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I hate my husband or wife. Why?

141 Answers
Last Updated: 04/29/2022 at 3:37pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jennifer Fritz, LMSW, PhD

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

Day to day life can be stressful and overwhelming and my strength is assisting my clients in a supportive, empowering and practical manner.

Top Rated Answers
April 14th, 2018 3:01am
If you feel this way there is something wrong. Talk about it or communicate because it's important to tell each other how you feel instead of keeping it locked in a key. If you talk things out one on one I don't think you'll hate them
May 2nd, 2018 10:39pm
Depending on how long you've been with them it is all circumstantial. Marriage is a commitment because of the hard times. It's not suppose to be easy but if it is meant to be, the unity will always remains.
May 19th, 2018 1:14am
Hate is a very strong emotion. Why did you chose to use the word hate, rather than dislike? Please tell me more.
May 20th, 2018 6:23pm
Do you think he/ she does not reflect your own goals in life? Maybe he/ she might not give you the attention or respect you desire. Or maybe they did something you can't forgive them for, but in their eyes it was an innocent mistake?
May 23rd, 2018 4:52am
A lot of times we marry someone who has a lot of charaqcteristics of one of our parents. We are replicating a relationship we are used to and in somer way also trying to heal ourselves by creating again the situations that wounded us and hoping we can overcome it. Just as our parents push our buttonns and made us feel strong emotions and even hate so too our spouses arouse ths same emotions in us and a times we hate them
June 8th, 2018 2:37pm
Sometimes the people we fall for aren't meant to be in our lives and you might have realized this after a while. It's completely normal to develop "negative" feelings towards loved ones and usually they'll pass by their own or by talking about the situation with the other person.
June 15th, 2018 4:09pm
"Hate" is quite a strong word to say. You might want to de-intensify that a bit. Ask yourself this: how would you feel if they get hit by a bus tomorrow? Annoyance, dislike and anger can soon turn to hate. Maybe their persistent and they annoy you. Maybe they have pet peeves. Maybe their temper bothers you. Maybe they keep doing what you tell them not to do. But it's important to go down to the nitty gritty and remind yourselves why you fell in love in the first place!
July 6th, 2018 4:59pm
Is it really hate or is it dislike? Make sure to know which one. It could be that things have changed in the marriage. You may be unhappy. Talk to your spouse. It will only get worse if you bottle any issues up and if you can try counseling as a couple and individually if needed. Nothing will change if you don’t try to change them. If at some point nothing works, at least you both tried.
July 20th, 2018 12:40pm
just because they are your husband or wife does not mean they are the one for you, people change after years and years, it’s okay to want a change yourself
October 21st, 2018 6:03am
Your marriage isn't a fairy-tail, because life isn't one either. Your marriage is a blessing, not a curse. Don't be afraid to fall back in love. You'll never know what you've got until it's gone. If you've been hurt though, understand that there are people that are better than them. You deserve to be happy. If you're married, I'll tell you one thing: my wife is a blessing. But I wouldn't expect her to stay with me if I was abusive. I love her, you can find that too. There's a wonderful world out there. Please don't give up girls. God loves all, but I think he loves cowgirls more than any.
October 27th, 2018 2:57pm
Sometimes love fades. Remember, marriage was invented when the average life length was like 40 years. People didn't stay with the same person for longer than 30 years. So it's not unusual for you to stop loving someone you spend every day of your life with. Many people also start hating their husband/wife... It is not unusual. How many times haven't you heard a reference to hating your ex in a movie? When the love it gone and you are still "forced" to spend every second of your free time in the same house, obviously you would get irritated. But you also might not hate them. It could simply be a reaction to not loving them anymore.
December 16th, 2018 11:56am
Hate is a strong feeling but it may well be how you feel. If you had to choose another word, which will it be? Once you can identify your feeling further, can you think when it started? When was the last time you didn’t feel that way? Has this feeling become worse overtime? I am asking those questions because only you know the answer. As you try to answer those questions you will slowly identify the reason for your feeling. To feel that way about a person could be because of what has person said or done , but sometimes it is because of our own issues that we direct to another to protect ourself. So I cannot tell you why you hate your spouse, the answer is in you. In my case it was the feeling of being dependent on my spouse financially. The fact you are asking the question shows me you have made a the first step of identifying a feeling that you do not want. It shows me you will find your answer. However If you do feel unsafe with your spouse i urge you to reach for help. I hope you will find your answer and will take the steps to stop that feeling . It is an emotionally draining situation to hate the person we live with. So ne kind to yourself and use any help you can get and any relaxing time you can afford. I wish you to feel better soon.
May 9th, 2019 5:04am
Most of the time, when you feel like you hate your spouse, you may actually be feeling something else (hurt, disappointment, or rejection, for example) but aren’t identifying it correctly. Once you realize the root of the emotion, it's easier to fix. So, let's say you're thinking: “I hate you! You’re such a slob!” What you may actually be feeling is disappointment that he isn't pulling his weight with the chores. To fix it, try saying: “I would love for all the dirty clothes to be in the laundry basket.” (See how we avoided any negativity?) Then, let him know why you’d like that change. For example, “I would feel a lot less resentful and would be less cranky if you’d help remove that obstacle from my day." Insight into where the root of the hate comes from will help you make changes for a more fulfilling relationship.
