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What's the best way to stop being depressed?

40 Answers
Last Updated: 12/06/2021 at 7:04pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
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Amanda Wiginton, LMFT

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Top Rated Answers
February 2nd, 2016 10:40pm
What has stopped me from being depressed is that I force myself to do something. I don't think about what I have to do, I just get up and do it. Sometimes that is hard, but I use self talk and tell myself in baby steps... For instance, I am laying in bed and depressed, then I recognize that I am sad, I then tell myself to get up and shower. I know the warm water soothes me. I then think about what I can do next, usually something small. Put on something nice. Then work on keeping my mind busy. Once I have calmed down a few hours later, I journal and ask myself why am I feeling this way. Then I ask again and again until I find the root cause of my sadness then I work to resolve that issue.
December 22nd, 2015 6:20am
Taking the tiny step forward to do ONE thing you would do if you weren't so depressed. Once you do that one thing, it becomes easier to do another and another. You slowly become more mindful of these things and ruminate less..
May 20th, 2015 11:28pm
There are a lot of ways to stop being depressed or even prevent depression from happening, but everyone is different and some solutions that work for me may not work for you. The one thing that I find helpful when going through depression is finding somebody like a friend or family member that you can trust to vent to. I find myself very exhausted with no energy when undergoing depression. You can also go for walks and get some fresh air. God is also there with you so just had all of your problems to him and let him handle it. Everything may not work out exactly how you want it, but God will work it out for the best for you.
April 25th, 2016 7:03pm
Overthinking is thought to be a cause of depression. So I think setting a routine and keeping yourself busy, exercising and wanting to fight depression will help a lot. Other than that, depression has various causes and if it's severe then consulting a professional should help
March 14th, 2018 1:56am
I think there are two main things to stop being depressed. The first one is in regards to our behavior. Setting a routine or planning weekly and daily what we are going to do is crucial. This prevents us from staying in bed all day or not doing anything which are behaviors that will increase our sad mood (it is a cycle). The second thing is about dealing with the negative thoughts. Recording the negative thoughts and being aware of them is the first step since then you can realize that they are the ones who make you feel sad. After this, when is possible trying to replace them with more rational thoughts since when we are depressed we tend to generalize or catastrophize everything. If the thought cannot be replaced, try to accept it as it is and realize that it is just a thought and it does not mean it is real or that I have to act based on this thought. Meditation can be helpful to accept thoughts and emotions. To just see them and not judge them.
December 26th, 2017 3:56pm
Hey and thanks for your question! The best way is to remember how short life is. It is too short to be worried, depressed and sad, just bring the best out of it! On the other hand, you have enough time to experience life, I promise. Depression is a mental condition that you can't just stop, but you can minimize the chance of being depressed. I even suggest you to keep meditating, laughing, talking with someone about your thoughts, and be crazy about life! Wish you the best
September 28th, 2015 1:56pm
I think the best way to combat depression is helping others solve their problems.It may not be physically present everytime.Just being emphatic about others,kindness and compassion works a huge way in combating depression.When we try to convience others that their problems aren't impossible to solve; in the process we motivate ourselves for the same.The joy of giving is an impeccable feeling! When someone is happy just because you attended them at the right time ..that feeling is really satisfying.I feel being Happy is the first major step to come out of depression;it requires courage and persevarance to fight against your lows and to rise and shine again.And helping others achieve their pinnacle to happiness is a huge milestone in the journey.
June 11th, 2018 7:57pm
To find some activities that you enjoy doing, that include being in sunlight or being around other people. Try to do everything to distract yourself from the feeling of drowning
March 8th, 2015 8:02pm
To focus on every positive thing that ever happened to you. to see everyday not has another day but a challenge. to be grateful for your life. to have fun. to have objectives.
June 13th, 2016 5:26pm
Get yourself to the mirror and look yourself.You're beautiful,you're intelligent,you're precious.You should love yourself.And you got yourself,so what can make you sad ?
March 12th, 2018 2:41pm
Slowly learn to let go of certain patterns of thoughts. Slowly, you will begin to notice changes in how you think and everything will appear brighter. It is tremendously difficult but once you get the hang of it you'd never want to go back! :)
August 24th, 2015 1:51pm
The best way to stop being depressed is to admit that you are depressed. You shouldn't expect that others will make the moves you have to make. As for me, sleeping and eating is the best way out of depression.
March 8th, 2015 3:56pm
Try to spend time with positive supportive people. Stay busy with anything, but do things that you can enjoy. Go for walks and try to do things outside in the sunlight.
April 24th, 2015 10:18pm
Reach out for support , find some hobbies that really spark your passion has always helped me before.
April 14th, 2015 11:57am
I'm not sure you can simply "stop being depressed" but some good ways of helping to combat that are : seeking support, eating healthy, exercising, being honest with medical professionals, and getting lots of sunlight in (as seasonal affective disorder plays into depression alot).
