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My anxiety is getting worse and depression won't let me live my life, how do I overcome this?

217 Answers
Last Updated: 05/15/2022 at 9:53pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
June 4th, 2020 6:51am
To overcome anxiety, i just lay in my bed and hug something. Sometimes its a pillow, or blanket. I like feeling in control, so by hugging an inanimate object I'm able to rest my whole body on it. As for depression, I find it best to talk with close friends or family members. Its important to have a great support system. I am blessed to be able to vent to my family and friends. I did attend a support group once it I found it empowering. I felt as if I wasn't alone and it was nice to hear how other people were able to overcome it.
June 27th, 2020 5:42pm
Some of the ways that you can do to overcome anxiety are as follows: 1. Enough time to sleep and rest. 2. Limit consumption of caffeine and alcoholic drinks. 3. Reduce stress by trying relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga. 4. Doing physical activity or exercising regularly. 5. Try to exchange ideas or share with friends. 6. consult a psychiatrist. 7. Forget all the anxiety in your way of thinking positive things. For example: You're anxious if you can't do the exam well. Change that thought to being: I can go through it and it will definitely work. 8. Always believe that whatever has happened, it is the best for you. And find the wisdom behind all the happenings.
July 3rd, 2020 3:11pm
In my personal experience, I've tried and try daily to think of my thougths like something I can take out of me and observe. That helps me to think like how it would be if I didn't have those thougths... and just that helps a lot. It's like having two versions or two possibilyties of reality and choose. Hope it's helpful for you. Mindfulness has been very helpful. Try any app in your mobile if you have the chance or simply close your eyes and hear all the sounds around you, or feel your body breathing in and out. It helps dissconeccting from the continous chatting in your mind.
July 12th, 2020 5:25pm
Hello! Try to take some time to just decompress and rest. Get comfy in bed and play your favorite movie or talk to a friend or bake something. Take some time to not have anything going on except for you to physically and mentally rest. Then when you're done, maybe make a list of little things to do (make your bed, brush your teeth), then keep building on it (go for a walk, talk to a friend). Try to find things that can help you get unstuck that you enjoy doing. Maybe see what hobbies you like (sports, painting, etc.). Good luck!
July 29th, 2020 1:28am
I have dealt with depression for most of my life. I'm had bouts of debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. I had no social life and couldn't get a job. I did nothing but stay home all day and all night. I let this control me for years. In time, I slowly started to get out of my comfort zone. I began going to the gym. I'm a strong believer in peace of body equals peace of mind. Also, although boring to some' this was my way of going out and socializing. Not saying you have to join a gym but you have to get out there and try. Live life. Do regular everyday normal things. Push yourself out of your comfort each day and build that positive momentum.
July 31st, 2020 8:47pm
I really hear how difficult and troubling these emotions are for you. How depression and anxiety intrude into your life, when you did not ask for this at all. So of course you would want to know - how do I overcome this? If we saw a wild, panicked animal struggling in a net, fighting harder & hard to get free and getting more and more entangled - and if magically it could understand language - we would probably say first: stop fighting. Be with it. Notice it - the ropes, where you are bound. Become intimately familiar with it. Don't rip and tear - even though it feels so horrible - notice. Slow it down. Only then is there a hope of a next step, and being free. So for you, too, I would say - notice how much you are doing to escape this horrible experience. The things you say inside yourself. The way you crunch down your emotions. How you distract yourself, try to escape. But instead - slow down to 0 mph. Notice how big the feeling is, from 0 to 10. Notice where it is in your body - where is it more present? Does it have a shape - a weight, a temperature, a movement, a texture? And then....just....bring your awareness to it, again and again. If you keep doing this - over time - the ropes will loosen.
August 13th, 2020 3:53pm
breathe. it’s never easy, but it’s possible. take it slow. your willingness to overcome this is the first step to actually overcoming this. anxiety and depression are part of the human condition, and none of this is your fault. you have every right to feel your emotions, but you deserve every courage to not let your emotions overshadow you. you are bigger than your fear, and your thoughts are under your control. practice mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, hydration, soaking in the sun and basking in good music. sometimes finding joy in the small things can help us overcome anything this world of suffering throws at us. remember you matter, and your anxiety/depression are a small insignificant fragment of your being.
