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What happens when someone calls a suicide hotline?

181 Answers
Last Updated: 07/03/2020 at 2:30pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jui Shankar, Ph.D


My worldview offers a systems perspective that values diverse clients and their struggles. I believe supportive and nonjudgmental therapeutic relationships empower clients.

Top Rated Answers
January 6th, 2016 4:09am
If you call a suicide hotline, you will be able to talk to a professional who can talk you through your thoughts. They will not call your parents or anything, it's a total anonymous thing.
January 6th, 2016 7:59am
The operator asses the current risk to the caller and takes any appropriate action to ensure their safety. They listen and they help connect the caller to the support they need.
January 6th, 2016 10:21pm
As far as I'm aware the operator will try and talk you through what you're going through, and why you are feeling that way. But as far as I'm aware they aren't responsible for telling you what you can and cannot do - that is down to you at the end of the day. Sometimes they may send medical assistance to you if you give your address ect.
January 8th, 2016 1:07am
A trained person will answer the phone and talk to you, and after you talk about your situation, they'll refer you to mental help services in your area.
January 8th, 2016 3:12pm
Basically what happens is you will be connected to people who are more than willing to help you and talk you out of the suicidal thoughts. If you are feeling suicidal they might ask if you want them to call the police. If you hang up and they believe that you are going to commit suicide then they have the right to contact the police.
January 8th, 2016 4:58pm
I have no clue to be honest.i never had to sue one, since I have managed to deal with all my problems by myself.
January 9th, 2016 10:07pm
First they find out your area code in case it's an emergency situation and they have to call an ambulance. Then you talk to a very nice, very understanding and empathetic professional who cares deeply for your well-being and safety. They ask if you have a plan or if you've ever tried in the past to get some information. Then you talk to them about how you're feeling and try to resolve the issue so you don't have to go to the hospital. But if you don't feel safe, they'll call an ambulance, or a cab, or get you to the nearest hospital to talk to a crisis team.
January 10th, 2016 2:36am
The person talks to you and helps you with your problems. They try to show you many reasons to live, and why it's okay to feel sad, but it's only temporary
January 10th, 2016 2:01pm
A suicidal hotline should maintain your confidentiality unless they think you may be at risk or harm to yourself or others as they can break confidentiality to help you, a suicidal hotline will put you onto a listiner that will try and help you through what you're feeling.
January 21st, 2016 8:09am
Depending on the suicide hotline, your call may be routed to a central location or, as in the case of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, your call may be answered by the center closest to you. When you call, you'll typically hear a message confirming the number you have reached and then on-hold music until someone can answer your call.
January 21st, 2016 2:39pm
When somebody calls a suicide hotline, they wait for a short period, before being connected with a highly trained crisis specialist.
January 27th, 2016 1:04pm
I've never rang one but you get connected with a professional who can talk to you about how you're feeling and hopefully persuade you not to commit suicide. Many people benefit from ringing them.
January 28th, 2016 4:06am
When a suicide hotline is called, the operator does the same that everyone here does. They talk to you and listen. try to understand your situation and give you better and more healthy suggestions on what you should do.
January 28th, 2016 6:16am
When somebody calls a suicide hotline they are generally directed to a live person who asks them if they are in need of immediate help or just need someone to talk to. The operator will direct them to other hotlines after this.
January 28th, 2016 1:53pm
The hotline will have a listener to help you deal with the problems you may be facing and also may help you get back on track again. They will talk with you about how you're feeling and what your main struggles are.
January 30th, 2016 2:25am
They will talk to you and try to give you hints on ways to feel better and will tell you its not worth it. it's never worth it.
January 31st, 2016 10:18pm
When someone is in crisis of need they call suicide hotline.suivide hotline help people when they like their going to hurt (self harm) their selfs and they will talk to you and guide you.Also help you feel better ☺️😌
February 2nd, 2016 10:54pm
When someone calls a suicide hotline you are reached with a local resource center and talk to a trained specialist. They will help you to find ways to stay calm and offer services in your area for further help.
February 5th, 2016 3:33pm
Once your call is answered, a caring and trained person will listen to you, learn about your situation, ask you some questions and will then generally tell you about some mental health services in your area. The goal of a suicide hotline is to help you with your personal crisis, each call is different.
February 6th, 2016 4:06pm
I have never called one, but I know that they try to help you and I'm assuming that they would call the police if they needed to to makes sure that you are ok.
February 10th, 2016 2:04am
They are suppose to help you and make your life a lot easier than before and support you through it.
February 12th, 2016 7:56am
The person on the line will check if the person is in danger or not, and ask about how the person is feeling. What can the person do for the caller, give positive feedbacks always and see what are the ways the listener can help very much like 7 cups of tea but we can't give personal opinions but this time round we listen to the voice physically.
February 23rd, 2016 9:42am
Their concern would be processed immediately by the counseling volunteers over the phone , and hopefully to talk things out before that certain someone do a rash thing,
April 5th, 2016 3:00pm
The suicide hotline is similar to 7cups in that they offer support and encouragement. They are more specifically trained to handle suicide though.
May 24th, 2016 1:15pm
He gets help :) Someone willl talk to him and so he is able to reduce his stress and his dispair. This hotlines are existing to help people, not to harm them
August 9th, 2016 9:43am
When someone dials a suicide hotline,they are met by a compassionate and professional volunteer who will answer their call and support them for as long as needed.The caller may be asked questions about their mental health,given advice on how to control their thoughts or be asked to contact an ambulance. Suicide hotlines are a non-judgemental place where you can open up to somebody who has all the right resources to care and support you,
September 11th, 2017 11:12pm
They will talk to you for a while, make sure you are okay, talk you through the moment then, in the end, ask for you to get help. No police will be called, and conversations stay only between the caller and the hotline.
August 6th, 2018 1:57am
When you call the suicide hotline, you may have to wait a couple minutes as you are connected to someone to help. And whoever they connect you with will talk to you about what's going on and attempt to calm you down.
December 4th, 2018 9:59pm
Well what happens there is someone on the other side of the phone that is going to first ask some questions and try to keep the person on the line enough for the help to arrive for the person in need. I mean there is a reason for this hotline and it has saved a lot of people and I want to say that it is important at this time for listening to the person that is in need here and do not make this about you make them safe and all about them in the end the goal is to save a life here and I will make sure I would do everything in my power doing doing this. That is what I would think a person would do if someone would call the hotline.
January 6th, 2020 6:09pm
Usually, the first thing they will try to gauge is your safety at the current moment. They will want to determine if you are currently a danger to yourself or others. If you are, they will send some help to de-escalate the situation. If not, they will talk you through your feelings and work with you to find a way to make the current moment more bearable so you are hopefully no longer in crisis and have a bit of a game plan with some next steps. They might be able to offer local resources for you to reach out to for further continual support.