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When will this feeling of being trapped ever leave me?

111 Answers
Last Updated: 05/19/2022 at 5:13pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
February 3rd, 2017 8:33pm
It will leave when you let it leave. You have to be mentally ready to feel free. You will not be trapped when you walk out and live your own life, you have to free yourself, dont wait go out there and be free!
February 5th, 2017 11:58am
You are the cage of yourself. You'll "escape" only when you feel like you truly want to, or if you feel like you "deserve" it. It's a common acknowledgment, don't feel alone. I know it sounds cliché, but probably it's just a phase.
February 17th, 2017 2:21pm
It will leave when it's ready to. What you're feeling isn't your fault. You are a human being with human emotions and also with the power to heal and to grow. Everything you've ever felt has been valid in its own right simply because you are you and it's not your fault or your choice to feel the emotions that bubble up inside of you at any given time. I don't know when you will feel less trapped, but I know that you can make it there. It might take time, but it will be worth it. And it's okay to take time to get there. Much love to you my dear
March 5th, 2017 1:49pm
The feeling of being trapped will leave you when you come out, be who you really are and not pretend anymore and let your past go.
April 21st, 2017 7:15am
The feeling of being trapped can leave when one opens up their eyes to the new door that awaits them with a better future. When one is finally able to let go, forget, and move on while learning from the past, not only will the feeling of being trapped dissipate, but transcendentalism will be reached.
May 4th, 2017 1:11pm
We can get away with the feeling of being trapped. We can begin with thinking positive, telling ourselves that we are free. We really are!! We all have the power to stay positive! But it requires a little effort into tricking our minds to take it away from negative thoughts.
May 21st, 2017 8:19pm
When you change your environment sufficiently enough, and when your brain has healed from the harm it was in from the previous environment, the trapped feeling will fade away to a distant memory. However while you are still in a "familiar" environment with your "normal" surroundings.. you will usually be triggered by different things and thus refreshing your wounds.
June 4th, 2017 9:48pm
Being trapped is a bit like driving down a road, and your car gets stuck in the mud. You can sit in the car and feel hopeless that you're stuck, or you can get out and push. Sometimes you need to get up and try. Get a new look, travel to a new place. find a new hobby, make a new you. Loving yourself and your life is the best way to get rid of the "trapped" feeling.
June 14th, 2017 7:15am
What is making you feel trapped? Not knowing your circumstance I can try to offer you the best support that I can. Sometimes feeling trapped can be due to fear, whether this a rational fear or anxiety can depend on personal circumstance but sometimes facing these fears and being brave can really help relieve the feeling of being trapped. You are never alone, remember that, there are people who love and support you.
June 15th, 2017 5:04pm
I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling that way. It is really hard to avoid that feeling of discomfort. I myself had a similar feeling. Are there situations when you feel a bit less trapped than usual?
July 7th, 2017 2:48pm
Most feelings of being trapped whether it be a relationship, job or life situation tend to manage themselves and usually only last a temporary period of time. Setting goals may help and taking practical steps such as applying to other jobs if the job is the problem, or reevaluating a relationship you feel trapped in may help. For deeper emotional troubles of feeling trapped though seeking counseling can be very helpful in exploring underlying themes. This tends to help people feel more free once they learn the cause of the "trapped" feeling.
July 21st, 2017 11:15am
You've an immense power over your mind. You just need to understand how to harness it. This feeling of 'trap' is in your head; there is nothing as being trapped. You need to be open to the idea of feeling liberated. Do things that make you happy. Explore new hobbies and find ways that make you feel liberated. You are only a step away from moving away from your current feeling.
August 9th, 2017 11:10pm
Feeling of being trapped= expectations for the future that exceed today's resources. The goal is the future but focusing on What can be done today is priorty. Always in baby steps. Always hopeful. Move in and with faith. Chizzle the block of ice, as you chizzle it will at the same time be melting away. Be patient. Be tenacious. Little by little the boulder will subside. You can get through this. You will survive this.
August 19th, 2017 9:34pm
Do you feel trapped by any particular thing? I think you need to understand how you feel trapped before you can really deal with it. If you cannot explain why you feel trap it may be anxiety that may the problem and you should look for help on how to deal with that. I do think you can stop feeling that way but as I said either identify why you feel trapped and work on resolving that or look for help with dealing with anxiety.