August 16th, 2020 6:35pm
Life can sometimes exert tremendous pressure that can overwhelm us. If you are already suffering from depression and you find your anxieties rocketing, do not despair, there is a way out. But you must take immediate action to respond appropriately. Your first call should be to monitor and identify any anxieties spiralling out of control n curb these by limiting your thoughts to one positive thought. Discard all other autonomous negative ones that drown you.Literally let everything else go. Then slow right down with breathing exercises. Calm your body n mind with 10-20mins of gentle breathing with the one positive thought in your mind and eyes closed.Once you have stabilized then open your eyes get some refreshments, and tackle one thing at a time. Do not open up plans for future etc. Just take one day at a time. If you suffer from chronic depression, you need to get professional help. Try to put effort into doing your desired tasks but don’t force things to progress quickly.Depression is your body's request to you to slow down and take stock of unresolved internal traumas. Hence you need to listen to your inner voice and not push yourself. Always take one step atba time.
August 27th, 2020 1:24am
It is really important to be in touch with your feelings, but also to recognize negative feelings and speak about them to trusted others. If it's getting unmanageable it is important to consider your options, like finding a new hobby, speaking with loved ones, or even considering medication or therapy if it becomes unbearable to live your life. Your mental health is so important, almost as important as your physical health and you should always be taking care of yourself! Suppressing your feelings will only make your anxiety and dperession worse, so it's really good that you are coming here to ask for solutions and your acknowledging that these feelings that you are having need to be let out.
September 25th, 2020 4:24am
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
November 29th, 2020 10:32pm
Living with anxiety and depression are definately challenging and can be hard to deal with at times. If you are able to get help from a professional, that would be the best option to receive advice from someone who can truly understand you and your situation. Reaching out to your family, friends, or anyone close to you can also help you to feel connected and feel less alone. Doing things that make you happy, pursuing your hobbies and interests can help you get lost in the activity and feel more positive about your life. It is hard, but always remember you are not alone!
December 10th, 2020 8:59pm
I would speak with someone whom I trust in order to release tension. Speaking to someone does more good than you could imagine. Speaking is a positive thing and we as social creatures need human interaction. You don’t have to suffer alone as it only does harm both physically & mentally in the long run, it catches up with you. Your not alone in this battle. You’ll be surprised how much you learn about yourself once you start talking to someone who shows empathy & genuine compassion. It honestly made a difference with me speaking out and I realised I was not all alone in the dark.
December 23rd, 2020 12:20pm
When we keep our emotions and feelings trapped inside us ,it leads to anxiety. Talking to someone about your feelings always helps. Talk to someone you trust. We're everyday trying to meet this world's expectations that we forget to take care of ourselves. At the end of the day it's you who'll be there for you. Try taking out time for yourself , spend time doing things you love and I'm sure you'll feel better. Treat yourself well and all the best cause there are so many other beautiful things for you to come in future. Take care !
January 8th, 2021 7:16pm
If you feel like you're are spiraling with your anxiety and depression, I would recommend reaching out to get professional help like a therapist to help you get through this hard time. Therapist have been trained and understand what you're going through and can offer good advice or guided help for you to get on the right path to recovery and living your life again. You can also reach out to someone you trust such as a family member, a trusted adult, or close friend to make sure you're not going through this alone either. Anxiety and depression are no joke so make sure to be kind to yourself and let yourself know, you're doing all you can and sometimes our best is our best.
January 16th, 2021 6:30pm
Talking to a trusted person can help, going to see a therapist will help, they can provide you with medicine to help with depression and anxiety, writing down how you feel helps, listening to music, taking a walk to calm down help, don't be afraid, to be honest about your mental health, if you aren't okay, tell someone so they can try to help you, they can't help if you won't speak out, you aren't alone so talk to people who have experienced this or is experiencing it, they can give you tips about it and can help you become stronger
January 27th, 2021 9:10am
We all pass throw hard times and stress but if you feel like it’s effecting your life in anyway then I suggest you talk to someone you love or someone how is close to you, then try to do new things maybe try a new cooking recipe or go shopping with your loved ones and never feel ashamed to ask for help no matter what you are loved and you will get better soon. But if you felt like it’s not getting better or it’s still bad and effecting you then try to ask for professional help for a therapist and always remember you are loved.