November 29th, 2019 3:07pm
This is a very common adults face in their marriage. Often, people will date and have a happy relationship but once they get married and their lives become intertwined, they sometimes find out that their relationship isn't the same anymore. The reasons for this are complex and vary from couple to couple, but it's often the lack of compatible traits between each other that leads to an unhappy marriage. It takes a lot of continuous work and commitment for a marriage to function. For some people, this comes naturally and they enjoy being around their partner. For others, it's not so easy. Often, it's one individual who works harder in the relationship. This leads to resentment and if not addressed properly, will lead to the couple hating each other.
August 11th, 2021 1:38am
I think this is something that only you will be able to answer. If you hate them, then you probably have a good reason for hating them. I would suggest that you do a lot of self-reflection - journaling, working through your feelings, etc. Think about the entirety of your relationship, and ask yourself why you would be experiencing those feelings, without judgment. I think if you are honest with yourself, you should be able to get to the bottom of your feelings fairly quickly. I wish the best for you on your journey of self exploration into your feelings.
March 3rd, 2021 1:12am
Sometime we hit a rough patch in our marriages or relationships. I have found that in the past when I have animosity towards someone I care about it is because I dislike the situation we are in, not necessary the person. When I clarify what it is that I am really struggling with, I am also able to find possible solutions. If I do find that I am in a relationship that isn't working for me after examining my feelings, then I have to make some difficult choices. Sometimes a relationship has run its course. Other times, a relationship is worth doing the work to get it back to a good place. These are all important questions you need to ask yourself.
March 28th, 2021 10:50pm
It isn't often really easy. When you hate someone, you have got really strong feelings. There had happened a lot.... ask not why you hate him, ask what you can to that things become better. Remember how you met him first time, your first hug with him, your first kiss, do you remember? He is someone very special in your life. Things are often not easy, sometimes it needs more space, it is better to stop thinkings who goes around and goes around and sometimes it helps to look at things from a completly different perspective or to telling the situation friends, who understanding you.
April 1st, 2021 3:20pm
Everything can be broken down into two emotions - fear and love. Ask yourself - why did I close my heart and build a wall around it so I can´t even feel love for my spouse anymore? What is my fear when I show love and appreciation to my spouse? And if I really don´t have deep feelings for my partner anymore - why don´t I appreciate and love myself enough to walk out of this situation? Love is what we truly are - don´t let fear keep you away from experiencing the most amazing thing in the world. Trust.
April 7th, 2021 8:20pm
Sorry to hear that. Can you give me more information as to why it is that you might feel hatred towards your husband or wife? What exactly is it that makes you hate your husband or wife? Do you often feel like this, if so, is it on a daily basis? Do you feel as though your life is in danger or are you being physically or emotionally abused? Would you like to set up a weekly meeting to talk about your feelings towards your husband or wife? Is there anything else that comes to mind that has an affect on your feelings towards your husband or wife?
May 26th, 2021 5:51pm
Unfortunately, it is pretty much guaranteed that we will feel like we hate our husbands at some points in our marriage. It’s only natural because you are spending so much time with someone. Living with someone can be really tough anyway, then if you add on the pressure of being married to them, you can feel restricted and annoyed. This is understandably so. However, a lot of the time, the hate that you think you are experiencing is actually another emotion masking itself. If you really hated your husband, you wouldn’t be here reading this, you would have left him behind already and moved on. I am not trying to belittle the way you feel, but it can be something else other than hate, even if you might think it feels the same. Many emotions make us feel similar to hate, but they are not hate.
May 27th, 2021 5:00pm
Hmm, we like people if they show traits and behaviours similar to us and on the contrary, we dislike people who exhibit actions opposite to ours. It could also mean that you expected few actions and did not receive them from your partner when you wanted them the most. Once we know what were we expecting from our spouse we can then think of it as was rational or not? If it was rational, then the most prudent idea is to convey it politely so it does not induce rage and if it was not a display of prudence from our end, we need to change our belief.
May 30th, 2021 10:49pm
connections are never simple and indeed the most grounded relational unions can drop prey to misery. those butterflies in your stomach can turn into a never-ending pit of uneasiness, sullying each interaction you have got together with your husband/wife. some time recently you know it, you’re persuaded that this burning feeling you've got towards your husband/wife is now not adore but despise. most of the time, they don’t continuously get it how something so unadulterated can turn into something so derisive. but learning to abhor your husband/wife, much like falling in cherish, is established on past intelligent, deliberateness or otherwise. 1) there's nothing new in your lives anymore. 2) the relationship doesn't feel equal. 3) you've forgotten the meaning of compromise. 4) respect doesn't go both ways. 5) he/she stopped taking care of himself/herself. 6) you're a narcissist who prioritizes him/herself over everything else. 7) you have big differences you've never addressed. 8) you've been stressed over everything for way too long. 9) you have a dysfunctional idea of what a marriage should be. 10) he/she hurt you in a big way you just cannot forgive. 11) he/she hurts you in any ways without knowing it. 12) he/she's dealing w/ an addiction & doesn't know how to handle it or doesn't try to fix. 13) you feel like he/she's held back your true potential.
