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I dreamt about kissing someone of the same-sex, what does it mean ?

307 Answers
Last Updated: 12/07/2020 at 12:30pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
December 21st, 2017 11:47pm
It could mean several things. It could mean that your curious about what being in a same-sex relationship feels like. It could mean that you watched something about same-sex relationships, could even just be hormones. If they are frequent, then I suggest experimenting safely with these thoughts. And remember, only experiment if it is safe to do so. If it could cause you harm, wait it out until you can safely do so.
December 12th, 2017 2:12am
That doesn't necessarily mean you are attracted to the same sex. Only you can know that for sure. A lot of straight people question their sexuality.
December 10th, 2017 5:23am
It could mean many different things. Have you been questioning your sexuality? Have you thought about being with the same sex often? If either one of those, then it is possible you could be in the process of questioning. If you are questioning, you are not for sure whether or not you are LGBTQ+, and that is perfectly fine. It can take a while to figure out your sexuality. However, if you think/question about either little or no thoughts about what your sexuality is, it could just be a dream that did not mean anything. We all dream of things we never really think about sometimes.
December 6th, 2017 11:48pm
My dream book says if you dream about some one you fancy you have some good coming youre way and if you dream about some one you dont like it means you have guilt but also some other people say if you dream about same sex gender you have luck on youre way.
November 30th, 2017 4:08am
I can't tell you what it means, because dreams mean different things to each person. However if you know the person you were kissing maybe it could be telling you something about your relationship - not necessarily in a sexual or romantic way, but maybe you've drifted apart or you feel a need to become closer or reconnect? Maybe you are questioning yourself or your sexuality? Perhaps you have strange dreams in general and it really isn't a sign of anything? I can't tell what it means, so maybe journal about it and think on it :)
November 30th, 2017 2:23am
It could mean anything, something you possibly want to do or it could simply mean it's something that passed your mind the other day. On the Kinsey Scale of sexuality, you can see that rarely people are completely heterosexual or homosexual. In fact most people tend to fall inbetween!
November 26th, 2017 3:45am
Not too much, dreams can be extremely strange and often make no sense. If dreaming of kissing of the same sex disturbs you, try and understand why, if it's because you feel repulsed at showing what you would feel is sexual compassion for the same sex, perhaps that's understandable. Another way of looking at it is that you might have the desire, no matter how slight, of affection with members of the same sex, not a bad thing, certainly something that shouldn't rule your life, not even for a day.
November 23rd, 2017 5:38pm
It may mean that you are attracted to someone and that you may be LGBT and that doesn't mean that you're definitely gay or lesbian it's a spectrum and it may mean that you are a different part of LGBT and that is perfectly okay
November 22nd, 2017 8:03pm
I personally don't think that dreams mean anything, if you're not bothered by that dream then I don't see any problem here.
November 19th, 2017 8:19pm
What that means from my perspective is, that you're maybe questioning your sexuality and you could possibly be curious about finding yourself.
November 17th, 2017 3:25pm
It may mean that you are just expiriencing intrigue towards the same sex. It does not mean you are gay/bisexual, neccesarily. Many teens expirience this. It is completely normal.
November 15th, 2017 4:23pm
It could mean a variety if different things. Sometimes dreams don't always resemble real life situations and you don't always need to worry about what goes on in them.
November 10th, 2017 1:56pm
Maybe this is your mind trying to tell you that you are curious as to what it feels like to be with the same-sex? It is nothing our the ordinary or anything weird. Maybe you should sit down and think if you have ever felt as though you have an attraction to the opposite sex and see if you feel as though you would like to act upon this?
November 5th, 2017 12:35pm
Thank you for sharing this with me! I think I should start off by saying this is very common in today Society a lot of people dream about fantasies of all kinds! Kissing someone of the same sex would basically fall into that same category! So basically you are not the only one to dream these thoughts! When human beings are born they are all created the same and one of the things you are born with is curiosity! So basically your mind is wandering with curiosity and to answer your question what does it mean? Nothing at all! The thing is sometimes people are afraid of things they do not understand when in fact there is nothing to be afraid of! Society tries to tell us that there are rules and regulations about things you can and cannot do but in the end we are all put on this Earth with curiosity and to live life to the fullest! The basic rules are if you are not hurting yourself or someone else there is nothing wrong with it! you have this dream and you are curious to pursue your dream! Then it is normal! If you do not like your dream it is also normal!
October 19th, 2017 6:33am
This could mean nothing, but it could also mean you're attracted to the same-sex. This isn't wrong or weird, it's completely normal. If you want you can do some research on the lgbt+ community and maybe you are a part of it. Don't stress about putting a label on yourself right now, there are so many factors to this. Start by just researching and exploring.
