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i want to run away from family dont want me to educate...but i want to graduate from one of the best do i manage funds and visa for the run away??

2 Answers
Last Updated: 07/23/2018 at 9:30pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Penny Dahlen, Ed.D., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am committed to helping you find your passion, heal old wounds, and flow smoother in all aspects of your life path! I use a compassionate listening approach.

Top Rated Answers
July 3rd, 2018 1:16pm
First, I want to say, I admire your resolve and determination to want to go to a good university. And according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you have every right to want and seek this. On the other hand, the advice that would help depends on so many things: how old you are, where you are, how safe it is for you there, how unsafe it could be to run away from home and possibly into a different danger. First, I’d say, think and plan calmly and find what your options are, before you make the big decision to leave home. Keep in mind that the right to education is your right, and no one can take that away from you, and wanting that for your self is all to your credit. Second, find out what would be the closest safe options for you to ask advice where you live: is there a neighbour or a friend you can trust and has a different view from your family on education? Is there a teacher, a clinic, a church or place of worship where you know people are going to listen to you and respect your trust? Is there, in your area a local initiative an international group, like UNESCO, UNICEF, Red Cross, Save the Children where you could go seek advice? I work with people who have fled their town or region, and became refugees, and I know that in some countries, visas are very difficult, very expensive to get, and that some dishonest people can promise you a visa and even a uni place against some money or work, and let you down or worse, so please be very very careful and don’t trust anyone that says that, or that you can pay them later. That is a trap, most likely. Be super careful. One good thing is, if you are asking the question here on 7cups that means you have access to internet, which is good, you are not completely isolated and you can access resources. But you need to be careful whom to trust there too. Another thing to explore is: would your parents listen to advice from someone they respect, someone who could persuade them that there is nothing to worry about, and education may frighten them now, but they may be really proud later. Some families are totally unflexible, some can be persuaded by a doctor, a teacher, a holy or wise person. Keep courage, and stay very careful. If I find anyway of giving more information to you, I will put an answer here on this thread. You can also talk to a listener on 7cups, about the stress of your family not listening to you, about your plans, and how to make yourself stronger and more informed about the obstacles in your way. Once again, you have all my admiration for seeking higher education in those difficult circumstance.
July 23rd, 2018 9:30pm
There are many different universities who have dorms which you can stay in for the first year if you go to study at one far away from home and there are different student loans and maintenance grants that you can apply for to help you.