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Is skinny always considered a compliment?

194 Answers
Last Updated: 06/11/2022 at 2:54am
Is skinny always considered a compliment?
1 Tip to Feel Better
South Africa
Moderated by

Claudette Pretorius, MA Counselling Psychology

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I know how overwhelming it can feel when you're having a tough time. I offer clients a space that is non-judgemental and empathetic whilst navigating these times together.

Top Rated Answers
August 4th, 2016 4:19am
Not necessarily. Society and culture have attached a lot of extra meaning to the word skinny. It is hugely based on context, but it would be nice to step away from commenting on people's bodies.
July 9th, 2016 4:00pm
Not in my mind. I think that there's a level of too skinny where you just look like a skeleton with skin. It's a lose-lose situation because you can't be too fat or too thin. But if you're healthy, I think that should be the goal. no matter the number on the scale.
July 27th, 2018 2:38am
No. Not for me. As a recovering anorexic, people complementing me about how good I look would set me off. Wow, I haven't eaten in 3 days, I'm doing good. Keep doing that. Or being told, now don't gain weight, you look good just like you have been. Secretly I've lost 5 lbs. I don't eat as a way to control my body which means my life.
July 5th, 2018 6:36am
Depends where you live. Many like it and many don’t. If you’re skinny and healthy and happy with your body, that’s all that really matters. There will always be those who like our size and those who don’t.
July 20th, 2018 7:01pm
Let me start by saying this: all bodies are beautiful. Some people consider skinny to be a compliment and others dont seem to think so. It is all based on the connotation given when that is being told.
October 18th, 2019 12:38pm
No, actually I dont think it is. Because some people if they see themselves as fat, that could make them feel like you are lying, which then in turn can send them spiraling downwards trying to lose more weight. You should never in my opinion make a comment about someones weight you never really know who is going through what, nor how they think about their bodies. Skinny can be taken one of 2 ways. It may be taken as a compliment, or an insult. Again, just to be safe never make assumptions or comments about other peoples weight, you never know what they may be going through.
August 10th, 2016 1:28pm
Being "skinny" is not always a compliment. Sometimes being "too skinny" can be dangerous and unhealthy so it is good to try to find a balance.
October 5th, 2019 6:29am
No. Your value is not based off the shape or size of your body, I feel as though it undermines many other amazing qualities of the personality you could be complimented on. Adding to this, being skinny does not always mean someone is healthy; thinness does not equate to fitness or wellness. We seem to live in a world where the media is constantly telling us that thin equals happy and that being skinny is the ultimate goal, but it creates a very toxic basis of health, and gives an artificial goal that people can potentially harm their health working towards an unachievable standard set by the media. We've had social medias ingrain into our minds that to be beautiful, you must be skinny, and this simply isn't true.
March 13th, 2020 9:42pm
Not always. Some people have commented about how skinny I am because they are concerned for my health. However, most of the time, when acquaintances say I'm skinny, they mean it as a compliment. I think it also varies depending on culture. In America, where I live, being skinny is almost always an admirable trait to have, so if a stranger says you're skinny then it's probably a compliment. However, context also matters. I have been to a doctor's office for a health check-up and was told that I was skinny and that it may be beneficial to gain a few pounds. In that case, they did not mean it as a compliment. They were stating it as more of a neutral or slightly negative fact, since gaining a few pounds could have meant better health for me at the time.
October 31st, 2019 1:57am
If somebody compliment a person for being skinny, they mean it. But is it in physical sense a compliment, depends on what the person like to be or like to see in others. Maybe they like a certain figure or shape in selves. And does also depend on their and gender. For a young person it is nice to be kind of skinny but for an adult it is better if they are more full. We go back to how the person view things. And being skinny is nice. Some see it as attractive some not. So, it could be a compliment and it could be not. Being skinny could be nice if the person is taking of them selves in everyday and eating balanced food. but if the have a eating disorder, which help them stay skinny, could be hard on themselves. So, it could be a compliment for people who likes it that way. .
May 21st, 2020 1:43pm
not always some may take it a complement when someone says you are so skinny but others can takle offence which can lead to depression and other mental illnesses but also can lead to overeating of one if they dont like being skinny . Individuals are very self aware and one compliment can be taken as an offence instead of a comment as one can perhaps be perceiving individuals with fuller bodies as more appealing and when faced with a comment of wow you so skinny one can go into a really dark state of trying to get rid of this image they do not like.
