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Suicide Chat Room: What are good resources for people who want this?

97 Answers
Last Updated: 01/05/2016 at 11:23pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Lisa Meighan, MSc Psychology


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Top Rated Answers
September 23rd, 2015 8:27am
Try calling a suicide hotline or talking to a councilor. If in immediate danger call 911. It's good to get help.
September 20th, 2015 6:57pm
I'm not so sure there are any "good" resources for chatrooms to help one deal with suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Such a room, I would think, would need definite responsible moderation by a well-trained individual. And, often, group discussion of suicide might actually push someone to follow through with the act by just keeping the topic on their minds when maybe distraction might be better for a person in that moment. I would suggest contacting a crisis line to speak with a crisis line worker who has been trained in how to communicate with someone at risk for suicide. The following resource may be of help if you know someone in need: or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
September 19th, 2015 4:47pm
All the resources shown on 7cups are fine, but the most important thing is that the more you talk with them, the less likely they will want to do it. They just need someone to listen to them, which is somteimes hard to get by.
September 19th, 2015 3:34pm
Tell them to call the suicide helpline. Tell them to call the suicide helpline. Tell them to call the suicide helpline.
September 18th, 2015 9:30pm
There are many good resources for people who want this., the National Suicide Prevention Society, and many more!
September 17th, 2015 6:15pm
there are many hotlines and or / prevention sites online, if you feel alone just know there are people out here who do care !
September 17th, 2015 4:47am
The Trevor Project has a great hotline, and I've received excellent care through the Crisis Text Line (741-741).