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When will this feeling of being trapped ever leave me?

111 Answers
Last Updated: 05/19/2022 at 5:13pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
December 22nd, 2014 12:24am
You can feel free by accepting the things that make you feel trapped. For many of us, our body is a prison. For others, it's work. For some, it's loneliness. Accepting some limitations can help you transcend them. Consider this also: even the good things in our lives can make us feel trapped at times, having kids, being in a relationship, having responsibility. Being totally free can also mean having an absence of many of the good things that add to our responsibilities but also make life worth living. No one is ever totally free. Therefore, be careful what you wish for.
December 19th, 2014 10:30am
When you realize what is trapping you. Are you placing limits on yourself? Alot of limits in our life are often self imposed. Noone can be your biggest supporter other than yourself. Believe in yourself and life might feel less entrapping.
May 6th, 2018 6:47pm
this is a feeling i have a hard time overecoming , I tend to distance myself alot because i feel trapt , my method is to listen to music and imagine that im somewhere else that i want to be , i do suffer from clinical depression so its hard for me to cope with anything , but it will be over and you will feel that feeling of being trapt ,slowely drift away first key is free your mind
December 18th, 2014 11:27pm
I have felt trapped a lot of my life, but once you believe that you are only trapped by the walls YOU build, can it start to get any better. Breathe. Calm down and evaluate things. Maybe talk with a trusted friend or family member. It helps to have people to support you. Realize you are not alone, and that it will get better, it just may take some time.
April 15th, 2015 11:02pm
the feeling of being trapped will be with you for as long as you feel that things are beyond your control.
October 20th, 2016 4:22pm
Keep trying. Time will do it. Keep trusting it. It's has its own way. But don't stop trying.......
December 18th, 2014 11:44pm
The more you talk it through with other people, the more you push to fight through it, the sooner you'll get out. That's really what we're here for, to help you realize what's weighing on you and maybe facilitate you getting the help you need or want.
April 11th, 2018 3:15pm
Feeling trapped can be an overwhelming, and often unbearable feeling - one that is conveyed by the word itself. Whether you feel trapped in your job, a relationship, or just in your emotions, it may seem like you will never again be "free" of the turmoil. But very often, it can take only one other person with a constructive, outside perspective to help you get through it. Think about it this way: how is an animal freed from its cage? Someone opens the door. This applies to people in regards to their mental and emotional well-being. Sometimes simply talking helps, and with the right support, one can find the solution to feeling "stuck". However, going back to the animal analogy, once a person has a taste of freedom, it's essential to know how to adapt to this new sensation, and essentially, new psychological environment, and not return to imprisonment. This happens with time, and becomes a smoother process when there are others willing to help guide you on your journey to feeling independent, and most importantly, happy.
June 7th, 2018 3:44am
It may seem hopeless at times, but everything gets better eventually. Just think of your hardships as tiny bumps in the road to success and happiness! You're not alone! Keep staying strong and live through it!
July 25th, 2018 10:42pm
The feeling of being trapped can take awhile to over come. I believe (and this is for me) it is mostly our attitudes we have within us and our situations in life. Yes I do understand some have it very rough and little to no support. But it is their attitude that keeps them moving forward in their daily lives. I hope this makes sense and good luck!
April 17th, 2020 11:30am
Isolation can be defined as a time bound step which let a person separate himself from other for a period of time. Loneliness describes the lack of social bonding, lack of friends, missing friends & family and other things where a person feels he have no one to share feelings and thoughts. Loneliness isn't for some limited time. A person can feel lonely for weeks, months, years, decades maybe he remains lonely for the whole lifetime. Isolation doesn't last for whole life. People isolate themselves for many purposes. For professional reasons, for family, for getting rid of stress people isolate them.
April 23rd, 2017 7:10pm
The feeling of being trapped will minimize once you start taking action against it. You feel trapped because your life is not moving forward, not going in the direction you picture for yourself or in comparison with other people around you. Often times, people tend to trap themselves because they're too afraid or get used to the old ways or too lazy. About being trapped, it only takes dedication to change. But The only thing that will truly cure is if you take a step front to where you're happy. If it's too hard to do it alone, seek help from your friends and family or us 7 cupers. :)
April 21st, 2017 8:50pm
I've found that feeling trapped comes from having constant problems and conflicts around you. When you start working through them, either by solving them or simply cutting toxic things out of your life, you will feel more and more free of this trapped feeling. It may never truly go away, but by learning how to deal with the conflicts around you and cancelling them out, you'll feel a lot better. A key tip is to allow yourself time to work out all the problems; don't rush into anything!
October 13th, 2016 3:40pm
As soon as you stop trapping the feeling it will flee from your mind and will leave you until you reach for it again.
December 19th, 2014 3:32am
Yes. Feelings do not last forever. However, it may take a long time to leave, and it may be a reoccurring feeling. You may find it helpful to identify why you feel trapped, list all the options you could possibly take to change it and then evaluate each, talk to someone about this, do things to pass the time or distract yourself, and/or try to find a new way to view the situation. I don't know what sort of action will help you in your particular situation, but those are things that have helped me at various times in the past. I hope things get better soon.
May 22nd, 2015 4:50am
The only way that feeling leaves is when you discover where you are meant to be, and that you know you can get there.
September 22nd, 2016 7:13pm
The feeling will leave when you realize that you and only you are in power. You are in charge of your emotions.
June 14th, 2016 12:25pm
You're feeling trapped because it's mind over matter. To be liberated and free you have to first put your mind in a way of thinking that is open to new and different things.
