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Can you be thin and have a binge eating disorder?

178 Answers
Last Updated: 06/15/2022 at 3:05am
Can you be thin and have a binge eating disorder?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Melissa Strauss, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am client focused and believe everyone has a strength. I feel confident in seeing clients with generalized and social anxiety, depression and relational goals.

Top Rated Answers
June 2nd, 2019 5:12pm
it's impossible to tell whether someone has an eating disorder purely from their outside appearance and/or body type. so, YES, yes you CAN be thin and still have a binge eating disorder. binge eating disorder is characterized by eating large quantities of food in a short amount of time, generally as a coping mechanism. eating disorders are mental illnesses, and the binge eating itself is one of the symptoms. if someone has an unhealthy and toxic relationship with food that causes them to follow a binging cycle, then it's entirely possible that they might have binge eating disorder, regardless of how they look.
July 5th, 2016 6:23am
Absolutely - Eating disorders are mental illness, you can be severely underweight or overweight, but that doesn't mean you have an eating disorder. An eating disorder is identified by certain behavioural characteristics and though processes. Regardless of size, you can have a binge eating disorder.
July 16th, 2016 7:33pm
Yes. Your weight doesn't define any disorders a person can have. A thin person can have a binge eating disorder, the weight doesn't define what they may be struggling with.
June 25th, 2016 6:53pm
Yes you can be thin and have a binge eating disorder. If you feel like you have an eating disorder please seek help.
July 15th, 2017 6:34pm
Yes your weight doesn't exactly define any disorder that you have
June 29th, 2016 7:06pm
Yes you can. Often BED range from small binges to catastrophic binges. Genetic makeup also plays a part in it. If you have a increased metabolic rate this helps flush the food of your body quicker. Generally people who suffer from BED are have an average bmi or a "overweight" bmi, but there are always exceptions because very body is different.
July 16th, 2016 8:28am
Yes you can. Eating disorders don't discriminate, it can affect anyone with any kind of body type ..
June 30th, 2017 5:55am
Of course. There are no size or weight qualifiers for any eating disorder. These diseases do not discriminate.
June 26th, 2016 7:23pm
Yes. It doesn't matter what you look like. Anyone can have an eating disorder no matter what your weight is or who you are.
June 30th, 2016 9:43am
Yes! Eating disorders do not discriminate, and every one is different. There is no certain "look" of someone with an eating disorder.
July 1st, 2016 2:52am
Eating disorders have nothing to do with physical appearance. They can affect anybody, so it is important not to assume what may or may not be happening in someone's life based on how they look.
February 29th, 2020 3:38pm
Yes. According to the DSM-5, there is no weight criteria for BED. And pending on a number of factors (i.e. a genetically fast metabolism), an individual may be thin and still suffer from BED, if they meet the criteria listed in the DSM-5. It is important to note however, that to be diagnosed with BED, an individual must not engage in regularly compensatory behaviors such as purging. If this is the case, and the individual is engaging in such behaviors, they may be suffering another eating disorder such as Bulimia, Anorexia Binge Purge Sub type, or one that is not otherwise specified.
July 10th, 2016 4:47am
yes. this disorder is called bulimia, it consists of binge eating, or just regular eating, and then puking almost directly after. if it doesn't have any puking involved, then it isn't a disorder, it is an extremely high metabolism that you should get checked.
April 4th, 2018 6:48pm
Yes. Not everyone with an eating disorder is overweight... It mostly has to do with you not feeling good about your body, stress, or other feelings. Anyways, thin or not, you should seek for help as fast as possible
June 21st, 2018 6:43am
Yes, you can definetly be thin and have a binge eating disorder. Some people have a faster metabolism than other people, which can allow them to binge without gaining any additional weight.
August 14th, 2016 3:53am
Yes you can be thin and have a eating disorder. It does not matter what you look like.. it is about what your disorder.
