th, 2021 1:58pm
If you are thinking about suicide everyday, your mind is not on the right spot. I have been there myself. Life felt unenjoyable in places it used to BE enjoyable and these dark thoughts kept arising. If you can empathize with that statement in your current situation, I would heavily advise you to seek help from a professional therapist. When i started doing it, even though I did not exactly want to, it made things get better. Not immediately but over time with each visit they taught me important techniques which I use to this day. And i knew that I was talking to someone who really knows what they are talking about. If therapy is not your cup of tea, or too expensive you can also call a suicide hotline. People there are really kind so do not feel anxious that you might say something wrong.
August 15th, 2021 3:28pm
No. It is not normal. Practitioners agree that it is a sign that something is causing someone a great deal of distress, and that that needs to be examined. There are also a number of mental health illnesses that can prompt this pattern of thinking, and there are many ways that people can learn to combat this. Among them are CBT, mindfulness, and medication. Thinking about suicide on a daily basis makes it nearly impossible to recognize in yourself even the smallest accomplishments. Finally, there is no permanent way to keep this kind of thought to yourself all of the time, especially as time goes by.
August 9th, 2020 10:54pm
If I take it in general then no honey, it isn't. If you're feeling this way you might be very depressed and I would recommend you to seek help. Here is a lot of listeners and therapists that will listen and support you through your path. If you have someone you can openly talk to then sit and talk with them about your feelings. I asure you that it's going to make you feel better! Find the cause that makes you think about this and make it disappear. Life is so much beautiful and YOU must see it. You've got this! 💖