May 16th, 2020 5:11am
I personally dislike terms that compress our body sizes into symbols and such. Skinny is usually considered a compliment, however, it actually can be counterproductive for someone with weight issues or body dysmorphia. For someone trying to become an unhealthy weight, it can boost their motivation, not much better than insulting them. I feel like we shouldn't compliment on each other's bodies, period. On the other hand, for someone trying to gain weight, it can be depressing for them to not have their hard work recognized, or it can be embarrassing if used in a demeaning way. Physical comments are just... Dangerous ground.
May 3rd, 2020 10:31am
No not always it depends on the context that it is said AND it also depends on the person. You could tell a girl that she was really cute and skinny but she might think that her being skinny is why she cute and obsesse over being skinny not necessarily because of your comment but she still might not think of it as a compliment she might think that because of her being skinny you think that shes cute. it is all up to the person whom you are calling skinny or fat. there are lots of people not just girls who think that because people call them skinny they need to gain weight or need to stay super skinny and that can lead to problems but then again that is just my thoughts on the matter.
April 22nd, 2020 9:25pm
no! really depends on the person and if they like being called skinny. if someone is to skinny it could hurt there feelings, but if someone is bigger then it could be a great compliment. and someone with an eating disorder is could really affect them in a bad way. you have to get to know the person and how they feel about the word skinny, before throwing it out there. words affect every person in different ways. no one is the same and no one thinks the same way. you have to keep that in mind when talking to people.
April 18th, 2020 6:33am
No. This “compliment” is often what leads to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. People are so bent on always being called skinny, that they do lose and maintain a low weighted in an unhealthy way. Any body shaming is still body shaming and can be hurtful, triggering, or offensive. Please beware of the “compliments” that you give and make sure to be kind. Even for someone who has lost weight who used to be bigger, calling them skinny may make them happy, but they could feel that they need to lose more and more weight. You do not. You should feel comfortable in your own skin. You’re beautiful.
April 9th, 2020 10:09pm
I would always consider people calling me skinny as a compliment but when my mom started to call me too skinny was when I started to feel bad and it started messing with how I felt. Calling people skinny may be considered a compliment depending on how or with what intention the person was trying to deliver.
March 27th, 2020 12:36pm
Depending on how you feel after it being said to you or someone else, say you felt happy then its a compliment and if you felt offended then its not a compliment. This because a compliment is suppose to make you feel good and appreciated rather than uncomfortable or irritated. This is my opinion toward how a compliment should be, although many prefer a better wording for it to be a proper compliment like saying you look fit/ fitter or thin/ thinner, since the word skinny is usually used as a bad thing. I hope this answered your question and/or was helpful.
March 25th, 2020 7:38am
I would say no. It depends a lot on the context. If a woman is derisively called "skinny" to insult a lack of curves or a man is called skinny to insult a lack of muscle, or if someone is teased for being too thin or appearing emaciated, all of those can feel pretty terrible, no doubt. Additionally, some people dislike their weight or size being commented on regardless, especially if that person has dealt with any types of eating disorder or weight issues in the past. I personally think that unless you know someone has a specific healthy weight goal and you observe that they are nailing it/sticking to that goal, there are a million better things to compliment than someone's size.
October 2nd, 2019 7:27pm
No it isn't. It can trigger some people to lose weight, even tho they are already skinny. I think we live in a world where we compliment each other when we lost some weight, but we never ask why they felt the need to do it. I think we live in a society that makes us want to lose weight, even when it's not needed and that makes me sick thinking about it. We have to start looking after ourselves and accept the bodies we have and empower other bodies, because it's all we have. It is all we have guys.
August 14th, 2019 8:27am
Certainly depends on the case we are talking about. Most of the time being called "skinny" is positive(meaning looking good). But watch for the tone being used when someone is saying this. It can also in some cases either indicate jealousy(if the person saying it isn't happy with the way their body looks and experience feelings of jealousy) or even worry( if the person in case is way too skinny, maybe underweight). Usually it is the tone that says it all in this kind of situations. Skinny is thin, pretty, means looking good in most cases. Whether it's a compliment or something else, what we think about ourselves and body is what truly matters in the end.
November 24th, 2019 1:29am
For some people it can be but for others it can be insulting or hurtful, depends how it is used when speaking to someone and also not knowing if they have a eating disorder. They could be anorexic , or suffer with bulimia , also some do not have money to eat on so they could be skinny for that reason. It is very hard to know what someone is going through so we want to assume they love being skinny but in reality they are hurting possibly. We have to work on how we speak to others and try to get too know them before we speak because words can hurt even if we mean nothing by our words.
December 3rd, 2019 10:46pm
I would never see skinny as a compliment. As someone who volunteers at a hospice I see people literally waste away. It's awful to see. I also associate being skinny with being stressed as at a time in my life when I was very stressed I lost a lot of weight. Now that is not to say that you are not beautiful if you are skinny but it really depends on your perception of what the word means. That's the issue with adjectives, they don't mean the same thing for everyone. However, for me, skinny means emaciated and overly thin.