November 4th, 2020 3:58pm
An eating disorder is not described by how you look like. Anyone can be struggling with an eating disorder, even if it doesn't "look like" they are. You can be thin AND have a binge eating disorder. You can be overweight and still have Anorexia. Everything is not set, and a disorder can't happen to only one kind of people. An eating disorder affects people all of race, cultures, ethnicity, and lifestyles. If you have symptoms of an eating disorder (excluding your weight), please reach out for help. You matter, and your health and well-being matters. You do not have to look a certain way to have an eating disorder.
December 6th, 2018 3:17am
The most important thing everyone needs to know is that you don't have to look like you have an eating disorder to have one. Eating disorders do not pick their targets. For example, people who suffer from anorexia aren't always rich white girls who strive for perfection out of pure vanity. In the same way, not everyone that has binge eating disorder is fat. They could have a great superhuman metabolism, be a chronic exercise addict or have medical or hereditary factles that prevents them from gaining weight. One of my brothers would consume thousands of calories a day since he was very young and now even though he is 18 years old, he never weighed a pound above 120 lbs. The fridge would be full of food and snacks one day, and he would eat everything we had at night then go to sleep. Possibly it's the fact that he exercises a lot, but I'm aware that he binge eats but he is still very slim.
- Expert in Eating Disorder
April 17th, 2020 1:57pm
Yes. Eating disorders do not have any required size. Even so, binge eating disorder can start with any person at any time, and that means that you may be thin when you first develop the condition. Just like how anorexia nervosa or bulimia can manifest in those who are overweight. It's a complete misconception that you can only be affected or diagnosed with these conditions if you have specific body types. If you suspect that you have developed this condition or something similar, it's important to seek professional support from a licensed clinical provider who specializes in eating disorders. Good luck!
December 13th, 2018 6:48am
Yes. Being thin means you either have a very fast metabolism and thus, you can afford to binge, or, it can mean you binge and purge, and/or have periods of anorexia. Eating disorders stem from a sense that we have little control in our lives. These issues are often rooted in childhood. No advice, but if you have a tendency to use food as a means to ‘calm down’, or feel a sense in control you don’t otherwise feel, you’re not alone. Food is everywhere and necessary to live. It can be difficult to navigate; when is enough enough? Stems back to the question that underlies almost every problem we have: Why do we feel we are not good enough? Why do we feel the need to have this, and be that, and earn this, and do that? Life is about enjoying, not having. Being, not wishing to be. Learning, not earning. Doing, not ‘supposed to be doing’. Hope that helps.
January 5th, 2019 7:43pm
Yes, you can. Eating disorders come in many forms and variants. It's not uncommon to see someone with the food restrictive tendency seen in anorexia who will also indulge in the binge and purge cycle seen in bulimia. With disordered eating, it's more a mindset than any one behavior exhibited. There is a large, undercurrent dissatisfaction with the way they look, that may be skewed by a distorted view of themselves physically. There is a fear of gaining weight and of being 'fat'. There is a desire to control what they consume, how they consume it, where, when and the list goes on and on.
January 23rd, 2019 8:20pm
Yes, sure you can. Eating disorders are mental illnesses, meaning that only what happens in your head can show if you have these illnesses. As the therapists can't know what actually happen in your mind, they mostly rely on symptoms that show if you have this disorder or not. These symptoms are as binge eating, fasting, puke,.. Assuming if someone is mentally ill or not can't be done by looking at your body but your behavior. It is a mental illness and in contrary at many people's beliefs, you don't have to be thin to be anorexic, you don't have to be fat to be binge eating. You are the only one that can know what is happening in your head. So if you think that something isn't right, then please seek help!
February 23rd, 2019 7:00pm
One can be thin and have the disorder as the metabolism of the person can be really fast or or they may exercise a lot. They are various scientific reasons for this. People not realizing and dismissing thin people causes a lot of tension for the ones going through these disordera. After all acknowledging is the first step to curing any disease. It may not seem like a problem at first because the person is healthy and thin. But it does affect the person in ways she/he may not realize. For starters they can be excercising a lot because they feel they are eating a lot which may result in excessive work out at times.
