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Why does nobody believe I'm depressed?

178 Answers
Last Updated: 09/22/2020 at 5:31pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Andrea Tuck, LCPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I tackle and discuss a multitude of social and emotional health issues. I have a belief that through empowerment and non-judgmental support clients' can thrive.

Top Rated Answers
December 17th, 2015 9:55am
Depression is not a joke or something you can just tell of whenever your tired or exhausted. Sometimes we should also evaluate ourselves if we're really depressed or just tired, exhausted or other than that.
December 17th, 2015 9:49pm
Why does nobody believe I'm depressed? often people have a hard time believing others are depressed because either they can't empathize with the situation, have never dealt with this before, or have a hard time imagining someone like you would be depressed. Those people can often believe that because they made a joke that was taken the wrong way, or ignored what some would see as obvious, they're a bad person and caused your depression. This may or may not be the case, but regardless, it can be difficult for everyone involved. In conclusion, if you're struggling with depression and nobody believes you, it's helpful to explain as much as you can and state how you feel, not what others are doing. If you don't believe someone is depressed, try to see their point of view and understand their perspective, and ask how they're feeling. Often times, a listener is all we need to feel better.
December 18th, 2015 1:06am
Some people might be suffering from depression themselves, some people are lacking in empathy or have too much going on in their own lives to consider anyone else. Some people do not know how to relate to someone who is sad. The aforementioned people are not necessarily uncaring sometimes it depends on what the person is going through in their own personal life. If things are piling up on them they may not be able to help anyone else.
December 18th, 2015 1:08am
Often times, if you were always happy and outgoing before feeling depressed, it may be hard for some people to understand why you had such a sudden switch in mood. It may have been gradual for you, but for them, it feels like it happened very suddenly, so that may be hard to believe at first. Other times, adults don't like to take teenagers (if that is your situation) serious about depression, but that's not good. You are entitled to your feelings, and you deserve to feel sadness as well as happiness. Stay strong!
December 18th, 2015 1:55am
Some people have a very hard time in seeing mental illnesses in the same light as physical illnesses. If you break your arm, or have a flu, someone can see the effects right in front of them. Since a mental illness isn't easily able to be seen directly (although believe me, there are definitely effects that are not only mental) these people have a hard time believing that they're real. Also, sometimes people may not "seem" depressed- you may be feeling it all on your conscious, but many people who do not experience depression themselves automatically associate it with being visibly sad, crying, moping around, and not wanting to talk to anyone. Not everyone who is depressed expresses all of these symptoms, and not all of them are so physical, so some people may not understand that depression is more than what they initially think of it. It's important to understand, for yourself, that there are a lot of people who do understand depression, and who will believe you, and that you don't need to feel like no one believes you, as there's a whole community here that will.
December 18th, 2015 7:48am
People think depression is a feeling. Depression is an illness that can kill, has killed, and unfortunately will kill again.
December 18th, 2015 4:03pm
A lot of times people don't want to fully believe someone who says they are depressed because sadly it is not taken as seriously as many other mental illnesses. When someone says they are depressed, many people who do not have experience with depression believe that they are just saying they are sad, when in reality there is so much more to depression than just sadness.
December 20th, 2015 5:28am
Sometimes, people really don't expose their depression, and they lead people to believe they're okay. And because the general stereotype on a depressed person is that they're constantly talking about being sad and living in the doldrums, society doesn't really view a person who looks okay on the outside as depressed.
December 20th, 2015 7:36pm
Some people tend to not believe other's when they are dealing with the same thing, and are dealing with it differently then other.
December 23rd, 2015 8:03am
There isn't a one size fits all definition for what depression looks like. It can manifest itself in so many different ways that it can be hard to tell.
December 23rd, 2015 8:29pm
For people that have never experienced it, it's a hard thing to grasp. They understand sadness and such, but they have never been in that hole before. They've never experienced the despair, the hopelessness, and the unreal lack of motivation.
December 24th, 2015 3:33pm
Depression is a hidden illness . There are no physical symptoms ( although there are often behavioural changes ) . Because it cannot be seen in the way that physical illnesses can , it is sadly very often overlooked . People may disbelieve in depression and think someone with it is just moody lazy etc . It is a hard illness to understand without personal experience of it . It is very real though and can be extremely hard to cope with and very debilitating .
December 24th, 2015 4:48pm
i think depression is still thought of somehow as not a serious disease .. plus the most dangerous thing about it is that it's not spotted easily
December 24th, 2015 7:18pm
its because they don't understand you. depression is something which is hard to explain and hard to understand. it can only be understood when it is experienced.