October 5th, 2016 1:47pm
Feeling trapped is perfectly normal, rather if it's a physical feeling of being trapped in a certain space or the feeling of being trapped in a phase or your life. Either way, feelings aren't permanent so it'll get better eventually! In the meantime I encourage you to talk to me in a private 1 on 1 chat to help you with this feeling. Best luck!
August 21st, 2019 2:29pm
I can’t tell you if it will ever stop, but I can suggest that you assess the causes (if any) of feeling that way. Do you think your feelings arise from material concerns, like not being independent or not having your own source of income, or do your feelings arise from an emotional state that doesn’t depend on material circumstances? In other words, can you change anything to make yourself feel less trapped, or is it something that eats away at you no matter what you do? If it is the first option, then brainstorm ways to get out of the bad situation. I’m sorry I can’t offer more advice about this first option because there could be so many different answers. But if it is the second option, then try and change your relationship to the feeling of being trapped. Yes, it will likely always feel unpleasant, but is it possible to sit with the feeling and just allow it to exist inside you? If you can’t change it, then it might help to make some kind of peace with it. In Buddhist philosophy, feeling bad about your emotions is known as the ‘second arrow.’ The first arrow to strike you is the feeling of being trapped; the second arrow is one you shoot into yourself by hating that feeling and thus making yourself suffer more. If possible, try to just focus on the feeling of the first arrow without introducing the second arrow. While we must change our physical surroundings if they are hurting us, we might also realize how emotional aversion to those surroundings causes more suffering. Easier said than done, I know, but this practice might give you more peace than you had before.
May 5th, 2018 3:23pm
I'm absolutely sure it will leave you. It will although take a lot of courage and work from you side to overcome this difficult time in your life. It can help to chat with someone on this site or a person you trust.
April 4th, 2019 12:55pm
Feeling trapped is a trap itself :) The mind is so strong (sometimes even underestimated) that it can usually make up stories & scenarios since it does not know anything other than what we feed it. It has data and information about how we respond to several situations and from these it draws out a great picture of our life which can look like a trap for us. It doesn't know right or wrong, it only know comfort zone & safety. Our brain can make us feel stuck, useless, stupid.... But it can also make us feel strong, powerful, giving, useful and that nothing can ever bring us down 😊 So switching our thoughts & finally taking control of our mind makes a huge difference on how we perceive things as well as how we respond to things 🌼 You are the captain of your life, your mind is just a -sometimes great- helper 😉👍
January 30th, 2019 2:55am
If feeling trapped stems from something significant that happened to you it's understandable to still feel it even after some time has passed. If nothing in your current situation is contributing to those feelings it might help to use your surroundings to remind yourself that you are not trapped and that it's just a feeling that's haunting you. It's important to remember that what you are feeling is normal for what you have been through and that as long as you keep trying to move forward things should get better with time. Just take things one day at a time and try to keep your perspective.
November 22nd, 2018 2:49am
Feeling trapped is a very common feeling, especially among those with anxiety or depression. When you can't see an immediate solution to a problem or way out of a situation, it's easy to feel trapped and like you will never move on. It's important to remember that there are always options, even if they haven't been revealed to you yet. You can try talking to a trusted friend or family member about how you're feeling, and their outside perspective may help you to look at the situation in a different way. When necessary, it can be good to move on and allow change in your life so you can be happier and more in control.
October 26th, 2018 2:17am
(((hugs))) I really wish someone could look into the future and tell you when you will feel less trapped. You already know that this is not possiable and that we all go through life and its experences as different rates. One day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time. Mindfulness may be of help to you, to help yo be in the present and to feel okay about being in the present. I personally find reading back over my diary helps me see how I have moved on from darker days. I am not perfect right now but I am in a different place in my life and that it okay!
October 3rd, 2018 7:55pm
I've personally felt this way but it's only when I found myself and saw what I had lost, I reached out to family and what friend I had left and they helped me get away from my room and showed me I can do so much more & show me I wasn't alone. Don't be afraid to ask for help! In my situation it was a man making me feel mentally trapped, he convinced me the world was out to get me and when I did go out, I had to be with him at all times. That's no life to live.
September 26th, 2018 8:52pm
I don't know. it depends on the person and the situation but with help from friends, family, therapy or helplines you will get through it. I think the first step is talking about it, telling someone how you feel is proven to be effective in making people feel better because you are not keeping all your emotions and feeling inside. some of the most common things to do when feeling trapped are to focus on you and what makes you happy and to follow your passion. feeling trapped usually comes from feeling anxious or depressed. so you have to push away all the negative thing in your life and just take a second to breathe and relax. remember, although it may not feel like it, you are in control of your life.
September 12th, 2018 3:22pm
You know what? Let the feeling of being trapped truly travel. Communicate with another human being instead of struggling with it alone. At first it is so scary and shameful to share about a negative feeling that you feel embarrassed to speak up about. But, courage to let yourself out there and not be afraid to talk about negative people and negative feelings in your life is truly a life changing moment. You will be able to handle your stress better and avoid negative influences in your life. You will not feel pressured to feel that way without your consent or permission. You will discover a voice within you that is strong for a right reason.
July 22nd, 2018 4:35pm
I think you need to start from the top. What is causing you to feel trapped? How long have you felt this way? Is it you, or others around you that are causing you to feel this? Ask questions, make a list, and find answers to each one. Once you find out what is causing you to feel this way, find a way to stop it.
June 3rd, 2018 12:30pm
It may lift once you understand what it is that making you feel trapped and freeing yourself. Feeling trapped doesn't mean you are trapped