June 25th, 2021 11:03am
Being married can make us feel we see that person 24/7 we sometimes feel that we get into a routine which can become boring and feel like they don't do anything to make us feel special anymore that's why we sometimes feel that we hate the person we are married to because marriage is a bond which makes us stay together and makes walking away harder than just being in a relationship through the good and the bad we are still married and support each other thus it's not like a relationship where we can just leave when we feel like it isn't for us anymore it takes work, communication, patience and understanding but it's beautiful ❤️. We just need to find that happiness and beauty again and the hate will lessen as we do what made us happy and which made us choose our partner in the first place.
December 17th, 2021 2:32pm
Sometimes feelings are complicated. Hate is a strong word so make sure you actually hate them. The signs of hate are "Feel envy or want what the other person has, they may consider it unfair that someone has what they lack, have contempt for another person or believe them to be inferior, learn hatred from parents, their community, or other social groups, are humiliated or mistreated by another person." If you for sure hate your partner then it could be from bast experiences or something that they did to you and you don't remember so you subconscious makes you hate them
April 29th, 2022 3:37pm
I would do some self reflection and maybe consider what is going on around the relationship. Do you feel disconnected? Do you feel unheard? Do you feel disrespected? Do you not trust your partner? What is the reasoning behind the hate. Hate is a strong word and a strong emotion that means you still care for them. Are you able to discuss your feelings in a safe environment? Do you feel acknowledge when you express yourself? Do they not support your dreams, goals and aspirations? Are your values no longer aligned? These can all be factors that have led to the discourse between you. Take some time to figure out what is going on and allow yourself the ability to look at your relationship from their eyes. If your partner is threatening you, your life or your wellbeing, consider leaving the relationship, you are in an abusive environment. Your safety comes first. If your safety isn't in quuestion, maybe consider seeing a couples therapist or counselor if you can afford it.
April 10th, 2022 5:02am
Sometimes we hate those closest to us. Sometimes we love them, sometimes we hate them. Sometimes we love and hate them, all at the same time. It is with love that there is hate, I believe. Maybe you have boundaries you did not set, and you felt your husband or wife did not meet your expectations, which they might or might not know of. I do not yet have a spouse, but I do have family. More often than not, I come to hate the person because of some misunderstandings, or because of a shared negative emotional experience based on blame or resentment.
April 10th, 2022 4:09am
You do not love them. Period. Or you have fallen out of love. Not liking your partner is okay in marriage from time to time. but hating them is a big NO. It is not okay at all. You are in a marriage. You shouldn't be in a (healthy) marriage if not for love. You should communicate and see what is the problem. There is couple's therapy. Journal. These are the basic things to do. Also there is a pretty fair chance that you could be disliking your partner. DISLIKE not hate. People interchange the words. We dislike the people we love from time to time. It is natural. We are humans. They are humans. We aren't flawless.
October 30th, 2021 6:08am
Just as it happens with any other person, the more you know them the more you see all their positive qualities, but you also see the negatives and their mistakes. If you have been married for a while you for sure have noticed the flaws of your partner, but since we all have flawns too we accept them. Sometimes when we are under stress, or we have a big disagreement with our partner we can tend to focus on all the flaws at the same time, that can increase the feeling of disliking someone. So if you are experiencing something like this, try to remember the good qualities that attracted you to that person, the good time you spent together. On the other hand try to decrease your levels of stress, maybe start something new like a hobby, or it could be just taking walks. It will allow you to relax and have some time away from your partner so you don't keep overthinking all these negative feelings.
September 29th, 2021 12:41am
I used to hate my ex after we ended our relationship, however, as time flies, and I became more mature, I thought about all the good things that we accomplished together, sometimes, not only looking at the bad things but let's think about the positive thinks that we do to think more optimistically. Hatred will only bring us down, preventing us from being successful, but being optimistic will make us become the new person, think positively, and be more open-minded will make everything become easier. Let's think positive about life, invest in ourself, buying us new clothes, eating our favorite meals, it could make our day!
November 29th, 2020 12:28pm
Often times when there’s tension in the relationship, it mostly has to do with change in the relationship. Have you guys been arguing a lot recently? Is there tension constantly? Are you getting annoyed with them frequently over small things? This usually means you guys spend a lot of time together. You don’t get many breaks from one another and you begin to pin point the things you hate the most about them. Hate and annoyance are two completely different things though. Maybe you’re just annoyed by the tactics you see every day. Talk to them about it, and try to build from that situation.