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Why do depressed people push loved ones away?

375 Answers
Last Updated: 05/15/2022 at 12:03pm
Why do depressed people push loved ones away?
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I feel my work as my personal mission and I love it. My work with clients is nonjudgmental, supportive. I am a very good listener. I use several approaches. Amo il mio lavoro.

Top Rated Answers
January 13th, 2016 4:57pm
Depressed people often push loved ones away because they don't want to hurt them, they're struggling so hard with themselves and all they need is a compassionate shoulder to lean on, they do not want to hurt others by telling them about their own problems
January 13th, 2016 9:55pm
Depressed people often feel that they are worthless, they often feel like no one is around for them even when there are so many people who could support them, they may push loved ones away because they may not want their attention, sympathy and empathy.
January 15th, 2016 7:37am
Because they feel like they are responsible and do not want to burden others with their pain. They do not want the ones they love to see the worst of them. They are to sad even for that.
January 15th, 2016 3:06pm
Because depressed people would rather be alone and isolate themselves from the world and things that trigger them to feel more depressed
January 20th, 2016 1:23pm
People with depression often feel like they're worthless, no one wants them around and that they're a burden to their friends and family. They also can feel like no one understands them. That is often why they push loved ones away
January 20th, 2016 4:04pm
People with depression often think they have to go through it alone. They dont want to pull anyone into it, they think they need no help. Also some depressed people are afraid of talking to someone about it, so they hide from interactions....
January 20th, 2016 7:00pm
They don't want them to get hurt like they do. It's a way of protecting both loved ones and themselves.
January 21st, 2016 5:30pm
A depressed person might feel as though they are a bother to friends and family. They might require a lot of attention, and might only be able to speak of themselves.
January 22nd, 2016 12:41am
In my experience, when someone is depressed, it's a situation where they feel like they're a burden or they think you're bothered by them, so, they push you away because they don't want to bother you or hurt you in any way. That might not be universal, though.
January 22nd, 2016 1:09am
Depressed people often don't love themselves and don't feel worthy of other peoples love so they push their loved ones away. When we are depressed we often just want to be alone as we haven't got the energy to be sociable and we don't want people worrying about us either so we keep our distance
January 22nd, 2016 2:49pm
each individual is different and the same goes for types of depression. It could be a barrier they have to prevent people from hurting them or it could be a traumatic experience that prevents them from receiving affection. Best thing you can do is be there and let them know your always there for them but let them feel their in control.
January 22nd, 2016 10:07pm
They might feel like they don't deserve the people around them and/or feel like those people might leave so they push them away instead of being left.
January 23rd, 2016 5:41am
Depressed people push others away because they don't want to pass on any of the burden to the ones they care about. They think they should carry all of the weight alone.
January 23rd, 2016 10:50pm
Well that's a tough question but most people push others away because they don't want them to get hurt or to see them in this bad situation and all they want to do is be alone cause maybe that way things will be better and that they don't want to be seen so weak .
January 24th, 2016 4:59am
There are a number of reasons. When I was depressed I pushed loved ones away because I was afraid of hurting them. I also felt like they were just being nice and putting up with me, tolerating me. I was afraid they didn't genuinely care. Sometimes when people are depressed they feel so tired and unmotivated that they just don't have the energy to interact with loved ones.
January 24th, 2016 7:44pm
because sometimes when a person is depressed they feel alone, and want to be a lone, and its hard to deal with situations when there others around
March 9th, 2016 10:52pm
They often get scared and overthink. They feel like no one will care about them or help them. However, they mostly always want to get help.
March 10th, 2016 5:45am
Because they don't want to hurt them . Depression makes someone feel like they are responsible for every bad thing thst happens.
March 10th, 2016 6:32pm
These people don't always realize that they are pushing their loved ones away. In most cases they can't even think straight and feel a lone all the time due to their great amount of consistent sadness. Sometimes they don't want to pull you into their own depression or feel that you'd just leave them and trust comes in at that point . Sometimes when they reach out for ones help they feel like they're never bring answered and decide to back away . There are many reasons for this and sometimes they're the only ones who can change that
March 11th, 2016 2:12am
Because they feel as if they either feel as if their loved ones don't care or they are a burden, which is never true.
March 11th, 2016 8:02am
People with depression normally cannot express what they are feeling and what other people say sometimes makes them feel even worse. They probably feel more distant and that their family will not understand and that them to feel that they should push their loved ones away
March 11th, 2016 12:12pm
A depressed person may push loved ones away for many reasons. Sometimes they may feel like they're a burden on other people, other times they may think they're worthless or that no one likes them so they don't talk to anyone. It's listed as a symptom of depression to withdraw from friends and family.
March 11th, 2016 5:26pm
Because they don't love themselves and they feel they're wholly undeserving of love and affection. The challenge is to reshape their perspective in such a way that they take an honest appraisal of themselves and can see themselves for something closer to who they are, without the depression's dark taint.
March 12th, 2016 2:13am
They push love ones away because they think that they will hurt them by sharing feelings or those things they discuss isn't going to be to much help to them and they just want to be alone by themselves for a reason.
March 13th, 2016 1:42am
Imagine depression as a cloak. Once you have it nothing is gonna hurt you, but you also won't be receiving any love. From my experience it was because I was scared of people hurting me and leaving me, but because of that you also won't receive any love, which is why it's never good to isolate yourself during depression.
March 13th, 2016 8:48am
Because they thought they shouldn't be affecting anyone else with their "depressing" mind, they thought they might be a burden to them. They though they deserves someone better than them, since they think they are not perfect at all. What they didn't know is that people actually do care and wants to help.
March 16th, 2016 5:03am
Many depressed people feel as if they are unworthy of having loved ones. Sometimes they are embarrassed or they feel that just aren't good enough for others to care about.
March 16th, 2016 7:43am
Depressed people suffer , they are joyless , unhappy , hopeless , sometimes the smallest details turn their moods even further negative , it is their desire to stay alone , disengage in activities , and simply losing the fun view they had in their loved ones ,..
March 17th, 2016 3:11am
They do not want to hurt their love ones, while they are emotional. They feel that their emotions can overwhelm/hurt them.
March 17th, 2016 5:23pm
they dont mean to.. but they who are depressed do need someone to help support them its hard for some but things do get better