August 28th, 2019 3:27pm
I don't think so, I think you look healthy and well is the compliment. And your face has that happy glow that means as a compliment. I wish people would take care of there health and eat properly with good diet. It's more important that you are happy and healthy. I wish people could see that they are beautiful the way they are. I hope people support each other and always be helpful towards other people, I wish people would be kind to a stranger you never someone is going through alot, and your one act of kindness can change their day. I wish you all the best.
December 15th, 2019 10:29pm
Being skinny in modern culture is viewed as something that everyone should be. Don’t listen to this culture. Be the shape, size, color, or mood you think fits you. Being skinny should have nothing to do with how you are viewed in society. Be the person you were born to be and never let anyone try to conform you to a certain size. You are beautiful no matter what and should never view yourself as anything less. Let the world know that whatever size you are is a compliment. You are a complement to the world so let the world know it.
January 15th, 2020 6:31pm
It depends, a lot of the time it can be a compliment but sometimes it may be in regards to your health getting worse. How you feel when you get called skinny is an important factor too so try thinking about it. Everyone feels different ways and goes through different things so in some cases skinny may not be a compliment because they feel like they are being lied to and they want to be perfect or they just want someone to notice that they are screaming out for help. This is NOT attention seeking just to clarify. So the answer to your question is no it is not always a compliment, it can be a concern, an insult and so much more
February 7th, 2020 9:59pm
Through my experience, no, although it is most of the time. People can use it to tease you for not being politicly correct enough, or tease you if you are very body-positive. It can also just be served plain. Someone may tell you you are skinny, and need to eat more to be pretty. As someone who has gone through the hell that is anorexia, this happens a lot. It is deliverd more freely then calling someone fat though, no one will frown upon you for saying someone needs to eat more. It is hard to wield the word as a weopon though.
November 10th, 2019 12:58pm
No there is such thing as skinny shaming The below story is taken from A few years ago when I worked in publishing, we'd gather for weekly commissioning meetings in the boardroom. There would be platters of pastries along the table. A senior colleague – a lovely woman in her 50s – would always urge me, loudly, to have a croissant. She would prod me in the side, in a friendly manner, and say: "Look, she's nothing but skin and bone!" The fact that I was deeply anorexic and that she was overweight is irrelevant. She was drawing attention to my size in a way that would have been unacceptable had I done the same to her. I'm aware I'm skating on thin ice: what could be more irritating than a thin person describing another person as fat? And yet – for a moment – think about how we describe thinness: skinny, angular, emaciated, bony, skeletal, lollipop-head. These terms are batted about in the media quite casually, without the caution we must now use in our references to fat. I happen to find the term "skinny" offensive, but of course that's foolish. You're lucky to be thin, you think, rolling your eyes.
July 1st, 2020 2:52am
The adjective skinny can come out however the person saying it wants it to come out. In my experience, a majority of the time, people would call me skinny in a positive way. Some would say I am too skinny. How someone says it determines how they want the word to come out, but what's important is how you determine it to sound like. When people would call me skinny, I took it as a negative. I've always been self conscious about my body being too skinny and too fragile. I would compare myself to models that had the ideal leg size and build. Although models are known for how skinny they are, I felt as though I could never fully pull off looking like that. I looked at myself as a skeleton, with ugly spaghetti arms and legs. So to answer this question, based on my experience, skinny is not always considered a compliment. It varies from person to person.
November 21st, 2019 9:12am
Not always! There are people who call someone "hey skinny!" with rude intentions just as calling someone "hey fatty!". Rude people will always exist. It take a huge amount of courage to be proud of who you are and ignore those people. Sometimes people will say "Whoah, you look skinnier.." because they notice some changes and their reaction will either be surprised or worried (depends). It's yours to judge! I personally take it as a compliment when people tell me I look skinnier because I've been trying to workout more, but I also take it as a compliment when someone tells me I look chubbier cause I know it's still me and I'm still healthy. People have different body types, prefer different body types, but remember that everyone is beautiful. Don't force yourself to be someone else, and always remember to take care of yourself! Much love!
January 24th, 2020 7:11am
As meaning of every sentence or phrase depends on situation, also meaining of sentence that you are skinny depends on situation, in which context it was said, in which connotation it was said, by who it was said, where it was said, when it was said and so on. For example, if you are among overweight people who adore being overweight and see being overweight as something desirable, there being skinny wouldn't be considered a compliment but just a remark which can show that you don't fit into their group. If you are among people who value being skinny, above mentioned sentence could be considered a compliment.