January 30th, 2021 11:43pm
I think from my own experience is that you just need to talk to a therapist or someone in your family about what you are feeling. You could also try and talk to a friend that you trust and that won’t tell anyone else how you are feeling. I have been through anxiety and depression and it is hard to try and live your life. Just think In your mind that you are able to overcome anything. Try talking to your mom or dad and see if they can get you on some medication to help with your anxiety and or depression
February 17th, 2021 9:22am
Hi there, i believe if you stick with these steps you can overcome depression! Find small ways to be of service to others, this can be big or small!. Find goals that can be workable and give yourself a sense of accomplishment!. Schedule activities that you find pleasant, this can include events. Keep in the present, try not to focus too much on your head with self-judgment. Exercise!!, this can be a great way to help overcome depression as it can dramatically help your mood. I hope some of these help!, they helped me during my time that i delt with depression and i overcame it and became stronger on the other side!.
March 4th, 2021 7:43pm
You could try bettering yourself by making you more happy. Try new things such as, new hobbies. There are many many hobbies you could try out. Find something that you love doing. Relax maybe meditate, try out some yoga, or just take a bath and do some self care. You could also just be more productive. Do things like clean or organize your room. These are some things that I did to help with my depression. When I felt like not doing anything and had lack of motivation, I just started small and did more and more things to make myself happy.
March 18th, 2021 7:12am
Here are some ways you can overcome depression and anxiety: Cry: Some researchers say that crying helps to communicate pain to others. It is found that crying removes toxins from the body. But do not cry if you don’t feel like it. Exercise : It is found that exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals that eventually helps to fight sadness. Moreover it helps you develop energetic and positive personality. Smile: Even though you are feeling down, smiling have the strongest positive effect on your mood. Listen to music: If you listen music to reminisce the sad situations you had, this deteriorates you. So I recommend you to listen instrumental and the numbers that you prefer. Keep yourself Busy: The more you have leisure time, the more chance of getting back and regretting oneself. So it would be best to spend your time on creative stuffs and involvement on the social clubs that makes you involving. Meditation: The best way to get rid of depression is meditation. It helps you control your own brain and soul. It is said that meditation cures almost all the diseases except AIDS , Cancer of third stage and Last stage of TV. I seriously recommend you for meditation. Be in touch with family and friends: Sharing the feeling of sadness with others makes them feel less intense. Talk to your doctor: Some of the depression symptoms severely affect your daily life. I recommend you to visit Physician. They may prescribe you antidepressant medications that help you regulate the hormones in your brain. Never ever switch or stop taking antidepressant medications without consulting physician. This could result serious health and mood issues. Get sunlight: Do not keep yourself in a dark room. Exposure to the sunlight helps you elevate your mood. Stop the negative self talk: It is found that depressed people tend to see the world in a negative way. When things go wrong they blame themselves and when they go right, they put it down to luck. Monitor your inner negative talk and never take your thoughts seriously when you are feeling low.
May 13th, 2021 1:53am
There's no simple solution however starting off with the knowledge that others have also been through this and come out the other side should be an important thing to keep in mind. I have personally experienced times like this and overcome them and the help I have had has been fantastic. Sometimes people can do it alone and other times you'll need support, either one is ok. But definitely seek out help if you think you need it. It does help immensely. Take it minute by minute. Seek help, talk to someone if you need to. It's more common than you think. Stay strong!
May 29th, 2021 4:05pm
First, find out in what situation you are feeling anxiety and depression. It's better to always find the patterns, like is it the same reason you find your anxiety and depression about or it is a various reason. If it is the same reason, then you can find what is making you anxious or depressed like particularly. and try to change your perception, learn what you have don't that didn't work before, and which made you feel better, so you could focus on that, and keep trying it. If you feel it's out of control and you can't think about it because it makes you more anxious, you can start talking to a therapist who will guide you.