September 6th, 2016 5:41pm
writing can be the best way of letting out the negative feelings and then you can burn you writings and you will feel that your negative energy is slightly decreasing
March 28th, 2017 6:16pm
This is a very complex question with a very complex answer. I can say that, in my experience, exercise is the number one thing that helps my depression. I do 20 minutes per day of dedicated exercise (on my elliptical or yoga) and walk as much as I can. I also get a solid 8-9 hours sleep each night and try to not use my phone or watch TV 30 minutes before bed. Aside from that, I keep a gratitude journal and try to eat in a balanced way. These are just my experiences and every experience with depression is completely unique. Some benefit from medication or therapy, others can heal with support from loved ones. It's just about finding what treatment works best for you through trail and error.
December 6th, 2021 7:04pm
It can feel so overwhelming when we feel depressed and sometimes others may not think we should be depressed but you still feel that way. It helps if you can talk to someone perhaps a family member or a friend or a chat line like 7cups. Talking about it can help you work through what is causing you to be depressed and also helps in knowing you are not alone and that you are cared about. Sometimes music you like can lift your spirit or read a book you like. Sometimes sitting down and taking a few deep breathes and thinking of something that makes you happy for example a place you went that makes you feel peaceful or a smell that brings back good memories and try focus on them and remind yourself- things may be hard at times but I am not alone and I count. You will always have someone here at 7cups to talk to, we care about how you feel. Take a moment and remember you are not alone and things can and will get better.
June 5th, 2017 8:06am
You can't stop being depressed, but you can work through it. Depression is kind of like Jenga You have to work hard to remove each piece, but there's always a chance of if crumbling back down and biting you back. Each person has their own way of "dealing" with depression. You just have to find yours and take time removing each piece that's holding you back.
August 22nd, 2016 2:14am
Being positive, wanting to feel better, surrounding yourself with happy people and doing activities that you enjoy doing are all ( and only some ) ways to stop being depressed.
January 30th, 2018 9:28am
From my experience, keeping myself occupied with what I love doing, hanging with friends, playing games, going on walks and playing with pets. Find joy in what you do, love what you find joy in, and it will all come together. Doesn't hurt to be open and tell someone how you feel :)
March 5th, 2018 11:23pm
Depression can be a tricky beast. One thing i've tried in the past for my depression is excercise. I used to be depressed because I felt like I wasn't pushing myself to the next level. It's also important to not overdo it, and find a way to get excercise in a way you enjoy, like playing basketball, or running. playing the drums also broke a sweat for me
March 12th, 2018 11:16pm
To have a good support network, to be able to confide in someone and talk openly how you feel. To think positive about yourself and your future
June 10th, 2018 12:53am
What made me stop being depressed is i took time to heal me,im sad ill let myself sad i feel alone? I let myself feel alone but that disappears when im in school because simply my friends are there but when the bell rang means its time to go home then there it is again i feel alone, there are alot of symptoms but i just dealt with it and i said to myself that one day these symptoms will disappear and get tired bothering me. Just take time but dont forget to socialize even your body doesnt want you to do it push yourself and dont let your depression eat you
May 24th, 2021 7:46am
Depression is tough to deal with, that's a sure thing! However to try to improve your mood, you can do little things to show yourself some love and appreciation. It doesn't have to be 'complicated'. Simple things can be really helpful, like going out for a walk, taking a bath, spending time with loved ones, watching your favorite tv show, eating your favorite mal/dessert, petting your pets, reading... When feeling down, the best way to improve your mood, or at least, trying to (that's already a huge step!) is to take care of yourself because you deserve (and need!) some kindness and love.
August 9th, 2016 11:04pm
Get help, talk to a doctor and potentially get a prescription if necessary/recommended. Trust the professionals.
August 8th, 2016 12:56am
There is no easy or quick way to treat depression, but the best ways are to either go to a therapist or to get medications (specifically antidepressants). Although these things cost a significant amount of money, they are your best bet to beat depression.
July 26th, 2016 7:03pm
I do not think that there is a right or wrong answer for this, everyone has their own way of fighting depression. But I believe that focusing all of your energy on doing something that you really love helps a lot, whatever that thing might be. Also sorround yourself with good, positive people instead of people who bring you down. Last but not least, don't forget to put yourself first every once in a while!
July 25th, 2016 2:41pm
Putting your mind off your situation and doing something you love. Surround yourself with positive people and if it gets too much, speak to someone you trust. :) Lastly, keep smiling!!
May 17th, 2016 1:44am
By going out and having fun! Get up, do something with your life! Because staying within your own home is nonsense, when you have the entire world to explore, take your dog for a walk, take a bike ride. do SOMETHING!