September 7th, 2017 2:12am
It might mean nothing, it might just be a dream; or it might mean that you are bi-sexual, pan-sexual, or gay / lesbian and maybe just weren't really aware of it before. At any rate I wouldn't worry about it. Sexuality is something that can be fluid, grow, and change with age; and we don't have to have all the answers right away. Try and enjoy it for what it was; and / or if you did / didn't enjoy it, then think of it as having learned something new about yourself. That you can have really interesting dreams! :)
September 2nd, 2017 9:13pm
Some dreams can deal with issues you don't have time to deal with in real life. It could be a sign that you would like to try a romantic relationship with a person of the same sex. It could also just be a dream. The best way to deal with it would be to do what you feel you would like to do
August 26th, 2017 11:17pm
It could mean absolutely nothing, or it could mean a lot. Typically dreams are based off of things that have been on your mind subconsciously, and so if you watched a movie with a same-sex couple that could've caused the dream. However it could mean that you've been thinking about sexuality lately, and so that could've caused it. If you're worried about your sexuality you can always PM a listener and they'll be able to help you in more detail :)
August 13th, 2017 4:02pm
I don't put much truth in dreams, sometimes your mind - especially while dreaming has thoughts based on things you have been exposed to. The dream might not mean anything at all, unless you think it might mean more. What matters is your thoughts and feelings while you're awake. If when you are awake, you have 0 thought or interest in the same-sex, then i wouldnt put much weight into your dream.
August 9th, 2017 10:59pm
If this is the first time you've had a dream like this, maybe your brain is subconsciously telling you that you are attracted to the same sex. But try not to stress over a dream, it's what you feel when you're awake that's important.
July 26th, 2017 7:52pm
I believe it is a quite a normal thing to dream about something like this. It does not necessarily mean anything, a sexual curiosity about something we have not experienced is something that most people find themselves thinking about at some point or another.
March 25th, 2017 11:46am
Maybe it means something and maybe it doesn't mean anything. It is all about how you are feeling in real life, about who you feel attracted to. If you don't feel attracted to same sex in real life, the dream probably doesn't mean anything at all.
April 16th, 2017 3:35pm
You may be attracted to the same sex. Think about how you would feel about being with someone of both genders. Remember that there will always be people out there to support you for your sexuality.
April 8th, 2017 12:03am
It means nothing unless you want to do it while you're awake then you might be gay or bisexual which isn't a bad thing
April 7th, 2017 11:44pm
A dream doesn't always necessarily mean something. This can show self-acceptance, or perhaps an interest in the same-sex, but dreams do not always mean something real and you don't have to feel pressured by this. There is nothing wrong about dreaming about this, we have no control over our dreams! It's natural and perfectly fine.
April 6th, 2017 10:37pm
Honestly, not too much - don't get too worried. It could mean you want to try experimenting with someone of the same sex as you, it could not. I had a few similar dreams and now, a couple years on, I feel confident in my sexuality - and the dreams had little impact. Think about how you felt about the dream - did you like it? Do you like it now you're awake? Focus on yourself, and how you react to different ideas. But really, don't worry because dreams, while important as a 'gateway' to your subconscious, don't decide your sexuality.
April 5th, 2017 10:40am
Dreams don't really mean much. But the fact that you're still thinking about it and questioning what it means might indicate that this is a topic you might want to think about rather frankly. If you don't feel as though you want to kiss people of your own gender after really thinking about it, you can just dismiss it as one of those wacky dreams for now. And if it turns out you do like them later- well you can always look back on this question and smile XD
April 5th, 2017 9:13am
This may not even mean anything. Your dreams are just your mind creating a story, really. I know that I, for example, have completely meaningless dreams. Don't assume that there's any meaning behind it - if you're straight, then it's probably just a weird dream.
April 1st, 2017 12:31am
As a person who's into dream interpretations, the most common meaning behind a dream where the dreamer kissed a person of the same-sex is self-acceptance. Or it could mean that you need some sort of comfort in your daily life in order to become who you really are. Those are the two big ones. However, if you feel like there's more to it, you may desire to be with a person of the same-sex. It's all how you interpret it. Ask yourself: What do you think this means? What connection do you think this dream has to your daily life, emotions, and/or thoughts? Why do you think you dreamt about kissing someone of the same-sex? Have fun interpreting! (:
February 5th, 2017 2:37pm
It doesn't have to mean anything. If they believe they may like the same sex, they could reasearch and look into it. And maybe they find they are gay or lesbian or any part of the LGBTQ+ community.