March 23rd, 2019 5:23am
Definitely! There's this thing in society called stigma. Now stigma from society, social media, and education has been responsible for creating incorrect stereotypes of what characteristics of individuals with eating disorders typically hold, though we all know that these are so incorrect and definitely impact those who have eating disorders and/or body image concerns. People with Anorexia are 'supposed' to be thin, those with bulimia are 'supposed' to purge, and those with binge eating disorder are 'supposed' to be overweight. However, this is not true! Many individuals with anorexia are normal or overweight, individuals with bulimia are at a normal weight and do not purge, and those with binge eating disorders are all overweight. So please don't think that you can't receive help for a binge eating disorder because you don't meet the stereotypical characteristics as these stereotypes are not true!
November 7th, 2019 8:25am
Yup! According to the DSM-5 (the standard for psychiatric diagnosis), there are a few criteria for binge eating disorder and none of them mention weight at all. The criteria are: 1) Recurring episodes of binge eating that include eating more during that time than a typical person would and a sense of not having control over the behavior 2) At least 3 of the following 5 things are also true about binges: faster than normal, uncomfortably full, a lot of food when not physically hungry, alone due to embarrassment, and feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after. 3) Distress about binge eating 4) Binges have happened, on average, at least once a week for three months 5) Another eating disorder or "compensatory behavior" like purging or using laxatives or over exercising is not involved
July 25th, 2020 6:09pm
Yes 100% eating disorders don’t have anything to do with your weight/ size. Anybody can have an earring disorder especially a binge eating disorder. It has nothing to do with size weight etc. binge eating is a common thing that is probably to Do with trauma etc I think that it’s perfectly normal to question if you actually have an eating disorder. Society and social media play a big part of displaying that only “thin” people have eating disorder when that is so far from the truth. Eating disorders are so complex and can be very tricky
April 17th, 2020 2:41am
The sad thing about eating disorders is that it is SO hard to see who has it because sometimes it might not come up in their physical side. So yes, answering your question, yes, you could be thin and have a binge eating disorder. This is why you can't assume if people do have an eating disorder or not, because it is so hard to tell! At this point, weight doesn't matter in an eating disorder. Maybe you binge eat but you have really high metabolism or you have certain genetics that wont make you gain weight. Either way, if you do have an eating disorder, get help immediately.
February 6th, 2020 2:28pm
Yes, this is one of the things that I currently have. I'm able to eat so much food in one sitting to the point where I can eat non-stop for 2 hours at an all you can eat place and not stop until I'm pretty much kicked out. Otherwise, I eat very little. I don't starve myself but the amount of food I eat if monitored by someone close to me would cause some minor to major concern if they were close to me. Meal balancing and planning and enforcing rules on yourself as to what you should and shouldn't eat could be something that can become extremely helpful to you in your process to not binge as much!
December 8th, 2019 6:31am
Absolutely. Eating disorders arent defined by body type. Everyone has different metabolisms that make their weight go up down or stay steady no matter how their diet is at any given time. Binge eating disorders can affect a thin person because they might be early on in their disorder or they might just have an incredibly fast metabolism that doesnt allow them to gain weight. Binge eatin also might be hard to notice or if someone is thin then binge eating could be hard to define as not much food might have been eaten originally. Eating disorders dont discriminate against anyone
May 5th, 2019 6:33pm
This is very possible under one condition ( one that I know of ) if you have a fast working metabolism. When you have this, your body burns the food that you are eating at a quicker pace than others so it may look like you are still skinny while you’re binge eating. But one of the best things with this would be to go to a therapist ( or doctor ) and talk to them about it. Ask them if it is possible. They should, and probably do, know more about this and stuff with eating disorders. A doctor can tell you about the metabolism and should be able to help with both while a therapist may only be able to help with the binge eating