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Why don't they understand me?

141 Answers
Last Updated: 04/27/2022 at 4:23pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Stacy Overton, PhD.


I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.

Top Rated Answers
January 11th, 2018 5:58am
I guess this is a bit of a vague question. My suggestion would be to let the person/people whom don't understand you, know exactly what you'd like them to understand. For example, if it's an emotion, feeling, or even experience, etc.. you can sit down and calmly explain to them what you want them to understand. If you have a hard time doing that, try writing it out first. You can write it to them and have them read it, or write it for yourself and read it to them. Hope this helps some!
February 8th, 2018 12:22pm
Because it is sometimes hard to understand something if you have never experienced it. Some people are very good at imagining pain through empathy and sympathy and some people aren't so talented in that regard.
February 18th, 2018 6:55pm
Many people don’t understand as it is hard to explain to them how your feeling and so they may think it’s a phase that your going through
March 1st, 2018 6:50pm
Sometimes people don't understand you because they haven't gone through anything similar to what you have or you are going through. They simply have no idea.
March 2nd, 2018 8:56am
Usually people understand you more than you think they understand you, but also because it’s your life and all this is going on in your head where they can’t see
April 4th, 2018 8:18am
It's hard for people to understand others, it's basically a 'human superpower'. Most humans are incapable of understanding others, unless we point out what it is we want them to understand.
April 4th, 2018 7:16pm
Sometimes people don't want to be involved much, and other times they just have a general different image of what you're going through due to the way the general public reflects the idea as.
April 15th, 2018 5:11pm
i feel like they don,t understand me, i feel like they are always looking for the wrong in me and i feel like it makes them look better. it has been this way my whole life and i feel like if i do something very good them i am an outsider to them because i am now different and they can't adjust or raise the bar for me. i call it being lazy that they can't adjust to my perfections. are they jealous or envious?
April 18th, 2018 10:43pm
I believe that everybody has totally different experiences. And that's because our life is different because of the choices we make in our own life. So nobody can truly see the situation from someone's else eyes. So, nobody can understand how you feel except when they have the same experiences with you. And the only person who does is yourself
April 29th, 2018 11:05am
It could be you're not explaining them enough and being clear. Very important to explain to them gently with calmness and make sure to speak out and share your feelings as much as possible. Could be there closed mined and they can't understand certain situations they never experienced which is hard to make someone understand how it in your shoes so he has to go through a similar situation first
May 16th, 2018 2:02am
Maybe your not expressing yourself enough, instead of keeping all of your inner feelings a secret you can tell them how you feel. So they can properly understand you
May 26th, 2018 8:50am
Honestly, I would say that it is because they haven't been through the same issues and situations that you have been in, so they wouldn't know the emotions that come with it, simply coming back to them not knowing the experience and how to deal with it.
June 2nd, 2018 12:03am
If they don't understand you, don't waste your time waiting for them to. Talk to them about it or talk with someone like me about it.
June 2nd, 2018 1:30am
People who usually do not understand have either never been through what experience you have had or hold their own perception of how to deal with life issues and have the inability to see others perspectives.
June 10th, 2018 2:39am
The only person who can truly understand you is yourself. But other people can be great for listening, being sympathetic and empathetic, and validating the emotions that you feel.
June 15th, 2018 10:50pm
well, a lack of communication, a bad interpretations of events or uncleared talks can all lead to misunderstanding someone
June 17th, 2018 2:46pm
You are your own person. Nobody has seen or thought the same thing that you do. There are a few people who have been through similar situations though. Somebody out there knows and understands you.
June 24th, 2018 4:53pm
I think that you should be true to yourself, and find people in your life that will understand you, if they dont then they are not the right people you should have in your life you will be accepted for being your true self
June 27th, 2018 10:32am
if you mean your family or friends or somone else then, its because they do not know all the facts, you could try to talk to them about it, or talk to friend or neighbor or somone who does??
June 30th, 2018 2:13am
Because they don't know what you've been through and they will need time to understand but they will.
July 8th, 2018 10:28pm
Are you getting out what you need to for them to do so? Communication comes from two ends, it could either be you're not saying what you mean, or they don't WANT to understand you. Both, big problems.
