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I think i'm gay but my family is hardcore catholic and would definitely disown me if I came out, What should I do?

3 Answers
Last Updated: 11/15/2021 at 6:22am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.

Top Rated Answers
- Expert in LGBTQ+ Issues
September 9th, 2019 12:50am
Remember that your safety always comes first. If you feel like it's not safe for you to come out right now, you have all the rights to wait until you are more independent, so you can come out safely because you'll have your own life. If you feel like it's urgent for you to come out and be free to express yourself, and you want to do it soon, it would be safe to make sure you have supportive people around you before coming out to them. This way, if things don't go well, you'll know there will someone by your side to help and support you.
July 10th, 2018 8:11pm
Hello! I'm sorry that your situation isn't ideal right now. Coming out is difficult especially when your family doesn't support you. I know that you might be ready to come out now but your safety comes first. If you think you could be in danger of being disowned, you should probably wait until you are independent. If you insist on coming out now, you should be prepared. Maybe let a friend know that you are coming out and need somewhere to stay if things go south. Have a bag packed and ready in case you need to leave. Things you should have are money, chargers for any electronics you have, and extra clothes. I hope this helped.
November 15th, 2021 6:22am
Coming out is a process and if you are reliant on your family for your financial, social, emotional, and physical security, then what's most important is to maintain that safety. Acknowledging to yourself and those who it is safe to tell about being gay is a great first step. When you're financially and physically independent of your family, then you can decide the value in your relationship with them. Is it worth to have them in your life if being a gay is such a problem for them? If it is worth it, then what concessions are you willing to make to maintain a relationship with them?