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How can I get my parents to stop yelling at me for everything?

159 Answers
Last Updated: 06/02/2022 at 4:16am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner


I am empathetic with my Clients going through emotional overwhelm and passionate in helping them. I am supportive, openminded & interactive in helping my clients.

Top Rated Answers
April 16th, 2021 7:55pm
try talking to them when theyre calm, rather then telling them when theyre already mad. its hard to be rational when youre feeling emotional, and emotional cloud your judgement. Its best to be cool, calm, and collected, while also trying to understand their point of view. They have reasons, while they may be hurtful, try to understand them. they want to help you, but theyre not going about it the right way. consider that they have a long hard day, and maybe their anger isnt directed in the correct way or at the correct person (that person being you)
April 18th, 2021 6:49pm
Try to establish why they are yelling at you and try to find out what you are doing wrong. Once you accept and learn that what you are doing is wrong, you could slowly start to change the things you do that upset your parents and show that you do care and you do listen to what they say. After you have worked on this, your relationship with them will slowly start to build to be a strong relationship. Try to establish why they are yelling at you and try to find out what you are doing wrong. Once you accept and learn that what you are doing is wrong, you could slowly start to change the things you do that upset your parents and show that you do care and you do listen to what they say. After you have worked on this, your relationship with them will slowly start to build to be a strong relationship.
April 18th, 2021 9:54pm
This is a tough one, I've been there and I'm sorry you have to go through this. The first think you need to understand is that it's definitely not your fault. Secondly, consider if they know how you feel. Maybe you can try to start a conversation with them about yelling all the time, and how negatively it makes you feel. I know how scary it might be to talk about with them, but hopefully they will be receptive. A lot of the times, parents yell at their children because they care about them. It's important for them to understand that while it comes from a good place, yelling is not an effective solution to problems. Hopefully, this is something you guys will be able to work towards.
June 4th, 2021 4:59am
Respond. Keep your responses simple, polite and in a measured tone of voice. Don't allow any sarcasm or anger come out in how you sound because your parents might think that you are being resistant or passive aggressive. Also, avoid trying to give your opinion or account of what happened during the yelling.If your mom is very angry, stay away from her till the next day. Then tell her or write a letter saying you're sorry. Tell her the whole truth; lies will only cause more trouble. Don't try to make her see your point of view, make her feel like she was right.
February 10th, 2022 5:02pm
Sit down and talk to your parents and explain what is going on. Do you know what they are telling about is it something like cleaning if so this can be helped by helping your parents out however if there is no cause there is a communication problem between you and your parents. One of the best options would be to speak to them and understand why they yell at you and what you can do to help. Remember you are not the problem but you can help the solution. I am here if you need to talk any more I am not trained to give professional advice but if you need a chat you know where to find me
February 17th, 2022 10:28pm
Often times, it is quite hard to get your parents to listen to you. Usually, they think that they know what is best for you and overall know better than you. Therefore, the best way to deal with uncooperative parents is to just accept them and try to appease them. Over time, if you are patient enough, the parent may ease up on you. However, if the yelling is unbearable, perhaps seek to have a serious talk with them. If this does not work then perhaps seek help from a trusted adult such as your relatives or a teacher at school, who will help you communicate with your parent.
March 3rd, 2022 4:13pm
Give them some time to calm down because when someone is angry, they are on a mission to get their point across and be heard no matter what. Once your parents have calmed down, talk to your parents in a gentle manner and let them know how you feel when they raise their voice at you and tell them that you would like it if they heard you out more. Make sure you are polite and do not reply in a sarcastic manner as that might cause them to become more angry. I hope this could be helpful for you!
March 17th, 2022 1:48pm
I understand that this is a very challenging and difficult situation to be in. It is extremely difficult to live with parents who unleash their anger out on you. I think the best solution would be to have a calm and rational conversation with them about their behaviours and talk to them about how it is affecting you negatively. You can also point them towards resources that better help them understand what you're going through and how it can have an impact on your mental health and overall well-being. If this doesn't work or seem like a good option, I would suggest distancing yourself from them. If it gets unbearable, please take care of yourself. Talk to loved ones who can help you. And if it gets really sever, please seek professional help or talk to a guidance counsellor.
June 2nd, 2022 4:16am
Try to communicate with them on this. Often parents don't realize the effect their actions have on their children, and this can be troubling. They might be yelling at you as a way to vent or let out repressed anger, or they're dealing with stress, or they grew up with their parents yelling at them. There are many possible factors, but no matter what there is no excuse for parents constantly yelling at their kids, so try to find common ground with them. Sit down, tell them how you feel , and try to make them understand how their words and actions affect you. Maybe dramatize it a little to make them thin about it harder. But overall, communication is key.