July 20th, 2018 1:26am
Everyone is unique, and others may not necessarily understand you. Once people actually sit down and talk to you they will get to know you a little better. However, everyone is different and has their own perspective. If you're going through something that they have not experience it may be hard to be understanding on their part.
July 29th, 2018 11:12am
Not all people will understand you. You will have hard times facing criticisms from those people who don't understand you. But somewhere, you'll find a person who can relate with you or can understand you. Maybe a peer, family member, or professional consultant. Just don't be afraid to open yourself from someone who wants to hear you out.
August 20th, 2018 1:17pm
May be that's because you are not expressing yourself fully. You should try to focus on your point while talking to others. Sometimes it happens. It's not only you who's feeling this way. Sometime even our closest person won't understand us. Don't worry about this. Try to be straight forward. Don't switch your personality for someone else. Just be yourself. That's all what matters. Creating your own image is very important. Individuality is something which can help you overcome almost every problem in life. Give it a try. And don't feel embarrassed or down while talking because you know what you're doing.
August 24th, 2018 7:57pm
The term "understand me" is a interesting term... In life sometimes we feel we aren't understood or misunderstood which leads to us feeling isolated and that we arent wanted. This in some but not all cases isn't true our isolation or lack of feeling wanted can be down to people not knowing how to react or approach us and how we feel and are. What this means or could mean is someone that loves you dearly might not know how to show it as they don't want to hurt you or show it in the "wrong" way... Personally I have felt like people don't understand me... Especially with recent events where people thought I was "being naughty" or "that's not how he should be behaving" - But now... that I and people close to me have explained it... they sorta get it... If you feel misunderstood... think... is there anyway I can help them understand :)
September 13th, 2018 12:05am
Not everyone in life will understand you. Everyone is so different that sometimes it is hard for someone to understand you, or the things that you may be going through in your life. Other times some people just don't want to understand, and those are the people that you need to keep out of your life. I've had friends in my life who never understood me. Anytime I felt anything, they said I was wrong and that basically my feelings were meaningless. I left those friends behind, and my life has gotten so much better. Surround yourself with those who will try to understand you.
September 13th, 2018 11:07am
People come from different backgrounds with numerous variations on life experiences. Because of this, a persons perception is different than your perception. Understanding happens when both people can understand that concept and work towards a compromise or have the willingness to make the effort to understand a different perspective. Its important to know this and have empathy for the person that may not understand your point of view. Sometimes it is best to just let it go and understand that you can't change people which is great in its own way. There is always something to learn from a perspective that is different from your own.
September 14th, 2018 4:41am
I do not know who are they nor I know who you are, but if you feel misunderstood that means you are probably significant different and special in some kind of away. Maybe you have issues the others don't relate and thus understand, maybe you close isolate yourself too much, which makes things worse, or maybe it is always been like that for you, for which I'm sorry if that's the case. In either way, feeling misunderstood (in general or more specific) terms is never a good thing nor feeling, and it is important that you seek out for clarification, that'll surely bring you some most want and long wished peace of mind.
November 3rd, 2018 6:12pm
You are complex creature with unique life experiences, sometimes others have to be walked through some of your experiences to get them to understand you. Understanding people takes times, as everyone has a certain way to look at things. Sometimes people miss a crucial detail about you, its fine. Try to explain things to help by relating your experiences to theirs. A little bit of compassion goes a long way and is always returned with compassion. Do it in a way that is friendly and nice and not hateful. Nobody is perfect and people sometimes make wrong judgments but their opinions can change if you genuinely try.
November 3rd, 2018 7:13pm
This is a very broad question and kind of difficult to answer with out knowing a little bit more about you. However, I will give my opinions on this topic. First, I'm going to say that it is not probably as bad as you think and you could be being to judge mental on other people. Also, it could be that your mind is playing tricks on you and it is causing you to misread people. I'm not saying you have mental problems or that you might need to be tested but a lot of people actually have this problem and are blaming other people for not being able to fit in when it is actually a social phobia problem.