June 9th, 2021 11:44pm
There are many ways to overcome depression and anxiety, if religious you can look for the faith, if not working or not religious you can always go to the psichologyst so that a professional can help you figure out how to overcome little by little giving you the tools you need to overcome those feelings. The most important is to find a support system, whether you find it at home, friends, professionals, church, group of people with similar problems, etc. For we are never alone feeling the way we do, we just need to find the tools that work for us.
July 16th, 2021 2:01am
Try using techniques like mindfulness. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. This includes pausing in the moment and remembering where you are and recognizing that are starting to get anxious/depressed. Then you can start deep breathing and try relaxing by taking deep breaths.
August 12th, 2021 9:24pm
I know it seems hard now, but there are better days ahead. Don't give up! You are stronger than you even know. There are many people out there suffering from depression and anxiety, so you're not alone. There are tons of resources out there, so feel free to find one that you like. I've found it to be extremely helpful to talk to people I trust about my innermost issues. 7 cups is a great resource for non-judgmental listening and sharing one's thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Always remember to find something you enjoy and keep pursuing that. You got this!
August 13th, 2021 4:48pm
As a person with anxiety, I tried really hard to do things that my anxiety wouldn’t let me and it was getting in the way of alot of things that made me feel like it was making my life hard. I researched alot and tried everything I could find. A couple of things that helped for me were: meditation, for at least 5 minutes, I’d put away everything abd close my eyes and breathe. Journaling, I started to write down all my negative thoughts and tried to find the root of the problem. And the find thing that helped was talking to myself like I was my younger self. Sounds silly but giving myself the love I greatly impacted me and telling myself things I needed to hear by looking in the mirror.
August 15th, 2021 3:58am
Create a to-do list that gives you pleasure, mood, and energy. For example, meeting with friends, training, meditation, sauna, swimming pool, cooking, bath, walking to the music, shopping and so on. And when you feel a drain of energy, be sure to try to switch your attention from one activity to another activity on the list as soon as possible. Our brain is unloaded at this moment, because it switches to another matter and a different mood. And 1-2 hours are enough, as you already feel refreshed. If it's hard for you now, remember: Everything is temporary. Everything. And no matter how hard it may seem, a way out of the situation can always be found.
September 2nd, 2021 2:28am
There are many ways to help get over this time in your life. One option you could consider is getting professional help. There are a lot of people who are trained to guide you through this and they might have a more expert opinion. If that doesn't sound like it would work out for you, there are plenty of other options you can try. One of the best is to find a hobby or activity that you enjoy. Sometimes you can find an activity that you like that can help distract you a bit. Talking to others about your situation can also help take care of some of the stress. It really is just about finding what works for you and sticking to that.
September 3rd, 2021 2:18am
It must have been frustrating to be trapped between the two. Anxiety and depression can influence each other. What we do to calm our nerves may increase depression, and also the other way around. I think what we can do to ease it, is by identifying which of the two comes up more frequently first. Which one is the more prominent one in your daily life? For example, I can identify depression as the more prominent one if: I feel mostly down during the days, and so I cannot seem to focus and complete my tasks. But with this, I would feel anxious later at night because I know these tasks will be evaluated. Once you have identified it, you may be able to work on it, step by step, little by little. Baby steps are alright in this sort of situation. In the example of my case, I could try dividing tasks into smaller ones and pair them with some small 'healthy' rewards. Hopefully, we can feel better and slowly ease the anxiety as well, because I know I am starting to work on the tasks. That is the example, and hopefully, it could help give you an insight.
October 2nd, 2021 11:43am
I know it may seem hard. Anxiety can feel so crippling. I am sorry you are going through it. The thing to remember is that you are way more resilient than the anxiety is causing you to feel right now. Try to find a space where you can do some deep breathing and meditation techniques. Give yourself as much time as you need. Be sure to remind yourself that you, like everyone else, deserve to feel safe, protected and loved. The breathing/meditation exercises will help you to attain a bit of calm, and bring you some much needed peace. Taking a slow walk, or listening to some beautiful, serene music can also help to restore your inner serenity. Please be sure to reach out to on of our 7 Cups listeners. We are here to support you In any way we can.