December 25th, 2015 9:05pm
Maybe because you put quite an act and such a bright smile on your face all the time, that it seems to completely hide your crestfallen feelings.
December 26th, 2015 5:42am
Trying to have love, some people don't experience trauma to understand your love. Just be yourself..
December 30th, 2015 1:22am
Depression isn't something that can be visible to everyone. No one knows everyone's entire life experience, but denial can sometimes play a role for parents. "I've given my child everything, there's no way they can be depressed", overlooking the fact that there are external factors in play. Others mistakenly believe that depression is "just a phase" and that uttering simple phrases like cheer up or turn that frown upside down will magically cure depression. I'm sorry that no one seems to be taking you seriously, but please try to reach out to more (qualified) people and get help. Depression is serious and it's hard to deal with by yourself. Sit down with your parents and try to get them to understand what's going on with you, give them some analogies as to how you're feeling or even if you yourself don't understand just try to explain it the best you can. If you're a minor, sadly your parents are the gatekeepers to medicine and health- best case scenario is having them on board with you. If you are an adult I URGE you to please seek help with someone who can help you ( a psychiatrist). Treat mental health just the same as physical health.
December 30th, 2015 1:28am
First off I want to acknowledge that this can feel so very invalidating and hurtful, when you need support the most. A reason for this occurring may be that it is challenging for people to acknowledge that someone is depressed because people may be avoiding the pain that comes with knowing that you are hurting, or they are avoiding the pain of knowing of their own depression. People unconsciously and/or consciously try to avoid things generally in order to feel like the world they know is OK, safe, and predictable, and so they may invalidate your experience, which doesn't make it any less painful. An explanation, not an excuse.
December 30th, 2015 3:32pm
Usually, people who say this are those who haven't gone through depression yet or are just really apathetic.
December 31st, 2015 1:34am
Sometimes we feel depressed and believe nobody around us can understand. The reason is because unless you've had depression before, its hard to grasp the concept of what it means.
December 31st, 2015 2:38am
Sometimes people don't believe that another person is depressed for three reasons. One - Sometimes people think that a person is pretending to be depressed so that they can feel bad for them. That can be one reason. Two - When you tell a friend that you are depressed they may not believe you because they are probably thinking to themselves "This can't be true. This person is always happy ..." They don't expect they're best friend to be feeling that. Or Three - They simply don't want to believe it. Some people just don't want to acept that somebody is depressed.
December 31st, 2015 8:45am
because people will never understand what you're going through or your problems seems nothing important to them or maybe you are stressing over small things
December 31st, 2015 12:45pm
Some people don't understand the signs and like to play doctor. They know a small bit of info on the subject and think if you're not showing all the signs they know of then something else is wrong. If you are showing all the signs they accuse you of begging for attending. People believe what they want for their own selfish reasons.
December 31st, 2015 8:49pm
I think it's because when you're depressed you feel so much pain and you don't want others to feel that pain because you know how tough it is. So when you tell someone they're normally shocked or they don't believe.
January 1st, 2016 10:07am
There is a stigma that is still very strong, that depression is a weakness. But it is a chemical imbalance of the brain, scientifically proven.
January 1st, 2016 7:23pm
Many people have a hard time to understand and see things which go on in somebody others mind. We have been taught to be sceptical, that people lie so they are skeptic. It is not your job to raise awareness, but if you wanted you could show your loved ones etc. information about depression, like the guide here on 7 cups of tea, so they can understand, that depression is more than just sadness. There are many good articles out there too. People are often skeptical or even downright unbelieving when it comes to things they do not know.
January 1st, 2016 8:04pm
Because nowadays being "different" is mainstream, lot of young people act like they're depressed because is cool, they like posting grunge-depressive stuff on their blogs. That's why nobody believe you, you may just be one of the other fakes
January 2nd, 2016 5:10am
A lot of people think that you can have a depressive phase or that you may just be seeking for attention and what you're experiencing is just sadness where as in reality the truth is that what you're experiencing is very real and that they are just ignorant on the topic and have not experienced or dealt with some that suffers from it themselves.
January 2nd, 2016 5:15am
Many have different definition for depression. Some thinks depression is sorrow. Others think it's suicidal thought.
January 2nd, 2016 7:04am
In my experience,they didn't believe me because they thought I was faking it for attention and so I wouldn't have to do homework (my grades were going down because I had no motivation to do homework,or if I did do it I would think "what's the point of turning it in? I'll just end up getting all of the answers wrong"). . So they could just think it's a ploy for attention.