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I dreamt about kissing someone of the same-sex, what does it mean ?

307 Answers
Last Updated: 12/07/2020 at 12:30pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Jill Kapil, PsyD


I have over 9 years of clinical experience, specialize in anxiety, and am passionate about my work. My approach is collaborative, empathic, supportive, and goal-oriented.

Top Rated Answers
January 13th, 2016 4:22am
It can mean many things, I wouldn't worry about it that much, sometimes we have crazy dreams and it's up to your interpretation.
January 14th, 2016 3:17am
You might have a little fire inside teasing at a taint of same sex attraction. Don't be shy about it.
January 15th, 2016 7:10pm
probably nothing if it was only once, everyone has them at least once, unless you feel attracted to people of your gender, then you are gay or at least bisexual
January 21st, 2016 12:24am
It could mean a number of things. It could be your subconscious curiosity or just puberty. Do not lose sleep thinking about it though.
January 21st, 2016 1:48am
THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL! You shouldn't be upset or ashamed, this is you! Perhaps you should try some soul searching. Maybe you have yet to discover you're sexual orientation!
January 21st, 2016 3:26pm
To be perfectly honest, not much. Dreams are dreams and curiosity is a powerful thing. If you're a teenager,hormones have alot to do with it. (Even if you aren't one) You could try asking yourself if you'd date or be intimate with a person of the same sex, if it ''Feels right'' if you're worried you might be bi, gay or lesbian.
January 21st, 2016 10:26pm
Your brain is trying to tell you to listen to your emotions because you have probably pushing them to the side. Don't freak out though, just figure yourself out at your own pace :)
January 21st, 2016 11:16pm
Dreams are projections, they don't always mean anything. It's what in your head when you are conscious that matters. Do you think about kissing someone of the same sex? And how do you feel about it? I sometimes dream of having sex with the opposite sex but I identify as gay. Dreams are just dreams. Follow your mind and heart :)
January 24th, 2016 2:56am
It doesn't mean anything really.. You just had a dream and it happened to be with someone of the same sex no biggy.
January 24th, 2016 5:42pm
Regardless of your age, dreams about kissing relate to the feelings you had during your first kiss. It is the youthful passion, the fluttering heart, the memory of the emotions and hormones that accompanied that first kiss which the dream is about. The kiss dream is more about the emotions you seek than the physical act. If you are young, or yet to experience your first kiss, however, the dream could well relate to your desire for that first act of passion.
January 27th, 2016 3:37pm
It might mean that you are attracted to the same-sex, which is perfectly normal or this might have just been a one time thing
January 27th, 2016 4:19pm
it doesn't have to mean anything, it could be your curious and want to know what it is like to kiss someone of the same sex or it could just be a random dream. Connect with a listener who has experience in LGBTQ+ listening skills such as myself to discuss this further.
January 31st, 2016 12:06am
It could mean absolutely anything. Straight people and LGTBQA+ people have dreams of kissing the same sex and it doesn't really effect you sexuality, but it could be your subconscious trying to tell you something
February 3rd, 2016 1:43pm
Human sexuallity is a very complicated thing. You don't need to worry about this because a lot of people dream about that.
February 4th, 2016 6:07am
Well it could mean nothing people have dreams all the time it matters if you have feelings for the same sex when your awake imagine if you can see you with them in public
February 6th, 2016 11:25am
Everyone is curious at times, that is normal. Dreams are often random. Try not to read to much into it :)
February 10th, 2016 12:19am
It might mean that you are experiencing some romantic feelings, for members of your own sex. Or, it could just be a dream. Either way, some thoughts about your romantic attraction to people, might be a good thing.
February 12th, 2016 10:02am
Honestly, we still have no idea what dreams mean. They could be psychic visions or or deepest thoughts or just the brain randomly sparking off as it attempts to deal with the data it was given in the daytime. Most likely, it means nothing. If you have an interest in the same sex it will most likely present itself in ways more obvious than dreams. I wouldn't worry about it too much, either way. You are what you are, and that will become apparent and possibly even shift and change as life goes on. No biggie.
February 15th, 2016 5:40pm
It could mean that u have questions about what will happen in the future of who u r going to date or marry.
May 30th, 2016 4:36pm
It may just be a passing dream that means nothing, but if you are seriously thinking about this dream and want it in real life then you could be bi or gay
September 14th, 2016 8:28am
Well, sexuality is very fluid, it could mean nothing, it could mean that you're interested in your own gender, both of which are fine. It's normal.
September 15th, 2016 12:21pm
First of all I have to say: Its just a dream. We often dream things that dont suit up to the reality we live in. It is possible that your dreams catches up with fantasys you opress when you are awake but i wouldn waste to much thoughts on it since its just a dream
September 25th, 2016 12:18am
It doesn't have to necessarily mean something. It's a completely normal occurance. If you have been questioning your sexuality lately, then it can also tie into that. Still, It's extremely normal, It's nothing to worry about. :)
September 25th, 2016 7:37pm
It doesn't mean anything unless you feel like it does. Dreams have a way of contorting reality. So unless you do feel attracted to the same-sex months from now, it is highly likely that your dream was just a dream.
September 25th, 2016 7:53pm
It could mean anything from just a silly dream or you're attracted to people of the same gender. Either way it doesn't matter what it means because you don't need to force a label on yourself you like the people you like, regardless of the gender.
September 28th, 2016 12:18pm
Many people dream, or even fantasize, about kissing someone of the same sex. Sometimes it means something, other times it doesn't! It could mean you are curious about your sexuality, it could mean you are attracted to people of the same gender, or it may mean nothing at all. It can be helpful to talk about these feelings in order to explore them further.
September 28th, 2016 8:16pm
It might not even mean anything, sometimes dreams like that happen. But if you are a teenager, then it's most likely your brain's way of reminding you that during these few years of puberty and being a teenager, you may start to question your sexuality. But only time will tell.
September 30th, 2016 1:27pm
Not being straight is okay, but did you ever questioned your sexuality or have doubts about being straight?
October 1st, 2016 12:13am
Kissing someone of the same sex is actually a common dream! It can mean anything from the closeness you feel for a friend (if it's someone specific), to just a silly manifestation of something you saw earlier in the day!
October 5th, 2016 9:00am
It means just what you want this to mean. It doesn't means that you are having attraction to same sex (and if you do, there is nothing bad with this, actually it's kind of awesome!). It could also mean that you are just curious to try it :)