August 27th, 2017 8:22am
it will eventually if you try enough to let it go. have strong faith and clense urself mentally and be prepared to face it. stay strong. your not alone
September 17th, 2017 10:37am
I think from personal experience getting out from that specific situation that is depriving you from happiness tends to help because you are getting out of that situation for good and making change to your life, however, saying that, it's not easy. If you are finding it difficult to get out of a situation that is holding you down because "it's just not possible right now" then maybe try to make your environment such as your bedroom.... or your living space more pleasant to live in to make you feel a little better, again, this might be difficult and may not work if so, try to work on yourself or do something you enjoy and maybe re-design the environment you live in, example, you could change up your bedroom and practice mindfulness meditation every morning to kick start a positive mind, slowly you feel less trapped and more in control over the feeling of being trapped all the time, if this is difficult for you then trust the process and know that you will get out of this one day :), So making little changes such as; re-designing living space, doing things you love to do, working on yourself or leaving the situation behind and moving on can do the trick. I don't know if this made sense but I hope I helped :)
September 22nd, 2017 12:03pm
Yes. If you're feeling trapped, then that feeling can leave you. I also used to feel trapped but life doesn't just stay the same. Several basic things in my life changed that helped me stop feeling trapped. Sometimes we have to nurture our own internal world and find good examples in others to handle feelings of entrapment. You can message me to talk in more detail about this.
October 1st, 2017 3:58am
Figure out what makes you feel trapped, first of all. Whether it's a physical or emotional problem. The answer depends alot on what you're struggling with, so I'd suggest connecting with a 7 Cups listener about it! The mind tends to repeat issues over and over again due to unresolved feelings or problems in order to resolve them, but it doesn't work that way and leads to a feeling of being stuck. Firstly figure out what the cause can be and see if you can do anything to sort out that cause.
October 19th, 2017 8:10am
It will leave when you decide it should leave. It will leave when you realise that you are the only one trapping yourself. Maybe there are people who don't care about what you feel or how you are doing. But even if you have one person that helps you escape, that makes you want to breathe again, hang on to them. Allow yourself to look through their eyes and allow yourself to be lead to another place. Be selfish, do what you want for a while. Take the risk, take the plunge - you won't be killing yourself, you will be saving yourself. Because let's face it, the only hero you will need and the only hero you will have is you and yourself. So what are you waiting for?!
November 18th, 2017 1:36am
When i felt trapped at times , I would always ask someone for help regarding issues that I was dealing with. Like relying on support from others to help solve issues That I was going through and it worked most of the time.
November 29th, 2017 7:25pm
You first need to figure out where the feeling is coming from. After that you need to try and solve why it is happening.
December 9th, 2017 5:25pm
The feeling of being trapped is not leaving unless you find a way to free yourself from the cage you put yourself in, the truth is you put yourself in a cage and you have the key, you just have to find it and there are a lot of listeners who want to help you! Like me for example.
December 13th, 2017 2:44am
When you finally let loose and be yourself and have fun, if you open up and tell us your feelings then you probably will got great moral support
December 14th, 2017 12:02pm
You can feel free by accepting the things that make you feel trapped. For many of us, our body is a prison. For others, it's work. For some, it's loneliness. Accepting some limitations can help you transcend them. Consider this also: even the good things in our lives can make us feel trapped at times, having kids, being in a relationship, having responsibility. Being totally free can also mean having an absence of many of the good things that add to our responsibilities but also make life worth living. No one is ever totally free. Therefore, be careful what you wish for.
December 29th, 2017 12:32pm
Sometimes we can’t talk about our feelings or can’t control them alone and they may make us feel trapped. So talking could be the answer. If you feel too stressed or you can’t take it anymore please feel free to share with me. I’m open minded and supportive text me anytime.
January 10th, 2018 3:34am
The feeling of being trapped may leave you at one point but if you can face your fears and conquer it or talk it out with someone you may know they can give you detailed advice to try and also do more activities with friends or family thats beside at home that may make you feel like your trapped.
January 12th, 2018 4:05pm
There is not a certain stablished moment for it. It can take a day, a month or more... Patience and perseverance are basic at these situations
February 7th, 2018 4:38am
Feeling trapped is a perfectly normal part of life. We'll all experience it at some point. The important thing is to identify why you feel trapped. Has something changed recently? Have someone else's successes made you feel less enthusiastic about your own? Once you've done that, you can work on making things better for yourself.
February 9th, 2018 3:51am
Eventually, you will make it through this rough patch. You’ve got people here who love you! Goodluck
February 16th, 2018 6:12am
As soon as you choose. If you feel trapped because of a rules, or choices being made for you, do what you think is best for you (as long as it's safe) and don't let others control you. Now I'm not telling you to be rude to or disregard authority, but if it's something like your sexuality, and your parents/guardians/friends don't agree with it, this is your choice, not theirs.