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If you could choose, would you have preferred to have a different sexuality then you have?

35 Answers
Last Updated: 05/11/2021 at 9:43am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


Believing in and supporting you wholeheartedly, we cultivate gentle awareness for responsibility in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Together, we foster growth, improve your

Top Rated Answers
June 23rd, 2015 10:25am
well many a time this decision is influenced by our society, the people we live around. we will choose whats good for us, we will also choose what's best for the society. the people who are very confident, brave and "ready to stand against the world" types can only make an independent decision on this topic....
June 12th, 2015 1:07pm
No, I'm happy the way I am! Life may be a little easier if I was straight, but I feel good being me!
May 16th, 2015 10:04pm
No. Embrace your sexuality, as you embrace yourself. Your sexuality is only a part of who you are, but without your sexuality, you would not be who you are.
April 23rd, 2015 6:26pm
Short answer: No. Being bi has taught me openness and has allowed me to touch others like me. I also can always tell who the [insert negative word describing a person] is in the room because they give me an odd look when I announce that I'm bi (or say something about having a girlfriend) and that helps me filter out the dirt from my life. I am who I am because I'm bi and bi is what I am. If I were straight, I wouldn't be me.
April 12th, 2015 10:52am
Most definitely not. In terms of sexuality, I consider myself to be pansexual, which is commonly refered to as being gender-blind, meaning that I experience attraction to all genders, basically regardless of what their gender idendity is. I would never choose to change my sexuality because it's what makes me who I am, and I personally consider it something great to not be affected by what's on the outside.