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Why the rate of divorce is so hight?

4 Answers
Last Updated: 02/08/2022 at 4:41pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Maria Wasielewski, Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance, University of Arizona

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am inspired when working with clients, who are facing challenging life experiences, to be able to help them to develop the needed skills to live their best possible life!

Top Rated Answers
January 10th, 2017 2:20pm
Why is the rate of divorce so high? This to me is a very interesting question and I will try to go a little bit in depth to answer it. Times have changed, we are no longer back in the 1900's and are in a more open society than we have ever been before. Religion is no longer the keystone of families and is allowing for the woman to divorce of the man with much more ease. A woman can sustain herself these days and no longer needs a relationship. Also, with the religion out of perspective the words said at marriage lose a lot of their value. We are a more open society. It used to be frowned upon when a person would have a divorce. These days it is more common and openly discussed. Why stay with a partner that makes you feel unhappy when there are over 7.5 billion people on this world? There is no reason to do so. You are free to decide your own path. Also the number of young people that marry is declining in the western world. Children are born without marriage more frequently and the value of a marriage compared to a contract of living together has decreased by law and morals. There are many reasons why marriage is a good thing, but also many reasons why it is not a requirement in today's day and age.
July 11th, 2017 2:40am
Relationships sometimes have an expiration date. The divorce rate is high because of people now more than ever have the ability to live and support themselves independently and pursue divorce legally and with little stigma. This can be expedited by having ill-defined relationship standards and poor conflict resolution skills in a relationship before and after marriage. It also can be caused by partners growing apart naturally, other situations caused by stress, resentment, or mistrust in a partner. All of this is okay, divorce does not mean that a relationship has failed, but it has come to an end. Divorce can be healthy for two individuals who are unhappy. Staying in a marriage that is not a respectful or positive environment is not a good thing. Emotional health and mutual respect between both parties is key to marriage. It is important to remember when a marriage ends that all the love and positive things in a marriage are important beautiful memories, just because it has ended, doesn't mean those experiences were not wonderful and full of love.
October 3rd, 2017 10:57pm
I think there are a lot of reasons due to the complexity of human nature itself. However, my opinion is that a large part of it lies within the standards of society versus nurturing human nature. From a young age, we are painted a picture of perfect monogamy. It is expected that we will fall in love with just one person, and live happily ever after. As a result, I think we rush into relationships based off of ideals rather than fully understanding the humanity behind our partners. This can stream into results like not communicating what we need in the expectation that our partners will just "get us"; or feeling that we need to hide information out of fear of the reaction of our partners. This prohibits the closeness needed for functional teamwork. Relationships are not easy, because people are complicated. We experience a lot of cognitive dissonance in our desires, and we need to be able to express ourselves with honestly and tact, and listen with empathy and forgiveness. That's really hard to do.
February 8th, 2022 4:41pm
The rate of divorce is so high due to no mutual understandings and due to Ego between the Couples sometimes and due to lack of trust between the couples sometimes and sometimes the arguments between the couples lead them to this sort of decision to have a divorce. The other thing is coming to the words of third member they might be taking divorce and in few cases the couple comes to a mutual understanding to have a divorce as their interests and thoughts differ and not able to live as a couple and decide to part way by taking divorce.